One-Shot: Harry Says Goodbye

Harry Potter walked down the steps towards the Entrance Hall, on his way to face Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. On the stairs, he encountered Hermione Granger, his best friend. One look passed between them and she instantly realized that something was wrong.

"Harry, what's wrong?" she asked.

Harry knew better than to lie to Hermione; she could read both him and Ron like a book. So, he decided to simply speak the truth. "Voldemort's here. Now, out in the forest."

"How do you know?"

"I've felt his presence. He's come for me; he can feel when I'm near. There's a reason I can talk to snakes, and can hear the Horcruxes. I've known for a while – and I think you have too. That's why I have to go! As long as I stay, I'm endangering everyone and our mission here. I have to face him."

Hermione had figured out what Harry was telling her and she began to cry. "I'll go with you," she got out through her tears.

"No," Harry said gently, but still firm. "You and Ron are the only hope for the resistance now. You both have to kill the snake. Kill the snake, and then it's just him!"

Hermione weighed his words carefully. "I know…" she said, almost to herself. "Somehow…I've always known."

"Then you know why I have to face him."

"No!" Hermione cried, her tears returning anew. "Harry, run away! Far away! If Voldemort can feel your presence, then leave this place. I wish I could go with you."

"No, you don't," Harry acknowledged, giving her a hug. "You've always been strong. Besides, you have a chance to be happy with Ron."

Hermione pulled out of the hug and gasped. "How do you kno-?"

Harry grinned widely. "Who doesn't know? It's about bloody time you two got together, actually." Her searched her face and seemed to read her mind. "Hey, it doesn't bother me. I'm happy for you guys. Go with my blessing."

Hermione gave him a watery smile. "But," Harry warned. "If he hurts you, so help me Merlin I will hunt him through this life and the next."

Hermione hiccupped as she laughed, while the tears continued to fall. "But why must you confront Voldemort?"

"Because. There's a part of me keeping him alive, and if my death can bring us one step closer to his, then any little redheaded nieces and nephews that I'll get through you and Ron will be free. Then the wizarding world will be free. I have to try."

He kissed her once, softly, chastely, as a brother would a sister. Then, Harry stalked off out of the Entrance Hall and into the night.

Moments later, Ron Weasley appeared out of the Great Hall. He found Hermione and sauntered over to her.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I- I just want to be alone for a little while."

Ron blinked. "Nothing? Come on, tell me, what's going on?" Hermione stared at him, her eyes sad, before she turned away again. "I…I can't tell you."

"Could you tell Harry? Is that who you could tell?" Ron asked, his voice growing angry. "I…." Hermione tried to answer, but choked on her own grief. Ron gave up, and moved away with a growl. Then, he paused, and returned to her.

"I'm sorry," he murmured softly.

"Hold me," Hermione pleaded, before melting into his arms. Ron looked taken aback, but recovered, returning her embrace.