Welp, I guess it's been quite a while. To be honest I don't know how long it's been. I am so sorry but also so thankful to all of you who've read this story.

We were on our way to Chicago in no time. Even though Will is the son of the sun god we couldn't fly because we didn't know what would happen if I flew and we didn't want to take any chances. Will drove there because he was the only one with a license. We decided to only send the two of us being that there would be four people coming back.

"So how's camp been for you?" he asked after about half a hour of awkward silence.

"It's okay I guess other than the fact that my brother's been kidnapped," I responded kind of coldly. I realized how harsh that sounded, "I'm sorry that was mean," I apologized. "No it's great, I really love it. It feels like home. It's just you know," I sighed.

"It's okay I know it's a touchy subject. But I'm really curious how are you and Percy related? I've heard rumors but I don't know what is actually true."

"What kind of rumors?" I asked curiously.

"Well from being half-siblings, to cousins on your mom's side and half-siblings. Also I think I heard from someone that you guys had met while he was on a quest or something."

"No we're actually twins. I wonder who started those rumors because none of those are true." He just shrugged.

"What about you?" I asked. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Too many," he grumbled. I was shocked, Will seemed like a pretty chill kid. He seemed to get along fine with his siblings and he seemed to be appreciative of his father's powers.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously not wanting to get on his bad side.

"Nothing just my dad just doesn't know when to quit," he growled. Suddenly the sky got cloudy and the sun seemed to have disappeared.

"Oh sorry I didn't know. I wouldn't have asked," I apologized knowing that this must have been Apollo's doing.

Will shook his head, "It's not your fault, I said that. I should learn how to keep my mouth shut." I didn't know how to respond to that and soon after that I fell asleep.

About a hour or two later I woke up. It was bright and sunny out so I assumed that Apollo had forgiven Will for his previous outburst. I checked the time, it read about 6.

"We should look for a place to spend the night," I told him turning to face him. Though when I looked at him he was a bright shade of red, it looked unnatural on his tanned skin. "Will is everything okay?" I asked nervously putting my hand to his cheek checking for a temperature. He jumped at this.

"Yeah-yeah, its- everything is gr-great," he stuttered.

"Are you sure? You don't look too good. You look like you're going to faint, I think we should stop. You've been driving for a while," I said concernedly.

"Yeah don't worry I feel fine. It's nothing," he assured me. "But you are right we should look for a place to stay. Why don't you keep your eyes peeled," he suggested.

"Okay," I said turning my attention to the side of the road. I wondered what had happened to make Will blush so bad or make him turn that red.

Soon we found a small, non-creepy hotel that we could stay at. We entered and went to the front desk. "Can we get a room with two beds?" I asked the woman.

"Sure we have one last I think," she said. "That'll be about $150. How will you be paying?"

"Um, in cash," I said as Will came in with our bags.

The woman eyed him, "On vacation with your boyfriend?" she asked me more quietly.

"Uh, no, close friend. We're going to go to pick up some friends in Chicago," I said trying not to tip her off in case she was a monster.

"Well I can help you out if you want to get out of the friend-zone," she said.

"No, thank you," I told her. "I'm not really looking for a relationship."

"Oh come on girly look at him. He's so perfect."

I shook my head, handing her the money, "No, I don't want to be in a relationship with him. We're close like cousins." I didn't lie we were practically cousin's, on the godly side of course, which I don't think matters but I just wanted this woman to shut up.

She sighed, "Fine, here is your room card, it's 205. Hope you enjoy your stay. And you'll thank me later," she said with a wink, lowering her voice for that last remark.

I glared her sending the message that I didn't want any help getting Will to like me. Like I told her I wasn't looking for a relationship right now, all I was concerned about was getting my brother back. Plus I hardly knew the guy.

"You sure were talking to the lady a lot," Will commented on the elevator.

"She was very chatty," I explained.

We got to our room and opened the door. Will went in and put the stuff down. I went straight to the bathroom while he explored a little. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll be out in a second," I called out.

"Um Marina I think there's going to be a problem," Will said.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I opened the door.

"There's only one bed," he said as I met his red face. I could feel my face burn up, with both embarrassment and with fury. A string of English, Spanish and Ancient Greek profanities left my mouth as I stormed over to see it for myself, Will followed behind me. I went over to the bed and sure enough there was only one bed. There wasn't even a couch to for someone to sleep on. I was going to go down and kill that woman.

