And the wind was gone. Just like that. The wind was gone, the frogs were gone, and Olive could push open the door. She opened it just enough to see The Joker standing over a dazed, prostrate Odd Todd.

"What a wonderfully whimsical stroke of luck," The Clown Prince of Crime chuckled as he leveled his gun at Todd. "Right in the middle of this ridiculous frog-storm, I stumble over my naughty little ex-pupil turned traitor..."

Olive swallowed, trying to think. Todd was attempting to move but he was in obvious pain. She had no idea how badly hurt he was. He was staring up at The Joker, completely out of tricks, trying to come up with something.

"Joker... Buddy..." He couldn't stop his voice from shaking.

The Joker's vicious smile widened.

"And now, you're getting expelled... For good! OW!"

The batarang knocked the gun out of The Joker's hand. He spun around to find Batgirl striking a pose.

"I think both of you need some detention time... At Gotham State Penitentiary!"

"DRAT!" The Joker looked around and broke into a run. "DRAT, DRAT, DRAT!"

Gathering her cape, Batgirl leapt over Odd Todd and ran after him.

Darting out of the building, Olive dashed across the grass.

"Todd!" She shouted as she ran past. "We'll be back for you later!"

Todd managed a smirk. "I'll be counting the seconds, my darling."

Olive grimaced. He wasn't that badly hurt.

The Joker was fleeing, Batgirl close on his heels. Olive cut across the parking lot, getting slightly ahead of both adults. Gritting her teeth, she ran toward The Joker while he was looking back at the Dominoed Daredoll. Flinging herself the remaining distance, she tackled him and knocked him to the ground.

"What?" He struggled. "ODD SQUAD? You little..."

"Ah-ah, Joker!" Batgirl grabbed his wrists. "No bad language in front of the kids!"

Producing a pair of Bat-cuffs, she snapped them on the villain.

"DRAT!" The Joker fumed. "DRAT DRAT DRAT DRAT DRAT!"

"That's him taken care of," Olive nodded. "Now all we have to do is collect Odd To..."

They looked back under the tree. Odd Todd was gone.

Sighing, Olive pressed her badge phone. "I'd better call the others..."


"Ah-HAH! Just as I thought!" Batman pointed to some crushed grass along the ground. "Somebody dragged Odd Todd away while you and Batgirl were distracted!"

"Tilya, no doubt!" Robin punched his palm. "Let's go after them!"

"No, Robin!" Batman restrained his young partner. "I don't think that will be necessary."

Robin blinked. "But... But why?"

"Odd Todd's finished," Ms. O explained, sipping a juice. "He knows it's too dangerous for him in Gotham with the Joker after him. Most likely, he'll be heading home."

Otto nodded. "Where we'll take care of him!"

Olive sighed. "Unfortunately."

"Ohhhhhh... Piffle!" The Joker raged, struggling in his handcuffs as Chief O'Hara led him away. "I almost had it! The secret of immortality, almost within my grasp!"

Ms. O shook her head. "You wouldn't have liked it."

The Joker stared at her. "Oh no? How so?"

"The way that spell works, you'd age backwards until you reached infancy. Then you'd start aging forwards until you were your current age again. Then you'd age backwards again." She sipped her juice box. "It goes back and forth like that, forever. More trouble than it's worth, really..."

"Hrr!" The Joker snorted. "That's your opinion!"

"C'mon, Joker," The Chief pushed him forward towards the paddy-wagon. "Where you're goin', you'll be glad you ain't immortal..."

As Odd Squad watched the villain being taken away, Robin motioned to his mentor.

"Gosh, Batman!" He stared at Ms. O. "How could she know that? And how did she know the spell that stopped the frog-rain?" His eyes widened. "Holy elixir of youth! Is it possible she's..."

"It's... never polite to ask a lady's age, Robin," Batman smiled.

Shrugging, Robin headed to the car. Ms. O walked over to the caped crusader.

"Your team did an excellent job, Ms. O. They should all be congratulated."

"Your team did a great job as well... Agent Osprey."

She smiled at Batman's discomfiture. "I... didn't think you'd remember."

"How could I forget one of the best agents we ever had?" Her smile faded a little. "Not to mention the only one who insisted on wearing a mask..." She sighed. "I just wish we could have done more for you..."

"On the contrary," Batman responded. "Your training helped make me the crimefighter I am today."

"I'm glad we could help."

They both quickly switched gears as Commissioner Gordon approached.

"Batman, Ms. O, so glad I caught you both together! One of one leading citizens, Mrs. Harriet Cooper, just called from Stately Wayne Manor asking if you could all drop by for a celebratory tea after we finish up here. Would that be possible?"

"I'm sure Odd Squad will be happy to attend, Commissioner!" Batman said brightly. Ms. O nodded in agreement. "And Robin and I shall try to put in an appearance."

"Of course, Batman, of course!" The Commissioner nodded. "I understand how busy you must be!" He turned slightly. "And Batgirl? Would you like to...?" He looked around. "Batgirl?" He gasped. "She's gone again!"

"Yet I've a feeling she'll turn up again when she's needed," Batman said sagely.

"What's this about tea?" Barbara Gordon emerged from a nearby sidedoor.

"Barbara!" Commissioner Gordon exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Barbara adjusted her bulging purse. "Oh, I was just coming by to assure Odd Squad Marie LeVeau's spellbook is safely under lock and key back at the Gotham City Library. So I don't think there'll be any more witchcraft-related robberies for awhile! But what about this celebratory tea? Would it be all right if I tagged along?"


Later, at Wayne Manor, Aunt Harriet poured Ms. O a fresh cup of tea.

"Thank you all so much for saving Gotham City, Odd Squad!"

"Just doing our job, ma'am!" Otto said around a piece of cake.

