Hey guys so this is my last chapter, I want to thank you all for your lovely reviews and I hope you enjoy!:)

Chapter 7

A couple of weeks later…

Dixie and Iain pushed through the doors with a patient on the trolley, Dixie was handing over to Zoe and Charlie this time. As Iain looked over at reception he could see Rita standing there watching them come in with a coffee in her hand. She gave him a faint smile before turning around and entering her office. Rita let out a sigh as the door clicked behind her. She placed the coffee on her desk and pulled out the paperwork she needed to get on with that day but seeing Iain again reminded her of how lonely she has felt over the past couple of weeks. She had been so used to waking up to him lying next to her with a big cheesy grin on face. Then they would walk to work together hand in hand. She would drop him off at the ambulance station then make her way up to the emergency department. They had their little routine but now there was nothing. It had all gone. She missed him, she didn't want to admit it but she did. Even after he said those things about her in the pub, she knew he was hurting and she didn't blame him. She would've done the same. She was thankful for Dixie though. Dixie was always there for her if she needed cheering up, the same night Iain said those things she came round to try and make her laugh. It didn't really work but Rita appreciated her attempt. She knew she made a mistake when she told Iain that she didn't love him because she did. And the more time they spent apart from each other the more those feelings increased. She wanted to hug him again. She wanted to feel his soft lips against hers again. She wanted to feel his stubble scratching against her smooth skin again. She wanted him again. But now it was too late. She had lost him. Maybe forever and she would never forgive herself for letting go of something that had been the best thing that has happened to her in a very long time. Taking another sip of her coffee she tried to shake the thoughts and get on with her work.

As Iain and Dixie were leaving the department, Iain glanced over at her office. Taking a deep breath he looked back at Dixie again.

"Dix," Dixie looked up at him. "I need to speak to you."

"Yeah sure, just wait till we get back though, eh?"

Iain nodded.

When they got back downstairs Dixie made her way in to the kitchen where she started making herself and Iain a cup of coffee. Iain joined her and sat down on one of the stools.

"So what is it?" Dixie asked spooning the coffee into the two mugs.

"Uh, I don't know how to say this," he paused. "I've got a new job."

Dixie dropped the spoon into the mug which chimed on the china. She turned on her heel to face him; she had a confused yet angry expression on her face.


"I can't stay here any longer," he shook his head.

"But you can't just leave; what about all your friends?" Dixie hesitated. "What about Rita?"

"Like she cares, she's the reason I can't stay here. I can't see her everyday knowing that I failed her. I never asked her how she felt. I just assumed that she felt the same way as me. How wrong I was. I messed everything up. We were doing so well until I decided to make the biggest mistake and ask her to marry me? Why did I do that? I still love her. When I see her I want to grab hold of her and squeeze her tightly so I won't lose her again. But I can't. Because I screwed it all up. It's my entire fault. I'll never get her back. So that's why I am leaving, to get away from her before I go mad. I don't blame her. I blame myself."

"Where's this new job then? How far away is it?" Dixie questioned him; watching as he paced back and forth.

He stopped and stared back at her, taking a deep breath he spoke, "It's…eh…It's in Scotland. Near my sister."

Dixie took a step back, "But that's hours away."

Iain nodded, "I know." He spoke so quietly you could hardly hear him.

"You're my best friend, what am I going to do without you?" The tears rolled down Dixie's cheeks. "You know, you are the closest thing I had to Jeff, you can't leave."

"I'm sorry, I can't stay here," Iain eyes started to well up too. "Besides, you have Lucy."

"It's not the same though is it?"

"Come here," Iain opened his arms out to let Dixie in for a hug. "I'm still going to be your best mate, you can call me any time and I'll visit you when I can. You can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckled which Dixie joined in with.

"When are you going?" She asked pulling away and looking back up at him.

"This afternoon," he breathed.

"Seriously?" Dixie raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yep," Iain tucked his hands into his pocket.

"You could've warned me! I would've organised a going away party for you."

Iain shook his head, "I didn't want a fuss, besides I only decided for definite this morning."

"What made you decide?" She asked.

"When I saw her today it just made me really miss her. I wake up in the morning and she's not there and feels like this wave of sadness is hitting me. Not seeing her bright smile every day, it kills me. I miss her so much."

"Then speak to her, you might be surprised."

Iain shook his head again, "I can't. Anyway, if she was feeling the same way as me don't you think she would've said something by now?"

"She might be waiting for you to do it?" Dixie suggested.

"No, I know Rita. She would've said something."

"Whatever you say," Dixie replied in disbelief. "Are you going to tell her, or are you going to just disappear?"

"I think it's best if I just go, to be honest. Don't want to make a fuss."

Dixie nodded, "Fair enough," she paused for a moment. "Do you want to finish early so you can pack?"

