
"I don't get it. You took her to your favorite place, good food, romance. Every thing sounds good." As an after thought, he continues, "Sans the moment with the devil in the red dress. What's all this about?" Alec's hand gestures to Jace's state, with concerned blue hues taking in Jace's slumped stature.

Trying to look at Alec squarely, Jace sighs; for his best friend currently has too many eyes to meet. "Devil in the red dress," he scoffs. "You have no idea."

Wraping Jace's arm over his shoulder, they walk out of the bar. The raven haired man hails a taxi, and gently place's his friend in before joining on the other side. After giving the driver his own apartment address, he leans into the pleather seat with a heavy sigh. Jace is already napping against the head rest. He hadn't shared more of the story before becoming unstable. The elusive ending of the story nags Alec; small in comparison as his lover will when Alec returns with his bandmate and brother to the apartment. Magnus will be on the edge of the love seat, no doubt. On pins and needles, waiting to hear about the boulder that landed in his plan.

The cabbie stops at end of the steps of requested location, and looks in the rear view mirror to meet Alec's eyes. If he recognizes the musicians, he doesn't show it. Alec's pale hand reaches in the opening to offer the fee and generous tip. Only then, the cabbie smiles, and nods appreciatively.

Alec paces to the passenger side, and struggles to pick his unconscious friend. He huffes, hauling his friend up the steps, sweating and shaking knees. The elevator ride to the 14th floor was his only reprieve. Blue eyes blaze at Jace with his current disdain. With a deep breath his hauls dead weight to the front door, and kicks his black boot against the blockage. He can hear Magnus cursing as he passes the threshold.

"Why on earth are you..." Magnus looks at the two, flabbergasted. After seeing his dear's distressed blue hues staring back, he backs away. "Alexander, what happened to him?"

Whenever Magnus uses his full name, Alec can intuitively know his lover is troubled. "He happened to himself," he answers after dropping his friend roughly on the couch. Jace curls into himself, gripping onto the pillow beside him. "He drank himself to... this."

Magnus walks over to take Alec in his arms. "Did he tell you what happened?"

"Only part of it." Alec breathes, leaning into his touch. He closes his eyes with the sweet caresses of hands running through his hair.

With a small sigh, Magnus pulls back. "He'll be feeling this one tomorrow, so we'll talk about it then." He kisses Alec's forehead only to jump away. "Ack! Salty! You need a shower."

Chuckling, Alec grips on Magnus' hands, pulling him back to him. Blue eyes then change, "Don't pretend you don't love it." Both of them walk hand in hand to the bedroom.

Aline checks her text again. You need to find out what happened. Magnus is having a bitch-fit over this. Clarissa's schedule is clear after 6. Don't give it away! As her hand raises to knock on her fellow model's door at 8:15, she mumbles about Isabelle being bossy. She can't say she isn't curious about the date. Earlier today she found an article posted online that refers to their date. Even saw a picture that showed the two looking completely consumed in their own world.

Clary answers the door, her red hair tied in a messy bun, with surprised green eyes. "What are you doing here?" she asks, still smiling.

Aline brushes off the question and walks past her friend. She puts her bags on the kitchen island. Peeking at her friend, she can see suspicious eyes returning her gaze. Her eyes move the bag, pulling down the sides to reveal a bottle of red wine, and puts on her best pout. "Clare-bear," Aline pauses for effect.

Immediately, Clary's gaze changes, and walks to comfort her friend. Without any prompting, Clary asks the the question. "Wine and kick ass women movies?" They both grin.

Three full glass down, both parties are cheering for Lucy Liu. "We haven't seen Charlie's Angels for ages. I almost forgot how awesome this movie is!" Clarissa yells as she stuffs a kettle chip in her mouth.

Aline's chocolate eyes lock on Clary in admiration. She finds her friend's drunken state always entertaining.

Clary turns toward her abruptly, startling Aline. "What's up?" With confusion, Aline's orbs widen. Clary rolls her eyes hard. "You know the rules of 'wine and movies'. What happened?"

