Chapter 1 – Throw Back
Beth looked up at the brown eyed woman, really seeing her for the first time as she stepped closer. "I get it now," she all but whispered just before stabbing the scissors into the woman's chest. It didn't have the effect Beth wanted, barely digging into the woman's shoulder blades as a gunshot went off and all went black. Her head snapped back, and for a moment she felt light headed. Dizzy as she clutched at her forehead.
Her ears were ringing with the sound of more gun shots going off, and she could vaguely hear Rick hollering, and another officer replying. Beth couldn't understand any of it, and she shook her head. Looking down, she got the first look of a blonde haired girl with a gray cardigan and yellow t-shirt lying at her feet. Beth froze, her eyes glued to the blood seeping from the exit wound in the back of the girl's head.
"No," she whispered, shaking her head as her eyes darted to Daryl while he knelt beside her. Tears spilling from his eyes, his face twisted in pain as he touched the girls' neck. "No," Beth repeated, kneeling next to him. "I'm right here."
She moved to place her hand on his shoulders, shuddering when her fingers slipped through his frame when he sat back, completely unaware that the girl he was crying over sat next to him. Rick moved across from Daryl, bending to pick up the girl's small frame and Daryl shoved him away. "I got her."
Tears slipped from Beth's face as she watched him tuck a stray hair behind her ear before sliding one hand under her neck and the other under her legs. Gently he lifted her up, his knees shaking as he stood. Beth stood with him, standing in front of him to get his attention.
"Please, Daryl. I'm right here," she said, walking backwards as he moved back down the hall.
"You fucked up, Jailbait," a familiar voice said. Beth turned to see a bald headed man with one foot propped up behind him while he leaned on the wall. "You hurt my baby brother real bad."
"I didn't mean..." Beth started, shaking her head as she watched the group shove their way out of the swinging doors.
"No one ever does," Merle said, stopping her sentence as he came over and grabbed her by the elbow. The room rippled like water when someone moves through it. The movement made Beth dizzy and she closed her eyes while trying to pull out of Merle's grasp.
"No, he needs me," she said, moving away from him.
Merle yanked her back. "His already gone, but don't worry you'll see him again."
Beth could see that they left the hospital. Bits and pieces flashing before her. Glimpses of time going back to the prison, and then a flash of the farm and then it ventured off. Beth could see cities with people walking past while night and day flashed by them.
"What's happening?" Beth asked, stopping her insistent fighting to pay attention to what was happening before her.
"A second chance," Merle replied, as they continued moving away from the city lights and crowded streets. "One that you better not fuck up." He pointed his finger in her face, and Beth took a step back to put some distance between her and the man that scared the living shit out her.
"How?" Beth asked as they crawled to a halt in front of a dark ally. The rain pelted down around them, though none of it seemed to touch either one as Beth whirled around in an attempt to get her barrings. Merle looked around as well, though he seemed to be waiting for someone. A figure, dressed all in black, appeared at the end of the ally, staring at them. Merle met the strange person's gaze, giving him a slight nod before he focused on Beth.
"You cost me a big one, sunshine." he grabbed a hold of her arm again, his eyes flicking to two figures that were just emerging at the end of the street. "So you better get it right this time." He pulled her back, and then flung her forward. The ripples appeared again, and Beth felt her lungs filling up with water as she attempted to breath. She clutched at her throat, coughing and sputtering as she tumbled forward. The brick wall loomed up before her, and at the last minute Beth turned, managing to hit the left side of her head instead of a straight impact. Sliding to the ground, black spots formed in her vision as she looked up to see a vague outline of Merle with another figure standing behind him, a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't fuck this up, or you'll be joining me," Merle said, his voice an echo now that her vision was narrowing.
"What?" Beth muttered, still not fully understanding what was happening. She didn't get her answer though as the darkness took over, and she passed out against that brick wall with two figures running toward her.
When she woke, her head throbbed. Groaning, she moved to inspect the sore spot and a rough hand pushed her back down saying, "Don't move, your okay."
