DD: Hey, guys! Hopefully this is a fast enough update for you. Thank you guys so much for 100+ reads and votes. Hope you enjoy!

When Miho, Akefia and Heru reached the hospital the next day, Bakura and Ryou were awake. They were later than usual due to Heru not having slept all night and having fallen asleep as they were about to leave. Neither of them had the heart to wake him.

Ryou looked like he hadn't slept at all – even during the day. Heru made a beeline for the chair Ryou was in and curled up next to him in it. "Tired," he yawned as Ryou nuzzled against him.

"Me too…" Ryou mumbled as Heru wrapped his arms around him.

Bakura smiled softly at their reunion. "How are you?" Akefia asked, sitting at the foot of Bakura's bed.

"Better." Bakura looked up at him.

Akefia smiled. "That's good."

"When do you think they'll let me out?"

"Soon probably. Maybe in a few days. It shouldn't be much longer."

"Thank Ra," Bakura groaned. "This place is killing me."

"Stop being dramatic, Kura," Ryou mumbled, his eyes slipping closed.

Akefia chuckled and looked up when he heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Miho said, standing up.

He nodded and turned back to Bakura as Miho opened the door. Aknadin stood waiting with a false smile.

Miho's jaw set and she swallowed. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to check on my patient."

"You don't have to," she said firmly. "He's fine."

"I'd like to see him anyway." Aknadin's real eye glinted. "Please step aside, miss."

"No." Miho began to close the door. "But thank you for stopping by." Aknadin pushed the door open again but Miho blocked him. "Don't."

Aknadin glared at her.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Sennen?"

Aknadin turned to see Mahad walking down the hall towards him.

His false smile returned. "Not at all. I'm just trying to see the patient, and his friend is being a bit… uncooperative. Can't imagine why."

"Is there a reason you need to examine him?" Mahad raised an eyebrow.

Aknadin shrugged calmly. "I just wanted to do a general check to make sure he is sufficiently recovering from his operation."

"I see." Mahad gave him a strained smile. "Thank you for your concern, but with all due respect, Doctor Sennen, he's not your patient."

"Yes, well I just thought I'd handle it for you in case your Jackson patient needed to be tended to."

Mahad shook his head. "Not at all; I checked on him and he's fine."

Aknadin gave him a tight smile. "Alright. But if you need me, don't hesitated to ask."

"Don't worry; I won't."

"Good." Aknadin gave Miho the same tight smile. "Have a nice day," he said as he slunk down the hall.

Mahad looked at Miho. "Is everything okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Thanks."

"Good." Mahad gave her a warm smile. "Please don't hesitate to call if you need me."

Miho nodded and Mahad glanced through the door at Bakura before leaving.

Miho closed the door and Akefia sighed in relief. Heru and Ryou had fallen asleep.

Akefia wrapped an arm around Miho as she walked back to him. "Are you okay?"

Miho nodded, shaking slightly. The fear was hitting her now that it was over. "Yeah."

Akefia gently held her closer. "Thank you."

Bakura smiled slightly at the two. "You two are cute together," he chuckled. Akefia and Miho blushed but grinned at one another. "But don't you dare start that cliché 'they stared into one another's eyes for hours; time was lost on them' crap."

"Language." Akefia frowned at his brother. Bakura just smirked. "So how was your night?"

"It was okay." Bakura stretched. "Nothing happened."

"That's good."

Bakura looked over at them. "What about you two?"

"We had a good night."

Bakura smirked and raised a suggestive eyebrow.

"Nothing happened so stop looking at us like that!" Akefia huffed.

Bakura laughed. "I'm just messing with you."

Akefia rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I know." Akefia glanced at the book on his bedside table as Bakura returned the smile. "Enjoying the book?"

Bakura nodded. "I've almost finished. I think Ryou read it again last night when I was asleep."

"What are we going to do with them?" Akefia mumbled, looking at the twins.

"Let them sleep for a while," he sighed. "They need it."

"Yeah," Akefia agreed. "They'll sleep better when you're back with us." Bakura nodded.

Miho walked towards the door. "I'm going to see if I can find a doctor and ask when you'll be able to leave," she said. "Actually knowing when will be better than guessing. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thanks." Bakura smiled gratefully.

"No problem." Miho returned the smile and left the room.

Bakura looked up at Akefia. Akefia glanced at the door and then looked at his brother again.

"I'm sorry," Bakura whispered.

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

"Thanks nii-san."


Later that night, Miho woke to the sound of ringing. Akefia had offered to sleep with Heru that night, but Heru had declined, knowing that it would mean Akefia and Miho wouldn't sleep well.

