Scraps sat draped across a chair next to the window that looked out across the field. She rested her chin in her hands on the windowsill and sighed. Being alone in the Scarecrow's mansion with nothing to do and nobody to talk to was boring.
With most of the girls who lived in Ozma's palace away on adventures, Scraps (who never had much patience for lack of activity) had quickly grown impatient with the quiet atmosphere and decided to walk out to her good friend the Scarecrow's house to see what he was doing.
Unfortunately, shortly after her arrival he had been called out to do something with the crows who spent their time in a particular corner of his field. At the time, Scraps had decided not to go with him as she was in the middle of playing a new dancing game and did not want to give it up to talk to some boring crows.
As tended to happen, however, the game had ended and now Scraps was left alone to wonder what to do next. Never one to sit still for long, she jumped up in excitement! She had a marvelous idea! She would go to visit her friend the Cowardly Lion in his court in the forest! She hated making journeys alone, however, so she needed to convince the Scarecrow to go with her.
Scraps bounced out the door and danced off to find the Scarecrow. She knew what part of the field the crows considered their own, so she headed in that direction singing cheerfully.
After a few minutes of skipping merrily down the road, she caught sight of the Scarecrow. He was leaning against a fence chatting with one of the crows. In delight, Scraps called to him and whirled in his direction.
With a smile, the Scarecrow caught Scraps as she whirled somewhat out of control. He fell back into the fence, but still kept the patchwork girl from ending up in the dirt. He set her up on her feet before straightening himself up as well.
"Come with me to see the Lion!" she exclaimed without preamble.
"Of course," the Scarecrow laughed. "It's been too long since I've seen his home."
"Good!" declared Scraps as she pirouetted around him happily.
Then let us go,
To see our friend,
The Lion fierce,
At journey's end!
Laughing and waving goodbye to the crow, the Scarecrow allowed the pretty Patchwork Girl to pull him off down the path.