Hello again guys!

I hope your enjoyed the story so far, even if this is end.

and at some point i may also have a surprise for all your faces so keep an eye out for my name... (creepy laugh)


onto the chapter

Chapter 17: The end nears

Walking slowly through the second basement Tom was aware that he was being watched by something. "Simon? Any idea what that is?" He thought to his inner voice in the hopes he would know. "Can't say for sure... I think there might be an old camera system down here that Kyle's using" Tom looked into a corner seeing a small red light emitting from a inactive camera. "So that means there's an office. Alright find the office, find Kyle, find my family!"


"Huh?!" Tom looked towards the sound. It sounded a lot like Balloon Boy's voice. Curious Tom peered round the corner and almost fell back at what he saw. It was BB but he seemed terribly beat up just sitting on the floor. Slowly Tom walked over to him and upon closer inspection he saw wires coming out of a hole in his throat, his voice box haven been ripped out of his body.


Tom growled. He knew that Kyle was mocking him but what annoyed him the most was that he didn't even realize that BB had gone missing, how long had he been down here, forgotten? Tom sighed knowing there was nothing he could do for the small boy-bot and made his way through the maze like basement. The basement actually seemed to be another building entirely, but something seemed incredibly wrong. He saw a window in the wall and walked over. His eye's widened as he saw Mangle and Plushie on the floor badly damaged. Tom ran into the room and crouched down next to the two. Mangle struggled to see him, but when she didn't return his smile he grew concerned. "Tom...It's a...Trap!"

"Right you are Mangle!" A demonic voice laughed behind them and turning round Tom saw Kyle. What was left of him anyway. Kyle was floating about a foot of the ground almost covered in the shadows. He laughed again and slowly floated nearer them. "Oh come now Brother dear! You didn't actually think that there wasn't a trap here did you?" his smile was filled with pure red teeth that seemed fresh with blood. "Why are you doing this Kyle?! What could you possibly want?!" Another laugh from the shadowy being came "You have no idea why you are so important Thomas! I've waited over twenty years for this moment and now I can finally do it!" Tom stodd up looking at the monster

"Then tell me! Why I am so important to you!" The shadow chuckled like a mad man and suddenly teleported in front of Tom grabbing him by the neck and throwing him across the room, crashing into a table. Tom cried out in pain but tried to quickly shake it off reaching for the silver stick in his pocket. Realizing that he didn't have the pattern to activate it he cursed and threw it at the shadow, him easily dodging it. "You want to know why so much? I'll show you!" Kyle cast his hand out, dark shadows covering the room and replacing it with a woodland. Tom's attention was soon caught by leaves rustling and when he looked he saw a man dressed in purple and a very young Kyle behind him. Suddenly the man turned, grabbing Kyle by the neck and lifting him up into the air while he pulled out a knife, moving towards the boy's neck. But he stopped when he heard something.

Laughter. He heard laughter. Why was the kid laughing? "Whats wrong with you kid? I'm about to kill you!" To the mans surprise the laughter grew even more. Slowly he put the kid down, keeping his grip just in case. "Have you ever been on this end? It's brilliant! I've never felt so much fun since I killed my father!" Kyle laughed even harder now, the purple man still shocked. "What? Y-Your a killer too?" The man let go of him and stood up looking down at the kid. "Oh yes! And I covered it up so well that it looked like an accident!" Kyle laughed again and now even the purple man was laughing. "Tell you what kid! You tell me all about this and i'll show you the wonders of killing others! How about it?" Kyle nodded, just his face quickly grew dark and he quickly grabbed the mans knife plunging it deep into the mans stomach. Kyle was laughing once again, the man's eyes wide with shock.

Kyle started to change form until a shadowy mist covered his true appearance. Kyle was no longer the 15 year old the man had managed to convince to follow him, but rather the a shadowy nightmare. "Kyle died years ago! I should know since I killed him to take his form. But you Vincent have managed to catch my attention" The mist moved closer to Vincent who was holding onto the knife that was hilt deep in his stomach. "W-What do you want from me?!" Demonic laughter sounded all around him as the mist clouded his vision. When it cleared Vincent found himself in a very old building.

Fred bear's second diner. The one that replaced the two springlock animatronics and the one that had been closed for years. The room he was specifically in was the safe room, one that the animatronic couldn't see due to their programming. As he looked around Vincent saw the golden bunny slumped in the corner. "Why did you bring me here?" Vincent said, trying not to move too much with the knife still in him. "I want to give you a gift, dear Vincent! A gift that will suit you for a LOOONG time!" A deep chuckle sounded and suddenly Vincent felt himself being lifted through the air towards the suit. "I wish to make you...IMMORTAL!"

