A/N: this story uses the characters from my "Redemption" fic, but in an AU setting, so if you haven't read that fic, you can still read this one without missing anything. However, if you'd like to read it, it is complete! I only own Anna, the rest belongs to AMC and Robert Kirkman. No infringement intended.

Simple Twist of Fate

By Leah Pensotti

Savannah, December 2014

The day after Christmas, Anna helped Rick and Carl load the car up to spend the weekend in Savannah. It had really upset her that her mother got sick enough from her chemotherapy to be hospitalized for dehydration. Even though she understood the science of oncology, she thought poisoning yourself in hopes to get healthy was an odd scenario.

She boxed up the leftovers, hoping to have a makeshift and belated celebration with her parents. As she was putting the Christmas presents into a large canvas tote, a sharp pain in her belly took her breath away.

Anna could've been wrong...but it was everything that a contraction was described to be. She sat on the couch for ten minutes, waiting to see if anything else happened. Thoughts collided in her head...she was nine weeks away...maybe there was a complication...it could be stress...it could be Braxton-Hicks contractions that were totally normal and random.

She closed her eyes and breathed in and out, trying to remember stress can manifest in scary ways. Anna was determined not to let whatever stress she felt stand in the way of seeing her parents on Christmas...or delivering a full-term, healthy baby girl.

Named Caroline.

Or Olivia.

Or Josephine.

No matter how many names she tried...none of them seemed to stick.

Anna was just going to have to see her face and decide. She thought she would know her name as soon as she would be able to hold her.

"Anna...you got everything?"

She opened her eyes and saw Rick standing in the doorway, and he quickly moved to sit beside her...worry awash on his face. His hands covered her own on her belly, "Something wrong, Sweet Thing?"

Anna shook her head, "I...got winded."

Rick smiled a little, his blue eyes softening, "Anna, if you need me to make a stop...get you checked out..."

She waved him off, "No. I'm okay. I will admit to being stressed out, though."

Her husband nodded, "That I can understand. Why don't you let me handle some stuff. You just relax...enjoy seeing your parents."

Anna wished it was that simple, that she could turn off her brain easily and without trouble.

Three hours later; Anna, Carl and Rick had made it to her parents house in Savannah. It was decorated beautifully and looked like an illustration on a Christmas card. She had felt no other pains, so Anna chalked it up to Braxton-Hicks and her body preparing her for the real deal. Rick said he wanted to get Anna settled before he and Carl brought in the bags and the presents, but he did bring the tote with the food so Anna could go ahead and get it ready.

They stood on the doorstep and Anna knocked, remembering that June was probably with her family in Charleston. It took a few moments, but soon, her father opened the door. He looked tired and not like his jovial, gregarious self.

"There she is...well...I should say there they are! Come on in. You'll have to forgive the state of things, Junie is gone til Monday."

When they walked in the hallway, Gerald took their coats and Anna smiled and gave him a warm hug, "I'm glad to see you, Daddy. Merry Christmas."

Gerald hugged her back, "It's not Christmas without my girl! You feeling alright?"

Anna pulled away and pushed back the fears that crept in this morning. She was worried something was wrong. Instead, she just smiled, "Just fine. I brought Christmas Dinner. How's Mom?"

He sighed, "She's okay. Really tired. This past round of treatments really kicked her behind. She's in the sitting room by the fireplace, I know she'd love to see you."

She looked at Rick and he just smiled and took the bag of food from her, "I'll go put this in the kitchen, then Carl and I will bring in the bags and the presents. Go on and see your Mom, we'll be right behind."

Anna wanted to kiss him so bad, she couldn't ask for a more supportive partner. She just nodded and went to follow her father. The fire was lit in the sitting room and the decorations made it feel cozy. There was an immaculate fir decorated in only white and silver and her mother was propped up in the chaise lounge, a chic tartan shawl wrapped around her shoulders and a Lilly Pulitzer silk scarf twisted artfully around her head, covering her thinning hair. Her father had told her that Sonja had refused to go the wig route...that no matter the price they looked fake and horrible.

