There was one, two, three…where was the last one?


A white hand closed over his throat stopping his breath and held. There was only the buildup of carbon dioxide and it brought a newfound pressure on his lungs. Somehow he managed to bring his katana and effectively slice the manically grinning face in half and in one smooth arc brought the death of another four grotesque childlike smiles.

A sick laugh brought his gaze above to where the fat man hovered, pink umbrella open and top hat shading his eyes. A menacing glare was directed in his direction with gold eyes under wide framed glasses and a black broadsword thrown from behind. He jumped backwards in time for the blade to embed itself into the cracked earth, and a candle to graze his cheek.

The other Noah…

He spun around to bring down a fatal blow only for the ground to be blown up at his feet. And then he was falling, left arm missing. The child-like monstrosities were once again around him cackling gleefully white halos around their heads. He brought a swift end to half of them, and the smiles faltered into frowns of disappointment.

There was a sound of something clicking behind his head. The frowns morphed into laughter that chased him down even as the bullet fired.

Kanda woke up to wires stuck everywhere along his midriff, a suspicious green plastic mask over his mouth, and the crowing of people celebrating for some odd reason. They stood over him surgical masks in place on their faces, eyes glittering in amazement. Kanda promptly ripped off the mask and simultaneously socked the nearest one in the face.

A/N: Ehem, hello to everyone reading this. This is my second fic, and I'm still kinda...iffy about this whole *gestures* but please bear with me. But in all honesty flames are okay. I like criticism, and I know I'm not perfect. If anyone has any suggestions please pm me them.

I'll try to get the actual chapter one up soon but until then I'll leave you stewing on this. Please review, it gives me motivation!