Chapter 8


"Y-You can't defeat me! You're- You're just a crazy ginger! A newbie!"

Honoka chuckled.

"I'm not a crazy ginger"

Down, Back, Down, Forward

"I am the crazy ginger"

Down, Back, Down, Forward



Sub-Zero Wins

Flawless Victory


"God damn it, I can't believe this!" Nico said as she threw her control on the couch.

"Ah, don't be like that, Nico-chan!" Honoka said as she hugged the small girl from behind "It's just that I'm invincible when I'm using Sub-Zero-chan!"

"T-That's not true! T-There was time that I… no, that doesn't count… Oh! And that time that I- No, that doesn't count either… Uh…"

"Just admit it Nico-chan, I am the Sub-Zero goddess!" she said as she punched the air.

"I-I… Fine!"

Right now, Honoka and Nico were at Honoka's house playing a nice fighting game. Neither of them knew about their mothers' plan to move in together. They were just enjoying a peaceful and nice moment together…

"Okay Nico-chan, I think you've suffered enough. How about we play Super Mario?" Honoka asked as she held a Wii remote.

"Nah, we should play Sonic, it's so much better" Nico said. Just then, the taller girl turned her head towards her with a creepy/angry face that made Nico shiver "W-What?"

"You're kidding me right?"

Just then, they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Nico" said girl looked at the door to see her mother standing there "We need to go home now, okay?"

"Uh? Why?"

"I have to get you home so you can take care of your brothers and then I can go to work. C'mon"

Nico sighed as she got up from the couch and started following her mother.

"Hey, what about me?" Honoka said as she forced a puppy face "Don't I get a goodbye kiss?"

"Nah, don't feel like it"


Nico chuckled as she leaned in and gave her girlfriend a kiss "Nico-Nico-kiss! Just remember that you're the only one who can get one! Nico!" she said as she made her signature hand gestures.

Honoka chuckled as she felt her cheeks burning 'Cute' she thought "I'll keep that in mind, Nico-chan!" she hugged the small girl one last time before Nico walked out of the room.

Nico entered her mother's car after accidently walking in on her and Honoka's mother goodbye kiss. She blushed as she looked down and called for her mom to hurry up.

In a few minutes, they were at their house. Just as Nico got in, she was received by two pair of little hands pushing on her skirt saying 'Nico-nico-nii' and stuff. Nico smiled proudly at her sisters as her mother entered their house as well and locked the door behind her.

Cocoro and Cocoa hugged their mother's legs as Kameko smiled at them. Cotaru had a toy hammer on his hand and was watching something on the TV.

"Mama, we already packed our things!" Cocoro said as she pointed to three messy bags on the floor.

"I think I'll have to pack them myself dear…" she said chuckling "But I guess it'll be less trouble now. You two did a good job!" she said with thumbs up for her kids, who smiled widely.

"Uh? Why would they pack their things? Are we travelling somewhere?" Nico asked.

Kameko smiled widely at her daughter before saying "Oh, I forgot to tell you! We're going to live with the Kousakas!"

Nico stared at her mother for two long minutes before saying "W-What?! We're going to live with… Honoka?"

Kameko nodded still smiling "Yeah, Katsumi asked me to move in with them. Y'know, since we're a couple and stuff. I guess it'll be another step forward in our relationship! As well as your relationship with Honoka-san…" She said smiling knowingly.

"B-But I, I-I-I don't think I'm mentally prepared for that! L-Living with… Honoka…" Nico went silent as she blushed madly. She didn't expect something like that to happen so soon. She was happy, yeah, but a little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't prepared, that she should wait more, see how things would work out in the future.

It's not like she could do anything about it, though.

And another little voice on her head spoke louder than the other one. 'You and Honoka belong to each other. Everything's gonna be fine! You'll see. Maybe you two will get married someday' Nico blushed harder after thinking that. She couldn't help but smile as she could almost see herself standing in a church with Honoka wearing a tux in front of her.


"I can see you're going to like it, dear" Kameko said.

"M-Mom, I…"

"Don't worry dear. Everything's going to be just fine! I get to sleep on Katsumi-chan's room; you get to sleep with your Honoka-chan…"

"I-I-I get sleep with Honoka? D-Don't I get my own room?"

"Nah, there's just one room available and it'll belong to your siblings"

"B-B-But I… I don't think I'm ready…"

Kameko put a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder and said "Look, Nico, I was kind of against the idea too at first… But, I realized that it's a great idea, since I love Katsumi so much, just like you love Honoka-san, and if you really love her, than I think you'll have no problems living with her"

Nico kept on looking down as her mother proceeded to give her a tight hug. The small girl doubtfully returned the hug and blushed, thinking that her mother might actually be right.

