Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters

For the first time in months, I smiled. The world rushed by my window, excited voices filling the air. I was going back to Hogwarts. I was going home. "Hermione! Earth to Hermione!" Ginny's voice shook me from my thoughts. "Don't you have to be in the Head's Compartment right now?" "I almost forgot! Just excited I guess. Thanks Ginny, see you at the feast!"

I knew that I was Head Girl yet it still hadn't really sunk in until now. I wonder who's Head Boy. Maybe it's Ernie Macmillan, or Dean Thomas or maybe "Granger. How nice of you to join us" he drawled. "Oh no. Oh Merlin no." "Malfoy. What are you doing here? McGonnagall let you stay a prefect?" "Of course not". I sighed in relief. He smirked. "I'm Head Boy" This couldn't be happening. Who in their right mind would make the ferret Head Boy? The meeting began, saving me from a reply.

"Well it could be worse. It could have been McGlaggen. Plus you have to admit, Malfoy has grown up quite nicely. I mean look at him. If I didn't have a boyfriend I would totally go for him." I rolled my eyes. "You do have a point though Gin. It could have been McGlaggen." I turned my attention back to the sorting. There weren't many students this year. The war had taken care of that

I started to walk back to the common room listening to Ginny going on about who's dating who and the latest issue of Witch Weekly. We were almost at the staircases when we heard a voice. "Granger! McGonnagall wants us in her office. Now." I sighed. More time with Malfoy, just what I'd been hoping for.

The walk to McGonnagall's Office was tense and silent. "JellyBellies." He murmured. The gargoyle leapt aside. "Ah Mr. Malfoy, Miss Granger right on time." We said nothing.

The Headmistresses office looked just like it always did. Except for one new addition, A portrait of a kind looking old man with half-moon spectacles on his nose. Professor Dumbledore looked as he always had; wise, calm, and with a that calculating look that gave you the sense his eyes were x-raying you. I shot him a smile.

"Now, you are probably wondering why I brought you here. Well you see, neither of you will be returning to your old dormitories this evening." My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Not going back to our dormitories? But Professor…" I trailed off at the look she gave me. "The two of you will be sharing the Head's Dormitory, as is the tradition." This time it was Malfoy who spoke. "No. No way. We can't possibly share a dormitory. There has to be somewhere else."

McGonagall's mouth drew together in a thin line. "Mr. Malfoy, you WILL be sharing a dormitory with Miss Granger and there is no use in arguing for this is the tradition and you are Head Boy. You are responsible for setting a good example and that means showing some maturity. The same goes for you Miss Granger. And if you try to outsmart me, or do something drastic because of your dislike for each other, I will not hesitate to put a very strong sticking charm on the both of you. Am I understood?" We nodded.

"Good. It is on the seventh floor corridor at the very end of the hall. Look for the portrait of Celestina Warbeck." She then turned to her work, clearly dismissing us. "Well c'mon then Malfoy."

It was a silent walk to the seventh floor corridor. We found the portrait easily enough, it was the only one that was singing. Malfoy raised an eyebrow at it but said nothing. I sighed. "Erm..hello" I started, she stopped abruptly. "Oh hello, are you the new Head Boy and Girl?" I nodded. She then turned her attention to Malfoy. "My my I do love when the Head Boy is handsome. She winked at him. I burst out laughing at Malfoy's reaction. "Your…..your..face…hahahahahaha". He glared at me. "Oh yes, very funny Granger. Listen Lady, I just want to get into my dormitory so just give us the password before I go get the Headmistress." "Tut tut. That is no way to speak to your superiors. But I do not have your password. You get to make it up yourself."

I turned to Malfoy. "What do you want it to be?" He looked surprised, as if he expected me to just decide for us. He face took on a guarded expression once more. He was silent for what was only a moment, but to me it felt like an eternity. And then, "Dobby."