Sonja must have been dozing, so Gerald rapped gently on the doorway, "Sonja, honey, look who turned up on the front step?"

Her mother looked up and saw her and immediately straightened, as if she didn't want Anna to see her look weak. Anna smiled and walked over to her side, taking a seat on the edge of the chaise, "Hi Mom."

"Anna darling...Merry Christmas."

Anna rested one hand on her belly and reached out with the other to touch her mother's face. She was clammy and weak and all Anna could think about was getting her mother back on track.

Gerald went to help Rick and Carl with the bags and Sonja shut her eyes a little, "Have you decided on a name?"

Anna dropped her hand, only to take her mother's with her own, "No. Nothing sounds right. Rick likes Caroline...there are a lot of names I like...but none of them sound like hers. This little miracle deserves something special to go by."

Sonja smiled, "I had a dream you named her Libby. Your Nana was named Elisabeth. I thought Libby Grimes sounded nice...and it has history."

She had to admit that she was surprised that her mother was being so...emotional with her. Anna guessed facing your own mortality could do that...and the holidays...and becoming a grandparent. Anna smiled and tried the name out loud, "Libby...I like that. I brought Christmas dinner...and some jam cake and cookies. Do you feel like eating?"

Her mother shrugged weakly, "I haven't had much luck keeping anything down, but I could nibble."

Anna stood slowly, and made her way out of the room, "I'll hear everything up. I'll send Dad, Rick and Carl your way."

She took to the comfort of the kitchen, remembering where June kept everything. Anna lost herself in cooking...trying not to think about how sick her mother looked and tried to remember that the chemotherapy was only a precaution...just to make sure the cancer was gone.

Soon Anna was leaning against the sink as another contraction took her breath away. They hadn't even made it to a birthing class...this baby couldn't be that early. As Christmas dinner heated up, Anna sat at the breakfast bar and waited...just as she did this morning.

Rick had noticed that Anna seemed off all day and consequently watched her like a hawk. He believed her when she said she was stressed out, but he was worried about the pregnancy and the baby.

They ate in the sitting room, even though Sonja initially objected to that because it was "crass." But Gerald, the saint that he was, talked her into it. The tree was nice, the presents were around it and that Anna didn't have to go a far distance with the food.

Sonja seemed impressed with the food, particularly the jam cake that Anna had made. His wife looked pleased...but also exhausted and worried.

Carl helped Anna with the plates and soon it was time for gifts. Gerald and Sonja were incredibly generous people, he knew that. But the gifts that Sonja chose for Carl had blown him away. They got him a kindle and a subscription so he could borrow e-books on line for free...and Gerald, being the big kid he was, got him a slick, new bicycle so he could take himself to and from school in the neighborhood.

"Or you could start a paper route, it's a reputable first job for a young man like yourself."

Rick looked at Anna, who looked soft and pretty in the firelight wearing a bemused look on her face. She told him many times her father loved having a daughter...but relished in buying others the gifts that he couldn't buy a son. Gerald treated Carl like his own flesh and blood...and that made Rick happiest of all.

They gave Anna a giftcard for clothes after the baby came and then for baby girl, they picked out an expensive, well reviewed stroller and car seat combo that would be delivered to their house in the next week. Rick received something that blew his mind. It was a vintage gun.

Gerald smiled a little and pointed at the pistol in his hand, "I know you're a fan of your Colt Python, but this here is a pistol they made in the 1930s. It's a Colt Police Postive. A .38 Special. It was standard for police officers back then."

Overwhelmed didn't begin to describe it. All he could do was stand up and hug his father-in-law. He actually had no words.

When the presents were exchanged, Anna took stock of the kitchen and mapped out breakfast and lunch for the next day and soon they were all retreating to bed. Anna and Rick had taken her childhood bedroom and let Carl stay in the guest one. As they laid in bed, forehead to forehead, Anna asked quietly, "What do you think of Libby...for the baby?"

Rick put his hands on the baby bump and smiled, "Libby Grimes."

"It could be short for Elisabeth with an 's.' It was my Nana's name."

He felt the baby move briefly and just continued to smile, "It's pretty. Would Caroline do for a middle name?"