"Aye, an' an excellent job ye did, lad!" Chief O'Hara beamed at the kids. "I gotta admit, I thought you all were a bit barmy at first, but ye certainly proved yourselves!"

"Not a problem, sir!" Otto smiled, then leaned over to whisper to Olive. "What does 'barmy' mean?"

Olive took another cookie to avoid answering.

"Still, I can't help worrying about Odd Todd," Batman paced solemnly in front of the fireplace. "He came dangerously close to destroying Gotham City and almost got himself killed."

"I agree," Ms. O sipped her tea. "We're going to have to do something about him. His vendetta has gotten completely out of hand."

Robin bounced on his toes. "Perhaps after his experience with the Joker, he's finally learned his lesson!"

"I wouldn't count on it," Olive sighed. "We might have to come up with something even more drastic. He has to realize this isn't a game."

"Well, best of luck," Commissioner Gordon sighed. "Perhaps Warden Crichton might have some ideas. He's a real bug for innovative rehabilitation techniques." He sipped his tea. "It was his idea to let our super-criminals retain their costumes in prison as a reward for good behavior..."

The Odd Squad agents exchanged looks.

Barbara leaned forward. "Actually, that's something I've wondered about. Does Odd Todd have just the one suit or...?"

The Odd Squad agents quietly tried to come up with an answer for that until Batman broke the tension.

"Well!" He set down his teacup. "This has been most enjoyable." He took Aunt Harriet's hand. "And it's always a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Cooper. But I fear it's time for Robin and I to go."

"That's right!" Robin added with a weird enthusiasm. "Crime doesn't take teabreaks!"

"Oh..." Aunt Harriet smiled. "Well... Goodbye! Thanks for coming!"

The caped crusaders raced from the room. Aunt Harriet collected the two heroes' cups, beaming.

"My goodness! Batman and Robin at our humble home! Won't the bridge club be surprised!"

"Surprised about what, Aunt Harriet?" Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson sauntered into the room. Alfred poured them each a fresh cup.

"Batman and Robin! And Odd Squad!" She pressed her hand against her cheek, gasping. "Oh, I should have gotten a picture..."

Bruce and Dick exchanged looks.

"It... might not be too late..."

"We'll see if we can catch them..."

They ran back out of the room. Moments later, Batman and Robin reappeared.

"Mister Wayne said you wanted a photo with us, Mrs. Cooper?"

"Oh, yes! Yes, thank you! Oh, I'm such a silly goose for not thinking about it earlier, but..." She fiddled with the little camera she'd just picked up. "Oh dear! I'm just not handy with these new-fangled gadgets! Oh, where's Bruce? He's the one who understands these things..."

Batman and Robin exchanged looks. "I... think he said he had to stop in the study for something..."

Robin nodded. "Wait here. We'll see if we can find them..."

The caped crusaders ran out of the room. Moments later, Bruce and Dick returned. Olive looked from them to Aunt Harriet to Commissioner Gordon to Chief O'Hara to Barbara Gordon in mounting disbelief. Alfred discreetly continued pouring tea.

"...And you press this little button here," Bruce handed the camera back to Aunt Harriet. "That's all there is to it."

"Thank you, Bruce. I'm certain I'd be lost without you..." She looked around. "But now where are Batman and Robin?"

Bruce and Dick exchanged looks. "There..."

Dick piped in. "There was an article in a magazine we needed to show them. In the study. Wait here..." Olive mouthed the next seven words along with them. "We'll see if we can find them..."

The two hurried out of the room. Olive counted silently to herself A moment later, Batman and Robin returned.

"Yes. Very interesting article about crime prevention. Now, about that picture..."

"Oh my, yes..." Aunt Harriet looked doubtfully at the camera. "Now if I can just remember everything Bruce said... Oh wait, I wanted to be in the picture. I wonder if Bruce or Dick could..."

Finally, Olive exploded. "HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTING THIS?"

Aunt Harriet, Commissioner Gordon, Barbara Gordon, and Chief O'Hara turned to her, confused. "Getting what, dear?"

Ms. O touched Olive's arm. "Just play along. It makes them happy." She held her hand out to Aunt Harriet. "Here, I'll take the picture..."

She'd just finished snapping the photo when Oscar wandered in, rubbing his hand and wincing. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I had to do something..."

Aunt Harriet bustled over to him. "Could I get a photo with you too?" Oscar nodded and Ms. O snapped the picture. "Oh, you're all just so ADORABLE..."

Oscar froze. "You're... not going to get weird, are you?"


Olive shook her head. "Never mind." She motioned for Oscar to sit down, then noticed him massaging his hand. "What's wrong, did you hurt yourself?"

"Yeah..." He sat down. "I stopped off at the lab to make sure all the spider-cats had been rounded up. One had gotten loose, I found him by the atomic reactor, he managed to bite me before I could get him to the lab for examination. I'm pretty sure he might've gotten radiation sickness..."

Otto gasped. "You were bitten by a radioactive spider-cat?"

"Yeah," Oscar winced. "I did the treatments and everything but it's still really throbbing and I..." He blinked. "I..." He convulsed, vomiting a spray of webbing from his mouth onto the coffee table.


"Sorry, ma'am!" He smiled apologetically at Aunt Harriet as he stumbled up out of his chair. "Hold on, I'll try to clean it up..."

He walked across the room into the wall, and to his and everyone else's amazement, right straight up it.

Aunt Harriet gaped at him crossing the ceiling. "Land's sakes!"

Ms. O shook her head. "This can't possibly end well..."

Doctor O popped up unobtrusively from behind the couch. "Actually, I'm pretty sure that's only temporary..."

Olive, Otto, Batman, and Robin exchanged looks.




Doctor O nodded. "Just like I figured. Temporary."