The final chapter! Here we have the one we've all been waiting for?! Maybe, I don't know :P I have started this chapter from Sousuke's POV, but I have switched a few times in between to Makoto as well, to give some insight. I think I did an alright job and it didn't take away from the natural flow, but if it did, I am sorry! I did my best :)

Now please enjoy Makoto's return!


The ring of the doorbell was the one thing that made three grown men jump up from the couch and look at the door excitedly. The one thing that had hearts racing with a mixture of hope and fear. Prayers welled up in their minds, wishing for only one person to be behind that door. It had to be him. Could only be him. It had been two days since they had last seen him, and they were all slowly losing their minds. Haru had grown even quieter, while Rin had gotten even more vocal. And Sousuke, he was only blaming himself more and more. It was his damn fault. He should've resisted, should've shown the strength Makoto believed he possessed.

But maybe he was home now. Maybe Makoto had returned and he could stay, and they would all be happy again. Sousuke wouldn't touch any of them for a while, afraid to screw up again, but it would be worth it. He would wait until everyone felt comfortable with it like before. In relationships it was all about giving and taking.

Rin was the first to move to the door, yanking it open and letting out an excited squeak. Haru lingered in the doorway, watching Rin fling himself around Makoto's neck. The Beta stayed behind though, waiting in the living room. A sigh of relief fell off his lips as he heard Rin ramble at Makoto, firing questions at him while getting him updated on what they had done these past days. A smile tugged at Sousuke's lips, the idea of having Makoto back making him feel better for the first time in the passed few days.

Finally Makoto stepped into the house, Rin and Haru stuck to his side, their eyes never leaving him to make sure he would not disappear into thin air. Sousuke was lingering by the couch, eyes averted, because he could not look at his Alpha. Could not meet his kind green gaze during a moment like this. He would stay in the background now and wait for Makoto to come to him whenever he wanted to, and Sousuke expected that would still take a few days. And Sousuke would give him those days to get accustomed again. The Omegas would be there to take care of Makoto.

Because Sousuke didn't dare look up, he completely missed the radiant smile that formed on Makoto's lips the minute his emerald eyes landed on his Beta. He missed how Makoto moved just a little faster, trying to get to Sousuke. And he missed how hands moved around his waist until they touched him.

Teal eyes shot towards Makoto then, finally meeting those kind reassuring eyes he had missed so much. That smile made Sousuke's heartbeat speed up, his palms sweaty, and his mind just gone blank. Strong arms were wrapped around him, bringing Sousuke into a tight hug. He sucked in a deep breath, his body shaking as Makoto showed him the love he had gone without. He had not granted himself. And then Makoto started talking. It was only one line he kept repeating, it being the first thing to say since he had entered their apartment again, Makoto accompanying it with soft kisses to Sousuke's neck.

"I love you."

Getting lost in Makoto's chant Sousuke leaned into the Alpha's touch, surrendering completely. Makoto's hands moved back to Sousuke's waist, rocking their bodies from left to right slowly, turning Sousuke's mind to mush in the process. Those lips were still pressing soft kisses against his neck, slithering higher and higher until they passed Sousuke's chin and landed on his thin lips. It was a sweet kiss, light and comforting, Makoto doing his best still to put Sousuke at ease. But once Sousuke really got settled in, got used to Makoto pulling him in, his need grew. Desperation clung to him as he pushed into the kiss, groaning as he opened his mouth, inviting Makoto to do more, so much more.

But Makoto didn't take the invitation, instead coaxing Sousuke's tongue into his mouth, letting him control the kiss. Giving him what he needed. The two Omegas were watching in the background, watching intensely. They felt the change in the air, but they couldn't pinpoint what it was. It put them on edge, stalking back and forth, watching, forever watching. It was odd, but good. Something good was happening. Something that would make a difference in their relationship.

Makoto broke the kiss, pulling back slightly to look at Sousuke. There was this twinkle in his eyes, accompanied by a lopsided grin that made Sousuke's knees go weak. Shifting their bodies slightly, Makoto guided Sousuke through the narrow hallway that lead towards their bedroom. The door was kicked open and Makoto backed up to get inside, leading Sousuke further in as well.

There was no question in what would happen next. They had not done this very often yet, but Sousuke would submit now instantly. Even if it would put some weight on his pride, he would get down on his knees and beg for Makoto to take him, if that was what his Alpha wanted. He would do everything for Makoto, anything he might want, without question. Sousuke wanted to make sure Makoto knew he would do anything to make this right. And giving himself to the Alpha seemed the right thing to do.