"Now, go pack your things while I help your siblings with their stuff. Katsumi and I thought that it would be good if we moved in as soon as possible, maybe next week. If that's okay with you, that is"

Nico smiled as she looked up at her mother's face.

"That… t-that would be good…"

"Honoka! Come here!" Katsumi yelled from the kitchen.

Honoka came running towards her mother's voice "What is it mom?"

"Can you help me with dinner? Usually I would ask Yukiho to help, but she's at her girlfriend's house"

"Uh? She has a girlfriend now? She didn't even tell me"

"She didn't tell me either, I saw them making out in the living room"

"Really? What did you do?"

"Well, I… nothing"

"Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"Nah, why would I interrupt my daughter's make out session?"

"Who's her girlfriend anyway?"

"Hmm… I think her name is Arisa…"

"Arisa? Is she blonde?"


"Oh my god, that's Eli-chan's sister!"

"My… the world is full of coincidences, am I right?"

"I guess it is…"

"So, will you help me or not?"


"Also, the Yazawas are going to move in with us"


"What are you reading mom?"

Hisoka was yet again reading her nice little book on the living room's couch. It's not like she had much to do today, so reading was a nice option for now. Eli had slept over last night, and she was going to spend the day with Umi again apparently.

"Oh, nothing dear, just a random book. What are you up to? Where's Eli?" the older woman asked smiling lightly.

"She's taking a bath. I shouldn't really bother her right now…" Umi said blushing.

"Maybe you should join her-"Hisoka said unconsciously, and as soon as she said that, she covered her mouth with both of her hands, blushing madly.

"M-Mom!" Umi said a little too loud while blushing furiously.

"S-Sorry… I-I mean, that's probably what I would do with my girl-"Again, she covered her mouth with both her hands and started blush a darker shade of red.

"MOM!" Umi continued to blush madly and covered her face in embarrassment.

"F-Forget what I said…" Hisoka said as she too covered her face in embarrassment. Just then the two bluenettes heard someone walking down the stairs. Both of them looked up to see a half-naked Eli wearing just a towel walking towards Umi.

"Hey Umi-chan" Eli said as she kissed Umi's cheek, the smaller girl blushing like a tomato.

[Quick note: I made Eli use 'chan' with Umi because when she's around her she gets kinda… 'mushy', I guess? Anyway, let's keep going]

"E-Eli, w-w-why are you like t-that?" Umi asked. She couldn't get eyes off Eli's half-naked body for some reason. Unknown to both of them, Hisoka was also staring at the blonde girl wide eyed and with a blush on her face. No, she's not a pedophile (even though Eli's almost eighteen, but anyway) she just reminded her of a certain Russian.

"Uh? I just got out of bath y'know" the blonde said with an innocent face "Why? You don't like to see me like this, Umi-chan?" Umi just couldn't resist the puppy face Eli was making to her right now, and a few drops of blood managed to escape from her nose "Umi-chan, your nose is bleeding! Is something wrong?! Should we go to the hospital?!"

Umi smiled sheepishly and said "L-Let's just go to the bedroom…"

Before Hisoka knew, Umi took hold of Eli's hand made her way towards her bedroom 'I sure hope they're less noisy than last night…' she thought.

"C'mon Umi, stop that!" Eli said laughing as the bluenette kissed her belly "U-Umi, c'mon, we have to… put the plan… a-ah… in action…"

Umi slowly stopped her doings and looked up at her girlfriend "I guess you're right…" she said "So… what was the plan again?"

"Well, Yuuki-san suggested that we should ask your mom to take us to the cinema. We can spend some time together watching a random movie and after that, I'll ask my mom to come pick me up and you do the same. We can tell them a specific place for them to pick us up and they'll end up meeting each other, and we'll see what happens after that"

"Hm…" Umi hummed as she tried to process the whole plan on her head "Sounds kinda risky and… cliché, but it might actually work"

"Harasho! Let's go then"

After talking to Umi's mother and convincing her to take them to the movies, the girls were now on their way there at Hisoka's car.

"Thank you mom, I'll call you later okay?" Umi said as she kissed her mother's cheek.

"Have fun dear; call me as soon as the movie ends okay?"


Umi watched her mother's car drive off until it was out of her view. Eli took hold of her hand and led her inside of the cinema.

"So, what movie do you want to see?"

"Hmm… is Star Wars VII out yet?" she asked with sparkling eyes.

