It was a sunny day in Auradon, the birds were singing and everyone was happy. Except this day a certain King wasn't that happy, but who could blame him. A day grew near that only him and his parents remembered.


"Hey Ben are you okay?' Mal asked me, I turned to look at her, I stared into her eyes, her green eyes. Those were the eyes of someone I grew up with, but I didn't grow up with Mal. I grew up with someone else, someone that was long gone. She had been gone since the year of 2011. I was only twelve then and she was only ten but I remember her face like it was yesterday. In two days it would be the anniversary of her kidnapping, it was four years ago.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied, of course I was lying but I promised myself I wouldn't speak of her name again. If I spoke her name I was burst into tears and never stop.

"Then why do you look so down?" She put her hands on her hips, she knew me well a little too well.

"King stuff." That was the first thing that I could think of.

"Come on tell me." She plopped on my bed as I continued to stare out the window.

"You know I can't."

"Fine."Just then I heard a beeping noise. "I have to go but I'll come back later and you better be dressed."

"Mal." I said before turning around to look at her.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Your not going to leave for forever right?" I asked her, on any other day I would have known that answer but my mind just couldn't think today.

"Of course, I love you."

"I love you too Mal." I gave her a kiss on her head before she left, I was glad she did. I wasn't ready for today or tomorrow or the next day. Especially not the day after tomorrow.


I knew Ben was lying to me when he said he was okay but what was I suppose to do? When he doesn't want to open up about something he won't. It's as simple as that with him. But when I left I was going to see Carlos, Evie, and Jay. They said they needed to see me and that it was urgent.

"Hey what was so urgent?" I said before sitting down next to Evie.

"Mal, I've been having visions in my sleep." Carlos said after I sat down.

"About what?" I knew that Carlos wouldn't get us all here just of some dream, it had to be something more important then that.

"It's been the same dream for the past three days." He began to tear up. "There's this girl and she's trapped, she's trapped and she can't get free." At this point he was in tears. "And I feel what she is feeling and it's like I can see through her eyes." He began to take in a deep breath. "And these words just keep repeating in my head, they won't go away no matter what."

"What are the words?" Evie asks him, we all know not to push him but we are trying to get as much information as possible from him. Carlos looks down at his hands and his eyes began shifting back and forth like he is searching for something. He finally looks up at all of us.

"Help me are the words." When Carlos said that it made all of us shocked, we didn't know what to do or say.

"C-Car-Carlos." Evie spoke up, she was in tears. Evie was always the one who couldn't stand sad things.

"We need to find this girl." Jay said as he stood up.

"One problem." I spoke. "We don't know where she is."

"Carlos what is it like when you see through her eyes." Jay said, looking at Carlos.

"It's black but you can see something surrounding her, there almost like bars." He looked up at all us, he was the only one sitting down.

"So she's in a box with metal bars around it." Evie said trying to think.

"So like I said, no idea where she is."

"Way to be positive Mal." Jay gave me a look.

"It's fine Jay." Carlos said. "She's right anyway."

"Well we have to do something." I said.

"I got it!" Evie said, it was like a light blub went off.


"Ben what's wrong?" I say to him as me and his father see him picking at his salad.

"It's been four years mom." His voice starts to break.

"I know." I look down at my plate.

"Her birthday is in a month, she will be fourteen." He spoke up again.

"Son, your mother and I know that the anniversary of her kidnapping is this Friday but you have to let go." Adam said. Ben then threw down his fork and stood up.

"How can I forget!" He began to yell. "She was my sister! The only one who knew me so well, who could tell how I felt in an instant!"

"Ben, honey please calm down." I said to him, he always did have the anger of his father.

"How can I calm down!" He grew even more angrier.

"Ben!" His father began to yell. That's when he realized he was yelling at us.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He then began to tear up.

"Honey it's okay to miss someone."

"I know mom, I just miss her so much." He kept looking down trying not to break into tears.

To Be Continued..

What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? I tried to do a story that no one has made yet so I hope I succeeded in doing that.