DISCLAIMER: I do not own pokemon, if I did furthershipping would be a thing.

The evening rays of sunlight slowly shone upon the peaceful town known as Pallet Town. Among the residence of the peaceful town, is a famous yet humble professor known as Professor Oak. He gave out a sigh as he rubbed his tired and wrinkled face, he was indeed tired after spending the whole night working on the dreaded paper work. However, the work paid off as he finally have the papers ready that allowed the new generation of youngster to begin their grand journey into the world of pokemon. Which unfortunately includes his cocky and arrogant grandson as well, as much as he loved him, his attitude could use much needed work.

Taking a hefty break, he leaned back to his armchair and slowly took a sip from his coffee mug. Tapping his fingers to the mug lightly, he idly turned his head to look at the window before he stood up and went outside to his pokemon coral. It was a pleasant sight to see, hundreds of pokemon were playing, laughing, bonding and simply having a great time. It definitely filled him with pride seeing all the pokemon being all so happy in his ranch. That is when he saw something that caught his eye. A young pikachu was sitting all by himself on a stone. It almost looked like he was meditating, something which pikachus aren't known for. Smiling in amusement, the elderly professor walked towards the young pokemon who was probably thinking something from the past.

"Hello there pikachu." Professor Oak spoke in a warm and friendly tone, pikachu opened one of his eyes and saw the professor smiling at him. Crying his name out several times, he jumped into professor Oak's arms and gave his greeting through nuzzles and licks.

"Haha okay, okay. I'm happy to see you too." Professor Oak scratched the electric mouse's cheeks, remembering the very first time he met the cheerful mouse.


"Are you sure you want to go outside grandfather? The storm outside is horrible and it's not safe, especially for an old man like you." Professor Oak scowled at his granddaughter, he waved her off as he failed to see her deadpanned look. Him old?! Hah! He was a handsome and dashing young man! A man at his prime if you will, there is no way a little storm like THAT would stop him from going out.

"I'll be fine Daisy, and I'm not old. Besides I have my pokemon with me, now take good care of my lab in my absence. I'll be back as soon as possible." Daisy sighed at her (very)ignorant and prideful grandfather, knowing it would be pointless arguing with him. She reluctantly nodded at him and unlocked the lab door for him. Professor Oak donned a raincoat and rushed outside his lab with a pokeball in his hand, though he doubt he would face adversaries along the way. No one would dare to challenge him anyway.

'That thunderstorm must have fry the circuits.' The professor thought himself, his lab was pitch back right now thanks to the thunderstorm. Luckily they weren't in the middle of a research, or else months of work would be gone and insanity would break loose. Upon, reaching the backup generator, he stuffed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a key. Unlocking the box, he flicked all the right switches and saw lights shining out from his lab.

'There, this would last until the storm is over.' The professor was about to return to his lab when he heard a small muffled cry, turning his attention towards the source of the sound, the professor walked in caution with his pokeball at the ready.

"Huh?" Professor Oak went closer and closer until he stopped right in front of a bush. Using his other hand to push the bush aside, he saw a young pichu shivering violently under the pouring rain. The young pichu immediately curled himself into a ball after seeing the professor.

"There there little one, I'm not here to hurt you." Professor Oak spoke in a soothing tone. It was heartbreaking seeing a young infant all helpless and shivering under the cold rain. He was confused as why is a lone pichu doing out here alone in the soaking rain.

'Did his parents abandon him?' Sighing at the sad reality that it might be true or something far worse had happened to pichu's parents, the kind professor crouched down and shielded the pichu from the rain with his raincoat.

"P-Pichu." Pichu's cheek sparkled with electricity in a defensive measure, though he wasn't able to discharge it.

"Pichu I'm not here to hurt you." Professor Oak took off his rain coat and gently wrapped it around pichu to cover him from the rain. Pichu struggled as it try to escape, fearing that his life was in peril. Professor Oak stroke pichu repeatedly hoping to sooth the young pokemon's anxiety, which worked effectively. Pichu stopped struggling and it looked at professor Oak curiously, wondering why was he helping him and why was his dressed in all yellow? Was he a pikachu too? The professor smiled at the pichu and ran back to his lab in an impressive speed for an old man. Upon reaching the lab, the old fossi- I mean the young and handsome professor saw his beloved granddaughter there waiting for him at the door with worried eyes.