Anna nodded, "I think it's lovely. Elisabeth Caroline."

While they were sharing that warm moment, Anna openly winced and took a few deep breaths while massaging the lower side of her belly. Rick sat up and felt himself panic a little.

"Was that a contraction?"

Anna still grimaced and nodded, "I think they are Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are random...one offs. They don't get closer or more urgent."

Rick peeled out of bed and found his shoes, "I'm taking you to the hospital. Where are your shoes?"

She put out one of her graceful hands, "Baby-"

He shook his head and found her Sperry winter boots, "It's not up for discussion. We're going to get you and Libby checked out."

Anna's face softened, hearing the proposed name of their child roll off his tongue, "Fine, if it makes you feel better, I will go. Will you please tell Daddy what's going on and to look after Carl?"

After informing Gerald, Rick and Anna were off to St. Joesph's in their pajamas. Anna didn't have another contraction while they waited, which made him feel a little better. They waited for a doctor to see them for a little over an hour, which Anna told him was a better than usual in most Emergency Rooms.

Rick paced the floor while Anna changed into an awkward hospital gown and sat on the examination table, her legs swinging like a kid would. When the doctor finally came in, he took her vitals, asked her history and did a quick check of her cervix.

"Well, it's not labor. It's textbook Braxton-Hicks."

His pretty wife turned and gave him a look that screamed, "I told you so."

But as the doctor peeled off his latex gloves he spoke cautiously, "But...I think you should check in with your doctor in Atlanta...I'm concerned about your blood pressure and the nature of your previous pregnancy...I would advise you to stay off your feet...limit your work days...maybe even cut them in half."

Rick saw Anna turn back to the doctor, her eyes wide, "Bed Rest?"

The doctor laughed lightly, "It happens more that I can tell you, it's very common. And I'm not saying that you should be restricted solely to bed. Just cut back your activities. Sit on the couch and let your husband cook, clean, etc. You definitely should not be on your feet for twelve straight hours in an ER. Take it easy till you get back home, but go see your doctor when you get there. Right now everything is okay...but keep an eye on your blood pressure."

Rick could tell Anna was shocked, but she had her game face on. Rick couldn't say the same for himself, he was worried. They had come so far with the pregnancy being healthy...he didn't want Anna to go into labor too early or suffer any other complications along the way.

When they left the hospital, it was almost two in the morning. Anna was quiet all the way back to her parents house and Rick spoke up calmly, "Will you call Dr. Carson on Monday?"

He noticed a few stray tears on her cheeks and she did her best to flick them away, "Definitely. I wasn't expecting that...at all."

Rick took her hand as he drove, "We'll figure it all out when we get back home. For now, just let me spoil you and wait on you and Libby, alright?"

Anna laughed through her tears, "Mom suggested that name. She's going to be thrilled."

A/N: hi loves! Anyone else nervous about the premiere on Sunday? We are back home from our evacuation to AL with my parents due to Hurricane Matthew. I'm happy to report most of the damage is fixable; mostly water damage from flooding, and it's relatively minor. Anywho...what does everyone think about the baby's name?

I know I haven't been as present recently, but would love to hear from you all. Every bit of feedback is so appreciated :) Thank you guys so much for sticking with me! Love to hear from you!

Super-Special Shout Outs to: angelicedg (here you go! Do you like the name?), Guest (Tess and Giselle are both beautiful suggestions! Thank you :), guest (so glad you like the note! I thought it was a nice little tie-in to my one shot), CLTex (thank you! Just got back to work from the evacuation and feel like I'm at square one, lol. Sonja is softening up a bit, I think :), king4thesirens (I love the name Olivia!;), stoemrunner74 (now 3/4 the way thru Coop's chapter. I've been trying to get to know both he AND Rosita better), Enjoi88 (I'm so glad you like the story. I wrote the ZA version of Anna and Rick back in 2014, and I couldn't let them go so I continued on with their AU ;), guest (So glad you like! Hope you like this chapter too!), and guest (thank you so much! You are so kind :).

Thanks and Love!

Leah P!