Grabbing Sousuke by the chin, Makoto pulled him closer once more, that grin still firmly in place. Sousuke shivered as he was brought back into the kiss, passionately pushing in his tongue again to get that sweet taste Makoto always seemed to be carrying around. Calloused fingers slipped under his shirt, teasing the skin below before it was pulled up and off, forcing them to break their kiss.

It was getting really heated now. Sousuke quickly pulled Makoto's shirt off as well, baring both their torsos. He was already hard, embarrassingly so. They had barely touched yet, but the idea of Makoto wanting him, him. Not the Omegas, neither of them. The ones who fitted most with the Alpha and were easier to handle. Who were easier to forgive. Who were meant to be in Sousuke's place right now, but it was the Beta whom Makoto wanted. And maybe this was Makoto's way of putting Sousuke's in his place. Maybe this was some type of punishment Sousuke didn't recognise yet. But he didn't care, because Makoto wanted him, badly.

Makoto's hands left Sousuke's body, and when the Beta glanced down, he saw the Alpha fumbling with his own zipper, pulling down his jeans and boxers at the same time. Completely naked he stood before Sousuke, his pose almost shy as he stepped a little closer to the Beta, their bodies less than an inch apart. Automatically Sousuke grabbed Makoto by the waist, needing to touch just a bit of skin.

Conflicted the Alpha averted his eyes at first, glancing to the side, seeing his Omegas standing in the doorway. Their eyes were hazed over, curiosity making them flicker. They were not touching at all, both picking a side to watch, still watching. It made another smile tug at Makoto's lips, the decision made as he saw how it was already taking effect. It was the right thing to do and would make the borders between their roles less apparent. This was needed to make this an equal relationship.

"Sousuke," Makoto whispered, leaning forward to bring his lips right by the Beta's ear. This was only meant for Sousuke to hear, something private, something he wanted Rin and Haru to simply witness and not get spoiled before it happened. And it all still depended on how Sousuke would react. "You know I am not really great at this seduction game, and I am certainly not sure how to propose this, but…" He fell silent, the words stalling behind his lips. How was he going to explain this right without actually saying he wanted Sousuke to take him, literally?

Pulling back Sousuke looked deep into emerald eyes, confusion staining his features as he frowned, wondering what Makoto was going to say. The Beta really would do anything Makoto wanted right now, so Makoto could selfishly request something, but that was not the person he was.

It seemed best to show with actions, rather than saying it out loud. Grabbing Sousuke's left hand with his right Makoto brought Sousuke's hand to his ass, pushing his index finger between his cleft, letting it tease his puckered hole, his untouched hole. Makoto suppressed a shiver, but couldn't keep the sigh from leaving his lips.

The confused expression quickly turned in surprise, teal eyes growing wide as he stared at Makoto. But the finger never left its position, not even when Makoto removed his hand. The tip was pressed right against the ringed muscle, dipping it in only slightly to see a reaction. Makoto kept perfectly still though, fighting the first urges of pushing Sousuke away and getting the finger away from there. It was an odd feeling and not something he was fond of at this point, but hopefully it would change. Not that it mattered. This was something he was going to endure, like Sousuke had, and Rin and Haru had. It couldn't be so bad, and they enjoyed it as well. Makoto would get through this.

"Are you sure?" Sousuke asked, voice trembling.

Seeing Makoto nod made Sousuke groan out loudly, capturing the Alpha in another kiss as he started the move them both towards the king sized bed. His finger was still posed on Makoto's puckered hole, afraid Makoto would reject him once he removed his finger. The back of Makoto's knees hit the bedframe, making them tumble onto the soft mattress. A soft chuckle escaped Makoto at that, lightening the mood in the process.

Sousuke was nervous, very nervous. In the middle of things Makoto could suddenly decide he didn't want this anymore. Deciding he needed to remove his finger now, Sousuke carefully pulled back his hand, bringing both to his jeans. Quickly he shimmied himself out of the restricting garment, casting it aside without care. He needed to be bare, as bare as Makoto was. He needed to touch every bit of Makoto with every bit of skin he possessed. Makoto had his legs slightly parted, giving Sousuke room to settle between them. Something they had not done before yet. But here Makoto was, willingly lying beneath Sousuke with every intent of giving himself to the Beta. He was not submitting to Sousuke though, his every move thought out, planned. All to guide Sousuke towards his goal. From those teasing fingers slipping back and forth down his hips, to that lopsided grin that coaxed Sousuke further in.

"Do you…" Sousuke had to shake his head to make the words actually form a sentence, those calloused fingers drawing distracting circles on his abdomen now. "Do you want me to get you ready or…" Again those fingers, teasingly creeping closer to Sousuke's erection. "Or do you want to do it yourself?"