She had been waiting for this moment patiently. "Oh," Aline mutters. Running her slender finger around the rim of the wine glass she tells a scripted story about a nonexistent fight she had with Helen. Clary listens carefully, reacting exaggeratedly. Even if Aline's acting is atrocious, Clary is so toasted she can't tell.

Clary grabs Aline in a bear hug after hearing the whole story. "It's okay. The two of you always find a way to work it out." Upon releasing her, Clare says something that makes Aline fight herself from smiling. "At least you never had to worry about Helen cheating." Her bottom pink lip juts out before taking a sip from her glass.

Quickly, Aline grabs the opening, "Did something happen?" When there was no noise from her bestie, she continued. "Didn't you have a date with the 'Rock God' the other night?" She hopes it sounded it nonchalant. Aline worries when the cute red head sniffles looking at her hands in her lap.

"Nothing about that night went the way it was supposed to," she says softly. "He took me to The River Cafe'. You know the view is 'out of this world' beautiful at night." Aline nods urging her. "Jace was so handsome," Clary gushed, her satisfied smile glows. Suddenly, her features fall, the glum atmosphere back. "I ran into Kaelie."

Aline sits on her knees, straight back. "Say again," her voice deepens with a scary edge.

Clary runs her fingers through her hair, her shaped brows bunching. "I ran into Kaelie!" Her voice echoing in the room. "I went to the bathroom, and she was there."

"So?" Aline pushes.

-Date Night-

Walking into the women's restroom, Clary sees a familiar face. "Well, well. I didn't expect to see you here." The blonde that Clary hasn't thought of in a long while, stands in front of her. Kaelie dries her hands, when her crystal blue eyes stare down Clary. "Are you on a date tonight?"

Clary pays her no mind, starts in the direction of a stall, but the leggy blonde struts to stop her. Her green eyes roll up to meet the snarky female in front of her. Kaelie crosses her arms, enunciating her breasts. "I loved it here the last time I came. It's so romantic, right?"

"It is, and I plan to enjoy more of it as soon as I finish in here." Clary deadpans, as she walks past to the first stall.

"This is one of Jace's favorite date spots." The blonde's words stops Clary dead. "I found out only too late that he has a routine. Wine and dine at The River Cafe', a surprise carriage ride, then fireworks at his place." In her peripheral, Kaelie smirks. The red head has to force her legs to move, and locks the stall door. "I remember being disappointed when I found out how unimaginative he is when it comes to dating. How special can it be if it has been shared so many times? Anyway, I hope you have a nice night."

When the door shuts, Clary releases the breath she has been holding. Over and over, she tells herself that she's different. Even if he had done those things with other girls in the past, she has to be special. Jace has worked hard to prove how serious he is about her. She couldn't possibly be just another conquest... Right?

She pulls herself together, and washes her hands. As she exits the ladies room, she turns the corner only to see Kaelie leaning towards Jace. He looks annoyed, but what is she doing? Why is she so close? Her mind runs in circles as she waits until the other woman leaves. Taking her seat, she attempts to salvage her date.

Jace's fingers wrap around her hand, as he leads her out of the restaurant and into the limousine. "Did you enjoy dinner?" His voice is like velvet to her ears. Surely the wine is partially responsible. Clary did drink more than she originally intended- only to drown out the worries that had been implanted by the jealous woman.

"I did. Is there more to the date?" she really does hope that she could have more time with him. Her insides melt when he smiles. Reaching towards her, he takes hold of her hand. Meeting his gaze, she is entranced. His golden eyes seem silver in the night, making him look otherworldly.

He lifts their hands in front of them, so she can see him interlace their fingers. Clary's heartbeat quickens, and she knows he can feel her pulse in her palm. When Jace meets her gaze, she finds a genuine smile. "Would you be okay if I kept you longer?" The pitch in her breath was enough of an answer for both of them.

Gentlemanly, Jace helps her out of the limousine, and Clary recognizes Fulton Ferry. Clary wraps her shawl tighter around her shoulders, and looks around. The pinch in her brows makes Jace laugh. "Just a little further." As promised she sees the lights and hears the music that brings back memories of her childhood.

