Author's note: This is officially the last chapter of Will I? And I think I'm gonna cry. JOKING. Not really. But seriously THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I need to start writing another story right after I finish this one or I'm afraid I'll stop writing all together. If you guys have any ideas please say so in reviews! I'm actually really surprised that I finished this story because I didn't thank I'd follow through until the end. Ughh I'm rambling on aren't I? Just one last thank you! I LOVE YOU GUYS 333333


Your POV:
Mimi's funeral was small. Not many people came. It was just the rest of the bohemian family, her parents, and a couple people from life support. You sat in between Mark and Roger. Roger was bawling, and Mark who never shed a tear was also crying softly. You on the other hand, you were still in shock.

A couple people spoke, you were one of them. You had hoped that you could muster up a powerful speech, but you ended up crying halfway through and barely managed to finish. Roger's speech was one of the most hauntingly romantic things you had ever heard, and Mark's was very lovely as well.

You had thought that the funeral would have given you closure. It did in some sense, but in other senses it most certainly did not. After the funeral, you, Mark, and Roger all headed back to the loft. No one really spoke about the funeral, or Mimi for that matter.

You started sleeping in Mark's room, and he didn't mind. Although, you could hear Roger crying himself to sleep every night quite clearly from Mark's room. Mark never did anything about it, and upon confronting him about it he told you that it was just his way of grieving and that we needed to give him space. You didn't think so. From then on, every time you heard him crying and Mark was asleep, you would quietly make your way into his room and calm him down.

Eventually Roger stopped crying every night, and managed to get out of bed everyday. You tried to stay strong for Mark and Roger, but Mimi was you best friend.

Almost a year had passed since her death, and you all still felt the pain lingering, but managed to put on a smile. At the moment everyone seems healthy, and you are happy about it. You are still unemployed, but have an audition for a broadway musical on Friday. The musical is La Boheme. They decided to have a revival show two years after closing.

Roger had to practically push you out of the house and to the audition, and both him and Mark stood in the back of the theater and watched your audition. (Which was against the rules) Thankfully they didn't get caught.

"Y/N You were amazing!" Mark hugs you and kisses you passionately as soon as you get out the audition. "Ughh I'm not gonna get the part I want." You say, already stressing out. "OH please, you'll be the best Mimi ever." Roger says.

At first you felt guilty auditioning and hoping for the role of Mimi, because you felt it would be disrespectful to your Mimi...but you later realized that it would be honoring her, and Roger and Mark were cool with it. You think.

Two weeks later you got a call saying you were being called back, and after going to callbacks you returned home to a very excited Mark and Roger. "WE GOT PIZZA FOR THE OCCASION!" Screams an obviously drunk Mark. "WE ATE MOST OF IT ALREADY, BUT DON'T WORRY I SAVED YOU A PIECE!" Roger screams in your face. You laugh at them and eat your pizza happily, but stressing out about the musical.

Almost a week later you were sitting at the kitchen counter of the loft, drinking coffee with Mark and Roger. Suddenly the phone of the loft rang. As usual, you screened. You heard the familiar voicemail message "SPEAAAAKKK." And a mature sounding voice began talking on the other line.

"Hello, this is Josh Casten from the revival production of La Boheme." You suddenly jumped out of your seat and over to the phone. "Hello?!" You picked it up. "Hi, I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N." He says. "This is she." You say in the most mature voice you can muster. "Oh! Fantastic." He says.

"I am very pleased to tell you that the casting directors here have chosen you for the part of Mimi."

It took all your strength to not jump up and down. "Oh wow! Thank you so much!" You look over at Mark and Roger, who are sitting with eyes wide on the edge of their seats. You try not to look too excited, worrying you'll ruin the suspense. "Well you were great at your audition. First rehearsal is Monday, 4:00-8:00." He says.

"Fantastic." You say. You say goodbye and hang up. You look over at Mark and Roger. "WELL?!" They say at the same time. You let your serious mask fall and you can feel your face break into a huge smile. "I GOT THE PART!" You scream. You are instantly being hugged, or more so attacked, by both of them, and soon all three of you are jumping up and down like high school girls.


Your broadway debut is a month later, and you do amazingly. The entire bohemian family comes to cheer you on, and Angel's reaction is hilarious. "OH MY GOD Y/NN! I HAD NO IDEA YOU COULD SING! OR DANCE! OR ACT FOR THAT MATTER!" You all go to the life cafe to celebrate, and as fun as it couldn't help but think of Mimi.

On the last performance of the entire run of the show, you ask the director if you could give a little speech after the show ended. You didn't tell anyone you were going to, but your director allowed you to, and you were ecstatic.

After the performance you stood up in front of thousands of people and gave your speech.

You told them about Mimi. About her life, hopes, dreams, smile...death. You talked about how it was Mimi who made you realize you wanted to follow your dreams, and be on broadway. At the end you dedicated the entire show to Mimi, and the rest of the cast came on stage with you. They had all agreed to dedicate the show to her, and your speech was followed by a moment of silence for Mimi.

You were surprised by the respect the audience gave you. And right before you were about to end the silence someone yelled from the back of the auditorium.

"Thank You Mimi Marquez."
This was followed by a huge applause. And you swear, you could feel Mimi standing right next to you.