Finally Makoto's hands halted, Sousuke's question catching him off guard. That was something Makoto had not counted on, and he frowned for a moment, trying to think of what he thought would be better. Soon those fingers started back up, but they glided back towards Sousuke's hipbone, continuing drawing circles there. "I think it would be better if you do it. I don't think I'll be able to with you looking at me," he answered honestly, a slight blush spreading over his cheeks. Sex was not something Makoto talked about so easily, and when he was forced to at such a casual tone, he could not suppress the shyness.

"Okay," Sousuke murmured. "Okay, okay…" Fumbling to the side Sousuke tried to blindly reach for the nightstand, the lube hidden in the small drawer there, but he was too far away to even touch the wooden side. And then it was suddenly pulled open, Rin handing him the small tube. Ruby eyes had grown darker, his movements so still Sousuke barely noticed he was there. Haru was on the other side of the bed, taking in everything they were doing. It was as if they were under some kind of spell.

But that was something Sousuke couldn't really focus on right at this moment. Not when Makoto pushed his legs up, bending them at the knees to uncover his puckered hole once more. Another shiver, another surprise, another thing Sousuke could barely take. It was getting to him, all of it, his mind a mess he could not catch up with. All he knew was what he needed to do. Burying his head in Makoto's neck he blindly went to work. Uncapping the small tube, spreading it over three fingers, and then bringing one of them towards the ring of muscles first.

Sucking in a deep breath Sousuke relished in Makoto's earthy smell, it reassuring him enough to continue. As he pushed in his middle finger first, Sousuke let out the groan in Makoto's place, knowing what it felt like. He was really doing this. Getting Makoto ready for the next step, preparing him for something bigger. For his something. For his hard length to slid inside and push the Alpha to a limit he had never experienced before. And Sousuke was the one who would get him there.

For Makoto it felt weird, the finger a foreign object that didn't belong there. A faint sting made its way up his spine, but it was not something he could not stand. It was uncomfortable still as it moved in further, but the deeper it got, the more right it felt as well. The reach was just not sufficient enough. There needed to be more to make this odd sensation disappear. The weight of Sousuke's body on top of his was something comforting though. Knowing it was him, someone he loved deeply, made this all alright. And when the second finger joined in, Makoto was even able to release a pleasured sigh.

Scissoring his fingers Sousuke made sure Makoto would be prepared for the next. The warm walls didn't give in easily, squeezing around him every time he thrust a little harder. Makoto was sucking his fingers in further, clinging to them as tightly as he could. Sousuke could only imagine what it would feel like around his erection. Being the first for someone was always a tight fit, and Sousuke had never experienced that either, Makoto being Rin's and Haru's first. It had brought in jealousy at first, because it was what Sousuke had wanted to feel too. But seeing his position now, Sousuke knew he had it great.

The third finger joined in and when Makoto let out an earnest groan, Sousuke had to lift his head to look at his Alpha. Legs were spreading wider to give Sousuke more access, and emerald eyes had closed, face contorted in pleasure as those fingers dug in deeper. Never in his wildest dreams had Sousuke imagined it happen like this. He thought Makoto would just endure it, but actually enjoying this already.

"I'm ready, Sou," Makoto said, letting out another groan as Sousuke pushed in his fingers deep one more time.

Swallowing roughly Sousuke had to clear his mind, stopping himself from instantly jumping it. This needed time, no matter how excited he was getting. Carefully he pulled his fingers from Makoto's ring of muscles, his puckered hole staying open a little once the fingers were gone, inviting Sousuke in. Spreading some lube over his length he relieved some of the strain, pumping his dick a few times to get himself ready for this as well. Hazy teal eyes looked over at half lidded emerald. There was a certain tightness in Makoto's jaw, fear slightly visible. But the determination in green eyes made Sousuke continue, because this is what the Alpha wanted, had requested, and Sousuke had promised he would do anything Makoto wanted, no matter what it was.

Pushing the tip of his length against the ringed muscle Sousuke gave Makoto a warning of what was about to come. Strong arms wrapped around his neck and brought him closer, their chests pressed together as Makoto sucked in a shaky breath before nodding.

This was it. Something Sousuke never thought would happen. But here he was, slowly pushing his length passed the ring of muscles, sliding deeper and deeper into that welcoming heat. The walls were squeezing around him, trying to get accustomed to being spread like this.

Emerald eyes stayed wide open, staring deep into teal as he took everything Sousuke was giving him. Erection sliding in bit by bit, never halting in his movements. It stung a lot more now, Makoto's lips parted a little as he pulled a pained face. But this was only the beginning, and he remembered the faces Rin and Haru had pulled. Sousuke had been harder on himself, never showing any sign of pain. The Beta was no less selfless than Makoto was.

