
My name is SKG.

To those of you who know me,

I have not written in over a year. To those of you who don't.

Welcome to my newest Fic addition.

There will be more time for introductions later.

I present to you The lady and the cat Act 1 part 1

Adrien had just gotten out of bed. His hair was a bit of a mess, his eyes half open and craving to be shut. Adrien was not a morning person.

Personally, Adrien loved the night time. He always felt he had more energy when the moon was in the sky, even after a day full of extra curricular activities. Maybe it had something to do with his alter ego, or maybe he just enjoyed the peace of the night. Adrien looked under his bed to find his kwami, Plagg, snoozing. He casually swooped him up and placed him in his school bag. He didn't want to leave him home alone again.

The blonde teen made his way to the bathroom and quickly fixed himself up. After ten minutes he was clean and ready for the day. He quickly got changed and went downstairs for breakfast.

To his surprise, his father was downstairs eating. Adrien's father was usually at work by this time, seeing his father at any meal was a rare occurrence, perhaps today would be an interesting day.

"Good morning Dad, how are you?" Adrien greeted his father politely. His father looked up for a moment, his face stoic and calm, he was not one for expressing emotions.

"I am doing well. Come and sit down, lets have breakfast before my ride arrives" Adrien's father replied as he continued eating his breakfast.

Adrien sat down and began eating. He had remembered that his father was going out of paris for a few days. Something about a new fashion line, Adrien didn't really press on the matter.

The room was filled with silence as the two Agreste men ate their food. Small talk was never Mr. Agreste's forte, especially when it came to his son.

The meal ended quickly and Mr. Agreste rose from his chair just as his assistant, Natalie entered the room.

"Mr. Agreste Your ride is here." She reported.

"Thank you Natalie." Mr. Agreste said before walking out the room. "I will see you in few days Adrien."

Adrien sighed as his father left. He knew not to expect much from his dad, but he at least hoped for an actual conversation with his dad. Whenever his father spoke, it was either to reprimand or a few words of greetings and farewell's. He could not even fill a page with all the words his father has said to him over his lifetime.

Adrien decided to head out early and left his unfinished breakfast, he quickly made his way out the door and headed to school.

Marinette heard her alarm screeching at her. She sheepishly through her hand on the clock to stop it. She made herself sit up as she yawned. Marinette was quickly greeted by her red kwami, Tikki.

"Good morning Marinette, You look like you slept well. You are usually up before your alarm rings." Tikki commented as Marinette dragged herself out of bed.

Normally Marinette was a morning person, but she was having a really good dream. She was dreaming that Adrien was on the runway wearing one of her designs, and everyone was loving it and after he was done, he walked up right to marinette and got down on one knee, but just before he could, the alarm was blaring.

Marinette decided to take the dream as a sign that today was going to be good. She quickly got changed and brushed her teeth. She quickly dashed downstairs where her mother was eating breakfast.

"Morning Mom." Marinette said as she quickly made herself a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning dear. You are up later than usual, are you sleeping well?" Her mother asked concerned.

"No worries Mom, I was just having a good dream." Marinette said as she began to dig into her cereal.

"Does this dream have something to do with a boy?" Her mother asked with a sly smile.

Marinette all but spat out her cereal as a blush appeared on her face.

"Would you look at the time, I am going to be late for school." Marinette uttered quickly making up an excuse for herself as she ran out the door.

Marinette's mother chuckled to herself.

"To be young and in love."

"Well you are here early." A friend of adrien's said with surprise. His goofy smirk always managed to cheer up adrien up.

"Morning Nino. How his everything?" Adrien asked as the two began walking into the school.

"You know, the usual boring stuff. Say how is it with you?"

"I had breakfast with my dad this morning." Adrien stated absentmindedly.

"No kidding? Wasn't the last time you had a meal with your dad two christmases ago?" Nino asked with intrigue

"Yeah, he actually said two sentences this time that weren't scold related." Adrien said with a bit of bite.

"Look, your dad is a bit of a jerk, no doubts about it. But you have to focus on you buddy. And not to mention your best friend who has your back." Nino cheered.

Adrien smiled a bit.

"Thanks, I really needed that." Adrien patted his friend on the shoulder. He then heard foot steps approaching him. "This on the other hand.."

"Adrien, how are you doing?" A blonde girl exclaimed as she forcefully hugged Adrien. The queen bee known as Chloe. She had an interest in the model, Adrien had little to none in her but he was too nice to tell her upfront.

"I am alright chloe, How are things with you." Adrien said as he escaped the hug subtly.

"Well, I happen to be throwing a party and I just wanted to let you know that you are invited." Chloe said as she motions to her assistant to hand him an invitation. "I hope to see you there.

Chloe walks off and Adrien sighs in relief.

"I am a bit jealous, girls just throw themselves at you. It isn't hard to see why. But I have a question, why not just date Chloe?" Nino asked curiously. "Sure she is a bit of a spoiled princess, she is still pretty hot."

"I just am not interested in her. I like girls that are confident, but not arrogant, girls that really know how to handle themselves, Girls that are passionate about their interests." Adrien explained, his thoughts drifting to the super heroine ladybug. That is his ideal woman. Kind, cunning, playful, but knows when to be serious. Adrien snaps himself back to earth to catch his buddy's response.

"Sounds like you already have a girl in mind." Nino elbowed his friend.

Adrien quickly covered it up.

"Not really, just have given thought to what I want."

"Okay, okay, Lets just head to class." Nino said as he walked to his class with buddy only to feel his friend's stomach rumble. "Looks like you forgot to eat breakfast."

Adrien mentally slaps himself, why couldn't he have eaten more before getting moody.

"I will grab a snack from the cafeteria, I will meet you in class." Adrien said as he changed course for the cafeteria.

"I can't believe you didn't finish breakfast." Marinette's best friend said with slight teasing condescension.

"Alya, I just thought I was running late so I hurried out. I am going to grab a candy bar from the cafeteria, I'll meet you in class before the bell rings." Marinette says rushing past her reddish brown haired friend.

Alya sighs as she watched her friend hurry to the cafeteria before heading into the class.

Marinette rushes to the cafeteria, she still had a few minutes before class started all she needed to do was get in and out and she was clear.

The dark blue haired teen rushed only to collide with a familiar blonde who was just leaving the cafeteria. She landed right on her butt, much to her dismay.

"Need a hand." The blonde teen she collided with offered. Marinette looked up to see it was her crush adrien offering his help.

She managed to take hold as he helped her up.

"Th-thanks. Sorry for bumping into you." Marinette stammered, mentally cursing her inability to speak to him.

"Its alright, I guess you skipped breakfast to." Adrien said as he flashed a calm smile.

Marinette was about to deny it until her belly rumbled aloud. She wanted to die.

Adrien chuckled lightly.

"I was just the same a couple minutes before." Adrien reached into his backpack and pulled out a candy bar. "Here, the vending machine gave me two. You aren't allergic to peanuts are you?"

Marinette managed to nod that she wasn't.

"Great, then you can have this. Enjoy." Adrien says as he hands her the candy bar before walking off to class, leaving the teen completely lovestruck.

Marinette had a feeling this day was going to be amazing.

How will the story go from here?

What will happen next

please review and tell me what you think and if you want another chapter up

until next time