"Grandfather? Why are you not wearing your rain coat? And- is that a pichu in your arms?" The pichu stared at her up and down as it gave her a curious look. If you can't tell by now, this pichu is very curious and adventurous.

"Daisy, I found this pichu all alone in the wild. Poor thing was soaking in the cold rain." Professor Oak said while walking inside his lab, he felt very uncomfortable being soaking wet, with his clothes clinging onto his skin like their life depends on it. Ignoring the feeling of being trapped under his own clothes, he placed pichu on the seemingly warm couch and asked Daisy to fetch a towel for him. Wrapping him in a towel, Pichu sneezed several times as it continued to shiver from the cold.

"Where's are his parents grandpa?" Daisy asked while rubbing the pichu with her hands, hoping to give warmth to the almost frozen pichu. It was cute to see the pichu nuzzle her hand, it almost cause her to scream in delight.

"I don't know, either they abandon it or some poachers caught them." Professor Oak calmly fed the young pichu with some warm milk as he said those words. Though Daisy could tell that her grandfather was sadden by such revelation.

"Grandpa this little pichu can't survive on its own in the wild." Daisy poked pichu's cheeks with her finger after he finished drinking the milk, making the pichu giggle cutely.

"I know Daisy... I guess we have to take care of the poor thing." Professor Oak smiled as he scratched his neck, Daisy did have a knack for cute baby pokemon.

"Oh it's so cute!" With a squeal and a free head pat for pichu, Daisy nuzzled her cheeks to the young pichu who only squeal in response.


"How are you feeling today pikachu?" Pikachu smiled slightly, he felt great! Tasty oran berries for breakfast! Got to spar with the other pokemon and came out as the winner and most importantly! He got spoiled by Daisy again! Cuddling on her lap felt great as always.

"Haha, anyway, as you know that tomorrow is the day where a 10 years old child can become a trainer right?" Pikachu nodded vigorously and his eyes's had a look of excitement and eagerness.

"And you know that a certain raven hair trainer would start his journey tomorrow right?" Pikachu smiled widely and squealed, professor oak could barely hold on to pikachu who started to squirm excitedly.

"So do you want to join this trainer on his journey?" Professor Oak smiled teasingly, pikachu nodded with his paw clapping together in the air.

"Pikachu pikapi!" Pikachu shouted, professor Oak chuckled at pikachu enthusiasm and let him climbed onto his shoulder.

'Oh Ash would be in for a surprise.' Professor Oak smiled at the thought of Ash's reaction.

Who is Ash you may ask, well Ash or his full name Ash Ketchum- You know what I'm skipping this part of the story, since you all know who that kid is.

Anyway long story short, ever since Ash was 6 he always visited professor Oak's lab to play with the pokemon that are in the ranch. The day Ash and pichu met, they instantly hit right off and became close friends, best buddies, brothers in arms! To add on, Ash is someone who energetic, adventurous, kind, sweet and have all those good qualities that made him a darn good trainer/son/boyfriend/friend.

His is undoubtedly, the real deal. However, the brightest of stars do have their moments of falter...

But enough of complimenting Ash and telling you how much of a saint he is, let's see what's our favourite dense protagonist is doing right now?

"Tag your it!" Ash shouted happily, he is currently playing a game of tag with his childhood friend, Leaf Green. Their constant laughing and giggling were indications that the two are having an incredible time together. To anyone who knew the two, that won't be surprising at the slightest. The bond the two shared was a close as anyone expect from being childhood friends. You know an unbreakable bond that was built on friendship, trust and mutual love and respect to each other.

"Hey no fair Ash!" Leaf whined childishly, her cute adorable pout caused Ash to grin. It was no secret to anyone really, that he had somewhat of a crush on his pretty friend. I mean she is practically the only girl in Pallet town who is around his age sooo yeah! Makes things easier for the both of them honestly.

"Ash you are running too fast!" Leaf spoke between her breaths, her hands were on her sides as she stared at Ash who seemed to have an endless amount of stamina for a 10 year old.

