Hihi! It's Qopster! For the record, just a little FYI or two, this is an introduction thing/background thing (kinda. When you read you'll know what I mean. I'm leaving out a lot about his past for a reason). Also! He is the same age as Blake, Weiss, and Yang when they started going to Beacon

A pair of emerald green eyes looked at the man sitting across from him who was positioned behind a large wooden desk. A metal door stood behind him, his curiosity running wild as he imagined what was past the door.

"So…you want to be one of us?" the man behind the table asked, a White Fang mask on his face.

"I do!" the teen said, his voice passionate. "I'm sick and tired of how we're being treated!" the teenagers snarled. "We're just as good, no, we're better than humans! We are stronger, we're faster, we have better senses! They still shun us and force us to live in garbage!" The teen stood up, his wolf ears perked up in anger. "I'm sick and tired of this bullshit! I want to make a change!"

The man with the white fang mask smiled at the kid. He'll make a good recruit. Hot headed and passionate, just what we need. "Alright kid. You'll give up anything for our cause?"

"I have nothing more to give than myself…everything else is gone…" his eyes suddenly became filled with sadness.

The man stood up and walked over to the kid, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll help make you a new home, at the same time, you'll work and obey us. We'll help you take revenge."

The teen grinned, a set of sharp canines showing as his wolf tail swished happily. "Then I'll give you everything I can!"

"Good," he said, as he handed the young Faunus a mask. "Put this on. You'll join your new comrades."

"Thank you!" he said with a wide smile as he put the mask on, fitting it firmly on his face. "I'll do my best!"

"I'm a Lieutenant of the White Fang kid," he said as he led him through a door behind his recruitment desk and down a hallway. He grabbed a mean looking chainsaw from the side of the hallway and kept on walking. "Do you have any skills? Also, what's your name? You're a part of our group now, so it'd be only proper."

"My name is Casper Lupus, and as for skills…I can cook, I can use a gun…and I have this!" He pulled out a weapon from his back. He had what looked like two simple tomahawks.

"Is that it? Casper, those looks like two chunks of metal of two sticks," the Lieutenant commented.

He grinned. "Take me somewhere to show you what they can do before you judge them sir."

The Lieutenant let out an 'hmph'. "Fine. Follow me then."

They took a few turns and entered a large training room. In it was a large ring in the center, and different tools around it. There were weights to lift, treadmills, wrestling maps, and a weapons station for sharpening or repairing weapons.

The Lieutenant walked up to the ring and hit a gong, getting everyone's attention. "RECRUITS! FRONT AND CENTER!" he called out. Like a heard of rats they rushed forward and surrounded them. The recruits ranged from 5 to 21, some sporting facial hair, others with baby face, and all had animal aspects. They were all Faunus in the White Fang after all.

"We have some fresh meat!" he said as he pushed Casper forward. "Introduce yourself."

"I'm Casper," he said with a small smile, bowing his head to them. "Pleasure to meet you all."

The kids laughed at him, making him blush in confusion. Turning to the Lieutenant he asked, "D-did I say something funny?"

"You bowed. You only do that if there's a superior around. These kids are all the same rank as you," he explained.

"O-oh I see…so…shall I show you what I can do?"

"Go ahead," he said before turning to the others. "Clear out! This kids gonna show us what he can do!"

They cleared the ring and let him walk up and into it. "So…how am I gonna show off again?"

"Simple, you'll attack me," the Lieutenant said as he climbed into the ring, chainsaw out and whirring.

"Huh? But I just came here, shouldn't I go against someone easier?"

"Nonsense," he said. "What's the point in having an opponent whose ass you can kick? You need someone to give you a run for your money, someone to make you go all out, that would be me here." He pointed his chainsaw at the kid, engine going hard. "Okay, now come at me."

Casper frowned and began bouncing on his heels, spinning his tomahawks in his hands." Alright, but to warn you, I did go to Signal before I was kicked out….so be ready," he said before rushing him.

The Lieutenant kept his blade facing forward, planning on hitting him once he came in range.

