Hey guys! This is my first fic, ever, so I'd appreciate any kind of feedback you have to offer!

Also, don't know how many of my shipmates are on tumblr, but I'm on there as diamond-plays.

I know you guys have tagged me in things, and mentioned my name etc. I just want to let you guys know that I have no idea in hell how to work tumblr, I'm just there for the Richonne positivity, liveblogs, and feels! I hope I don't offend anyone by not responding to you guys there, please forgive me.

Anyways, please enjoy and let me know if you would be interested in reading more!


Ever since he was a little boy Rick Grimes despised sharing.
"I purposely only bought one, Richard. Its for your own good, you've got to learn how to share, not only just with your brother, but with others too." Mama Grimes would always say something along these lines whenever Rick's greedy fingers clung to just about anything that he believed belonged to him.
His father would joke and laugh, saying that was a trait that he received from his mother. His brother on the other hand truly despised his greedy antics and often labeled him as a selfish being.
Rick wasn't entirely keen of his brother's nickname, his mother knew this, and often told young Jeffery to watch his mouth when speaking about his younger brother, fearing that he may take these unkind words to heart.
But that was nearly thirty whole years ago.
In this new world, selfishness is considered a pro in a world full of cons. After finding his family, Rick was just grateful that they were alive and well. Rick was determined to make it up to Shane, for he was the one responsible for making sure that his son Carl and his wife Lori made it out alive.
Rick soon learned that Lori had found her own way of showing her appreciation to Shane too.
Once Rick found out about his wife and his best friend, he surprisingly responded in kind. Shane was still the one that kept his family safe during the beginning of this mayhem. Sure, Rick was pissed, and he let Shane know this too. He'd explained to his best friend how he wanted to break his jaw after he figured out what had occurred between the two.
Yeah, Rick was pissed.
But still, he had a group to protect, and he wasn't going to let that anger get in the way of protecting the people he cared about. For the first time in his life, Rick was a selfless being.
This selflessness didn't last long though.
"Shane thinks I'm his. He thinks the baby is his."
These two sentences were all Rick heard before he transformed back into his selfish, determined self.
Shane is dead now.
So is his wife.
"Maybe if I had continued to bask in my selfness my wife would still be alive."
Fortunately now that Shane was dead, this meant that his children were undeniably, one hundred percent his, regardless of DNA.
Well, almost all one hundred percent his.
They still had Michonne.
He still had Michonne.
She told him herself that she was still with him, that she'll always be with him.
Even though she'd already explained this to him, he couldn't help but notice that she was slowly pulling away from him. Sure they lived together, of course they did, and Carl wouldn't have it any other way.
Neither would Rick.
After Pete's death however, Michonne might as well be living someplace else. She was hardly under their roof four out of seven days.
She was hardly home.
The sound of the lock shook Rick from his thoughts of Michonne's lack of presence. Rick sat up in his less then comfortable bed completely, and began to quietly make his way down the stairs of his home. Once he reached the bottom he noticed Michonne's jacket hanging on the coat rack towards the front door.
"Michonne." He called out to her in a whisper. His tone was questioning, but he knew it was her.
"Rick? In here." She whispered back from the direction of the kitchen.
Rick made his way into the kitchen and took in her appearance. She wore her constable outfit minus her jacket and shoes. She was leaning on the counter while holding a half-eaten pear. She nodded in Rick's direction in greeting before clearing her throat.
"Did I wake you?" She asked him softly after wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
Rick shook his head, assuring her that she didn't disturb him. Rick tugged on the bottom of his shirt while staring at her own, his eyebrows raised.
"Oh…" Michonne smiled and offered him a soft chuckle. "Well, as you can see…. She paused to take another bite of her pear "…I just got home. " She offered, all while avoiding Rick's eyes.
A few moments of silence passed before Rick responded.
"It's past midnight, Michonne." Rick swallowed hard in order to hide his frustration. He continued to stare at her face even though her eyes were adverted, as if she were trying to hide herself.
But from what?
"I know what time it is." Michonne shot back, her almond shaped, warm brown eyes now boring into his icy blue ones.
Rick scoffed.
"Sorry." She offered softly, avoiding his gaze once more. "It's just that... She trailed off as she walked past him in order to throw away the remains of her pear. "...I didn't ask what time it was." She finished, coldly.
Rick cleared his throat and nodded, getting the message.
"Carol made dinner for all of us." Rick stated while scratching at his scruff.
"Did she now?" Michonne was grateful that the subject had changed. She made her way back into the kitchen area and placed her hand on the oven's handle, preparing to open it.
"It's not in there." Rick stated simply. "It's in the refrigerator, where all the leftovers go." He chuckled lightly as Michonne turned to meet the refrigerator's handle. "Wouldn't expect you to know that, though. " He mumbled bitterly, no longer able to hide his fustration. Michonne allowed her hand to drop from the door's handle as she turned around to face Rick with a incredulous look on her face.

"Excuse me?" She whispered, folding her arms across her chest.
Rick scoffed as he stares at her for a bit.
"Our shift ended hours ago. Where were you Michonne?" Rick asked bluntly, tiredly.
Michonne considered not answering him.
"…I was at Deanna's." She finally answered. Her eyes focused on the floor.
"At Deanna's or at Spencer's?" Rick questioned.
Michonne's eyes shit back up to Rick's. "What?"
"Were you with Deanna, comforting her for the loss of her son and husband or were your with Spen-"
"What the hell do you even care?" Michonne nearly yelled.
"You know why." Rick said, his tone completely opposite of Michonne's, completely soft and sincere.
After a few moments of tension and staring Michonne broke the silence by scoffing.
"Right." She whispered as she began making her way past Rick, towards their set of stairs. "Goodnight. "
"Rick watched after her as she left up the stairs, as he often did without responding to her farewell.
After watching Michikne make her way up the stairs, he turned his attention to his wedding ring and twisted the band around his finger.
"…Night, Michonne." He whispered into the empty room.