"That would be great thanks Dix; I'll leave in about an hour?" Iain looked at the time on his watch, "Right those ambulances aren't going to clean themselves." He wiped his eyes and smiled before leaving Dixie alone.

That's when she had an idea; she started looking around the kitchen for a pen and a piece of paper.

Back up in the ED Rita was hard at work and hadn't even had time for a break. Lunchtime was fast approaching and she could feel herself growing fainter and fainter as the hours ticked away. Connie noticed that she hadn't eaten in a couple of hours and when she seen that Rita was staring into the distance as if she was going to pass out she ordered that Rita took a couple of hours off. At first she refused, she needed to work for a distraction from everything else. But Connie wasn't giving in; Rita knew that she wouldn't win against her so she agreed to take a couple of hours off to rest and to eat some food. She grabbed a sandwich and a drink from Honey's shop and went back into her office to put her feet up. She sat down on her chair and took a big bite out of the sandwich. Rita let out a sigh as she looked at all the paperwork that lay on her desk. She hadn't managed to get through any of it; she was too distracted by the thoughts of Iain. Then she noticed a folded piece of paper which sat on top of the piles. She was sure that it wasn't there before. Swallowing the last of her sandwich which was making her feel a whole lot better, she picked up the paper and unfolded it revealing the writing on it.

Dear Rita,

I know that we haven't spoken in a couple of weeks but I thought that I should let you know that I will be moving to Scotland to be with my sister. I am truly sorry for everything that I have done and I hope that you will meet someone that will make you happy. I know I failed you but that shouldn't stop you from being happy. I am leaving this afternoon. I love you.

Iain x

Rita's stomach dropped as she read the words over and over again. She couldn't believe what she was reading. Thoughts started racing through her mind. He can't just leave. I can't let him go. I need to tell him how I feel before it's too late. She was now thankful for Connie giving her the couple of hours off as she grabbed her coat and ran down to the ambulance station. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks as she made her way there.

Unfortunately, Iain had already left to go home and pack. She burst into the kitchen to find Dixie drinking her coffee looking very down, as Rita had suspected.

"Is he being serious?" Rita let out; Dixie looked up at her nodding slowly. "It's all my fault, I should've just told him. But I was confused. I didn't know what I wanted. What time is his train?"

"It's not your fault Rita, you were both confused. It's at three, that's why I let him off early."

"What's the time now?" Rita looked around the room for a clock.

"It's five minutes past two."

Rita started shaking her head, "I'm not going to make it in time, it takes half an hour to get to the train station and then I'll have to find him."

Dixie ran over to her and took hold of her shoulders, "Then you best hurry up."

Rita nodded and dived into her pockets pulling out her car keys, and then she ran all the way up to get into her car.

She drove as fast as she could to get to the train station but the traffic was starting to build up as the time was edging closer to rush hour.

She finally pulled up at the train station at 2:40. Now she had to fight with everyone to get onto the right platform even though she didn't have a ticket so there was no way she was going to get through anything. She tried to tell the man behind the counter that she needed to get onto the platform but he wasn't having any of it. She thought that she had left her purse in work but then remembered that she had to get a sandwich and so she still had some money left in her pocket. It wasn't much but it was enough to get her a ticket so she could pass the barriers. By the time she had got a ticket it was now 2:50. Now she had to find the right platform. She was asking around but no one seemed to know. Then she seen a man dressed in a bright orange fluorescent jacket, hoping that he would have the answers, she approached him.

"Excuse me; do you know which platform it is to go to Scotland?" She asked.

"Your ticket should tell you that Madam," he responded politely.

She let out an annoyed sigh, "Right, the thing is I only got a ticket to get through the barriers. I need to get to the platform where the train for Scotland is because the love of my life is about to make a huge mistake and I need to stop him."

"Well, why didn't you say? The platform for Scotland is; platform number 9."

"Thank you, so much." She hugged the small man and gave him a peck on the cheek before running up the stairs and through the corridors to platform 9. As she got onto the platform she looked at the clock. It read 2:57. She had three minutes to find him. She looked around everywhere trying to see if she could see him. Nothing. In the distance she could hear the train approaching. The pounding in her chest became more apparent and she felt like she couldn't breathe. Her hands were shaking and she could feel the tears falling down her cheeks. As she was nearing the end of the platform, a familiar dark figure standing near the edge was becoming clearer. A smile started to grow across her face

"Iain?" She shouted. The figure that stood not far in front of her didn't flinch at all. Her smile dropped as the tears started flowing again. Shit, shit, shit. She watched as the train whizzed past her, blowing her hair everywhere. Feeling disappointed she turned to go make her way back home. Her eyes were pointed down at the floor so she wasn't paying much attention to the people in front of her. Then she heard her name. Surprised she stopped and spun on her heel to face where she had been previously looking. That's when she saw him standing there, confused. She didn't know what came over her but she lunged forward wrapping her arms around his neck taking him by surprise. He dropped his bags and squeezed his arms around her waist. Tears of happiness fell from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Iain," she whispered.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for," he replied.