The image faded just as Vincent was forcefully stuffed into the suit and the springlock set off. Tom wasn't sure what to make of what he had seen. He knew that this wasn't his brother but he still wasn't sure why he was important. A deep laugh snapped him out of thought and glaring at the shadow Kyle in front of him. "Aww still haven't worked it out? I didn't think so! While I can change into any form i want and posses anything, as you've seen" Shadow Kyle pointed to his left arm before continuing "The form I wear grows old with time. Faster than the average human life span, but their all set to a certain time limit... Twenty years" Tom looked up at the shadow and judging by what wasn't shadow the Kyle underneath was definitely very old looking. "I like to keep too blood lines, occasionally changing when one runs out. Since Kyle was young when I killed him it took a while before I knew any new gens would have been born. But your siblings have yet to provide a suitable host and since I don't have high hopes for them providing within the next few hours..."

"I'm the next best thing..." Tom finished finally realizing the truth. The shadow wanted his body to live on... But he would not allow it! Quickly punching the shadow in the stomach he ran past it and out of the office. His plan set in motion he ran back to upstairs. In his basement he saw Bonnie reappearing at the bottom of the stairs. Tom quickly turned him around and forced him back up "Bonnie I sure as hell hope you got the others back to Kid's Cove. Listen go join them and stay quiet. Puppet knows what I'm doing. GO NOW!" Tom didn't even wait for a reply but after a demonic roar Bonnie didn't hesitate to run back to the Cove.

Shadow Kyle appeared at the top of the stairs and slowly looked around, seemingly sniffing the air. He smiled once he got Tom's scent and floated quickly over to the Prize corner. Upon entering he slowed down and set down on the floor. Walking slowly around he couldn't see any sign of Tom, but he wouldn't give up that easily. After a while a small noise from the box caught his attention. An evil smile spread across the shadows face as he slowly walked over to it. "Um.. Excuse me, mister?" Shadow Kyle quickly spun around seeing a small boy standing at the door way. "Um... mister, are you a bad man?" Another smile grew on the shadows face as he slowly walked over to the child. "Maybe I am, and maybe I'm not. Why do you ask, little boy?" The boy shuffled uncomfortably on the spot "We-well my friend says that bad people should be punished, so I was wondering if you were. To punish you" The shadow laughed hard. "What can you possibly do to me that would be considered punishment?!"

The shadow quickly stopped laughing once he saw a pool of dark purple smoke gathered behind the boy.

"This" Nate said throwing his hands forward, opening the portal behind him.

The portal opened showing Nate's room and six figures walked out.

"You sir! Are going to pay for the pain you've caused" Nightmare Freddy said, a reincarnation of Toy Freddy, his little Fredlets screaming at the shadow.

"Ohhh once I'm done with you you'll wish you hadn't done those things!" Nightmare Chica growled, the reincarnation of Toy Chica, her cupcake snapping it's jaws.

"You really make my gears grind you beast!" Nightmare Bonnie said thumping his leg on the ground, the reincarnation of Toy Bonnie.

"Ye skallywag! Ye will pay for destroying my life!" Nightmare Foxy yelled pointing at the shadow with his hook, you already know Foxy.

"While I may not be accustomed to bear form, I still know how to kill a monster!" Nightmare Goldie said, the reincarnation of Springtrap.

"Your not the only one with mystic power demon!" Simon said, in Tom's nightmare animatronic form.

"Bu-But how is this possible?! Your all dead!" The shadow yelled backing away slowly, stopping when he bumped into something. Slowly turning around he saw Tom standing above him, smiling. "I was always taller than Kyle!" Tom punched the shadow in the face causing the shadow to fall to the floor. Crouching down Tom whispered into the shadow's ear. "Oh and if it wasn't clear, THIS is a trap!" He smiled and stood up walking over to the nightmares. "He's all yours guys!" As soon as he had said that all the nightmares jumped onto the shadow beating him until he was too weak to fight back.

