Please read AN at end and… Thank you.


The sound of his phone ringing penetrated Jack's conscious. Groaning, he slowly drug a hand toward the nightstand to get ahold of the offending object. "O'Neill," he grunted into it.


Jack's eyes darted open hearing the tension in Jackson's voice. "Daniel?"

"We can't find Sam. Teal'c and I got back late last night. Didn't want to wake her, so we waited until this morning to go see her. She's not at her house, it's a mess, and she's not answering her cell."

Jack sank back into the mattress. "She's here," he replied, glancing over and meeting sleepy blue eyes.

"Oh thank God," Daniel breathed, nodding toward Teal'c. Seeing a corresponding slump in the Jaffa's body, he focused back on the phone. "She okay?" A grunt and the rustle of covers met his question.

"Hey Daniel." Sam's voice drifted through the line. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he answered, waving off any concern. "It was a pretty boring trip," he added. "You were, uh, doing some redecorating," he noted, seeing breakables placed in front of the windows and larger pieces of furniture in the way of doors. Scanning the place, he noted that no one was going to get any access without making noise.

A grimace passed Sam's features as she threw an arm over her eyes giving him a noncommittal sound. "You off rotation for a while?"

"A week," he replied, watching as Teal'c began to move the breakable items back to where they belonged. "I've got to catch up on some reports and Teal'c told four he'd do some training with them." Looking down, he added, "You going to stay there for a bit?"

Unconsciously, Sam looked toward Jack, noting he was staring at the ceiling. Fatigue caused his face to seem older than it should. "Not sure how long," she said softly. "He might get tired of all the drama," she added, trying to keep her voice light but failing. Brown eyes turned to meet her's.

Surprise at her response flashed over Daniel's face. A questioning look from Teal'c had him shaking his head to tell him he wasn't sure. Before he could ask what she meant, Jack's voice came through the line saying "call you later" before it went dead.

Staring at the now dormant cell phone in his hand, a frown pulled on Daniel's forehead. Teal'c calling his name had him raising his eyes and shaking off the confusion. "She's going to be there a bit," he offered. "Come on, let's move this stuff back and then you can spring for breakfast."


Watching Jack as he slipped from the bed, Sam sat up and wrapped her arms around her bent knees. When he moved to the dresser without saying anything, her stomach rolled. "Jack?" she called softly.

Shoving the drawer shut, a sigh passed through his body. "Shower," he grunted. Reaching the bathroom door, he paused but did not look at her. "Stay, go. Up to you. I'll be here," he said, his voice low, resigned.

Sam's throat clogged with emotion as the door closed. She had no doubt that his words were for more than physically staying with him. He was granting her absolution should she not feel the same way, not want the love he had confessed to her yesterday. He was offering her a quiet exit.

Wiping away a stray tear, she lowered her head onto her knees. The pain underlying his tone told her she had hurt him with her doubt. Like so many times, he had absorbed it and twisted it to be some defect of his own. She grimaced at the thought. He deserved better. Throwing back the covers, she stood.


Sighing into the phone, George tipped his head back and closed his eyes. "No, it has to be like this. There needs to be a note in Major Carter's file that she is under my sole authority." Listening, a grimace crossed his features before a flicker of annoyance took its place. "We've already been over that. There was no proof of any wrong doing and now, technically, Major Carter is no longer under his command." Sitting up, he gripped the arm of the chair. When he continued, his voice held a bite to it. "You said whatever it takes. I'm telling you that this is what it is going to take. Put the damn condition in her file and be happy about it."

Grunting a goodbye, Hammond slowly put the phone down and picked up an ink pen. Signing the orders under his hand, he fought off the sorrow at knowing he would be leaving the SGC in a few short weeks. Not to retire as he had wanted, but to be in the political quagmire that he had fought so hard to stay out of in the past. Glancing down at the picture of Jack O'Neill on the file below his hand, a snort escaped him. "You owe me, Jack," he murmured, closing the file and setting it aside.


