I don't own anything

In the middle of the day, at Potters' Cottage, in an average sized room, a young boy was working at a desk in the corner of the room. It wasn't an unusual sight, despite the boy's…unique appearance.

The boy had unusual and almost unhealthy pale skin, which only enhanced his dark green eyes. On his head was fairly short, messy ash-grey hair with a part of his bangs falling between his eyes. Along with a pair of round-framed glasses, some might wonder why exactly he had such unique looking hair.

He wasn't what one would exactly call normal. His name was Harry 'Sebastian' Potter, the older brother of the Derik 'James' Potter, The famous 'Boy-Who-Lived', the boy who survived the Killing Curse from Lord Voldemort, though it was only theory; since no one was actually there. In truth Voldemort sent the curse upon him and made contact, but it was reflected and refracted. Several smaller fragments of the curse shot back, like a shotgun, several of them colliding with Voldemort and one hitting Derik, scaring him, leaving the only hint of who Voldemort was trying to harm.

Derik was born a year and a few months after Harry was, so it was only logical they would be placed in the same room, especially if they were supposed to hide. But in the end, Derik was given several titles that spoke about his heroism and uniqueness.

While Derik was elevated to new heights, Harry faded into the background, into the dark. And that's just how he liked it.

Harry had his face buried into a microscope, which was enchanted to be am almost miniature Electron Microscope. He turned the small knob on the side, enhancing the image of what he was studying. He frowned, as he moved the small container under the scope, before he turned the knob again.

What he saw were several cells, it was what could be described as 'Thinking Muscle', and it closely resembled two neurons and glial cells in terms of its physical structure. Harry hummed, as he leaned back and picked up a pencil and written down what he saw, along with the date.

He reached down and took the small container, before he opened it. Harry reached onto the desk and took a small tube filled with the blood of a creature he dissected for study. His glasses fell back over his eyes, as he carefully put a small sample of the blood inside the container.

'I need to be delicate…' Harry thought, as he slowly put the lid back on the container.

"It's here! It's here!" A younger mal voice yelled, causing Harry to jump and almost threw the lid.

He automatically shot his hand forward and grabbed onto his wand and pointed it around the room. Harry realized his overreaction, before he slowly put it down, as he reached up and fixed his glasses.

"Moron." Harry muttered, as he put the lid back on the container.

Harry picked up the container and placed it under the microscope; before he lifted his glasses up a bit and looked through it. He turned the knob of the microscope, before he watched as the cells in the container seemed to rearrange themselves, to match the cells of the blood he collected. He watched and studied, as the cells in the blood mutated and matched the cells originally in the container.

"…Oh…oh my." Harry sounded with a chuckle, as he leaned back and grinned. He quickly picked up a pencil and jotted down his notes. "It seems the .3273 is a success…finally." He said, as he sighed in relief and put the pencil down.

His relaxing moment was cut short, as the door to his room was quickly opened, with an older man, with black hair and glasses being the culprit. "Harry." He said.

Harry turned his head and looked at his father with annoyance, as the lenses in his glasses gleaned. "Someone better be dying?" He said with a scowl. "Although, I suppose I could run some experiments on their body." Harry added, as he glanced off.

James frowned as his son's attitude, as he glanced at the room. The floor was covered in open, worn out books. On his bed were several large books, opened as well with some words highlighted. On the walls were large equations and things he couldn't even being to wrap his head around. The books on the floor and on Harry's bed, had titles on the spines, with what they were about or what they told about. There were books about Physical Sciences of 'Chemistry', Social Sciences, Formal Sciences of 'Logic, Statistics', Cell Biology, Human Biology. There were advance mathematics books, such like Arithmetic, Algebra, and Analysis. There were Physics books, Electromagnetism, thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, and Vector Space.

All of the books seemed to be worn down, like they were read-and-re-read. All of the pages had differently colored sticky notes, with labels. "…How many times have I said to clean your room up?" James asked.

Harry smirked, as he adjusted his glasses. "Is that a rhetorical question, if not…I'd say, two hundred and seventeen, plus one for this instance." He said dryly.

James didn't look amused. "Why do you insist on being difficult?" He asked seriously.

"When you denied me from being to Hogwarts last year." Harry replied with a shrug, as he turned around and pulled out the small container from under the microscope, before he put it in his pocket, as he stood up.

"We've talked about this…" James began.

"No, no, no…." Harry replied, as he shook his finger a bit condescendingly. "…You talked about it." He corrected.

James frowned at being interrupted. "We thought it'd be best if you and your brother, started school at the same time." He said.

"Yes, but because that makes sense." Harry said with a slow nod, before he rolled his eyes and walked over to his closet.

"You're only a year apart." James informed.

"Do you want to know what else, is a year apart?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"We let you get your wand." The older man argued.

"Yes, yes you did. You let me. After a sold a few of my things, worked for some spar cash, before I bought it." Harry agreed with a nod.

James sighed. "Quit being melodramatic." He said.

Harry blinked a few times, before he thought about shoving the container in his pocket down James' throat and study what happened. "Melodramatic…Yes, because agreeing with you, while stating the facts is…melodramatic." He said in a dry, sardonic voice, as he nodded. "Makes sense." He commented.

"Enough, Derik's just got his letter from Hogwarts. We're going to get his and your stuff." James said seriously.

"Oh boy, Gee willikers, no lie!" Harry announced with fake childish happiness.

"Cut it out, let's go." James said with a scowl, as he closed the door behind him and left.

"Cut it out, let's go." Harry said to himself mockingly, as he turned around and looked at all the books on the floor and bed. He held his hand up, as all the books lifted up and close, before they automatically sorted themselves into shelves.