"Me fast? Oh come on Leaf, you are just running too slow!" Leaf sighed sadly and lowered her head, her long brown locks prevented Ash from seeing her expression. Ash who felt guilty as heck for making a pretty girl sad, immediately rushed towards her, ready to amends his mistake. Concealing a mischievous smile, Leaf waited Ash to get closer and just when he was about to apologize, Leaf tackled him to the ground and hugged him tight.

"Got you!" Giggling as she rolled onto Ash, Leaf smiled cheekily as she sat on top of him. Ash gave out a scowl but soon find himself smiling at his best friend, who was currently sitting comfortably on top of his stomach. He gingerly sat upright and stared at her with a deadpanned expression. You would have thought that after years of falling for the same trick again and again, it had made Ash more wiser...

"You know you should stop doing that, it's considered cheating." Rolling her eyes playfully in response, she got off Ash and practically bounced next to him as she sat down.

"Oh come on, how did you expect me to chase you down?" Chuckling in response, Ash placed his arm around her shoulders and leaned his head against her's. The cold evening wind prove to be very helpful for the two friends in this situation, it gave them an excuse to huddle with each other without needing to say anything. Saving them from perfectly awkward situations! Just when Ash is about to make a snarky retort to Leaf to conceal his feelings towards her, a certain someone decided to come into the story.

"Well well well if it isn't Ashy boy and my dearest princess Leaf." Ash and Leaf almost cringe after hearing those words. Seriously who says that? It's corny, it's overdone and it doesn't work! Sighing together at the same moment, the two friends turned their heads slowly and gave Gary their uninterested and deadpan look. Believe me when I say it happens a lot.

"What do you want Gay?" Gay- I mean Gary shot them an irritated glare and a sigh.

"For the last time Ash, I'm not Gay!"

"I didn't mean to say you are Gary, but I mean if you want to be sure." Playing around his words, it was Ash's turn to give Gary a smug look when Gary failed to say something.

"Ash stopped it geez, you're embarrassing the poor kid." Leaf swatted Ash's arm playfully and stared at Gary who she knew has a crush on her, need I remind you again that she is the only 10 year old girl in Pallet? She was glad that there weren't other boys in this town, otherwise Ash would get into lots and I mean LOTS of trouble. His kind but he ain't a saint.

"I'm not a kid Leaf! In fact I'm older than you!" Being older than her by 1 month, Gary of course practiced superiority over the duo which unfortunately never happened. Gary glared at Ash who's arm were both conveniently and coincidentally around Leaf's shoulders. Speaking of which, she was sinking into Ash's embrace when the distance between them suddenly become magically closer. Did they did this deliberately to trigger Gary? Not really, but it was nice to know that it does.

"Yeah sure, being older means you are better than us." Ash's tone was not in anyway sarcastic at all, nope it was genuine and sincere. 11/10, IGN approves.

"Of course I am better than all of you! I mean..."

'And there he goes again.' Ash and Leaf stared at each other as they muted Gary from their ears and began to enter a world of their own, beginning with the topic of what's for dinner tonight and how they are going to start their pokemon journey, you know the usual stuff.

"...reason 1452 of why I am better than Ash, I have a car while Ash doesn't! Reason 1453- hey are you guys listening?" Ash broke off his conversation with Leaf and turned to Gary who finally realized that they didn't care about his opinion.

"Yes? Go on." Ash nodded slowly as a small awkward smile crept onto his face.

"Well I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't waste your time on the pokemon league Ash and-" Ash gave a "chotto matte" sign to Gary and stood up with Leaf.

"Look if it's about you telling me how great you are and how you are gonna stomp me in the pokemon league or telling me that giving me a starter pokemon would be a waste of pokemon OR even convincing Leaf to join you on your grand journey, then... bye bye." Ash and Leaf paid no mind to Gary's constant shouting and began to walk back to their house, they were glad that it was on the opposite direction of Gary's house. Otherwise... well the less say the better.

"So have you thought of what pokemon you would choose? I mean I can already guess but I want to hear you say it." On the way back, the two slowed down their pace as they enjoyed the evening view of Pallet, they were sure that they would miss their hometown dearly. Everything from the streams, to the trees, to the windmills that gave off an authentic feeling. Pallet Town is, and has always been known as a farming town. Offering peace and relaxation to people who got bored and tired of the city life. In fact many of the residents of Pallet came from the city, Ash himself included.