Beth froze, the voice washing over her like someone just released the flood gates while she searched for its source. Her focus turned to a young man with long dark hair and blue eyes leaning over her.
"Daryl?" she asked, reaching up to touch him.
The man took her hand, his brows furrowing together for a moment before shaking his head. "Nah, the names Josh, but you can call me Scud." he replied, pulling away from her grip. Beth stared at him, trying to remember something that was at the fringes of her mind; Like water rippling past her eyes before slipping through her fingers, and Beth found herself turning to her side and curling her knees up in the same movement.
Silence filled the space for several minutes while Scud shuffled around the room. When he sat back down across from her, he held out a couple of pills and a glass of water. "So," he started, waiting patiently for her to grab the offered medicine. "What's your name."
Beth's eyes furrowed, focusing on the wall across from them as she thought about it. "Elizabeth?" she said, the name sounding like a question.
"Elizabeth, huh," Scud asked, placing the ignored pills on the bedside table next to them. Beth cocked her head to the side as an old man with a long white beard flashed before her eyes, muttering another name before she said, "No, Beth. It's...Beth. I think."
Scud laughed, drawing Beth's attention. " Damn, they must have thrown you against that wall harder than we first thought."
"They?" More memories flashed by. Some of a group of people dressed in police uniforms, one of them standing close to her with a shot gun held at her side.
"Yeah, the monsters who attacked you," Scud explained, trying to get Beth to remember. The officer's face swam through her vision and Beth shook her head. "No, it was a woman that shot me."
It was Scud's turn to look confused as his eyebrows went up, and his head cocked to the side. He reached over to place the back of his hand on her forehead, and Beth pulled away from him.
"No, you were thrown into a wall by a couple of biters that were planning on making you dinner. Don't you remember at least that?"
Beth felt even more confused as the image of a perfectly secure hospital came to the forefront of her mind. "Walkers? Walkers got in?" she asked, her heart beat speeding up as she attempted to stand. Scud held her down, his firm embrace keeping her from moving as he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.
"Calm down, sweetheart. The biters aren't here. They can't get in here." He explained, making eye contact with her. Beth took a deep breath, calming herself down as she placed the palms of her hands against her eyes.
A headache was forming as she tried to process all this information, and absently her fingers slide over to where she was sure the bullet must have entered. Instead of a round hole, she found a deep gash that went across her brow. Confused, she reached behind her head to fill for the exit wound she was sure was there only to find a rather large bump.
"What?" she asked just as a bigger man stepped into the doorway.
"How is she?" he asked, clearly addressing the younger man.
Scud looked at the man, and then back at her as he shrugged his shoulders in response. "Confused as all hell. She's not even sure of her own name, much less who attacked her."
The big man grunted his response as he crossed his arms over his chest, and Beth zoned them out. Her focus going to the television that was showing a Johnny Bravo cartoon. She stared at it absently for a moment, just watching it play out until a commercial came on and it dawned on her that there shouldn't be any cartoons. No television, no electricity.
"Where are we?" she asked, focusing on the two men as they stood in the doorway huddled together. They were whispering about her, and Beth been so focused on drowning everything out that she hadn't heard a word they were saying.
"Somewhere safe," the big man said, his gaze bearing down on her. Even with the glasses covering his eyes, she could still fill the intensity of his stare, and she took a moment to fully study him. He was covered in leather, the vest allowing his arms to be out in full view, and Beth gulped when she realized his arms were the size of her head. Ignoring the fear that was building up, she shook her head at his reply.
"No, there's no safe place, no protection. They get in. They always get in," she said, her voice nothing but a whisper as she shuffled to the side of the bed. Her focus on the television that was blaring a to loud gum commercial in the confined space. Scud placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to push her back down and Beth shoved it off.
"You have to turn it off," she said, staring at the TV. "They'll hear it. They'll get in," she repeated, attempting to push past him. Scud pushed her back, one hand spreading across her stomach to keep her from getting up, while the other found the remote to shut off the TV and made a grab for the Tylenol sitting on the night stand.