"I don't think so… Oh, we can watch the new Dragon Ball movie"

"Dragon Ball it is then"

So, after buying some popcorn and drinks, the two girls spent some quality time together watching a nice movie. Nothing they haven't done before, going to the cinema and doing couple things like cuddling and holding hands or even kissing when nobody was looking. It was nice, even though Umi was embarrassed most of the time.

After the movie ended, both girls were leaving the cinema and calling their mothers.

"So, where should we tell them to meet us?" Eli asked with her phone in hand.

"Hm… I guess we can tell them that we'll be in that café over there" Umi responded pointing to a maid café a few meters away from them.

"U-Umi, that's a maid café…" the blonde told her girlfriend, who instantly blushed.

"I-I-It is? W-Well, I thought you liked those…"

"W-Why would you think that?"

"S-Since you have such a fetish for maid outfits…" Umi said looking down blushing harder "You even made w-wear one a while ago…" So embarrassing… she thought.

Eli started to blush as well as she waved her hand in front of her face "T-That was just one time! I don't… I… Okay, m-maybe I do have a maid fetish…"

"E-Eli!" Umi hissed as she covered her face with both her hands.

"L-Let's just call them, shall we?"

Elizaveta was just minding her business at her house. She was enjoying a nice movie with her daughter while playing some random games on her phone when her older daughter decided to call her out of nowhere.

"Hey mom" she heard Eli's voice from the phone.

"Hey dear, what do you need?" she asked while smiling to herself.

"Uh… so I was at the cinema watching a movie with Umi and I wanted to ask you if you could pick us up if you can…"

"Oh, that's fine, I'll be leaving then"

"Great! So, we'll be waiting a café nearby, is that ok?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be there in a few minutes"

So Eliza got up from the couch, kissed Arisa's forehead, got her car keys and made her ways towards her daughter's location.

'Ok, so she said they were in café nearby… but the only one close enough to the cinema is-'so Eliza found herself standing in front of a maid café. She used to like those when she was younger and stuff, but y'know, people grow up, their minds chance, your girlfriend stops talking to you, so yeah.

As she got in, she received by a lot of cute girls wearing the same old maid outfit saying things like 'Good evening Master!' or 'Please get yourself comfortable!'

Even though Eliza was a grown woman and, above everything, a mother, she had to admit that she was enjoying that. Being around a lot of cute girls wearing cute uniforms and calling her 'master' was kinda cute and, y'know, fetishist. The only real problem was…

They weren't her.

Eliza could almost see the blue hair that belonged to her ex-girlfriend as she thought about her. How she would sit shyly in the corner whenever she went on a place like this with her friends, just like the day they actually had met in person. She remembered how the blue haired girl had looked like once she saw her standing outside the café with a shy smile on her face. She looked surprised and… really cute.

But once Eliza looked around the café, her heart almost stopped when she saw a glimpse of blue hair and golden eyes looking at her. With that same surprised look.


"So, mom, can you come pick us up?" Hisoka heard her daughter's voice from the phone.

"I'm already on my way"

"Oh, uh, great! So, we're waiting at a cafe that's near the cinema, ok?"


Hisoka was kinda expecting this to happen. She had a feeling that her daughter would want her to pick them up at cinema somehow. Yet, she felt something… strange. Like when you feel like something important will help if you do something. She just wasn't sure where that feeling was coming from, or what it was trying to tell her.

'A café huh? Oh, please, don't tell it's that café…" Indeed, the only café that was close enough to the cinema was a nice and small maid café. All she knew about those cafes was that a lot of perverted boys or girls would go there to check out the cute maids with cute uniforms. Even though she knew she kinda liked those uniforms…

But that's not the case right now.

So, as she expected, she found Umi and Eli sitting in a table by the window, chatting away whatever young girls like them liked to talk about. Once they noticed her presence, they got up to greet her more formally.

"Thanks for coming mom, please have a seat" Umi said.

"Oh? So I came all the way here to drink some coffee surrounded by girls wearing maid uniforms? I thought you guys wanted me to get you home or something"

"A-Ah, it's just that, uh… Umi and I are going to see… that, uh, store over there…?" she said unknowingly pointing to a gaming/anime store "So, of you please just wait here for a few minutes, we'll be right back"

The older woman sighed "Okay, fine, I'll wait here… might as well drink some coffee…"

So Hisoka found herself drinking some ordinary Brazilian coffee, while every once in a while a cute girl would ask her if everything was okay. And yeah, everything was okay.

Until she saw a certain blonde looking directly at her.

"E-E-Eliza?!" she said flustered.

She saw Eliza walking towards her with her face full of disbelief. Hisoka got up from her seat and blushed as Eliza started speaking "H-Hisoka…? Is that… is that really you?"