Akefia groaned as Miho sat up. "Is it the phone again?"

"Yeah," Miho whispered. She was almost too scared to pick it up; every time they picked up, something bad happened.

Akefia climbed out of bed and grabbed the phone. He met Miho's gaze before answering it. "Hello?"

"Nii-san?" Bakura's voice was shaking and he sounded near tears.

"Bakura? What's wrong?"

"H-he… He got R-Ryou…"

Akefia's eyes widened. "No…"

"I-I called M-Mahad an-and they brought him t-to the emerg-gency room, b-but-" Bakura's voice cracked.

A shuddering breath escaped Akefia's mouth. "J-Just hold on; we're coming."

"Okay… I'm sorry," Bakura whispered before hanging up.

Akefia put the phone down. Tears stung his eyes. "We need to go to the hospital. Now."

Miho nodded. "I'll get Heru. You start the car."

Akefia raced downstairs while Miho ran into Heru's room. Heru was sitting in the bed, looking exhausted. He looked up as Miho ran into the room. "What's wrong?"

"We're going to the hospital; something happened."

Heru stood up and followed her out to the car without questioning.

They quickly climbed in and Miho drove them to the hospital. They ignored the nurses' complaints when they arrived and ran to the reception.

Mana looked up at them and smiled feebly. "Your brother's waiting for you."

Akefia nodded in thanks and they ran down the hall, passing about a dozen 'No running in the hallways' signs on the way.

Bakura was waiting outside the emergency room. His skin was even whiter than usual and his eyes were red-rimmed.

"Bakura!" Akefia called as they reached him.

Bakura looked up. His eyes were glazed over and he only seemed able to half-see them.

"W-W-Where's Ryou?" Heru whispered, his voice cracking.

Bakura swallowed hard and looked over at the doors to the emergency room. "He… He hasn't come out yet…"

Heru's eyes widened and he threw his arms around Bakura.

Bakura tightly returned the hug. "I'm so sorry…"

"It's not your fault," Heru whispered.

Bakura didn't reply. They waited in silence for a few minutes before Mahad came out of the emergency room.

Before he said a word, they knew what had happened. The look on his face said it all.

A gurney was pushed out of the door by two other doctors behind him; a white sheet was covering it.

"No!" Heru shrieked. "He's not! He can't be!" Before anyone could stop him, he sprinted to the bed and began to lift up the sheet.

The doctor quickly yanked the sheet down, and Bakura and Akefia pulled Heru away. But he had already seen the white, cold and – most importantly – lifeless hand.

They held on to Heru as he kicked and screamed at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face.

When the gurney was out of sight, he ceased struggling and just hung limply in his brothers arms, sobbing.

Akefia and Bakura hugged him tightly, trying to soothe their brother's pain.

"H-he's not dead… He's not…"

"Sh…" Akefia whispered. "It's going to be okay."


"We'll get through this," Akefia murmured, holding him closer. "I promise."

Akefia scowled as he saw Aknadin pass by the room they were in.

The man didn't see them. Heru had cried himself to sleep a while ago, and they hadn't tried to move him. Bakura had just fallen into a light dose.

Miho was awake and drinking a cup of coffee beside him. Akefia stood up. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Seeing the look on his face, Miho grabbed his arm. "Akefia, where are you going?"

"I'm just going for a walk."

"Just…" Miho sighed. "Don't be too long and don't do anything stupid."

Akefia nodded. "I won't." Miho reluctantly released his arm and watched as he walked out of the room.

Akefia followed Aknadin down the hall, his fists clenched.

Aknadin walked into his office and closed the door behind him. Akefia waited outside, leaning against the wall.

After half an hour, Aknadin emerged again. He didn't see Akefia, but Akefia saw the soft smile on his face.

He glared at him silently. He wanted to make him pay; he wanted revenge. And he would get it one way or another.

He followed Aknadin out to the main hall before pausing. Five people were waiting for Aknadin.

One was a man who looked like him but with warm, crimson eyes – maybe his brother? Three, Akefia couldn't see. All he could make out was starfish-shaped hair.

The third was a young boy with tanned skin, brown hair and bright blue eyes that ran up to Aknadin with a smile. "Daddy!"

Akefia froze, his eyes wide. How could that monster have family and still do what he did to Akefia's?

His fists clenched even tighter as Aknadin scooped the young boy up and hugged him.

Akefia met the child's gaze and the boy smiled and waved at him.

Akefia gave the boy a small, feeble wave back.

Aknadin turned his head to see who the boy was waving at and saw Akefia standing there. The smile froze on his face and he adjusted his grip on his son.

Akefia saw him say something but he didn't hear him. The other man nodded and the group began to leave.