Taking a steadying breath, Jack paused with his hand on the bathroom doorknob. Taking in another breath, he had to brace himself for the emptiness that could be waiting for him on the other side. Fighting off the tremor of fear that he wasn't sure there were enough pieces of him left to do that, he removed the emotions from his face and opened the door.

Stepping in the bedroom, his eyes scanned it. His shoulders dropped at the lack of another person there. Closing his eyes, he swallowed the bitter sorrow that threatened to overwhelm him.

"I made coffee."

Jack startled at the words, his eyes darting toward the bedroom door. Staring at her, he scanned her face, trying to read what her being there meant. "Black, one sugar," he finally said, his voice thick with emotions that had nothing to do with the beverage.

A sound that she knew how he drank it left Sam. Watching the sorrow seep from his body, she fought off the urge to go to him. He needed to know what he was getting in to first. "I'm sorry if I made you think I didn't want this," she said, her voice thick. "I'm just," she stopped, looking away, shaking her head. "Most of the time, I'm better, really I am," she said, glancing back at him. "Not one hundred percent, but better. But then something throws me back." A grimace passed over her face. "And I'm a mess again until I can fight back." A humorless chuckle passed her lips. "Can't guarantee that you won't come home again to something like last night. Daniel and Teal'c are moving furniture back," she added, telling him how extreme it could be.

A shrug indicating he could care less if she rearranged the entire house.

"I don't know what I'm going to do about work," she offered, softly, looking away. Shaking her head, she sighed. "It hurts to think about going back, yet the thought of what can happen if I don't scares me," she confessed. Shaking her head again, a shuddered breath escaped. "Still time for that one," she said tightly, watching his head bob slowly in agreement.

She wet her dry lips nervously before she continued. "I haven't even begun to deal with the physical part," she paused, her nervousness reflecting on her face and in the hands that fluttered around her body. "I don't know if I can," another sigh escaped her. Squaring her shoulders, she looked at him. "Sex could be a problem."

"Okay," he replied, quiet acceptance in the tone.

Taking a few steps forward, she locked eyes with him. "I never want to run from you," she said. "Never want to be without you," she amended. A bittersweet sad smile etched itself in her face. "But I can't promise you that it won't feel like I'm pushing you away sometimes. Doubting you. I don't mean to, I really don't." A shrug escaped her. "I know you hate clichés but it really isn't you, it's me."

A smirk briefly passed over his face before his features softened, his eyes probing her to see what else she felt she needed to say.

Dropping her head for a few seconds to gather courage, she asked him the question that scared her. "Still want me to stay?"

"I'll always want you with me, but it's your choice, Sam," Jack said gently.

"It's not." A slow shake of her head reinforced her words. "There's no choice because I won't survive without you in my life."

Taking a step towards her to close the distance, Jack reached up and cupped her head, his thumb brushing down her cheek. Pulling her closer, he laid his forehead against hers, holding her steady. "Then stay," he replied, his tone telling her it was a simple solution.

Swallowing the emotions that wanted to overtake her, Sam stood in awe that this man wanted her to stay despite everything that had happened; despite how confused and confusing she was. Despite the pain she had been an unwilling party to cause him; the pain she had experienced herself. Despite the uncertainty of her ability to come the rest of the way back and the uncertainty of what it meant for them as a couple. Despite all of that, he still wanted her with him.

Closing her eyes briefly, she finally spoke. "Okay," she whispered, her arms wrapping around him. "I can do that."

The end (of this one)


AN2: So, my friends, I leave Jack and Sam (and you) in this place: together and facing whatever may come. Hopefully this brings you a little emotional closure for now. As you can tell from Sam's confessions here and Jack's in the past couple sections, there is still more road to travel for our intrepid pair.

When the opening scene popped into my head, I never dreamed it would lead to the emotional journey it has. I have been and continue to be humbled by the support and kind words with each chapter. As I said early on, for anyone on this type of journey in their life, you have my utmost respect and support. I hope I have been able to help others know a little bit of your journey and reinforced for you that you are not alone and there is hope for the future.

So, until next time, I wish each of you peace and joy.