Mary smiled at Thomas from across the room. She shivered at the thought of his name. Though none but he, her father, and herself knew that they were engaged, they had taken to calling each other by their Christian names in private and in the company of her father, who was quite delighted over the fact. It had been two weeks, and the couple were growing impatient to announce their happiness, but it had been worth it. For the first time since they began their assault, Mr. Reed and Miss King sought out each other's company first.

They had not been so subtle about it, in truth. Her aunt held a dinner party the day after he proposed, and of course she had sat the couples according to her pleasure, however, Mary and Thomad were quick to pull their dinner partners into conversation with one another. Mr. Reed had been especially resistant at first, and upon hearing her give her opinion on a medical matter that Thomas inquired after, seemed to put him off. Miss King did not mind so long as at least one of the gentlemen gave her his attention. With each dinner party, tea, and outing, the couple drew themselves further from the other two, whilst pushing them closer to one another. And 'lo, that night, their efforts had paid off.

Mr. Reed began the night by asking Miss King for the first dance, allowing Thomas to be able to claim hers. Mary couldn't think of a time she actually enjoyed dancing.

"You know, they really are a suitable couple," mused Thomas.

"Yes, they are. They seem to truly measure up to what they each seek after."

"If I had felt any guilt over our actions these past weeks, that sight would have killed it."

"You never felt even the slightest bit guilty?"

"No, why? Did you?"

She snorted. "No. Do you think we should question our hearts?"

"I know exactly where my heart lies, and my actions should only make it all the more clear. There is very little I wouldn't do to call you mine. However, I do congratulate myself on possibly being the cause of another's happiness."

The dance ended and he led her over to her parents. Her mother was looking forlornly at the couple across the room. Mary shook her head at her mother's obliviousness. If she would only pay attention, she would see that her unhappiness was for naught. Mary wanted to tell her mother that night, in the carriage on the way home. It was obvious that there would be no scandal caused, no reputation tarnished. They had held off so long because they knew Mrs. Bennet would not be able to keep herself from spreading the good news of her third daughter's upcoming marriage.

Thomas and her father had already drawn up and signed the marriage agreement. Once her mother knew, her father would speak to the minister about the bans being read, and in just three short weeks, she would be Mrs. Thomas Anderson. The thought made her so happy. They spent the rest of the evening speaking with her father and uncle, who sent a wink at her at one point in the evening. Very intelligent man, he was. Finally, they were claiming their things, and bidding their friends a goodnight. Mary found it especially difficult to say goodnight to Thomas, though she was sure she would see him first thing.

Once in the carriage, her mother glared at her.

"I don't know what has you in such a fine mood. You let a perfectly suitable gentleman slip right through your hands, and now, he has shown his favor to Miss King. Well, I hope she is pleased with herself, though, if his attentions are truly so fickle, she might find herself with a broken heart, and then I shall be satisfied. Perhaps not all is lost. Perhaps, this is just a passing fancy for him!"

"Mama, I have already told you; I do not care much for him. He is a kind man, but he does not suit me."

"He is not the only eligible man in the neighborhood, dearest. You may find that Mary's attentions lean in another direction, and that they are returned in earnest."

Her mother studied them both and her glare became deeper. "You have been hiding something from me. What have you done?!"

Mary and her father laughed. "Nothing you will be displeased with, my dear. You shall very soon have the privilege of announcing your third daughter as Mrs. Anderson to all of your friends, and you shall welcome into your collection of sons, a very respectable doctor."

Mrs. Bennet gave a shout that very nearly startled the horses. Her glee was almost frightening, but Mary was well pleased to have been the one to cause it.

Three weeks later….

Waving one last time, Mary settled back into the carriage. She smiled at her new husband. The last weeks had seemed so long, yet so wonderful. As they thought, Mrs. Bennet wasted no time in spreading the good news of her middle daughter's impending marriage. The news was met with much happiness, and, according to her father, large amounts of money were exchanged. That last bit of news shocked and appalled her, especially when her father indicated that he had won a fair share.

Now, they were heading off for their wedding trip. Lydia and Georgiana had been able to return home for her wedding, but her married sisters had been unable to make it. Mary was fine with that, and had, in fact, expected it. They would be spending several weeks with them in their homes, and she would have the pleasure of meeting her newest niece and nephew. She couldn't wait to see Jane and Lizzy as mothers. She knew they would be wonderful at it. Kate had hinted at her own news in her letter. Things couldn't be more perfect.

"What has you in such a good mood, Mrs. Anderson?"

She smiled at him. "I am just so happy."

"Well, I hope that I am the cause of said happiness."

She could only smile and snuggle into him. She couldn't help but marvel over how good it felt to be in his arms. She had thought she might feel scandalous, but she didn't. It felt too right. He tightened his arms and rested his head on hers. They were a couple of few words, and it suited them nicely. Though she tended to be pessimistic, she couldn't help but have a real hope for her future. In that moment, in that carriage, wrapped in the arms of a man who loved and valued her, she looked forward to all that was to come.

This is it folks! This one is finished. I am actually very pleased with it, and I hope that no one is disappointed. I am currently rereading FMAC and am putting together chapters. I actually hope to finish that one soon as well. Next week, I will be posting one or two new one's. At least the first few chapters. They are not finished, but I do have several chapters written and I am excited to share them. Georgiana and Lydia's stories in this series will likely only be one shots, if I can ever get them written. I hope you all have a great weekend!