"Pack up," I told Will. "I'm going to get us a different room." And with that I stormed out of the room. In no time I was down by the front desk. "I told you I needed a room with two beds," I growled lowly.

"And I told you I was going to help you," she retorted. I was about ready to kill this woman now monster or not.

"Look if you don't give me another room right now I will ruin you forever. And trust me I can."

"What can you do to wreak me?"

"You know McLean the actor? Well I am a personal friend of his daughter. A very good friend and she and he both have friends in high places I could have this entire place shut down," I threatened.

"Fine let me look," she sighed. She began typing away at her computer. Suddenly a look of dread appeared on her face. She began typing faster and faster frantically. "I-I can't find one. I think I gave the last one away. I'm sorry-I'm not lying honest."

I let out an angry sigh as Will walked up to me. "Have you found another room yet?" he whispered in my ear.

I shook my head, "No the woman I guess gave away the last room with two beds."

"We can manage in that room. I can sleep on the floor, it's not a big deal," Will reasoned.

"No Will I won't have you do that I can sleep on the floor. Besides it's her own fault that she gave us that room. I specifically said asked for a room with two beds."

"I'm sorry Miss but I don't have any more rooms with two beds. I can send up a cot," she offered. "Otherwise you and your boyfriend are stuck with one bed."

We both blushed. "I'm not his girlfriend," I said as Will said, "I'm not her boyfriend."

"If you could send up that cot it would be great," Will said. She nodded and we both left. We got back up to our room. I took a shower while Will watched TV. I couldn't believe that woman would do that to us. And after everything that I told her. Just goes to show that you should never talk to a random stranger about your love life.

Will jumped in the shower next. While he was in there room service left the cot. I decided to set it up and found out that it was baby crib and definitely not big enough for either one of us. Why must the gods do this to us?

Will came out with a bath towel over his lower torso and was shirtless. I found myself looking at his well toned body and athletic stature. I looked away bashfully when I found myself staring.

"I forgot my clothes," he explained as he went to his bag. I just nodded trying to contain my blush. Will came out a second later this time fully clothed. "Did the cot come?" he asked.

"Um well about that," I started. "It's a baby crib not a cot. I think they might have mixed it up," I explained.

"I'll call room service," he said picking up the phone. A second later he got off. "They-um don't know what had happened to all the cots. I guess it's a really busy weekend or something. I can sleep on the floor it's fine."

"No Will you don't have to do that. I mean the bed is really pretty big and I don't move around a lot," I pointed out trying not to blush.

"Um sure okay," Will said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll get some dinner ready," I said looking into the bags that we had brought with us filled with food from camp.

We had a great dinner with food from camp and decided to go to bed early so that we had enough rest for the rest of the trip. I got into bed and Will crawled into the bed. We stayed as far as possible from each other and went to bed.

I dreamt about Percy and Annabeth. They were trapped somewhere, bloody and bruised. They were in a dark room where they couldn't seem to escape.

"Don't worry Annabeth I'm sure that someone will come and get us soon," Percy said to Annabeth.

"But will it be soon enough?" Annabeth asked.

"I'm sure that Camp has already sent someone. Probably Marina and some powerful people," Percy said.

"I'm coming for you! I swear!" I yelled out to them. They didn't seem to see me or hear me. "Percy! Percy! I'm coming I swear!"

"Did you hear something?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"No, no one is here but us Percy," Annabeth told him calmly.

"NO I heard something! I'm telling you!" Percy insisted.

"It's me Percy! I'm coming!" I yelled.

"There it is again I can hear it!" Percy said again.

"Percy you imaging things there is no one else is here! I'm telling you please believe me."

"But it sounded like Marina…" Percy said sadly.

"It is me Percy! I'm coming!" I yelled.

Percy shook his head, "I guess you're right, there's nothing saying anything."

"No Percy it's me! I'm here! I'm coming for you! Where are you?!"

I woke up with a start, breathing heavily, sitting up startled. "No Percy! I'm coming!" I yelled out waking up Will.

Anyway that's about it. I'm sorry again, I've been extremely busy with school, I'm now in my final year so hopefully I'll be able to put some more time into this. I hope to be updating more frequently but don't count on it sorry. Also sorry if any of the characters are too OOC, I haven't read any of the PJO or HOO books in a while and haven't read any of Rick Riordan's books after them. I probably should but I haven't got the time right now.