She felt hollow.

She felt like everything inside of her had been smashed into dust. If someone cut her open, she felt like they would find no brain because her thoughts were numb, no lungs because her breaths were empty, no heart because her love was hopeless. She felt like her mouth had been cemented closed because it refused to open. She had nothing to verbalize that she wanted to make known and could not think of anything harmless to say so she stayed silent.

She knew that she would be able to get away with crying, she was actually supposed to cry so it would be okay, but she couldn't get herself to. There were no tears, no gasping sobs or mucus flowing from her nose or lumps in her throat.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today…"

She tuned it out to focus on the couple. They directed small happy glances toward each other, beamed at the day and the event. Jeremy had a tuxedo with a perfect cut while Candace had a dress that suited her and her personality perfectly, too perfectly, if only she had made an excuse because this was a forced torture. If only she had been suddenly unable to come, if only Candace's gleeful urging was less toxically convincing, if only she had enough courage to run away from home and never return, never look back.

"I do," she heard Jeremy say and she fumed at how in love he was. It wasn't fair that he was so perfectly kind and his love was truly amazing, if only he had been some sort of villain wishing to use Candace, than he'd be an obstacle. But he was a dream and even though she couldn't be attracted to him, she could see his appeal and she hated it. She hated every ounce of his caring and respect and kindness and wanted more than life itself to pulverize it.

"I do," Candace said after they listened to the vows and it seemed grotesque that the voice was so confident, so mature. If only she was still that jealous and nervous girl with low self-esteem, positive that this was all a dream or a joke. If only Jeremy hadn't helped her learn to love herself and others, if only he was just some mean kid who let her hyperventilate every day.

"If anyone has any reason to object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

This was the part in the movies where the admirer steps up and confesses and the bride runs off with them and leaves the groom staring. This was the part with the drama and growth and resolution because two soulmates always feel the same and true love is always requited and any outlying feelings are shallow and insignificant.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The two needed no further urging to kiss each other passionately.

They sat together on the bed, small enough that they could both fit on it, giggling with a glee only found in seven-year-old girls who had stayed up past their bedtimes together.

"I can't believe that she wore that!"

"Who does she think she is, the queen?"

They started to snicker even more loudly and Stacy smiled that this was their time together, that she was a special person to Candace, her best friend, a title nothing would ever trump. She felt happy around Candace and knew that she was the only person who could make Candace laugh like that.

She was important.

She forever held her peace.