Ivy was walking into the library after having listened to her father trying to arrange another social function where he'd lord his Trophy-Girl-Who-Lived (Copyright pending) around to sooth his big head. She was not amused. Her mother was again sitting in the corner looking a bit lost with a book in her lap.

"Hey mom, do I have to go to this party? It's always nothing but grown-ups, and they never let me play!"

Looking up from her book, her eyes seem to come into focus a bit, and she smiled at her - closest - child? And her eyes slipped out of focus just a bit again.

"I'm afraid so, sweetie, your father must know best, right?"

Hearing this, Ivy simply rolled her eyes. Since she could remember, this is a how it always went. Ivy would try to ask her mom something, and it always be sent back to him. Huffing, she stomped off to her own corner of the library.

Going to her table, where she had her books to escape from this crappy family for a bit longer, she noticed a couple new books had been placed on the pile that weren't there before. Without noticing the red glowing eyes staring at her from the dark corner of the roof, she picked up the books and looked at the titles.

"What is this…? Getting Sempai to Notice Me? Icha Icha: Family Fun Edition! Managing a Coven for the Discerning Alpha Witch!? I don't get it? These aren't what dad normally lets me read…"

As she cracked open the first book, a creepy cackling could barely be discerned if one were listening form the corner with the red eyes.

"hehehe, the D.D. aren't the only ones who can play around with other worlds!"


As I continued to study and level my abilities I realized that there was an interesting problem with my gamer system. While I could gain levels with just reading and absorbing skill books, there seemed to be a 'cap' on theoretical EXP, and practical EXP. For example, I could read about Occlumancy all day, but if I didn't try to build any shields I'd never get anywhere near a level up. It seemed balanced for each level between 50/50 for earlier levels, where theory is more important, but I as continued to level, the Practical EXP began to take a larger portion of the level bar.

Which meant I couldn't turn into a hermit and chill at the house till Hogwart's time like I planned. I'd have to go hunting. So, again popping over to Diagon, I looked around for some form of travel agency. I found a few over at Later Ally, a different offshoot from further along the way. Buying the multi-destination port-key, a travel tent, just in case, and some language books (cause skills…and I only speak English), I packed all my stuff into the new tent and got ready to leave for France, when I saw the package of documents from my new lordships, Slytherin and Peverell. The others being out of reach, having double lordship is still cool.

After skimming through anything that's boring, I found something that would REALLY cause some chaos while I'm travelling. So, following my motto (if I had one), I went to Gringotts to enact this latest headache for the MOB and dear old dad (henceforth known sarcastically as DoD, as a prank on dear Michelle). Stepping through the entrance, I went up to the next available teller.

"Hello, I need to disown myself from the Potter family…"


James was enjoying his current little soiree at the moment, and he felt his life couldn't be better. He had a famous child, got rid of his useless squib child, and had a hot wife he had under his thumb. So, when he saw his elf trying to motion to him urgently, he snuck off just a tad bit annoyed.

"What Joffrey? I was just telling the Minister how I held off you-know-who for the hour my Daughter needed to destroy him!" Let it never be said that James needed logic to regale an audience with a story.

"Pardons, sir, but yous said to always tell you ifs a contract for Missy Ivy appeared."

"I'll Deny it later-" James started before Joffery quickly blurted out;

"Its being signed already, by olds master's great great great dads!"

There was a moment of silence, before, forgetting where he was, he bellowed, "WHAT! To WHO!?"

James was fuming, until he finally noticed how quiet the room was behind him. Eyes widening, he tried to stop him from speaking, but it was too late.

"a-a-a Lord Peverell, sirs…"

Total silence met this declaration…


Cackling gleefully as I landed down in France, I went over the shit storm I had unleashed on Wizarding Britain. By Renouncing myself from the Potter line, an old contract from centuries ago that was still valid immediately went into effect. (as the contract said that the Potter line must marry into the Peverell line, the marriage which folded the Peverells into the Potter line was not applicable; magic is touchy that way) this wasn't the kind of contract that was easy to break either. Americans have a saying that it would take an act of Congress to get something done. Well, even the Wizengamot would not be breaking this contract. It was tied into the old family magics, laid by the first Mage's Council Millennia ago in Atlantis. The City may be gone, but the magics remain, weaved into the leylines themselves. They'd have to dig into the leylines, delete the old laws, and re-write them to cancel this contract. And they'd be more likely to destroy the planet doing so.

Still lost in my demented cackling as I walked along, I failed to notice that I was heading right towards a river.

"Fais- «


"-attention… »

As I looked up from my new swimming pool, I saw a cute little blonde, who was actually a few years older than me, looking a bit concerned at me.

« Est ce que tu vas bien?"


Lily was walking into her bedroom, which was separate from James', in a daze after the end of his little tirade about the contract that had just been enabled. She wasn't really sure why it was bad, but James said it was, so that's what mattered, right…?

As she walked to her bedside table, she noticed new books atop her nighttime reading. As she picked them up to look at them, no one noticed a malevolent chuckle coming from the direction of a pair of glowing red eyes…


AN: I'm Back! Hide Your Wife! Hide your of-age daughters! They be writing chapters all up in here!

The delay was for two reasons; one, I had originally meant this to be a serious, dark, bloody version, and it really got away from me. (now I can relate to authors who say that.) I may still write that version later, but for now, I've decided to commit to writing through this story.

Secondly, I was reading my new favorite Genre; Xianxia. These are Chinese cultivation Stories, and they tend to be pretty epic. After binging on these for the last year and a half, I've also gathered a few more ideas and concepts I can pull from the ether whenever I want to. Remember, Harry's inventory contains whatever fiction I might want to have him pull out.

Okay, so wasn't really sure where to go for the next 7 or so years while waiting for the Hogwarts letter, so I sent him packing from Britain. I probably won't really go into his travels, just pull the results out as I need them (Retcon power is now in MY hands. So this is what the comic books writers feel…)

For those guys/girls/in-betweens/aliens that are a bit squicky at the whole 'marry your sister' thing, three points;

His soul is no longer Harry's.

His Name is no longer legally Potter.

With all the powers he'll be getting from Victor's Spoils, you honestly think his genes will stay the same by the time any kids come about?

Essentially, he may be the true BWL, but nowhere does it say he has to stay Harry Potter. Also, I may not even have him hold the contract up. We'll see how yandere I end up making her (and I have some creepy ideas in my disturbed little brain), as to how scared vs. intrigued he'd be to date his own psycho sister.

Had someone ask me how Harry 2.0 made copies of the photos and letters. Vernon has an all-in-one printer. Scan and copy. By the POWER OF RETCON!