"Well I know that Gary already told professor Oak that he wanted squirtle, so..." Honestly any of the Kanto starters would do, but if he really had to pick, well...

"Fine it's charmander okay?" Leaf gave a satisfied nod and skipped forward, causing Ash to smile at her antics.

"I guess that leave bulbasaur to me then! Which I-don't-mind-whatsoever." Leaf's singsong voice along with her skipping really made her seem like a little girl. Maybe it was just to make Ash crack a smile but if it is, she done a darn good job.

"So are you ready for our grand journey together Leaf?" Leaf stopped and placed her hands behind her back, she did a cute head tilt at Ash and smiled at him.

'She always knows how to rile me up and make me fluster... ' Chuckling mentally to himself, Ash dismissed the familiar red hue on his cheeks and focused on his best friend. He didn't mind her constant teasing, in fact it was something he always looked forward to. It shows how much she opens up to him and let her see this mischievous and sometimes vulnerable side of her. It always made him feel appreciated when she does that.

"Yeah of course, I mean other than making sure you don't get in trouble and making sure you change your underwear everyday-" Ash flailed his hands in the air comically, did she really need to remind him that!?

"C'mon Leaf that joke is getting old!" Seriously why did his mother always said that?! It's not like he was- he was... y-you know!?

"I always did wonder why though, I mean is it from wet-" Ash clamped Leaf's mouth and "SHHH" loudly at her.

"We don't discuss that okay!?" Nodding at Ash, he let go of Leaf prompting her to breath much needed air.

"Geez Ash I didn't knew you were so forceful." Speaking in a definitely not innocent voice, Leaf placed her delicate fingers underneath her chin while giving Ash a vulnerable and defenseless look.

"I- darn it, Leaf stop doing that!" Ash almost shouted with his face beat red. The sound of her laughing evilly really made Ash feel like he was her obedient plaything, seriously this girl can play circles around you and you won't even complain!

The 2 engaged in a light playful banter as they continued their way home, with Leaf teasing Ash senseless and coming up as the overall champion. They reached Ash's house in no time as Ash gave a sigh of relief upon seeing said house. Entering the house by throwing their shoes aside, the two children soon saw 2 young women sitting on the couch talking with each other with motherly smiles on their faces.

"Hi mom, hi Veronica/Delia." Ash and Leaf have learned to not call them by their last name, since they considered each other as family. Well in more ways than one...

"Did you 2 have fun today?" Delia patted the couch, gesturing that her son should sit next to her. Obliging to her request, Ash plop down next to his mother and leaned against her shoulders. What could he say? He is a mommy's boy at heart and always will be.

"Yeah we did mom, until Gary showed up as always." Giggling at their children demise, the two mothers laughed at Ash's grumbling expression. Knowing that he had a soft spot for a certain brunette.

"Why? Gary wanted to steal Leaf from you Ash?" Veronica poked fun at Ash, causing Ash and Leaf to blush in red. Oh god the teasing has begun!

"M-Mom!" Leaf glared at her mother and averted her gaze from Ash, they were victims to this countless times but each time it get much worse.

"Why? That's wasn't the truth? Ash don't tell me that you would allow Gary to take Leaf away from you?" Delia did a fake shocked expression with her hands at her cheeks, Ash was busy blushing up a storm to say anything. If there is one thing the women around Ash's life is good at, it is teasing. Brutal, unforgiving and endless amounts of teasing! Don't ask why or how it came to be, it's just something Ash have to live with.

"I-I'm going upstairs." Ash hastily rushed upstairs, not failing to hear his mother's laugh.

"I'm coming too Ash." Leaf quickly followed Ash, ignoring her mother and Delia's intrigued and haughty look.

"Try not to have too much fun you two-" And the door was shut. Ash and Leaf pinned the door shut with their backs and stared at each other awkwardly. Staring at each other's adoring faces, the two gave out a laugh as they leaned their head against each other while sliding down to the floor. They knew that their mothers would tease them endlessly about their relationship, it was something they expected it every single day and were used to. But sometimes it could get overbearing!

Calming themselves from laughter, Ash turned to Leaf and smiled at as she looked around his room. As expected, it was messy and unorganized. Still, does room still has some charm about it.

