Hi! I know this is against guidelines but I thought you guys would like an update! I haven't thought about this story in two years and I am so sorry about that! I know how much you guys love it and to make it up to you the next chapter will be a long one but it will take a while to write. But once it's done and up grab some popcorn and enjoy! here is a little bit from the top of my head that will most likely start the next chapter off. (so there is some story in this don't shoot me site moderators!). This will go down when the actual chapter goes up.

"Happy Birthday Hiccup!" his mothers warm smile greeted Hiccup as he open his eyes. "wake up sleepy head I've got breakfast!" the next thing that Hiccup saw was a bed tray with his mothers classic scrambled egg waffles with a pinch of cheddar on top. He sleepily smiled back at her.

"Thanks mom" he manages as he uses his elbows to lift himself into a sitting position.

"it's your birthday so take your time. Unfortunately I have to run to the office for an hour or so because of a problem, but that means you'll have the house all to yourself!" She ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Dad already left?"

"Yeah. He wasn't really in a good mood this morning so he left early.." He saw his mothers smile slip for just a second and she hugged her arms, letting out a sigh.

"it'll be alright Hiccup. Nothing will ruin this day for you." she kissed him once more on the forehead and headed to the door of his room.

"I promise."