Akefia turned away and slowly walked back down the corridor until he was satisfied that no one could see him. He whipped around and punched the wall as hard as he could.

How could he? Tears of anger welled up in his eyes. How could he kill Ryou when he had a family of his own?

Akefia punched the wall again. It didn't make sense. None of it did. Why? Why Ryou? Why did he kill him?

Blood began to trickle down his knuckles and he watched it fall down his hand. Akefia sighed. He would never understand that murderer. There was no point in trying; he would just drive himself insane.

He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He let the heavy helplessness and pain wash over him. Ryou was gone, and there was nothing Akefia could do to bring him back.

He slid down to the floor and squeezed his eyes closed tighter. He only opened them when he heard footsteps and looked up as Miho sat on the floor across from him.

He gave her a strained smile. "Hey."

She returned his smile with a concerned one. "Hey. What's going on?"

He leaned his head back against the wall. "Aknadin has a son."

Miho sighed. "That's awful." Akefia took her hand in his and she squeezed it. "Sometimes people do things that no one understands. Not even themselves."

"I guess," Akefia agreed quietly.

"But we don't need to understand everything. Sometimes we just have to accept things and deal with the hard things as best as we can." Akefia sighed and nodded. "And I'm here and I'll help you if I ever can." Miho kissed his cheek.

Akefia smiled at her. "Thanks, Miho."

Miho returned the smile. "Anytime." She climbed to her feet and offered a hand to help Akefia up.

Akefia took it and allowed her to pull him up. "We should go back, shouldn't we?"

Miho nodded. "We need to get them back to the apartment," she agreed softly. "I talked to Mahad while you were gone and he said we could take Bakura back too."

Akefia slowly nodded and followed Miho back to the room.

Bakura jolted awake as they walked in. "What time is it?"

"Uh…" Miho checked her watch. "Three thirty." Bakura nodded, rubbing his eye. Miho's gaze flickered to Heru. "Did he wake up?"

Bakura shook his head. "Not yet. He'll probably wake up soon." He yawned.

"Maybe we should take him back to the apartment," Miho suggested. "It'll be better for him to sleep in an actual bed rather than a plastic chair."

Bakura and Akefia nodded in agreement and Bakura struggled out of his chair. "Let's get him to the car…" He yawned again.

Akefia helped him lift Heru out to the car. Heru began to wake up, but fell asleep again almost immediately due to sheer exhaustion.

"Poor guy," Miho mumbled, glancing in the mirror at him as she started the car.

"He was closer to Ryou than Akefia or I," Bakura sighed, rubbing Heru's back softly. "He'll take it hardest…"

Akefia nodded in agreement. "Bakura, you should sleep with him tonight. I don't want him to be alone; especially if he wakes up during the night."

Bakura nodded. "I will."

Soon, they arrived and Akefia and Bakura carried Heru up to his room.

Bakura gently set him down on his bed and pulled the blanket over him. He looked up at Akefia. "Night."

"Night Bakura," Akefia mumbled, hugging him. "See you in the morning."

Bakura kicked off his shoes and lay next to Heru. Heru snuggled closer to him, his sleep-ridden body craving warmth.

"Sleep well," Bakura whispered before giving in to sleep as well.

Meanwhile, Akefia followed Miho into her room and climbed into bed next to her.

"How are you feeling?" Miho asked.

"Considering I've just lost one of the people I care most about in the world?" Akefia shook his head. "Pretty bad."

Miho wrapped her arms around him. "It'll get better over time."

Akefia returned the hug. "Thank you."

"No need." Miho shook her head.

Akefia smiled softly. "We'd better get some sleep," he murmured.

Miho nodded in agreement and curled up, using his chest as a pillow. "Night, Akefia."

"Night," he replied, kissing her head.

She curled closer to him, drifting to sleep.

Over the next few days, Heru seemed lost without Ryou. As though he wasn't sure how to exist without his twin.

Bakura and Akefia were helping him as much as they could, but they weren't Ryou.

The first night had been the worst. He had woken up next to Bakura, thinking his older brother was Ryou. Then he remembered everything.

He didn't sleep on the second or this night.

Things just kept getting harder for Heru to deal with, but he kept trying. It was what Ryou would have wanted him to do.

On the fourth day, Miho decided they needed a day out. Something to enjoy.

Ryou's funeral hadn't occurred as yet as their grandmother in Ireland was still alive and she wanted to be there, but was struggling to come up with the funds, so it had been postponed for a week.

Miho suggested her idea to the three at breakfast.

"Bowling?" Heru blinked in surprise.

Miho nodded. "Yeah. I thought it might be fun."

