Phew~ man was that a long week! Feels like ages since I posted any update...okay I'm sorry, enough fooling around. To everyone who enjoyed this series and left those amazing, wonderful, comments I'm sorry it took this long to finish a story you were dedicated enough to follow and like. I don't have an excuse, but I did want to say that I never forgot about this project. I know it means something to some people, and I was determined to finish it at some point, thus here we are. Everyone who has commented, liked, followed this story is special to me because you believed in my words more than I did at the time. What started out as small fluff as escalated into something crazy, and maybe along the way I lost what made this series so special to begin with, but I wanted to make sure that I ended it on a good note, hopefully satisfactory, for everyone. So, without further ado, the final chapter to The Bridge That Formed.
Chapter 22: The Beginning of Something Special
Professor McGonagall was the one to make the call. Her voice was projected across campus and her speech dire. Student all across Hogwarts looked up unconsciously to give respect and listen.
"All students. Attention. Every student is to go to their respective common rooms. Prefects will give a count and report back. Professors will meet with you all shortly. Again, all students are to go back to their house dorms and wait in their common rooms. That is all."
Students looked at each other in confusion and fear. Gossip had already altered Professor Dumbledore's words of the missing students. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were the worst when it came to that. Their stories of, "Last I seen," usually ended horribly and spectacularly. Hardly believable, but enough to put a seed of doubt in the listener's ear.
Harry looked to his friends and Draco. He wasn't sure what to make of it, and neither did it seem they did either.
"Harry," Draco began.
"You should go." Harry looked sullen when he said that to the blonde Slytherin. "You shouldn't be miscounted. Something tells me this is because of-"
"Ginny," whispered Ron.
Draco wanted to argue with Harry. He wanted to be there, in the Gryffindor common room with him, and squeeze his hand. More than anything Draco wanted to comfort and protect Harry. He could tell that the dark-haired boy was being affected by this unsettling news, but he had to swallow his feelings for now and follow instructions. So Draco nodded and departed before he changed his mind. Harry and company watched him go. It wasn't until a flood of Gryffindors were trudging up their staircase that the three of them entered the common area.
None had said a word. Ron and Harry were still processing the news. Hermione tried to stay level headed and listened as much as possible. Every gossip, every instruction, she noted in the back of her head and made a mental note on how the situation was playing out, and how it started. Obviously, it was because of Ginny. Hermione, however, felt deep in her heart that the missing students were also part of the equation somehow. Maybe-
"Do you think she's missing?" Ron, whom had stayed quiet up to that point, looked rattled. His usual demeanor was splashed with fear and dark thoughts causing his sweet smooth face to look similar to that scream painting.
Hermione wanted to tell him not to think that way, but then she'd be lying. She thought that way. From how Harry reacted to Ron's words she knew he thought that way too. So Hermione tried to think of something to say to the poor sullen ginger, but nothing came to mind. Pitifully, Hermione patted Ron on the back, and moved her hand in circles to try and calm him. Harry took that opportunity to put a firm grasp on Ron's shoulder, to show his support. He knew what it felt like to lose family. He just wished he was wrong.
Far underneath Hogwarts lies a network of old tunnels that barely anyone remembers. They never appeared on maps, nor used widely even when known, but they were there and recently were used far more often than they ever were before. In one of the chambers in the middle of those tunnels sat Ginny.
The red-haired girl looked to the wall of containers. Her prized collection, no, her master's collection. She may not have done her mission perfectly, but she succeeded in another way. Outwardly, she was proud. Inside herself though was another matter. Nerves and doubt had settled inside her heart when her master had told her the next phase of their plan. Ginny never doubted herself that she wasn't betraying her loved ones, but with this part of the plan it seemed to finally sink into her body what she was doing truly meant. She never got to say goodbye to her brother, or mother, or father. It was imperative that she disappeared now, but she guessed it never sunk in until she found herself trembling in front of the four corpses of students underneath Hogwarts. There was no turning back.
Dumbledore waited in the great hall. He wasn't expecting good news, nor was he expecting a miracle. He sighed as his quill self wrote what he whispered to it. Then, the great doors opened and in walked Professor McGonagall. She said nothing, but seated herself at the teacher's table. Next came Snape, he too sat at the table without disturbing the headmaster. Dumbledore continued to write as each professor entered the great hall and sat behind him. Once they were all there Dumbledore stopped his enchanted quill, turned to his companions, and knew from the look on all their faces that Ginny had disappeared with the other students.
"I see," he said.