"Shh," he whispered, moving inches from her face to get her attention. Beth froze. Her blue eyes meeting his as he continued pushing her further back to the bed. "Calm down. No one and nothing is getting in here without us knowing about it." he explained. Holding out the pills to her a second time. "Take this. They'll help with that headache as well as make you get some much needed rest. You look exhausted."
Tears were flowing down Beth's cheeks as she shook her head, continuing to mutter, "They'll come. They always do."
"No, they won't. Here," Scud insisted, holding his hand up to her lips and forcing the pills inside her mouth. Beth closed her eyes as she sipped on the water that he held up to her mouth. The pills slid down her throat, and then a hand rested on her shoulder, pushing her to lie back on the bed.
"Now rest." Scud insisted, brushing his fingers through her hair. The familiar sentiment calmed Beth a little, and she rested her head on the pillow. Her eyes never leaving his as he continued. "Just sleep. B and I will look after you."
"You won't leave me?" she asked, remembering another time with another man that looked almost identical to this one.
"I won't leave you," he repeated, and Beth could see the clear blue eyes of a man leaning against the door way, the monsters attempting to get in as he screamed at her to run.
"I won't leave you!" she hollered back at him. Fear building up as he forced her away from him.
"Just run!" he had said.
Scud stared at the TV, his eyes dripping low from time to time as his head rested on the back of the chair. The girl next to him would move and he would look up to see that she'd rolled over or turned her head but otherwise remained sleeping through the night.
It was late when the door creaked open and B stood in the doorway, his eyes flashing over Scud, who was hunched over the chair he straddled and to the girl that taken over his bed.
"You know you should get some sleep," Blade said, cocking an eyebrow up when Scud shook his head in response.
"Nah, I told her I wouldn't leave," he said, looking at the girl.
"Why do you care?"
"She's been through something, B. Something's got her scared and I know what that's like." explained Scud, his eyes meeting Blades. The man didn't move to acknowledge his words. Just looked to him and then the girl before turning to leave.
"You might want to have some food ready for her when she wakes." he said over his shoulder as he walked away. Scud nodded his head, knowing the big man couldn't see him.
Scud sat there for a few more hours, his eyes drifting close just as Beth started stirring. Rubbing his eyes, he remembered Blade's advice and decided to head out for some food.
Beth jerked awake, her eyes darting around the room until she spotted the TV that was on. The volume was turned down low, but it still brought back memories from the night before and she closed her eyes. Laying back down, she tried to gather her thoughts. Trying to think about what she was going to tell these people.
The memories were starting to come back to her. The hospital, Rick, Daryl and the group of people that she lived with at the prison. She wondered where they were. Why they left her? Again, the image of a woman holding a gun pointed at her head flashed through her mind. When she rubbed at the wound on the front of her forehead it didn't feel like an entrance wound, and there was no exit wound in the back of her head; though she could clearly recall the blood seeping on to the ground from the back of her head.
'That's not right,' Beth thought, her brows furrowing together as she tried to piece together the images that continued to slip away form her. She heard movement from behind the door, and she decided that she couldn't hide from the people forever. Good or bad, she was going to have to face them.
Standing up, she grabbed her jacket that was laying on top of a chair, and placed it back on before crossing the room to the mirror. She combed her fingers through her matted hair, retying her pony tail while looking at the gash on her head.
"Definitely not a gun shot wound," she thought, brushing her finger across it. She winced at the feeling and quickly pulled her hands away to straighten out her clothing instead. Deciding she would figure it out later.
Walking out the room, she stopped short as she looked down over a rather large warehouse. From the top floor, she could see a black charger with its hood up, and a familiar young man leaning over it. Further on she could see tables, shelves and walls filled with various weapons, accessories and parts. Shaking her head, she made her way down the stairs. The noise drawing the attention of Scud who looked up from the hood of the car as she approached him.
"About time," he said, pulling a cigarette from his lips. Beth stared him, unable to stop herself from comparing his younger features to an older Daryl. "Was starting to think you died up in there."
Beth smiled, turning away so she could forget the similarities as she asked, "how long was I out for?"
