Chapter 11
(Flora's POV)

I wake up in the morning seeing Helia awake and sitting on a chair next to my bed with Fauna in his arms as she's awake. There's a clipboard with some papers on on a small table along with a pen. Fauna goes back to sleep so Helia lays her back in the crib before turning his attention to me. "It's good to see that you're awake my flower, how are you feeling?" Helia asks me.

"I feel a bit better but not much." I reply truthfully. He smiles a little hearing that I feel just a bit better, it is an improvement after all. "What's that?" I then ask him as I motion to the clipboard with the papers on and the pen next to it.

"It's a form for you that the doctors left here, I'd explain it to you but I think it'll be better if you read it and find out what it's about yourself." Helia tells me as he hands me the clipboard with the form attached. I quickly read look over it not really taking on what it says. I fill out the bottom putting my name in.

"Do you think I should sign it?" I ask Helia as I feel too tired to read through it myself.

"Flora read through it you need to understand what it's for and make the decision yourself." Helia tells me but I'm really too tired to.

"It's for the treatment I'm in a hospital there aren't many other things it could be for, but I asked do you think I should sign it?" I tell him. He sighs and nods.

"Yes I do think you should sign it and agree to it but it's not my decision to make it's yours and it isn't just ordinary treatment." Helia replies as he tries reasoning with me. I sign it and tick the box saying that I agree to it and so on.

"I am going to do it as I trust you Helia and I know you wouldn't of said that you think I should sign it when I asked you if it wasn't for the best." I tell him knowing he was going to say something to me about me not reading. He just sighs and gently kisses my forehead.

"Are you sure my flower?" He asks concerned so I nod. "Okay then get some sleep you still look tired." He then says as he pulls the duvet over me a bit more. I nod as I lay down, quickly getting comfortable as I close my eyes before I fall asleep.

I wake up to see a group of doctors in the room and I can't help but start to panic a bit. Helia leans over me and one of the doctors pass him something, it's like an oxygen mask but once he puts it on my I realize it isn't oxygen but whatever it is it's making me dizzy. Not liking it I start to panic a bit more but Helia gently takes both my wrists in his hands and keeps me still. "Don't worry my flower it's okay just relax." Helia tells me just before my eyes close and I'm forced into a deep sleep.

I wake up with a small groan. Helia is here along with Rose, Nick, Aisha, Nabu, Tyler, Summer and Liam. "W-what happened?" I ask feeling a bit weak and very tired. All eyes instantly go to me.

"hey Flora you just had surgery." Aisha tells me gently. My eyes widen. I never heard anything about me having surgery! Helia takes my hand in his seeing the confused look on my face.

"We'll give you two a minuet." Summer tells us before the all leave.

"Flora that form that you signed was to give permission for the surgery, that's why I wanted you to read it." Helia explains as he gives my hand a gentle squeeze. I turn towards him. I should of listened to him and thought about it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him after all if he knew it was for surgery he could of told me before or while I was signing the form to give permission for it.

"I was trying to but you wouldn't let me explain." He replies. I sigh. He leans down and gently kisses my forehead before kissing my lips and I can't help but smile.

"I'm sorry I just panicked." I reply with a small sigh. He just smiles warmly down at me.

"It's okay my flower I understand and it's fine." Helia assures me. Just then Liam walks in and I can't help but tense up a bit as I remember what happened yesterday, what I did. I sigh as I turn away so I'm not facing him.

"Sorry, I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Liam asks slightly worried.

"No you didn't don't worry about it." Helia replies. Liam nods and sits down on a chair next to Heia facing my bed.

"Flora can we please talk about yesterday?" Liam asks me gently. I shake my head.

"Flora don't worry he's not mad." Helia tells me trying to make me feel better but I'm still ashamed about what I did. A surprised look comes across Liam's face once he hears that. Is he surprised that I thought he was mad at me? It would make sense for him to be mad.

"Flora Helia's right I'm not mad at you, I don't know why you'd think I would be. I just want to know why you didn't tell me what Dilani was doing and saying." Liam explains as I look up at him. I sigh as I start to tear up a little.

"None of us wanted to tell you because we thought you were happy and none of us wanted to be the one to ruin it for you and we thought we'd ruin it for yo if we told you about it." I explain with a small sigh as I dry my eyes. Liam shakes his head with a small smile on his face.

"Flora you can always tell me especially if it's about something like that and you wouldn't ruin it for me as I never want to be with someone who'll treat my family and friends like that, besides I wasn't exactly happy when I was with her and I was probably going to end it soon anyway." Liam tells me with a small laugh. I can't help but smile.

-Months later-

After getting out of the hospital a few months ago I'm completely healed now! Musa's and Riven's wedding was amazing and now me and Helia are putting the twins to bed as it's getting late. Of course the twins are doing well they're both walking and Jacob can talk but Fauna hasn't said her first words yet. Their learning very early. I lay Fauna down as Helia's already got Jacob to sleep. "Mummy! Daddy!" Fauna giggles sleepily as she stretches her small arms up towards me and Helia before falling asleep. I pull the blanket over her before turning to look at Helia and smiling.

"Her first words." I tell him as he takes me into his arms. We then get into bed ourselves and go to sleep. Despite all the ups and downs we're a happy family now. These ups and downs are what make our lives interesting and besides we're only human or close enough anyway.

The End.

A/N This is the end of this story I don't know if the endings that good so sorry if it isn't and I'll start my next story soon but as I have more then one idea as I keep all my ideas on a word document I'm going to try and do something to let you choose my next story. I've randomly labelled the ideas with numbers from 1-11 so in the reviews you can type any number from 1-11 on it's own or with a review or comment and I'll see which one has the most votes as I can't choose myself but the fun part is I won't tell you anything about the stories.