Casper kept on running straight at him, watching the Lieutenant raise his weapon to hit him on his head. Too slow. He vanished from sight and reappeared back where he had been running from. The Lieutenant's eyes went wide as he saw him vanish, not noticing two important things. The tomahawk's blades had come off when he vanished and were soaring straight at his legs, attached on chains to the hilts of his weapons.

The Lieutenant's eyes went wide as he realized his mistake, feeling the chains wrap around his legs. "Dammit," he swore as the chains were suddenly yanked on, pulling him to the ground. But he's lost his blades, now the only thing he has is two pieces of wood, I still have my chainsaw, he thought, only to watch in horror as out of the bottom of the hilts, two blades came out.

"You have got to be kidding me," he groaned, rolling out of the way as the kid stabbed where he had been. His chainsaw swung up and Casper blocked it with his blades, but was sent flying away to the edge of the ring from the sheer force of the hit.

As he stumbled up, his aura protecting him from any physical damage, the Lieutenant had pushed the chains off. "There we go," he said with a grin. "The same trick won't work twice kid."

Casper withdrew the chains, binging his tomahawks to their normal shape as the blades withdrew themselves as well. "Sorry, but you said to come at you with everything right?"

"I did," the Lieutenant said with a grin behind his mask. "I'm glad you're this good. The White Fang will have a use for you, we will find something for you as a soldier. But you know, the fight isn't over until someone is down."

"What if one of us gets hurt?" Casper asked, worried. Hurting a commanding officer or being hurt by one would suck for him.

"Then you better not get hurt," the Lieutenant said as he rushed him, swinging his chainsaw. Casper easily dodged, each swing missing him by a hair. He parried a swing with his tomahawks and was sent flying back. He tried to get up, but the Lieutenant rushed him and pinned him to the ground. Reaching down, he grabbed his head in his hand, squeezing it until Casper gasped out in pain.

"Your aura doesn't stop you from feeling this does it?" the Lieutenant said, still grinning. "Doesn't it hurt? Well, does it?"

"Y-yes!" Casper gasped out, dropping his weapons. "H-hurts a lot!"

Casper was suddenly released and the Lieutenant stood up, looking down and the fairly well built young man. He had lean, but strong muscles. He was better for quick fighting than long term fighting, and couldn't take on someone really strong with a frontal attack. We could make a good assassin out of him… he thought, before offering Casper a hand.

"Congratulations," he said as he pulled Casper up. "You're a part of the White Fang. Welcome to the group. That was the unofficial initiation."

"T-thanks," the teen stammered out, massaging his sore throat.

"Also…" the man looked at him. Now that Casper noticed it, the man was nearly two heads taller than him and seemed to tower over him. "We'll give you a place to live…but there's someone I want you to meet soon…"

"Alright…" Casper said, still massaging his throat. "So um…do you ever remove that mask? I mean I know its our symbol and everything…but still…doesn't it get hot underneath it?"

"Oh, I'm used to it," he said, letting out a deep laugh that sounded like it was almost a growl. "To the left," he said suddenly, pointing to a set of doors, "Is the mess hall. Food's served there at 7 to 8 A.M, 1 to 2 P.M. and dinner's at 7 to 8 P.M. If you miss the food, you don't get any, got it?"

"I understand," Casper said simply as he peaked in. Since it was in between lunch and breakfast, it was empty besides a few White Fang members who were cleaning up the mess hall for the next wave.

Further down the hall, passing a few doors with different offices there was a split. The hallway continued down but there was also two hallways to the left and right.

The Lieutenant pointed to his left as he said, "That hallway has the rooms for male recruits, the other hallway has female ones. For the record, entering the female side won't get you in trouble, but if one of them castrates you…well…you've been warned."

"Yes sir," he said simply. I'm not a perv, I have no reason to go over there…unless someone invites me over… he thought to himself, a small blush rising to his cheeks.

The Lieutenant noticed but said nothing of it as he led him down the hall with the boy's rooms. He stopped outside one and pointed at it. "It's yours now. You'll have another guy join you whenever we get someone who will fit the bill, but until then, you have the room to yourself."