"Twelve hours, at least," Scud replied, shrugging like it was no big deal. "Told you, you looked exhausted."
Beth shrugged. "Guess that happens when the whole world is out to kill you."
Scud narrowed his gaze at her, trying to understand her words but instead of saying anything about it, he nodded toward a couple of stools sitting next to a work bench as he put the cigarette out. "Let's take a look at that head of yours and then we'll see about getting some food in ya."
At the mention of food, Beth's stomach rumbled and she grabbed a hold of it, blushing slightly when Scud looked over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised.
"Hungry, huh?" Beth nodded as Scud patted the stool in front of him. "Come on. I'll make this quick."
Beth made her way over, slightly embarrassed now that her stomach had made itself known but sat silently as Scud removed the bandage from her head, and swiped his fingers over her forehead.
"How's that memory of your coming along?" he asked as he picked up some neosporin and dabbed it onto her gash.
Beth shrugged, unsure if she should mention Daryl and them or keep things to herself. While the guy looked like he could be Daryl's relative, she didn't want to tip him off there might be people looking for her in case he was just some crazy look-a-like. A voice in the back of her head muttered,"no one's looking cause they saw you die" but Beth pushed that voice away and focused on the man in front of her.
"About the same," she replied, wincing when his fingers brushed across her gash. She looked up in time to see him staring back down at her and she couldn't help but notice the blue in his eyes matched the blue in another pair of eyes. The longer she stared, the more she recognized the face staring at her and Beth pulled away, that feeling of dread creeping back into her stomach.
"Well, the wound looks better anyways. Maybe after we get some food in ya you'll feel better enough to remember what happened."
Beth nodded, avoiding direct eye contact with the man since it seemed to only unsettle her. Scud rubbed his hand at the bottom of his jaw, watching her for a moment as she looked around the garage before motioning toward the exit.
"Come on," he said, grabbing his jacket and making his way through the mess. Beth followed behind, her eyes narrowing on the way he carried himself as he maneuvered through the garage. Her attention was grabbed by a table filled with half put together weapons and crates of bullets with glowing blue liquid inside of it. Stopping, she leaned over the table and brushed her fingers across a rather large gun and then moved to grab one of the smaller items that had four legs that extended out and hooked at the ends. The item was quickly plucked from her fingers and held up in front of her.
"No touching the merchandise, blondie. It's still in testing stage, and I don't need you to be blown to bits in here," Scud said, placing the thing back on the table. "It'd take me days to get the stench out."
Beth gave him a quick glance, ignoring his words as her eyes roamed over the table. "Did you build these?" she asked, moving to pick up another weapon close at hand. Scud slapped her hand, and Beth quickly withdrew it while glaring up at him.
"Some of them. Most of them were already created and I just duplicate and update them for B." He nodded toward the two sliding doors up on the balcony and Beth gave it a cursory glance as she recalled the big man from last night.
"Bs short for Blade," Scud explained as he grabbed her arm and continued pulling her through the garage. Beth continued looking around until they reached the door and stopped long enough for Scud to enter the security code.
"So you and Blade just hide away here, and make weapons to fight the biters?" Beth asked, still looking behind her at the shop.
"Pretty much," Scud replied as he pushed her through the door. The heavy wind hit her again, but it was warm on her face and no rain that could be felt and now growling sounds to be worried over, so she focused on the young man turning to lock up the shop again.
"So, where do you get the stuff from?" she asked, brushing her hair out of her face to see him better. Scud chuckled, shaking his head as he shoved his hands in his pockets and stood in front of her.
"You're just full of questions, aren't you?"
Beth shrugged. "I just want to know how you two are survivin'."
Scud laughed, his smile growing across his face as he waited for her smile to break out as well and tell him she was joking.
"Survivin? Seriously?" he asked, moving past her. "There's nothing to it. You pull the trigger and kill them before they bite you. Simple as that."
Beth scoffed. "For those of you who have a hundred and one weapons, and the means to make more. For the rest of us its hoping that your blade don't go dull or the bullets don't run out."
