"I-ZA-YA!" Shizuo shouted, chasing the raven haired informant down the snow covered backstreets of Ikebukuro.

Izaya chuckled, skillfully dodging the projectiles the blonde hurled at him, "How long has it been, Shizu-chan? Nine years and you still can't catch me~?'" he teased.

"SHUT UP!" Shizuo roared as he uprooted a nearby stop sign.

The informant smirked seeing the now airborne stop sign flying towards him. He turned his heel to go around the corner but- WHACK.

His foot had caught some ice and there was now a piercing pain in his ankle as well as his head.

Shizuo grinned wildly, hurrying over to the fallen informant who was curled up on the ground next to the brick wall of a building and clutching his head in pain, "Gotcha now, you damn flea..."

Before Izaya could comprehend the situation, his head once again collided with the brick wall behind him and Shizuo's hand was tightly clutching the collar of his fur coat, holding Izaya high above the ground. "Sh-shizu-chan, let go," he pleaded, desperately kicking and squirming.

The blonde reached for Izaya's pocket knife and held it in front of Izaya's nose before chucking it haphazardly away into the snow, "Guess we know what happens now."

"You don't have the guts," Izaya chuckled, his voice cracking a bit, "You are very cowardly for a monster you know!~" He was rewarded with his head being slammed into the wall once more.

"Shut up," Shizuo growled.

The informant winced, panic rising in his body. Of course he had been caught by Shizuo before, but this time it seemed as if there was no escape. His ankle was pulsing with pain, so running away from Shizuo would be almost futile, and he was also without his trusty knife. A cold sweat broke over his forehead and his smirk faded into a desperate look of worry. "Shizuo..." he said slowly, his voice now shaking, "Please don't... I..."

"Any last words, flea?" Shizuo said darkly, pulling back his fist for the final blow.

"No wait!" Izaya pleaded, trying to struggle out of the blonde's grasp, "I-I-"

Shizuo's fist rapidly began nearing Izaya's face, and in one last effort of desperation Izaya cried, "I love you Shizu-chan!"

There was a loud smack as Shizuo nicked Izaya's forehead as he dropped the informant to the ground, sending the informant flying into the brick wall once more, "OW! Fuck, Shizu-chan, can you stop that?!"

"What did you say?" Shizuo said dumbly, his fists now clenched to his sides.

Izaya blushed as the realization of what he had just said sunk in, "N-nothing," he muttered, clutching his head once more, "I think you gave me a concussion, Shizu-chan-"

Shizuo punched the wall above Izaya, sending a shower of red brick dust and ice onto the curled up informant, "What did you say?!"

"Jesus, calm down!" Izaya shouted, "I... I said 'I love you.'" he grumbled.

Shizuo lowered his fist and looked down, "I don't believe you."

Izaya groaned, realizing it was too late to back down, "It's true, Shizu-chan. Ever since that first day in high school. I've been in love with you." He was shocked at how genuine he made that sound.

Shizuo blushed a bit, and scowled, "Well you sure have a funny way of showing it. I still don't believe you."

Izaya rolled his eyes, Here it goes, he thought to himself, "Come down here."

Shizuo cautiously lowered himself, glaring at Izaya, "Okay?"

Izaya then leaned in and gave Shizuo a very quick peck on the lips, before pulling away and glaring at Shizuo, "There, happy?"

Shizuo's face became bright red and he stood up, "What the hell was that?!"

"What? Big strong Shizu-chan has never been kissed before?" Izaya smirked. It seemed to him that the brute believed him more that he was letting on.

"Well, yeah... I mean I have! Just not by a pesky flea!"

"Oh please," Izaya rolled his eyes again.

"Look, I am going to need more than a kiss to prove that you actually love me," Shizuo said bluntly.

"Well I'm not going to have sex with you right now, Shizu-chan, if that's what you're implying," the informant said glaringly.

"No! That's not what I meant at all!" The blonde shouted, his face redder than ever, "You're some kinda fucked up for thinking that!"

"Yeah that's me. Fucked up and gay I guess," Izaya sighed, quickly getting tired of this conversation, "Can I go home now please?"

The blonde's face became very concerned, "Can you walk?"

Izaya began to stand up, but let out a cry of pain and collapsed back onto the cold cement, "I think it's broken."

"Here," Shizuo awkwardly bent down and picked up Izaya in his arms, "I think I can carry you."

Izaya groaned again, thinking how ridiculous this was getting, "Can we just hurry please? It's freezing."

Shizuo huffed and started walking down the street with the bundle that was Izaya Orihara in his arms. Izaya was beginning to wonder if maybe he should have just let Shizuo kill him this was going to be a pain to keep up. But suddenly, an idea came into his devious mind. If he could get Shizuo to believe he loved him, he would have the brute wrapped around his finger... He could make Shizuo's life a hell...

This is going to be fun.