"So tomorrow is the big day..." Ash whispered softly to her, in all honesty he wasn't prepared for tomorrow. Not at the slightest really, he wasn't like Leaf who does her homework and do research on the pokemon and the type advantages. He hopes that his instincts can filled that lack of knowledge within him when it comes to it.

"Yeah... you don't have to bring it up every 5 minutes you know?" Chuckling to himself, Ash buried his head deeper onto the crook of Leaf's neck, feeling her soft hazel brown hair against his cheeks. It scared him really, the journey. You would think Ash would be all happy-go-lucky to embark onto a new chapter in his life... but no, he wasn't all too keen about it. Leaving behind his widowed mother, trudging into the unknown and the unthinkable and of course change itself. It did help that he isn't alone in this journey of his, it was nice to know to have someone he can trust and love to be by his side. But it often raises his fear and doubt if something were to happen on Leaf, that wasn't a price Ash is willing to pay.

"I know." Leaf's hand made her way towards Ash, holding his hand tight. She stared at him with her vibrant blue eyes that radiant both beauty and kindness. They captivate him in all sorts of ways, almost as if they stole his heart right there and then.

"Ash... whatever happens in our journey, promise me that you will share everything with me." Ash stared at her, not knowing what she meant by her words. Ash rubbed her shoulders comfortably as he relish the touch of her soft and warm skin. Leaf always has a habit of saying something out of the blue that sounded like something important, but Ash could never figure it out what she meant behind those words.

"What do you mean by that Leaf?" Shaking her head, she remained silent and continued to cuddle with Ash. It gave Ash the sign to drop the questions and just say yes.

"Just promise me, that you would share everything with me." Ash gave her an unreadable expression of his own and nodded. This was one of the not so few rare moments of Ash, it was something that Leaf often see it all the time and it was nice to know that Ash isn't just a happy kid with no insecurities in life.

"Of course I would share everything with you Leaf." Leaf found herself comfortable in Ash's embrace and gave a goofy looking smile.

"Even your food?" He knew there was a catch.

"Don't push your luck."

"Ash! Leaf! Dinner is ready!" Hearing Veronica's shouting, Ash and Leaf reluctantly stood up and opened the room door. Walking downwards slowly, Ash and Leaf quickly made their way to the dining table. Ash was drooling at the sight of the marvelous food as usual while Leaf just sat down and thanked her mother and her godmother for the food. Dinner was mostly silent, the events that will happen tomorrow would certainly change everyone's lives. The inevitable truth of growing up and leaving home was there, it pained all of them but they won't bring it up now, not now anyway.

"Thanks for the dinner Delia." Finishing their food, Veronica and Leaf gave Delia and Ash a hug respectively. There isn't much to be said, the scene right now is a far cry from the cheery teasing mood just now. Ash for one felt helpless, helpless that he couldn't cheer all of them but he knew that nothing he say would bring a genuine smile to their faces .

"Good night Leaf, I'll see you tomorrow." Ash whispered, he felt Leaf's grip on him tightened. Good lord, all he said was seeing you tomorrow, it wasn't like she couldn't see him again! She pulled away slightly and gave him her signature adorable smile, man it wasn't good for Ash's heart.

"Good night Ash and don't be late tomorrow, the last thing I want is Gary to annoy me without you there protecting me from his constant whining. So remember to set your alarm clock, alright Ashy?" Dismissing the loud giggles from the other two females, Ash stuttered out his thanks and let go of her with a bashful blush on his face.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Giggling herself, Leaf poked Ash's forehead with a grin and hopped next to her mother.

"Do you want me to escort you lovely ladies home?" Ash offered with his hand extended out politely. His stance was notably in a knight like position, he knee was slight bent and his tone was filled with both chivalry and politeness. Laughing at his accent, They shook their head and gave him a sweet smile.

"You were always a gentleman Ash, but we will be fine. Besides I have my pokemon with me." Gesturing to the set of pokeballs tied to her belt, Ash gave out a sigh and stood back up normally.

"Alright then, be safe!" Leaf rolled her eyes, their house is literally across the street. It takes them what? 20 seconds just to walk over? Still, she would be lying if she didn't find Ash's protectiveness and thoughtfulness fit for a great boyfriend. Of course she was wise enough to keep that thought for herself, Ash doesn't need to know about everything.