Tom asked Nate to follow him while the nightmares beat up the shadow. They returned to the office in the basement seeing that Mangle had crawled over to Plushie, holding him closely. When she saw him she gave him a small smile. "Tom! I-I'm so glad yo-your OK" Tom lent down next to her trying his best not to burst into tears. "I told you I would be fine! But you- your" Mangle moved a hand over his mouth to stop him talking. "Don't worry about me! I-I just wanted you to be happy!" Tom luaghed as tears started to run down his cheek. He pulled in Mangle closer and hugged her as the last of her power faded. Tom couldn't help but cry until Nate walked over to him, putting his hand on the mans shoulder. "I can't save her, But I can save Plushie, Tom! Only..." Nate looked away in shame. "He won't be able to leave my realm the same way the nightmare's have... I'm sorry but if I do save him he will have to stay in the nightmare realm forever..."

Tom looked back to the small golden bunny. He looked peaceful even in death. "Do it... And Nate?" He looked back at the boy. "Be his big brother! Be the best brother anyone could ever have! And give him the love he deserved. The love I never got..." Nate smiled and nodded hugging Tom.

Back in the prize corner the nightmares had tied up the shadow in deep purple chains, preventing him from escaping, and had gagged him so he couldn't talk. Foxy violently pushed him over to the portal, and once he received a nod from Nate, he kicked the shadow through. "Good luck to ya Tom! Thanks for everything!" Foxy smiled at Tom before jumping back through the portal too. "Thank you Tom! For helping us whenever you could! It is a pleasure to call you one of the family!" Nightmare Freddy said as he walked through the portal, his three Fredlets following closely. "Thanks Tom! I'm glad we got to work together on your projects!" Nightmare Bonnie said throwing a screwdriver to Tom, he caught it and smiled. "Thank you Tom! Take care of my sister, yea? I'm sure she will need it!" Nightmare Chica said hugging Tom before going back through the portal. "I would also like to thank you Tom!" Nightmare Goldie said shaking Tom's hand. "For being my true friend!" For a brief moment the nightmare shifted back to Springtrap before returning to normal.

Tom stepped up to his nightmare form. "What will you do Simon? It won't be the same without you in my head!" They both laughed before Simon put a hand on Tom's shoulder "Well someone's got to look after them! Might as well be me since I already know how! Thank you Tom, for putting up with me all these years!" Just before Simon went though the portal he stopped before pulling the robotic arm out of the portal "You'll need this back as well Tom!" He threw it over to Tom, who caught it smiling at Nate who was confused. "Its not a spare I'm wearing!" Tom said as his left arm disappeared in a bright light. "Puppet created a fake while my real one was controlled by Simon, That's how he got to your realm and gave you the power to come here!" Tom fitted his arm, flexing it out before he knelt back down to Nate's height. "Take care Nate! And don't hesitate to call if you need help with anything!" Nate smiled and hugged him "Got it! Same goes for you Tom!" Nate walked over to the portal and waved his hands to start closing it. He gave one last wave to Tom before jumping through.

Tom walked over to the Kid's Cove and saw Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Goldie and the Puppet all waiting for him. "Puppet told us what happened and showed us what was happening through the camera" Chica said hugging the man. "It's not over yet Chica!" Tom said pulling away

"Your right Tom, We got a lot to clean up here!" Puppet said summoning a bunch of mops. They all laughed before they all group hugged as they said their farewells to their friends one last time.

"So what happened next Grandpa?" A small yellow bear asked

"Well" his counter part said. "After we said goodbye we cleaned the pizzeria. Although it closed down since it lost it's main entertainment. Tom got his own house and served as a host for the originals while a new pizzeria was constructed. The originals were given new suits and they even had a new Foxy was made. Granted he wasn't the same as the actual Foxy but they accepted him as one of their own instantly! But that's another story on it's own, Lil' Fredbear"

"Aww Come on Grandpa!" Lil' Fredbear whined. "Please tell me the story!"

Goldie sighed as the small bear jumped up and down on his lap. "Alright, Alright! Your parents will kill me if they find out but there's no harm in another story is there?"

With a cry of happiness Lil' Fredbear jumped down onto the floor and got comfortable

"Hmm alright..."

"Hello this is Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, How can I help?"
"Err Hi I wanted to ask about the job offer you got?"
"Oh yes! No one else has applied so we can hire you straight away sir!"
"Oh wow that's great thanks!"
"We just need you name and whether or not you can work tonight or not?"
"Oh err I guess I can come in tonight and as for my name... well it's..."

Mike Schmidt


So if you can't guess already I am planning on doing a sort of sequel to this story, or at the very VERY least have it in the same universe as this one

BUT Please let me know what you think! I would love to hear your guys thoughts now that this one is finished!

Send me a message or leave a review I don't care which!

But Until the next story!

Rubix Out!

"...I will return! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"