"Okay, thanks," Casper said as he opened the door and peaked in. Since he had nothing to wear, he didn't care about the wardrobe. He only had the clothes on his back for the moment. I'll need to get a job in Vale probably… he thought as he looked around the bare bones room. There were two beds and a small table in between them with a lamp and a drawer. As he walked in, his feet walking on top of grey concrete, he noticed the walls were made of the same things as the floor. In the bathroom there was a toilet, sink, and shower, and nothing special. A bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo was also inside the bathroom.

"It's the bare bones, I know," the Lieutenant said. "But there are ways to earn money inside the base, or you could get a part time job outside. Just saying," he said before turning away and walking off.

Casper peaked out the room to see the Lieutenant still walking away. "Don't stop and gawk," the man said, throwing a key to him. "Lock up that room and come, I have someone I want you to meet."

"Okay sir," Casper said as he locked the door and used his semblance to quickly catch up. Walking side to side with him, he looked up and said, "Um, so who, are we meeting again?"

The only response he gave was a dark chuckle. "You'll see soon enough…"

Going to an elevator and descending several layers to the bowels of the White Fang's main base in Vale, Casper was getting nervous. His hands were sweaty and he was squirming. How do I know this guy isn't just going to kill me or something? I want to help the White Fang…I really do!

He voiced his thoughts, the Lieutenant turning to stare at him. "One, why would you tell someone who you think is going to kill you that?" Casper opened his mouth to respond, but was silenced as the man raised his hand. "Two, we are both Faunus, I'm not going to let you be killed or hurt, unless it's in training or because you said and did something stupid. Understand?"

"Yes sir," he said quickly, not wanting to anger him with his thoughts of what the man could do right now. That chainsaw was dangerous after all.

After passing several rooms that were well kept and seemed to be important offices, some with statues, others with trophies or pictures of the person defeating Grim. One even had a hologram of themselves fighting a squad of soldiers and killing them all. Psychopath, Casper thought as he followed the Lieutenant. They stopped outside a room that had a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign on the front, the Lieutenant reaching out to knock on it.

"Who is it?" a voice growled from behind the door, making a shiver run through his spine.

"It's the Lieutenant, Adam," he said.

A few seconds the door opened and there stood a man in his early twenties or late teens* with a chokutō strapped to his side. His own modified White Fang mask was on as well, although he looked almost like he had just got out of bed. His hair was a rat's nest. Peaking past him into the room, he saw there was little more than a scroll, computer, and a bed in fact.

"What do you want?" Adam asked the Lieutenant, growling. "And why did you bring some kid with you?"

"You lost your partner recently right?" the Lieutenant said, noticing how Adam's glare increased through his mask.

"She left the White Fang," he corrected. "But yes I did, why?"

"This kid," he said, pushing Casper forward. "Would make a good replacement."

"Hmm…" the sleep gone from his voice, Adam looked him over and reached down to his hip, grabbing his sword. Casper noticed this and grabbed his own weapons. When he suddenly swung, he was stopped by the sound of metal on metal, the kid's two tomahawks holding his weapon in place.

"Hmm…" he nodded and put his sword away, Casper putting his weapons away as well. "I'll take him for now…get ready kid, we'll be leaving after the lunch shift," he said before turning and closing the door.

Casper, somewhat confused, looked up at the Lieutenant.

"Don't worry, that means he likes you…well…he doesn't want to kill you at least," the Lieutenant said with a shrug. "Anyway, let's go. You heard him, you two have a mission soon," the Lieutenant said as he walked back to the elevator.

Casper stared after him, turning back to the door before following him. Who's the girl who left him? He asked himself, before shaking his head. A traitor is a traitor, it doesn't matter to me.

*For the record, making a guess on this. If you know his actual age, please tell me and I'll correct it if I was wrong…otherwise, if he's too old, the whole Adam X Blake Ship would be…really really weird.

So yeah! Hoped you guys liked it! Will upload whenever I can.