"What are you talking about?" asked Scud as he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Beth stopped with him. Staring open mouthed at him, she barely registered her surroundings as she replied. "I'm talking about the every day struggle to fight off..." her words were cut off by someone bumping into her and muttering "watch it" as they continued pass. Beth flipped her head in the guys direction, muttering an apology of her own as she turned back to Scud and continued "fighting off the walkers that don't think about anything but.." her words trailed off as the sound of a car drove past and another person brushed past them. It was then, that she realized they'd stepped out of whatever alleyway that they'd come from and was now standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk.
Another car rolled past, splashing up some of the rain water left over from the night before as a bicycle road past them, honking his small horn to alert them of his coming. Beth's eyes grew wide as they darted over to the pawn shop sign lite up across the street and sound of a hundred TV's coming from the electronics store just next door. Another person stepped past them, and Beth grabbed his shirt to get a better look at his face. It was scowling, yes, but not decaying and snapping it's jaws at her like she was it's next meal.
"What?" she whispered as she made to dart across the street. Scud grabbed her arm and pulled her back at the last minute just as a car roared past with its horn honking and driver screaming "watch the road" from his window. Yanking her arms from Scud's grasps, she made her way across the street -making sure to look for cars this time- and stopped in front of the television display. Each one showed a news reporter, shuffling through her papers talking about Bush's war campaign. Beth frowned at that, her eyes darting over to the news stand and made a grab for a paper.
'July 2002' she read, the wrinkles around her eyes deepening as she looked up at the man behind the news stand, and then to Scud and back to the paper. Shaking her head, she threw that one down and picked up another one only to read the same thing.
"That's not possible," Beth screamed, throwing that one down as well.
"Hey, ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the man said, leaning over the counter as Beth picked up a New York Times paper.
Scud waved his hands at the man while moving to grab the paper from Beth. She whirled just out of his clutches as she looked at the date 'July 2nd, 2002.' Beth's head spun as she looked at her surroundings again. Her eyes darting to the television that was now showing a clip of Bush making some speech, and then over to the billboards with their various announcements on newest products, bands and movies that were just coming out.
"You okay, Beth," Scud asked, taking the paper from her hands and placing it back on the newsstand to appease the man behind the counter. Beth shook her head as she met Scud's eyes. "It's not possible," she muttered again as she placed a hand on her forehead. Her vision was swimming, going blurry as she tried to understand what was going on. "Cause that would mean..." her words trailed off as further down the road she noticed a pay phone and she quickly darted over to it with Scud hot on her heals.
"Beth!" Scud hollered after her. Beth stopped in front of the pay phone and noted the number to dial collect. Punching in the numbers, she held her breath as she waited for the operator to come on and then quickly recited the number that she's had memorized since she was ten.
"Hello, you've reached my daddy's work number, if this isn't an emergency please take the time to make an appointment for a later date because Daddy promised to take me and my brother and sister to the lake and..." The little girls voice was interrupted by another all to familiar voice with, "Bethy, what have I told you about answering my work phone."
The little girl let out a meek apology and the phone shuffled over from one hand to another. Beth felt the air leave her lungs as the small, recognizable girl was scolded by the man on the other end and then a sob broke out of her lungs as she leaned up against the booth when the man on the other end let out a simple "Hello."
It was his voice. The voice she would recognize anywhere in this world, and she wished she could hear it every day since that day at the prison. Tears streamed down her face as Scud leaned against the booth next to her, his hand coming up to rest on her shoulder with a confused look on his face.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, choking on her sobs as her legs went out from under her "I'm so sorry." Scud took the phone from her shaking hands and mumbled "Sorry, we've got the wrong number." He moved to hang up, and it sounded like Hershel asked him a question. "Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks." Scud replied, hanging up the phone, and kneeling in front of her.
"It's not possible," Beth whispered, shaking as she met Scuds gaze.
Some of you may remember this story from a while back when it was called "Rewritten" A shortened rough draft version anyways. I've added bits and pieces, drew it out longer. I do hope you enjoy this version even better then the original. I love this version so much more.