As they walked back home, Leaf smiled as she could feel Ash looking at them through the door making sure they got in their house safe and and sound. With a wink and smile, it was enough to make Ash to blush and sigh in happiness.

"Ashy I think you should go to bed now. You have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow, I'm sure you don't want to be late on your big day." Delia said with her hands on her hips, her stern tone was something Ash would miss on his journey. Obeying her words, Ash gave her a tight hug and kissed her cheek before he went upstairs. Shutting door behind him, Ash glanced at his bedroom and felt a sense of independence? He wasn't sure about it, but leaving the life you knew behind to embrace a new one always strike to Ash as brave and daring, willing to jump the leap of faith.

'A nice shower and then sleep.' A quick shower is just what he needed to clear the exciting and anxious feeling in his heart. After a refreshing shower, Ash crawled lazily towards his backpack and check his inventory for the last time. He could hear Leaf's nagging inside his head, telling him double check everything. Her effect on him always served useful.

'Let see fresh underwear, torchlight, extra clothes, escape rope, potions, repels, deodorant, water bottle and pocket knife. Anyway I think that's all.' Ash thought to himself while ticking of his item list that Leaf created just for him. Settling on his bed, Ash put his green bag on the chair and set his alarm clock just so he won't wake up late tomorrow. Arceus forbids should that ever happen. With a sigh he covered himself with blanket. It was so soft and warm. he won't know if he could ever have a chance to sleep in a bed as comfortable as this ever again in his journey.

'Mom...' A piercing bullet shot right through his heart as he remember the anguished and sad look on his mother's face. She was in so much despair that it literally ripped his heart wide opened, the image of his mother forcing a smile and laughing just so she could cheer him up prevented from falling asleep. With an irritated groan he sat upright on his bed as he rubbed his face with his hands. Noticing the faint moonlight shining from the windows, Ash brought his attention to the bright and round moon that always gave him a sense of hope and inspiration. He never knew why but he loved watching the stars and the moon when he was younger, but he knew that it calmed him in some ways. That's when he suddenly heard his room door opened and would have immediately flipped 360 degrees if it weren't for knowing who it was.

"Mom?" Delia smiled as she waved a hello to him, causing him to chuckle as his mother's action. She swiftly closed the door and sat on the end of Ash's bed while biting her lower lip. Ash being Ash knew what was this about and smiled sadly as he braced for an emotional draining talk. He shuffled closed towards her and wrapped his arms around her to give her the most affectionate hug possible. He heard a stifle and soon felt tears on his shoulders, he redoubled his efforts of rubbing her back comfortably and kissed her cheek softly to calm her down.

"I'll be back before you know it mom." That was a bunch of lies that Ash gritted right through his teeth, but if it helps to calm his crying mother down then so be it.

"Oh I-I know...it just that I'll miss you Ashy, please be safe okay? I know I can't stop you from growing up." The sound of her voice cracking combined with her warm hug just twisted his heart in all sorts of ways. Arceus did he not want to leave her now, seeing her so broken and vulnerable just want to make Ash drop everything he work for and look forward to. Just to be with her.

"Mom? I could stay longer... if you want." His tone was soft and fragile but was filled with sincerity, Delia pulled back and patted her son's cheek with a smile on her face.

"No Ashy, you've been looking forward to this ever since you were a kid... it would be wrong for me to take that away from you." Ash scowled as he narrowed his eyes, this was his decision and his own only!

"But this is my decision! I want to be with you!" Delia was taken back by his outburst, but soon smiled when she realized that he just want to be with her to make her happy. She ruffled his hair and took his hands into her own, calming him down immediately and making him feel bad for raising his voice at his mother. He whispered an apology earning a kiss from his mother.

"Ashy, you can't do that. What about Leaf? Are you going to make her wait too? Or are you going to let her go on her journey alone?" In her most motherly voice, she gently stroke Ash's hand lovingly as she wanted to remind her son of what is more important. Ash frowned and sighed as he try to stop his own tears from falling, he loved her mother and she knew that. Seeing her sad because of his absence was all the more painful.

"Maybe you can come join me? I know that I would be make fun off it but if it makes you happy-" Again he was silenced by her hugging him fiercely, he felt his mother's voice whispering into his ear as she ruffled his hair affectionately.