And then Sousuke was fully inside, thighs pressed against Makoto's ass. He twitched his length, making Makoto shiver at the sensation. It occurred to him then in what kind of situation they were then. What Makoto was doing here. Giving himself to Sousuke, while Sousuke had fucked up before. Had done something wrong and should not be given something this special. Guilt tugged at him again, his heart tingling painfully inside his chest. "I'm so sorry," Sousuke suddenly whispered, his movements completely stilling as his eyes glazed over, barely even seeing Makoto below him anymore. "I'm so sorry." His words were now mingled with a sob, his head hanging low in shame.

Makoto's hands moved up and tugged at Sousuke's hair, bringing his face down to pull him into another kiss. "I am very sorry as well for everything that has happened," he murmured against Sousuke's lips, giving him another peck. "But I rather not discuss all that when I have your cock up my ass," he added, this teasing grin slipping onto his lips again, eyes closing as he pushed his hips back against Sousuke's to create a little friction. "And I rather enjoy this moment, which will happen if you keep brushing right there."

"You'll be the death of me," Sousuke muttered as he started pulling his hips back, his erection sliding out slowly until only the head was still inside. "And stop saying you are not seductive."

Snapping his hips forward Sousuke made sure the words died inside Makoto's throat, instead a groan coming out. Sousuke had gotten more confidence now, Makoto instantly putting him at ease with just a few words. A pace was set easily, his length sliding in and out fluently while Makoto took every hit eagerly. The Alpha was so sensitive, every little touch making him buck his hips up to receive the thrust head on. His grip on Sousuke's neck tightened as the pace grew faster, groans tumbling off his lips steadily as the friction of the thrusts made Makoto delirious.

This went against every bit of instinct Makoto had, and when the thrust was just a little too rough, a little too direct, then he had to ball his hands to prevent from pushing Sousuke off. His body was very uncertain of what it wanted, the feeling amazing, and yet frightening, his body far too vulnerable like this. But his mind knew exactly what it wanted. Feel more of that amazing friction, so he voiced it, letting out every moan that wanted to fall from his lips.

A hand wrapped around Makoto's length far too soon, but with the way Sousuke's thrusts had turned erratic, Makoto knew the Beta was close. A thumb expertly swiped over the head of his erection, fingers then tightly wrapping around it to pull down the foreskin and pumping it at the same pace as his thrusts. It was far too fast, too rough, too hard, but Sousuke was growing desperate. He was almost there and it was with Makoto. He was inside of Makoto and he could not stop himself from going this fast. It would bite him in the ass later probably, but he didn't mind. This is what he wanted.

Sheets were gripped tightly, knuckles turning white as the final sensation finally came over him. Every fibre of Makoto's body felt like it was on fire, it spreading quickly throughout his veins, coursing towards its centre point. It was almost there, pushing out moans as it reached its end. And then it was there, the explosion of sensations coming out of him as Sousuke rubbed him to completion. Teal eyes were focused solely on Makoto's face, taking in every expression, every tug of muscle to forever imprint this into his memory.

Walls tightened around his length as Makoto came, sucking him in as deep as he could go and holding him there. It was bringing him closer too, his orgasm nearing as the friction of Makoto's heat rubbed around him so deliciously. Emerald eyes opened again once the Alpha came down from his high, looking up at Sousuke with so much love it made his heart skip a beat. Opening his legs just a little wider, giving Sousuke all the room he needed, the Beta finally reached his end point. Hips shaking he emptied himself deep inside of Makoto, his orgasm making his whole body tingling as he rode it out.

"I love you so much," he murmured once he found the air to speak, starting to kiss Makoto's face. "I love you so much." It became a steady chant as he kept littering Makoto's face with kisses, his forehead, his nose, his lips, whatever he could touch. Even when Rin and Haru crawled onto the bed, their hands mixing in with his to touch Makoto's body, relishing in this new side of their Alpha. He was growing soft inside of Makoto, his dick slowly slipping out, but he paid it no mind. Nothing mattered now except for Makoto.

And all Sousuke could do was tell Makoto how much he loved him.


So what did you think of that? Was it alright? This was the end of this short chapter fic. I will not add more to this, because I think this is a good rounded of thing with a very cliché ending :D Which we love, right?

The next plan will be the RinHaru/HaruRin oneshot fitting this AU. Still need to come up with plot, but I am going to make it happen! Is there anything else you'd like to see with the foursome?

If you want more updates on things, follow me on Facebook or Tumblr, find the links on my profile! For cosplay updates you can also check my Facebook. I did a Kisumi costest today!

Love, Dana