A carousel! He does have imagination, the red hair woman muses proudly. When their turn comes, she excitedly goes to the nearest horse, when a strong tan hand stops her. Befuddled green eyes meet his mischievous golds as she silently questions him.

With a smirk, he guides her to a carriage seat. Her head jerks back, nervous. "Clary, I can't have you, wearing that dress, riding the horse." She visibly shows her acknowledgement by smiling. In return, he leans to whisper in her ear. "I can't keep myself at bay if I see more of your legs." Jace pulls away, and Clary can feel the heat pulling in her cheeks. Heat radiating through her body at the prospect.

Once seated, he takes her hand to play with her fingers on his knee. As the carousel starts to turn, Jace moves his arm from their side to put behind her. He grips on her shoulder to pull her tightly against him. she gladly lays her head on his shoulder. They ride in comfort, enjoying the moment.

Jace gently pulls Clary from the carousel after her making them ride it three times. "Come on, I want to dance with you."

Her attention piqued, she allows him to guide her to his next destination. Her feet are feeling the fatigue when they come to the landing. Music plays as they stand at the fence beside the water. Jace makes her sit on one the benches available, and drops to one knee. Shock rocks her when he lifts her foot to remove her shoe, and massages it. He continues doing the same for her other foot.

Noticing her muscles relax, he makes her stand. Abruptly, his muscular arms wrap around her waist as he lifts her to stand on his boots. Gasping, she grips on to his shoulders, and finds him closer than her heart was prepared for. "I told you. I wanted to dance with you." Her lips release a loud laugh, and wraps her arms around his nape. With eyes closed, forehead touching, Jace leads them in a slow dance despite the song playing. He shows no discomfort with her weight, so she thoroughly embraces the moment.

In the midst of the third song, she opens her green eyes to find Jace's peering back. His eyes trace her features, as she does the same. Her fingers run through his hair lightly, as her gaze travels to his lashes; to the bridge of his nose; to his cheekbones; to the edge of his jaw. His own rough fingertips tracing her cheek, coming to the corner of her lips. Her skin prickles, goosebumps raising on her body. Each other's lips now in sight. Their synchronized movements bring their bodies flush, and the slightest brush of their lips. She could feel his heart beat increase like her own with just one kiss.

One arm wraps around her waist, while the other caresses her neck, and he kisses her again. Soft and sweet, savoring the moment. When her desire to taste him becomes dire, his tongue gently runs across her bottom lip. Without hesitation, she greets his with her own. The gentleness is gone. No more sweet kisses. Its the same fire that they have felt before.

When the need for breath trumps the need to kiss, their lips part. She could see the lust in his darkened gold eyes that surely reflect her own. "My place?" he breathes. No hesitation. She nods. He sits her on the bench to put on her shoes, as he calls the driver.

Jace opens the door for her, and joins her on the other side. Once on the road, Jace puts the barrier behind the driver for their privacy. He slides closer, and their lips meet to continue where they left off. Feeling the uncontrollable need makes their touch rough and kisses sloppy. Jace's hands grip in her hair and onto her hip. Her own fingers are in his hair, while the other trails his torso under his jacket.

Their gasps for air turn into music, only adding to the intensity building. Jace's hands roam her body. Lightly brushing over her breast, while his lips turn to feast on her neck. Long fingers brazenly touch her soaking lacy underwear. The friction makes Clary moan aloud. Her hand starts to palm his clothed bulge. Jace runs his forefinger up to find her hidden clit, but the reaction was greater than either of them expected. At just that touch, with heightened nerves, her body bucks upward.

Jace pauses his actions from surprise, but it only increases the need for Clary. She turns toward him to straddle his lap, pulling handfuls of his hair to access his lips. His fingers follow the curves of her legs to find a place on each hip. Together, they rock. Their breath becoming shorter, quicker with each movement.

