Jake and I were heading back to our apartment when there was a loud "BOOM!" Nobody knew what it was. The alarm went off and we needed to take cover immediately. We all ran back to the cafeteria and went into the secret door that lead to a giant bulletproof room. There were bunks and food for each person. We had just enough extra for all of the newbies. As I was getting onto the bed, I puked again. I needed to take a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I went to almost every woman in the room, asking for a test. Finally, somebody had some. She gave me three, just to be sure. I took all three. The first came up positive. Second, positive. Third, positive. I. Was. Pregnant.

Just when everybody was going to bed, I told Jake. We were both filled with excitement.

Within two hours, everybody was asleep except for me and Jamie. She was on the top bunk and Jake and I were on the bottom one. She hopped down, and congratulated me. We started whisper-talking to each other. Another hour passed, and another "BOOM!" came. Everybody woke up. We heard loud footsteps and screaming coming toward the door. The door started to shake. Somebody was trying to do something to us. But why? What did we do? We hurried into our next safety area. They got into the first. Another "BOOM!". We went into the third, four, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and so on. They were still in the first, trying to get into the second. We were in our fifteenth, and last. The most protective of them all. If they got in, there was big trouble.

Around noon the next day, we heard them try to shake the door to the last one. They got in after two hours of trying. It was just some old Dauntless who were setting off fireworks. We got all worked up for nothing. They wanted to know why we were hiding from them. From the look of their faces, they looked drunk. We all finally went to our apartments to get rest. We would begin training the next day.

I guess I would have to be really careful since there was a baby on the way. (;