"I'm guessing you're not going to Scotland then?" She chuckled pulling away from him but keeping the distance between them close.

"No," he laughed. "How did you know I was going to Scotland?"

"You wrote me a note?" She asked confused.

"Did I?"

Rita started laughing as she realised, "Dixie." They both said in time with each other.

Iain's eyes flickered between Rita's eyes and her lips, leaning down he tilted his head and placed his lips on Rita's. Her memory flashed back to the first time they kissed; leaning up against the wall, his lips massaging with hers. Remembering how it made her feel; tiny little sparks firing up inside her; her adrenaline pumping around the body; her heart bursting out of her chest. Everything was coming back to her and she was reliving the moment. She pulled away from him out of breath.

"I've missed that," she whispered.

"Me too," Iain replied biting his lip. "There's something I need to say to you."

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry. For not listening to you, I should've asked how you were feeling before jumping the gun and asking you to marry me. I'm such an idiot."

"Yes." She smiled sweetly.

"What?" Iain asked, bemused.

"Yes, I'll marry you," a big grin grew across Iain's face as he processed the words that came out of her mouth. He picked her up and spun her around before his lips crashed with hers once again. She pulled away and stared deeply into his green eyes.

"There's something else," she spoke softly.

"What is it?" He questioned.

She shook her head; a smirk on her face, "It can wait until later. But first we need to thank Dixie because without her I wouldn't be here. So come on grab your stuff."

Iain rolled his eyes but did as he was told, he picked the bigger suitcase up and handed the smaller one to Rita. They both had one spare hand left which they entwined together as they made their way out of the train station. On their way to the car they passed the man in the bright orange fluorescent jacket who smiled back at them.

"I see you found him then," he chuckled lightly.

"Yes and thank you for helping me," Rita replied grinning at him.

"No problem, I wish you well for the future," he tipped his hat and got back to work.

"And you," Iain called back, he looked down at Rita and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Let's go home then." He kissed her forehead.

The drive back to the hospital was pretty silent. But it was a comfortable silence. They were both very happy to be back in each other's lives again. Rita pulled up in the car park near the station. She went to go leave but she felt a hand grip onto her leg. She turned to face him and smiled when she seen what he was holding. In his hand was the ring that he bought a couple of weeks ago. It was twinkling in the light.

"Put it on then," Rita giggled holding her hand out to him. Iain gently took hold of it and carefully slid it on to her finger. It fit perfectly. "Right I'll go tell Dixie the good news then?"

"Yeah, I'll join you in a bit, I think it's best if you wind her up a bit first," he winked laughing.

"You are so mean," Rita bit her lip. She pecked Iain on the cheek before clambering out of the car and walking into the station. Dixie was in the back of one of the ambulances cleaning it out. She peered out when she heard her footsteps.

"No luck?" She sighed.

Rita shook her head, "No. I don't know what to do now." She shrugged her shoulders.

Something shiny caught Dixie's eyes, she looked down at Rita's left hand and she seen it. Taking Rita by surprise she grabbed hold of her hand and inspected the ring. "Where is he?" She raised her eyebrows disapprovingly.

"He's coming now," Rita laughed.

"One of these days I'm going to swing for you, you know that!"

Iain sauntered into the station and joined the two women; Dixie slapped him on the arm before giving him a big hug.

"Don't ever do that to me again," she said sternly.

"Well it's thanks to you that I'm here," he winked. "Care to explain?"

Dixie looked back and forth between Rita and Iain who were giving her the exact same look. "I don't think it matters, you're both here now. Coffee?"

"I could kill for one," Iain smiled taking hold of Rita's hand and following Dixie into the kitchen.

They spent the next hour talking about everything that they had missed in those weeks apart. Dixie just smiled, happy that now both of her bestest friends were back on track, thanks to her.

Then Iain remembered Rita was going to tell him something but she never got round to it.

"Rita?" He asked. "What was it that you were going to tell me?"

Rita looked at Dixie then back at Iain as she braced herself for what she was going to say next. She took a deep breath, "Please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you?" Iain questioned.

"You might not be ready," she laughed nervously. "But, how do you feel about being a dad?"

"What?" A grin spread across Iain's face. "Seriously?"

Rita nodded, "I'm pregnant."

"How long have you known?"

"Two days," Rita bit her lip.

"Congratulations mate," Dixie said taking hold of her hand and squeezing it gently.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Iain asked.

"I was scared," Rita looked down at the floor. Dixie read the signs and left the pair alone. Iain took hold of Rita's hands.

"You've got to stop being scared," Iain spoke softly. "I'm going to support you every step of the way because I love you and I want to make you happy. Okay?" He smiled gently.

Rita nodded, "I love you." She leaned forwards and placed her lips on his.