Professor McGonagall stood up and looked at everyone present. She looked flustered, as did everyone there, before she began to speak. "As it is now apparent, as soon as we learned of Ginny's actions she disappeared from school grounds. We have counted each house and the only students missing are the ones we knew of; Cedric Diggory, Michael Corner, Marcus Flint, Seamus Finnigan, and now Ginny Weasley."
"Has there been any evidence to suggest abduction?" asked the head master.
This time Severus Snape stood up as McGonagall sat back down. He patted down the creases of his robes before he began addressing everyone. "Not that we can detect. No spells or charms have been found. The barrier around the school is intact. No one has left or come in the last twenty-four hours at Hogwarts. By all appearances these students have vanished."
"So no foul play?" asked McGonagall. She wanted to be sure.
"No." said Snape.
Dumbledore gave a heavy sigh as he turned back to his quill and paper. It was nearly all done, and he heard exactly what he thought he'd hear. "Call the Ministry. I fear it will be a trying night."
For the next month Hogwarts powered on as if nothing happened, Academically at least. The professors were too much aware of the dire situation they stumbled into, and made it imperative that each student when not in class or in the great hall are to be sent back to their respective house rooms. They were not taking any chances with disappearing children.
The Ministry came and helped as much as they could. They brought in Aurors, specialists, anyone they could think of to track and find the missing students. Unfortunately to them it was to no avail. The barrier around Hogwarts was strengthened. Sports and outside activities were reduced. The whole moral of the school had apparently dropped everywhere.
And so Ron barely ate, and when he did it was glumly. Hermione hated seeing that and tried to get him to eat more. He needed strength, but the news of Ginny not only shook him but his whole family too. All of them seemed to be losing strength in their own ways.
Harry wanted to comfort Ron too, but wasn't sure what to say. He hadn't been much help. Draco and he weren't as close anymore either. They'd talk, and write to each other, but the restriction the school put into place deeply affected their gatherings. Depending on the day they might be able to meet in the library, partner up in certain classes, and once in a while invite each other into their common rooms, but the restriction did take a toll on their relationship. That toll started to weigh on Harry, and doubt bit into his mind.
Another month passed and another. Soon the school year would be over and still the students were amiss. The dark cloud that Ginny had left in her wake still hung there, but slowly over the weeks the students started to find their moral again. Ron was still depressed, as one would, but to Hermione's delight he started eating again. His appetite was nearly back. As for the other students their spirits were slowly lifted over time too. The great hall was alive with chatter, sporting events were packed, and finals were around the corner.
Over the weeks the ministry and teachers slowed their investigation. It had gotten to the point where there wasn't anything new to learn. A few contacts helped the professors out in exploring the outside of Hogwarts, see what their darker contacts could gleam, but to no avail either. It really was one of the worst situations Hogwarts could be in.
Because of the strict rules Harry, surprisingly, found it easier to study. His time was dedicated more to his studies, and with the occasional help from Draco and Hermione he found himself doing homework to pass the time.
This break from Harry had also benefited Draco. That night he slept with the boy who lived had somehow revitalized his essence. Draco wasn't sure how to explain it, but he did try when Pansy had asked him one day, and his response was, "I feel…cleansed." Pansy had given him a look and went back to reading her book, sorry that she asked.
Over the weeks both boys found that their grades were slowly improving. Now that Draco wasn't obsessing over Harry he could keep his concentration back on his studies. Severus even commended the Slytherin boy for his new found focus. That had made Draco happy, and when he told Harry it had made him happy too. Each boy told the other how they were improving in their classes, and playful banter ensued between them. Their worries about each other slowly faded away the more their conversations felt normal. The awkwardness between them still stood, but Harry felt that barrier between them, the one that all new couples their age had, started to crumble.
Dumbledore had already talked to the parents of the missing children. It sadly wasn't the first time he had to have that kind of talk, but he hoped it would be his last. In all his years as head master he had never found a situation he couldn't figure out. Sure similar and horrific situations had arisen during his tenure, but never had he no clue, no trace, as to where these kids went and what happened. The ministry wasn't happy with him either, nor did he expect them to be, but it did make his job harder. He thought he was thankful for the students slowly getting pass this, but deep don he didn't want them to get passed it. He wanted them to remember and wonder what happened to their missing classmates, he wanted to encourage a dialogue between them, but he didn't end up doing that. It just felt cruel whenever he wanted to bring it up.
And before anybody realized it the end of the year was upon them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco were all taking their finals. The students were packed up and ready to hit the road back home, all except for Harry.