Clary startles when a knock is heard on the window. She quickly sits beside Jace, and peeks at Jace through her curls while trying to catch her breath. The animalistic look in his tawny eyes has her regretting her choice. Her door opens, and she playfully winks at Jace before smoothly leaving the limo. Clary doesn't bother to look behind her. A smirk emerges when she hears his quickened footsteps behind her.

Rough fingertips run down her arm, grasping her hand. He walks her into the elevator, and pushes the button to his studio. Turning around, Clary gasps at the swirling golds in his eyes as he stalks her like a hunter and his prey. He slams his hands on either side of her face as her back molds against the metal wall. His impatient nature makes him grind into her, as if to remind her of their task. Her heart thrums in her throat as his lips descend to her neck. Her eyes shut, enjoying the sensation, only to flash open at the bite. The ding from the elevator signals their arrival.

Gripping her wrist, he makes a fast track to his door. Even kicking the door open after unlocking it, dragging her with him. Stopping only to close the door behind him. With his haste, Clary can't stop the giggle. His head tilts at the sound. "This is not a laughing matter," Jace's voice now heavy with the need that has been plaguing him.

Sobering, Clary matches his intensity, breathing increasing once more. "Care to escort a girl to the bed?" Jace takes five large steps, and lifts her in his arms to take her to his room. She smartly kicks her heels off before he sets her on his bed. He strips himself of his own shoes and jacket.

Oddly, they were taking things slowly. Savoring the tense atmosphere. The growl that he releases when she pulls his hair equates to her hiss when he nips at her skin. His fingers expertly unzip her dress, his eyes holding her own as the dress follows the direction of his fingertips. Her heart fluttered at the indescribable emotion he was igniting in her with the intensity of his gaze.

Jace leans into her for a kiss, and ends up following her until her back is upon the soft mattress. His tongue brushes against her upper lip, and she gasps. Letting him invade her mouth. Her slender hand travels his nape to the buttons on his shirt. He assists to take each arm out without his lips leaving her body. Her neck, the top of her breast, the delicate area above her collar bone. Her desire for more didn't go unnoticed. His hand applied sweet friction to her sensitive clit. Clary's slim body jolts at the attention.

Leaning away from more kisses, he smirks. Without hesitation, he scoots down, to leave small caresses on her inner thighs. As she is severely shaking from anticipation, he pushes aside her underwear for direct contact. Clary's eyes widen at the sensation of his careful small movements with his finger. Her lids drop when she feels his finger internally.

A sound of shuffling on the sheets gathers Clary's attention, but the unexpected feeling of his tongue caused her rut. With each delightful pass of Jace's tongue and fingers, the pace of her breath quickens. Clary's moans fill the room, not caring an ounce about being too loud. As she nears her orgasm, Jace's lips wrap around her clit, sucking lightly. A scream surrounds her release. Once her consciousness returns, she sees Jace laying removing his pants. Before he could remove his boxers, his cell rang. Immediately, he silences it, but the calls continue. Looking at the caller number, his lips purse. "I will be right back. Don't even think about moving," he orders before taking the call, and walking toward the kitchen.

Having a moment to herself, she enjoys the afterglow. She wants to return the favor. She wants tonight to last as long as possible.

Quick sequenced knocks are heard. Clary looks at the kitchen entrance, wondering if Jace had heard the knocks, too. When they appeared a second time, with no return of Jace, Clary stood up and put on her dress. There was no way in hell she would open the door in a sheet. So cliche.

"Can I help..." Her words stop on her tongue. Green eyes widen in shock. "What are you..."

"Doing here?" Kaelie finishes for her, offering a matching questioning look. "I was invited. Normally, the other girls are gone by now. Jace is rarely left satisfied." She even hands over her cell with the text showing.

In utter shock, Clary readies to call for Jace, but he enters the room confused. His eyes bulge. "Oh, fu..."

A/N: Along with other things that maintain most of my brain power, my interest in writing at all has been limited. I would occasionally come back to look at this chapter, but would always feel a sense of disappointment. This time, however, this is more satisfying for me, in terms of the story plot.