A fox boy no older than 12 was walking in the forest alone during the night. As he was walking, he heard rustles in the bushes

"He-Hello?" The boy cried out. Then out of the bushes, came out a guy with a chainsaw!

"Wait, why did he have a chainsaw?" The boom gang was around a campfire as the sun goes down.

"Because he's a murderer Knuckles." Tails said defending his story.

"And how did this story been told if the boy was alone?" Amy asked sitting Indian style.

"Well...ya you're right." Tails said realizing that his story was bad.

"Come on guys, it's Halloween night we should get into the spirit. Now, it's Sticks turn for a story." Sonic said.

"Hm let's see what scary story? *Snapped fingers* I got one!"

(Play "Pokemon Old Chateau theme for mood")

"In the deep of "Thornbush" lives a beast that said to lived hundreds of years. Many survivors says that it's a wolf with trees, others says that it's a mutant hedgehog but everyone called it "The were beast". The were beast can blend in the trees, its roar can leave you spineless, if you stare in its white empty eyes you will face your greatest fears. To this day, the were beast waits patiently for the next victim. Oh my god." Sticks whispered with terror in her eyes.

"W-What? What is it?" Tails asked hiding behind his tails.

"The were beast is behind us!" Everyone screamed like bloody murder. Tails covered his eyes, Knuckles dug underground and Amy jumped in Sonic's arms. Sticks laughed so hard that tears form

"Oh man. That was so funny!" Sticks continue laughing, Sonic blushed as Amy got up.

"That wasn't funny!" Amy yelled at still laughing badger.

"Knuckles, it's safe to come up now." Tails yelled through the hole that Knuckles dug.

"I don't trust anyone." Knuckles said with echos still digging deeper.

"Cool story Sticks. How did you thought that?" Sonic asked.

"Oh I didn't made it up. Recently my grandpa told me that and it's real he said but *Gets closer* he's nuts." Sticks whispered. Knuckles jumped up the tunnel

"They kicked me out." He informed.

"How about we go to Thornbush. It's 20 minutes away from here." Sticks said pointing ahead.

"After all it's Halloween." Tails said.

The gang arrived the entrance of the forest

"On second thought, how about we come back during day?" Tails trying to hide scare in his voice.

"Why are you 5 doing here?" They looked up to see Shadow sitting on a tree branch

"Shadow? Why are you during here?" Sonic asked before Shadow landed on the ground.

"I live here. Now you answer my question." Shadow demanded.

"Well we're trying to find the were beast, stick in the mud." Sticks explained got close to his face.

"Again with the "were beast" look I've been living in these woods for 14 years and I haven't seen it." As he said that, a howl was heard from the distance.

"Shouldn't unevolved wolves live in the mountains?" Amy asked everyone. (If you're asking what are unevolved? Well they're normal animals that can't fully evolve like Mobians can't talk nor act like them. Like Balto in "Sonic and Pokemon platinum adventures" which you can check out)

"Shouldn't you be at the village in case Eggman shows up?" Shadow asked sweating trying to push them away.

"What's wrong? Scared of a wolf?" Amy asked.

"No! Hold it, why am I worried about these jokes? A little nightmare won't hurt." He hid a smile to not let them see.

"Actually, you can go in the forest and I'll guide all of you." Shadow insist.

"Do you think we could trust you after you did to us in the past?" Amy asked with her arms crossed.

"You're right Ames. I think we could go without you." Everyone went in the dark woods.

"We been walking for a half hour. Do we know where we are?" Amy asked brushing the spider webs off her hair.

"I could check." Tails winded up his two tails then went up.

"*Scream* Did you saw that tree just moved?!" Sticks pointed a still tree with vines around it.

"I didn't think trees can move the last time I checked." Knuckles commented.

"Hey Tails, how's the weather up there?" Sonic asked.

"Looks normal. Hey I could see my house from here." A tree branch swung to Tails "I could see a branch!" It hits Tails making him fall.

"I got him!" Knuckles caught Tails before he could hit the ground. Branches, roots and vines became to rise up surrounding the boom gang.

"I told you that the plants will rise!" Sticks shouted before everyone got ready. A vine went to the right then throw a familiar hedgehog to the gang.

"Shadow?" Everyone shouted. They hear laughter from the plants and being controlled like sock puppets

"Watch yourself. Don't fall on the mud. You must the new victims in town." The vines sang

"What's that sound? Is someone moving around?" Tails asked looking around.

"Sit down for a spell, you don't look so well." The branches sang.

"Wait a minute! I feel great! Just leave yourself to fate. You might just hang around." The root sang.

"It's too late. We got to give nightmares." The wind whispered.

"Just try to relax. It's the forest of thorns!" Everyone started running at this point in all direction.

"Oh I remember the screams. Shivers down your spines whoa-Ohhhh.

"I'm getting out of here!" Sticks shouted surfing a tree trunk.

"No need to shout, my dear no-Oooh!" The vines said.

"Who will go to the swamp below?" The wind asked.

"Trouble is a-bubbling in the brew." Shadow slipped on the mud leaving a bruise on his right side but gets up and continue running.

"While you're down there, Were beast will give you good advice." The branches sang.

"He'll know what to do. You just tell him BOO!" A snake scared Sonic making him jumped on Knuckles' arms Scooby-doo style.

"He will put the voodoo. In a stew I'm telling you!" Tails got his tails stuck on vines. Before Shadow spin dash the vines freeing Tails.

"It's like a movie! A horror movie show. Like a horror movie show!" Amy hit the roots with her hammer like whack-a-mole before the gang met up.

"This is weird." Sonic commented.

"It's much worse than I feared!" Shadow said showing fear.

"I'll close my eyes and make it disappear." Tails wished.

"This is strange!" Sonic, Knuckles and Tails said together.

"It ain't no shadow canyons!" The roots sang.

"You just tell Were beast, you got cold feet!" Everyone huddled together with Knuckles holding them.

"There goes the sun; here comes the night. Somebody turn on the lights. Somebody tell me that fate has been kind!"

"You can't go out! You are out of your mind!" A giant root rise up going down, Knuckles shield the gang as the root goes down. But felt nothing, the vines grabbed everyone's ankles hanging them upside-down from the ground. They saw branches and the leftover vines going to a jet black, tall wolf like hedgehog. Its skinny legs are made out of bark, its back have tree branches. It have glowing yellow eyes with black pupils and a long snout. It slammed the dirt ground then roared on the gang with the branches spiked up.

Sorry for cliff hanger but I'm steamed out. This is the first time I wrote from a song then rewrite it. And the song used from "The brave little toaster" and the song is called "It's like a B movie" which I don't own the song nor the Boom characters. Also, the were beast was inspired by both the werehog and the beast from chapter 1 of "Over the garden wall". I'll get part 2 up shortly. Hope you enjoy and leave a review ;3