Ron was already packed and hugging Harry. It was the fastest Harry saw Ron be prepared for anything, but the ginger had told him that he should be with his family as fast as he could. Initially he wanted to leave school to look after his mum and dad, but they refused. They wanted him to finish the year and not sacrifice his work for theirs. It was sweet, but it was time for Ron to go.
"I'll miss you," Hermione said. She and Harry were in the common room with Ron and his luggage, sending him off. "I'll write and visit as much as I can. Remember, if you need anything, just write and I'll be over as fast as possible."
"Me too." Harry put his arm around Ron and soon everyone was in for a group hug.
"Thanks guys."
Shortly after the two watched as Ron left the school. Hermione was all packed too, but stuck around waiting for Harry. When he didn't come down from his room Hermione went upstairs to investigate. She found him sitting on his trunk at the end of his bed. He was looking down and had a frown.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
Harry looked up to her and then back down with a sigh. "It's my folks. I just…I don't think I can go back there."
"Do you want to stay with me? I know my parents would love to meet you. They would understand."
"Really?" Harry looked up with that sad puppy dog face of his, except this time his eyes shone of hope. It made Hermione smile.
"Of course. Now come on we don't want to miss the last trip back."
"Thank you." Harry rushed and hugged Hermione tight. She was flustered and tried to say something, but it didn't come out clearly so she hugged him back. Together, the two Gryffindors carried their luggage out of their house rooms and down the stairs. Their big trunks were already loaded earlier in the day, but they still carried what was left with them.
At the bottom of the stairs stood Draco Malfoy. A smile was plastered across his face when he saw Harry descending, and he too smiled as broadly as Draco. Hermione walked passed the Slytherin boy with a smirk. She left Harry behind and silently wished him luck.
"Hello," said Draco.
"Hello." Harry dropped his luggage and hugged the boy. Draco hugged back and both of them were near to tears. Not because this was goodbye, but because this was their beginning. They made it through the year. It started off rough, but over the course of the months they got to learn something more about each of themselves. To the point where they could say they were happier for each other. Draco finally found what he needed, and Harry potentially found what he wanted.
Without saying a word both boys grabbed their remaining luggage and hopped aboard the train back to civilization of the muggle world. Draco and Pansy sat with Harry and Hermione and they talked, laughed, and bonded all the way home. When the train came to a halt on platform 9 ¾ the students exited the iron behemoth as its steam rolled across the blue sky.
"It was nice talking with you two," said Hermione, "do keep in touch. I'm sure Harry would appreciate it."
Pansy and Draco smiled. They knew. Pansy kissed Draco on the cheek and said her goodbyes as she saw her family waving to her. Then she was gone.
"Well," said Harry to Draco, "I guess this is-"
"Stop." Draco looked at Harry with steely eyes, and for a second the Gryffindor's tiny heart leapt in his chest. "Before you say anything and head off with Granger I'd like to say something."
Harry was completely caught off guard, so he could only nod signaling Draco that he had heard him.
"I remembered the last time we were at your place and I kind of…messed things up for you."
"No, you didn't. Draco-"
"Which is why I did some thinking and made a call." Draco had quickly put his finger over Harry's lips. His wet, hot, delicious lips. "If you want I made arrangements."
"With you?" asked Harry. He felt elated by the thought, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to stomach a house full of Malfoys for the summer or vice versa.
Draco laughed. "No, father would have a fit if you stayed." Then Draco nodded into the crowd of people. Harry saw parents waiting and waving for their kids. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for, and was about to ask when he saw him. Behind the legs of parents, and obscured by the steam from the train, sat a big black dog staring at Harry.
"No." Harry turned toward Draco faster than a snake. It scared the blonde boy a bit, but he was ready for this reaction.
"It's alright, besides he wants you to stay."
"Of course he does, but I don't."
"At least hear him out."
"Where else do you plan to stay?"
"Hermione." Draco gave him a look.
"Hermione?" Harry gave the look back.
"Yeah, so?"
"Don't you feel you'll inconvenience her?" Draco at this point cross his arms at Harry. He forgot how stubborn the boy could be.
"It's fine, she said-"
"Yeah, but she has a life too. Plus have you been to her house?"
"I swear after everything we've been through if you say her house-"
"Not what I mean." Draco was now rubbing his forehead. Harry, at times, could be difficult.
"Look, she comes from a muggle family. Their house won't be as spacious as Weasley's and your magic will be limited. At least with Black you can practice and have space to yourself. You can even get to know him. He wants to get to know you."