"Eliza… y-yes…" she responded in a voice barely audible, although Eliza could hear it fairly well.

"You… you've changed a lot…" the blonde then unconsciously started to fell tears forming on her eyes. She looked at the ground angrily and said "W-Why…"


"Why did you stop talking to me?!" Eliza ended up yelling, making a few people turn their heads towards her. Just then, a small, blue-haired maid with twin-tails walked towards the two women with a, somehow, pitiful expression I guess?

"I-I'm sorry, b-but I'll have to ask you two to… l-leave…" she said looking down.

Eliza sighed as both she and Hisoka nodded "Okay, sorry to bother you" Hisoka said with a bow.

"U-Uh… yeah, uh… no p-problem…"

So Eliza and Hisoka left the café without saying a single word. Once they left, they stood in front of each other, staring at the ground silently.

"E-Eliza… I…" Hisoka started, but was interrupted by the blonde.

"W-Why… Why did you… leave me, Hisoka?" she said, tears starting to fall from her eyes "Wasn't I… good enough for you?"

"N-No!" the smaller woman suddenly yelled "I… you were… perfect…"

"So did you…?"

"It was my mom…" Eliza watched as the other woman started to cry. It broke he heart, and all she wanted to do was hug her and comfort her, but she needed some answers "She… she found out that I was dating you and… she doesn't accept people like… us"

"O-Oh…" the blonde whispered. Now that she thought about it, it made a lot of sense. Hisoka's mother was as homophobic as… her father. She then embraced the smaller girl in a tight hug, surprising her "I… I understand… My father was so homophobic that I came to live in Japan, y'know…"

"I-I see…" Hisoka said as returned the hug. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds before the bluenette turned to look at the blonde's eyes "Eliza… w-would you be able to forgive me and… m-maybe… give me another chance?"

Of course, Eliza couldn't resist that puppy face.

She pressed her lips against the other woman's in a slow kiss. It lasted for a couple seconds, but they could stay like that for forever "Of course I forgive you!"

Hisoka cried tears of join as the taller girl pressed her lips against hers again.

"Umi, look at that!" Eli said pointing to two figures kissing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Hey Eli, this new Fallout looks pretty good…"

"Forget about that! Look!"

Umi turned to look at where was pointing and couldn't help but smile (and blush) once she saw her mother and Eli's in a tight embrace.

"Wow… it actually worked…"

"We should thank Yuuki-san"


"Mom, I'm going out with Rin-chan, okay?" Anju told her mother, who was at her bedroom doing something…

"Oh, have fun kids, don't do anything naughty in public okay?" she said, making both her daughter and the orange haired girl blush.

A few minutes after the two girls left, Ms. Yuuki heard someone knocking on her house's door. She opened it so reveal a tall orange haired energetic woman standing there wearing a business suit.

"Hey Yuuki-san, just got of work and- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!" to Sachiko's surprise, Yuuki was wearing a rather… revealing maid outfit.

"Oh, Hochizora-san… I'm so glad you came…" she said as she put a hand on the woman's chin "Let's have some 'fun' shall we?"

Gosh, sorry for the late update guys. So, next week will be 'test week' as we call it on high school, so I have to study and it will be REALLY hard to update a new chapter, but I'll try my best to do it.

And I'm sorry if this chapter is a bad or… I dunno, but I had ANOTHER busy week with the year ending and stuff, so it was kinda hard, but anyway.

Let's answer some reviews then.

GAT-X105VividPanzer: Hehe, yeah, I would cry some girl-manly tears in a situation like that, but anyway, thanks for reviewing m8.

Msmusicful: You got that right, hehehe
Thanks again for reviewing :D

Kousaka Maki: Sorry if the last chapter was a little shorter, I've been really busy with school stuff. And there's a SLIGHT chance that there'll be a third season, but it's REALLY low. At least that's what I heard. Anyway, thanks for reviewing!

Aisling Althea: Hehe, sorry, I don't really have time to write two chapter per week, but maybe I'll try change that. Anyway, thanks for reviewing :D

Rainforest: Thanks again for reviewing friend. I've been reeeeealy busy these last weeks, and tests are coming, so I have to study and it will be tough to write the next chapter, but I'll try my best.
Yeah, sorry about the grammar errors, as I said, I've been busy; I don't always have time read the whole text again, so it's kinda inevitable. I hope I did a good job on this chapter… even though I'm not putting a lot of faith on it. Anyway, thanks for reviewing again.

So that's it for now guys, hope you enjoyed this, see you next time.



Am I the only one hyped for the new Star Wars?