

I own nothing

(A/N: Hey guys, this is it! The finale of Unknown on Remnant. I want to thank everyone who has supported this fic. But with this done I can begin Remnant Data Battles! It means a lot to me that all of you have enjoyed it, but enough of that! Let's do this!)

Beacon Infirmary

As a pair of eyes opened the owner slowly began to rise from her bed thinking 'Where... Where am I?" But then it all came back crashing into her.

"Weiss! Blake! Yang!" Ruby yelled in concern as she frantically began to look around the room.

"Calm your self Miss Rose." Said a voice surprising Ruby as she let out a small "meep"

Turning to the right she saw Ozpin, Goodwitch, and her teammates eating lunch and having a conversation. "You guys are okay!" Cried Ruby as her teammates smiled at her concern.

"Yup!" Said Yang as she took a bite of her sandwich. Swallowing she continued "In fact we we're worried about you! We woke up about an hour ago and we got worried that you hadn't woken up yet."

As Ruby was given a tray of lunch by Goodwitch, Ozpin took the opportunity to speak. "Girls. Do you remember what happened two days ago?" Seeing their nods he continued "When you fell unconscious and were taken to the infirmary we immediately began a manhunt for the man who attacked you. While the investigation continues we are going to begin adding additional security in case he tries to come back. Okay?"

Seeing their confirming nods he let a small smile appear on his face as he said "Good. Now you four are excused for the remainder of the week so you can recover."

Soon afterwards the two staff members left leaving team RWBY to their devices. But soon afterwards Ruby turned to her teammates and asked "Guys... Back their. Did you feel that?"

Nodding Weiss said "Yeah... We felt it. We don't what it was but... It felt so..."

"Warm." Blake finished as her teammates agreed in her assessment.

"It's like... Someone helped us, no?" Yang said.

"Yeah it did." Said Ruby as she tried to think of the feeling again. But the only thing that came to mind was a key...

"Well enough of that! We get 5 days of well earned rest! Who wants to play Remnant:The Game?!" Yang said as she took out the board game team JNPR had brought her during their visit.

"Sure!" Agreed her team as they set up the game.

Five Days Later

One week after the infiltration of what the students had begun to call 'The Unknown' the manhunt had been called off due to the Unknown having completely vanished, with skill that would have made the White Fang green with envy, from the face of the Remnant. But as a result of this incursion, school security was increased to compensate, standing at the ready in case the Unknown or any others attempted to infiltrate again.

And so we find team RWBY walking through Beacon academy's campus, on the way to their combat class, and hopefully not another repeat of last week's events.

"Come on Weiss!" cried Ruby as she looked at the heiress. "The second scar isn't that bad! In fact both of them bring out your eyes!" she said comforting Weiss who had previously complained over the second scar joining the first.

"Quiet you dolt." Weiss said while rubbing the vaguely x-shaped scar over her left eye, but the small smile she gave betrayed her expression.

"She is right you know." Said Blake looking up from her book and adjusting a necklace she had recently bought. "Somehow scars just seem to make you look better." She teased while she and Yang gave a chuckle at the small blush that appeared on Weiss' cheeks.

"I don't know about you guys…." Said Yang as she adjusted a second belt she had put on to carry extra ammunition, as her fight with the Unknown had taught her. Satisfied she continued "I can't wait to get back into the heat of things!"

"Only you would say that after we got our butts kicked Yang!" laughed Ruby as her teammates joined her to various degrees.

(Play Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix OST Organization XIII)

On the top or Beacon's tallest tower

Unknown to team RWBY their "old friend" the Unknown was watching them, but with one difference. His hood was down to reveal a man with tan skin, orange eyes, and slightly spiky, long silver hair that reached to the middle of his back with some of it falling over his shoulders.

As Xemnas watched team RWBY his orange eyes shifted slightly as he felt the air behind him displace, a corridor of darkness had appeared and out stepped a man in a coat like Xemnas'.

"Superior." Said the blue-haired, gold eyed man as he lowered his hood. "The dusks have reported to me." He continued as Xemnas turned to face him.

"And? Have they succeeded in reclaiming Roxas, Saix?" he said with his deep voice, so unlike the ghostly voice RWBY and the rest of Beacon had heard but a week ago.

"I'm afraid not… But, it does not matter. We have a… consolation, so to speak." Saix said as Xemnas' eyebrow rose, motioning him to continue.

"Roxas has joined Sora. He is awake." Said Saix as Xemnas grew a faint smile.

"Excellent. This is indeed a joyous day…." Xemnas said as he turned to observe team RWBY once more. "Saix." He said to his scarred subordinate. "Tell the other members to go to Where Nothing Gathers."

"Superior?" Saix said "What do you intend to do?"

"When I return we are going to give Sora a…. warm welcome." Said Xemnas.

"Yes Superior." Said Saix as a corridor of darkness swallowed him, taking him back to The World That Never Was.

As Xemnas was left alone on the tower his eyes fell on a certain part of each member of team RWBY. The red strings on Ruby's corset that formed multiple X's, the vaguely X shaped scar over Weiss' left eye, the necklace that Blake wore that had an X shaped charm at the center, and finally Yang's belts that formed an X.

Nodding in satisfaction he formed a Corridor of Darkness to leave this world. As he entered the corridor he let out a deep chuckle with his final thoughts being.

'As your flesh bears the sigil, may your names be one day known as that… of a Recusant.'


A/N: Bet you guys didn't expect that did you? ;)