Title – Destined together

Summary – They were destined together. Even though she tried to run away and he didn't cared… but still they had found each other. Isn't it called fate…? A story of not so ordinary people. AU. KaiSaki (KaiMisa), RenSaka, MiKari, AiKou. RnR Please!

A/N – Hello, everyone! I was itching to write a KaiSaki fic for a while now and here it is! This is my first Cardfight! Vanguard story featuring my favorite shippings from it. I hope you guys will support me and enjoy the story! I just love KaiSaki so much!

It's an AU and there are no Vanguard fights in the story as it's in a different world… like in a real world. So please read and review! And sorry if the summary is bad… ^^'

You all know their appearances… like hairstyles and looks so I haven't described it much.

Here's the first chapter! Happy reading! ^^

Disclaimer – I don't own Cardfight! Vanguard or any of its characters… Just the plot…

'…' - Thoughts

"…" - Speaking

Chapter 1

Misaki's POV

'I can't tolerate this… How can I? Why is this happening to me!'

What can I do…? These thoughts can't stop coming in my head. I sighed as I rode in the car. Shin-san was driving and I sat on the passenger seat, thinking deeply for the solutions… any way that I can stop this from happening. 'But why me…!'

To say that I was shocked when I received the news… was an understatement. I was furious as well. How can I not? Today morning I received a news form my uncle, Shin-san that I am to attend a meeting… not any normal meeting… more like a marriage interview. I'm really furious now…

I know our company is going through loss… but how can the board of directors decide this… Just to save the company, they want to sacrifice my freedom? I know our company is important… but there must be any other way right…? And they came up with a proposal of marriage! Who does this anyway? They had said that I'm the only child and also of eligible age for marriage. Okay! I'm twenty-two but I have my life…

Since childhood, everything is being planned for me… no one asks me what I want… I am the only heir of the Tokura family and corporation so I have always being responsible. I never questioned them… just followed thinking that it's best for me as well as my corporation… After the death of my parents, I was left alone… Since I was an eight years old child, I was not considered or involved in any decisions they made. I was sad… too sad… but no one noticed or even tried… Then a year later, Shin-san came. I was glad he's always with me since then and he understands me. I can't express myself clearly… but still Shin-san understands and supports me.

Shin-san was shocked when I told him I was taking over the company when I was twenty. It was the least I could do for my parents. But soon I found out that we are going through loss. I negotiated but they all think that I'm too young to handle a corporation… so they planned this… behind my back…

What I don't understand is… why did that man accepted the proposal of marriage anyway! I don't know who he is or his name… I only heard he's a great businessman and will take over my corporation. Besides, why should I know his name when I don't want to accept it! I will not accept this. I will just cancel it… I couldn't help but hide my smile from the two members of directors sitting at the back in the car. I'm sure my plan will work… it has to…

It was already eight and I was invited at the dinner… it's some kind of blind date for me. I was wearing a dark purple evening gown which had thick straps over the shoulders and it reached till my ankles. It was plain but I like it and it's not like I want any attention from that man who I will be meeting anyway. I also wore my mother's silver necklace with a deep green gem at the center. They insisted I wear my hair up and style it as it has grown and reaches till my mid back, but I did not. I left it down as they had me furious now. I clipped it at side with a purple gem clip. I don't want to look good but still Shin-san complimented me… Anyway… Now, for my first impression on that man… It should be bad… very bad…

As soon as the car halted in front of a fancy hotel… who cares about its name…? I entered. The directors and Shin-san stayed outside… well Shin-sama insisted to go with me but I knew they will not allow… Besides, if they stay outside, it's an advantage for me. I sighed. 'Here it goes…'

No one's POV

Misaki glanced around and saw too less people. A man came towards her in a butler suit; bowed in greeting and smiled. "Hello, Miss Tokura Misaki. We were awaiting your presence. Please follow me" he said, gesturing with his hand.

"Uh… Hello, Sir…" she said and followed him. 'How did he know my name…? And what's with this fancy hotel…? Who's… this show-off man…?' she thought, glancing around. Her anger flared at that. 'As if I'll agree by these arrangements…' she huffed.

Misaki saw someone sitting at a table, looking bored. Her eyebrow twitched when the said man glanced at her and smiled. She was sure she saw his eyes sparkle with happiness. The man was really good looking with long red hair which was tied in a ponytail. He was wearing a black business suit.

The red haired man stood up, smiling. He blinked when the lilac haired woman glared at him. There were few people around them enjoying their evening. He was about to speak as she stood in front of him when she beat him to it. "Hello! I-…"

"You! How can you do this?" asked Misaki, glaring at the red haired. The man's smile faltered a little. He tried, "Excuse me… but-…"

"Because you accepted that proposal, I'll lose my freedom, you know that…? I know we have to take good decisions for our companies but don't you have any decency to ask my opinion first?" said Misaki, crossing her arms over her chest, still glaring at the man.