"Ashy you are a big boy now, free to make you own decisions. Don't worry about me and go enjoy your pokemon journey okay? Do that for me if you want me to be happy." Ash knew he was fighting a losing battle, no matter what excuse he gave he couldn't delay the inevitable. Instead he wrapped his arms his mother and nodded as he finally let his tears out.

"I-I don't w-want to leave you!" He wasn't strong, without his mother Ash knew he was nothing. Her support, her encouragement, cooking, love and smile was the thing that kept him going in his life. Growing up fatherless was painful enough, but having his mother filling both roles and doing her best to support him was all that he needs.

"I will always be with you Ash, I promise." She placed her on Ash's cheek affectionately as she kissed his forehead, her son was a strong boy and she knew it. He just didn't want to leave her alone and make her feel lonely again, it was something she appreciated but she wasn't going to have any of that.

"I- o-okay." Wiping off his tears, Ash felt that he was a little pathetic crying like that in front of his mother. Delia chuckled when Ash's bashful expression came online, it was so cute and just like him.

"I need you to be strong Ash, be strong so that you can take care of Leaf. Both of you need to rely on each other during your journeys, so be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on or when she needs your support." Ash nodded and stare at his mother's eyes with the conviction and determination that he inherited from her husband.

"I promise you mom that I will look after Leaf and would support her to the best of my ability. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe." Delia giggled and hugged her son tightly, ooh he sounded so serious yet so cute! She wouldn't be surprised if girls starts to fall left right and center for her son.

"I know, gosh you sounded so much for your father." At the mention of his father, Ash's eyes darkened slightly as he pry his mother off him. Delia was immediately alarmed by her son's behaviour just by the mere mention of his father.

"Ashy..." Using a soft and sweet voice to calm her son down, Ash felt his mother rubbing his arms with her hands.

"I know mom it's just... it's not fair for you." Delia frowned at his statement, she knew deep down that Ash resented his father in someways for making her so lonely and forcing her to raise Ash by herself. But she knew his reasons why he couldn't be here and knew that it was for the greater good. One day she would tell Ash the reason why his father left... one day.

"Your father is a good man Ash, believe me when I say he loves us." Always using the same excuse, Ash didn't know whether is mother was blind to the fact his father left them or was clinging up to the hope of him returning back to them. Noticing that Ash wasn't bulging, Delia wrapped her arms around his neck and stared at with a serious expression.

"Your father loved you Ash, he loved me. I wish I can tell you the reason why he left us, I really do! But for now all I can say is that he left us so that he could save people, to save us." Ash didn't know what to say by such revelation, he could tell his mother isn't lying to him as his mother never lies to him. He closed his eyes briefly before opening them, bearing a small understanding smile on his face. It was a small smile but it meant the world to Delia that he understands, even a little.

"Okay mom... I understand." Delia smiled brightly, she let go of Ash and sat next to him with her smile still on her face.

"I'm glad you understand Ash."

"And I'm glad that he is lucky enough to have an understanding wife like you." The cheeky grin on Ash's face caused Delia to rolled her eyes, though she did really appreciate the compliment. His habit of saying something cheeky just to cheer her up was something she adored.

Noticing that the clouds have covered up the moon, Delia glanced at Ash's alarm clock and realized how late it was. With a nudge to Ash's shoulder, she gave him a sad smile as she kissed his forehead.

"It's getting late Ash, get some sleep. You know what day it is tomorrow." Ash only nodded as he watch his mother reluctantly leaving his bed. A thought ran though him, he doubled down his courage and tucked her hand, stopping her at her tracks.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Ash's voice was timid, so very timid mind you. He shyly rubbed his arms as he averted his gaze from his mother. Delia was surprised by Ash's sudden request but nonetheless nodded eagerly as she hugged him close. Did she mention how cute her son is?

"Of course." Getting off his bed quickly, Ash found himself blushing when his mother ruffled his hair. He often slept with her when he was younger, as he grown older it naturally stopped. But just for tonight he wanted to stay with her and be close to her.

After setting in the bed, Delia wrapped her arms around Ash as she set the alarm clock in her room. Noting that Ash looked like a baby as he already slept in her arms, she hummed a tune as she kissed Ash's forehead affectionately.

"I love you Ash." With that final whisper, Delia held her son as close and drifted to her slumber.