Harry continued with his look. Draco could tell he wasn't happy, but he was getting to him.
"Look, I'll be with you when you settle in. At least stay for a week or so and then if it doesn't go well you can go to Granger's. Please, give this a chance Harry."
Harry could see in Draco's eyes how much work he put into this plan of his, but he could also see how sincere his eyes were. When Draco said his name that was the last straw for Harry.
"Fine," he said.
Harry had said his goodbyes with Hermione once they were all out onto the other side. They hugged, and she gave him that speech again that she gave Ron. Harry appreciated that very much. He waved and watched as she left for summer. He, Draco, and Sirius the dog walked out into the sun and hailed a taxi. When he held the door open for the dog and Draco to hop in Harry couldn't help but notice how radiant and breathtaking Draco was under the sun, with its rays beaming down and cascading across Draco's hair.
The ride didn't take long. Sirius had changed back into a human and made sure the taxi driver didn't notice. Once they arrived at 12 Grimauld Place the boys exited the taxi and Sirius summoned the doorway. Inside, and on the way there, the air was thick with tension. Harry was still mad at Sirius, and Draco wasn't sure how to alleviate their tension before he had to leave. He wanted to make sure that Harry was settled before he had to go.
"Well…this is Grimauld Place. I've had this house in my family for generations. I hope over time you'll come to find this as a home for you. You're always welcome here Harry," said Sirius, "and you Draco. Don't be afraid to come visit."
Draco smiled. "Of course. You'll be seeing me again, right Harry?"
Harry blushed when he noticed that Draco was flirting with him. The boy's hand went down Harry's back before he pulled the boy close to him.
"Are you going to be okay here?" asked Draco.
"Maybe," said Harry. He didn't meet Draco's eyes as he wasn't certain, but he appreciated what he did for him and wanted to give it try. For Draco.
After a tour of the place and meeting Kreacher the boys and Sirius sat down at the kitchen table. Harry started to get used to the grizzled godfather that he had, albeit still reluctant to the situation. Sirius had told him about his family history, but Harry was more interested in the stories that he started to tell of his parents when they were in school. Draco noticed Harry being more…familiar with Sirius when he went down memory lane. Hopefully that meant Harry would be in safe hands, at least Draco hoped.
As the sun was setting Draco told the room that it was time for him to leave. Sirius gave a quick thanks to the Slytherin and left the room. Harry was thankful for that for he wasn't sure if what he was about to do he would have done should Sirius had stayed.
"Draco, thank you for everything." The boys hugged each other tightly. Draco took in Harry's scent as his nose was dug into the messy black mass of hair. "I did not expect this year to end up like this, but I'm glad. I feel happy."
"Harry," said Draco. He held the boy at arm's length taking him in when he said, "I should be thanking you. I-I feel different around you. Like I can be me, and I want to be better. You changed my life."
"You changed mine. I mean I'm not living at the Dursley's anymore. I don't feel alone anymore." Harry grabbed Draco's head and leaned his forehead against Draco's. "I'll see you this summer, right?"
"Of course. You won't be able to keep me away."
The two boys smiled at each, fully looking into each other's eyes. Harry knew it wasn't goodbye, but it felt like it. He watched Draco take his stuff into the fireplace and grab a fist full of Floo powder.
"Until next time," said Draco. He threw the powder and said his destination vanishing before Harry.
"Until next time," whispered Harry. He hated goodbyes. Hated that he had to say goodbye to Ron and Hermione every summer, but this time was different. Somehow when Draco said that he'd be back Harry knew he'd be back. A small feeling started to bloom inside Harry's chest. He wasn't sure what it was, but it felt warm and safe. For the first time in his life Harry felt like things were changing for the better. Summer wasn't going to be like before. He had a renewed chance at life, and the potential was great. Harry stared at the empty fireplace a little while longer while taking in what he and Draco had gone through that year and he concluded that his future was going to be brighter. It felt like it was the beginning of something special.
And that's all folks! Thank you for a wonderful ride. I had a blast writing and planning this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I am writing a sequel to this as I planned called The Bond that Bloomed, so if you're interested to see where the story goes from here please check that out. I promise I won't be taking any breaks when writing that. I'm in super creative mode at the moment and am trying to write as many chapters ahead of time as possible. I really can't emphasize how much everyone who's read this story and gave it a chance means to me. I'm sorry it's taken three years, but you all deserved a finale, especially when I needed to only write one lousy chapter haha. So, I guess until next time~!