Heru hesitated. "It sounds great," Akefia said. Bakura spared a glance at Ryou before nodding. They all needed to get out of the apartment.

"Okay," Heru mumbled.

"Great." Miho smiled and grabbed her bag. "Let's go."

Akefia took a final bite of his toast before they followed her out to the car. Bakura and Heru didn't eat much.

Heru just wasn't hungry while Bakura still felt sick from waking up to see blood everywhere the night Ryou was killed.

Heru plastered a smile across his face as they drove to the Domino Bowling Alley. Bakura gave Akefia a worried glance but didn't say anything.

Akefia returned the glance and opened his mouth, but closed it again before saying anything.

When they reached the alley, Miho and Akefia went inside to book them in. Bakura sat next to Heru. "He wouldn't want this, Ru," he murmured.

Heru stiffened and stared at the car floor. "Just… Just leave me alone," he whispered.

"Heru, I-"

"Please." His hands balled into fists. "Go."

Bakura sighed. "Okay. I'll go." With one last look at Heru, he climbed out of the car and went inside.

Heru curled up on the backseat, squeezing his eyes shut. "Ryou… I want you… I want my brother back…" Tears damped his face and he buried his head in his arms, struggling not to sob. "I want to move on for their sakes, but I just miss you so much…"

A memory drifted through his mind. Him and Ryou smiling. Just smiling and laughing. It made his heart ache. They'd have no more times like that.

Ryou was gone.

Heru bit his knuckle. Maybe he could join him…

Heru's eyes widened. That was it. All he had to do…

Was die.

Then he'd be with Ryou again. Then he'd be free.

No more pain. No more being a burden. He'd be free.

He started rummaging around the car. There had to be something; Akefia always left something.

At last, he saw something shining under the seat. A penknife.

He held it in one hand, staring at the sharp blade, and felt a kind of peace wash over him. He smiled.

Just as he held the penknife to his wrist, he heard a soft whisper. "Don't…"

He dropped the knife, almost accidentally cutting himself in the process. "R-Ryou?"

Heru looked around, panic and hope bubbling up inside him.

His eyes landed on a slight shimmer in the air.

Slowly, a transparent figure came more into focus.

The figure had long, white hair, brown eyes, pale skin and a pair of feathery, dove-white wings.

"R-Ryou…" Tears stung his eyes as he stared at the figure.

"Heru…" A small smile crossed the figure's lips. It tried to reach out to touch him. Heru could feel it, but its touch was cold.

Heru shuddered slightly and then clasped the pale hand in his. "Ryou?" The figure nodded. "I-I've missed you so much…"

Ryou smiled softly and gently cupped Heru's cheek. "I've missed you too, Ru."

Heru looked up at Ryou, returning the smile. Then he remembered what he had almost done moments before.

The guilt overwhelmed him and he looked down. "I-I-I'm sorry… I just… Missed you… So much… I-I couldn't take it…"

Ryou gently lifted Heru's head again so their eyes met. "I know, Ru. I know. But please; don't do this."

Heru's voice cracked. "B-But how c-can I li-live with-thout y-you? I-I can't; I n-need you…"

"I'll always be with you, Ru. No matter what." Ryou smiled.

"Y-You promise?" Heru whispered, afraid that he was dreaming.

Ryou nodded and hugged him. "I promise. But you need to promise to live."

Heru hugged Ryou back fiercely. "B-But it's so h-hard…"

"I know. But imagine how hard it would be for Bakura and Akefia," Ryou pointed out.

Heru hesitantly nodded. "I-I'll try…" He was pretty sure that they would be fine without him, but he didn't want to argue with Ryou.

Ryou gently wrapped his arms around Heru. "They love you, Heru. Just like I do. They just find it a little harder to show their feelings."

Heru couldn't believe that. Even if it was true, he didn't deserve it. He felt like a monster; the last thing his brothers deserved was to waste their time looking after him.

He shook his head and looked up at Ryou. "They shouldn't care about me."

Ryou gently rocked him back and forth. "Yes they should."

"B-but they shouldn't… I'm worthless…" Heru shook his head. He never could believe when Ryou told him he was worthwhile. Everything inside him just screamed that it was all lies.

"You're not." Ryou shook his head. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Heru wanted to scream and fight, but he was so tired. He just sighed and let Ryou rock him gently. Slowly, his eyes slipped closed and he fell into a comfortable sleep.

No nightmares came; just a peaceful darkness.

Ryou kissed his forehead gently. "Sleep well, Heru," he whispered as he faded away. "I'll always be with you."

DD: Hope you guys enjoyed! The next update will be for Glass Coffins. Please vote and review! See you next time, Killer Queens!