The red haired man raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Well, Miss. Do you have any idea who I am?" he asked, amused at her outburst. Some staff of hotel tried interrupting her but he stopped them, motioning with his hand. Misaki's glare intensified.

"I don't care if you are any great leading businessman or whatever. I just came here to tell you that I'm not interested in that marriage proposal. I want you to cancel it as well. I refuse to give into their (directors') demands. Sorry if I was rude" she said, still glaring.

The customers surrounding them watched, surprised at the lilac haired lady who just turned around to walk away. They felt bad for the red haired man but sweatdropped when they saw him smirking at the lavender haired beauty.

As Misaki turned to leave, she smirked triumphantly. 'Good job! I can be a totally good actress. I'm sure he'll definitely cancel off the proposal now… I was rude enough… right…?' she thought.

"No worries, Lady" said the red haired man and smiled at her back. Misaki's eyebrow twitched as she heard him but then froze when she saw the members of board of directors in the front and they don't look too happy… which means they had heard her… 'Oh no…'

Misaki glanced around for any escape and in few seconds she found it when she looked aside… there, a few meters away was what looked like a kitchen door. That door opened and she stared ahead to find another door straight ahead of the kitchen door… the back door. So, she made a dash towards it, leaving a speechless and questioning audience behind. The two directors realized what she was up to and ran behind her, a few seconds after her. The audience shook their head and resumed their evening as if nothing happened.

Ten minutes later…

"Why are you looking at me like that, Ren?" asked a brown haired man, in a black business suit. His turquoise eyes narrowed at the red haired man while the said man, Ren smiled goofily at him.

"Nothing, nothing! The lady came a few minutes ago whom you were gonna meet and by the way …she just left… from there" said Ren and pointed towards the kitchen door. The brown haired man raised his eyebrow, questioningly.

"Let's just say… she just rejected that proposal… with very colorful words… I must say, I'm impressed… She had a nerve to reject the great Kai Toshiki" said Ren, smirking at the brown haired man named Kai Toshiki.

Kai raised his eyebrows. "What happened exactly?" he asked as he took a seat in front of Ren.

Ren gave him a smile and said, "Hmm… Let me tell you the whole story then…"

Kai Toshiki heard intently. He was slightly amused at the things Ren told him. He was more amused at the fact that the said woman doesn't even know who he was or his name and still she said those things to Ren. And Ren was there just to tell her that he (Kai) will be late for their meeting. Kai smirked as Ren finished telling him about the incident.

"I'm sure if I had stopped her from talking, she would have strangled me… Her glare was very powerful you know… Anyway, the point is… YOU got rejected by a lady! HA! I can't believe it! Rejected! By a Lady!" exclaimed Ren, happily.

Kai shot him a glare. "Whatever… I was forced to come here anyway… I'm actually relieved that I didn't have another fan girl or try to reason with her. I'm leaving" he stated and stood up from his seat.

Ren shrugged. "But you seem relieved that atleast she didn't show interest in you! Or are you hiding that you are bothered by it…?" he asked, teasingly.

"Shut up. And don't be late for office tomorrow" Kai added and left.


Misaki hid behind a large tree, panting. She had been hiding and running for fifteen minutes now. 'No… I can't go back… They'll probably arrange my wedding to someone who's of high status and force me to marry. What should I do…? I forgot to carry my purse and my cell phone is in it… How should I call Akari now…?' she thought as she leaned on the tree.

"There she is!"

"Oh no!" she exclaimed and ran again. She passed some trees and as it was already night time, she was running in darkness which was an advantage for her. But in the next moment she tripped over something and started tumbling downwards. She rolled down the slope in a not so graceful manner.

Misaki felt her head spinning as soon as she stopped. She couldn't think straight and was dizzy. But still, using her little bit left stamina, she stood up, wobbly and trudged forward, unsteadily.

Suddenly, there were lights on her face, blinding her. She put her hands up to avoid the piercing lights. Too late… There was a loud screeching noise followed by a loud honking… and she was met with a hard stone floor with a thud.

All she could see were a pair of green eyes… or were they blue…? Then everything went black…

To be continued…

A/N – That's it for now! I hope you guys like long chapters…? So, how is it? Like it? Hate it? Should I continue? Please review and share your thoughts! You can also pm me if there are any questions, suggestions or advice. I just hope you guys like it!

Thank you for reading! And please review as it's my first KaiSaki story! ^^