Harry held his hand up, causing his wand to telekinetically fly into his hand. He put it in his pocket, before he turned around and looked at his closet, and opened it up. He took off his coat and hung it up, before he took his shirt off. He reached out into the closet and pulled out a white, dress shirt and put it on, before he buttoned it up.

He looked at the mirror on the closet wall, before he looked at himself. Harry sighed as he looked at the ash-grey hair, with some of his bangs falling in front of his face. He hated his hair color, he didn't know why. But when he ran tests on himself he discovered that something stunted or broke his body's biology, to prevent it from producing Melanin.

He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, before he let if fall back down. Harry closed the closet door, before he looked at all of the diagrams and equations on the wall.

It was his only answer to his loneliness. First he drowned himself into the magical books that were in the house. His parents' old school books, their notes and work that they had. They didn't miss it, but Harry found it interesting. Hording himself in his room for years, not wanting to be bothered or the subject of his brother being brought up, he learned.

Eventually he passed those books and had more time, and began to go learn more scientific things. With the fact that his parents denied his access to more up-to-date knowledge of magic, he just went to learn more and more.

Harry glanced around his room, before he smirked, as he opened and closed his hands. With all those knew avenues open, he had a better outlet for his magic. He vanished in a haze, before he appeared outside the front of his house and waited, with his hands in his pockets, as he smirked to himself.

A few hours, four people walked through Diagon Alley. Harry had his hands in his pockets, standing a few feet to the side. At his side, was James, a red-headed woman with green eyes, and a young boy looking identical to James, but was eleven years old with a scar on his forehead.

Harry looked forward with a detached look on his face, as he ran equations through his head. He looked at the ground and the buildings around him. Thinking about what vector values he could modify, to shatter the earth beneath his feet, or throw the buildings on a linear path. 'Oh, that would be quit the interesting spectacle.' Harry thought, as his family seemed to be leaving the bank.

"Okay, now Harry…" Lily said, as she handed the boy a list, along with a bag. "…We're going to get Derik his wand now, you can go and get your school supplies." She said.

"Al…" He began, before the three were already walking off. "…right." Harry said to himself, as he slowly turned around and looked around. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small container that had turned dark, murky beige. "Well…at least I have you." He muttered, as he put it back in his pocket.

Harry glanced around the large alley, before he slowly began to walk down the stone road. He folded the list in his hand and put it in his back pocket, before he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a smaller bag filled with Galleons. Harry poured the Galleons from the smaller bag into the larger bag Lily had given him, before he closed it up.

He put the larger bag back in his pocket, before he put his hands in there and casually walked, and whistled to himself. "...In the darkness, no one else can hear a sound, but I am deafened by this ceaseless disarray. I could scream myself to sleep, if it would shatter the illusion. But I can't give in to this. It's the noise that makes me human…" Harry sung to himself, before he looked at Madam Malkin's Robes shop.

He tilted his head to the side and grinned, with his bangs shifting and fell in front of his eyes, before he entered the shop. Harry looked around, as he ran his hands over the wand inside his pocket, before he heard the sound of talking.

Harry raised an eyebrow, as he stepped forward. Standing and getting measurements, was a young girl, a year younger than him. She had pale white skin, along with light, almost ice-blue eyes and striking white hair.

"Ow! Stop it!" She snapped irritably, as her ice blue eyes glared at the woman taking her measurements.

The woman seemed to sigh, before she noticed Harry standing there. "Are you here for the Hogwarts robes, as well?" She asked.

"Guilty." Harry replied, getting a confused look from the woman. "Yes, I am." He clarified dryly, as he adjusted his glasses.

Madam Malkin nodded happily, as she waved her wand and several objects floated around Harry, as they took his measurements. After the measurements were taken, Malkin cast a glance at the girl, before she went in the back room to prepare the cloths.

"Are you going to Hogwarts?" The white haired girl asked, as she looked at the grey haired boy. She glanced at his head and frowned. That was unusual.

"…Yes?" Harry said unsure, as he looked at the younger girl, who, ironically was a few inches taller than him.

"Hmph." She sounded with a nod. "It's my first year too. Of course, my mother wanted to send me to Beauxbaton Academy, but my father would have none of that. I am not sure why, myself." She admitted. "He said something about 'pretty boys' and something about corrupting me." She said with a shrug.

"I don't mind either way, as long as the teachers are competent. My father gets the best, and so should I." She stated, before she looked at Harry. "What house do you think you will be in?" She questioned.

"Well, I'm expecting a castle, not a house." Harry replied dryly, causing the girl to blush in frustration.

"Not the location of the school, you dolt, what 'school house' do you think you'll be sorted into? I'm hoping for Slytherin." She admitted, as she glanced up and held her nose in the air.

"…What house…" Harry said to himself. He really didn't see himself in any of them. He didn't particularly care about Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, '…It'll probably be Ravenclaw or Slytherin.' He mused.

She scowled and narrowed her eyes, looking at the grey haired kid. "Are you one of our kind?" She questioned.

Harry gave her a detached look, as he put his hands in his pockets. "You're going to have to be more specific. When you say, our kind, do you mean, Organic beings, Carbon-Based life form, Humans, Europeans, you really have to be specific." He informed seriously.

"Tut, it seems you aren't." She said snobbishly, as she gave him a look and turned away.

"…You're weird." Harry commented, as he looked forward. Before she could say anything, Madam Malkin came back, with Harry's robes and cloths.

"There you are, dear." She said happily, as she handed the young boy his cloths.

Harry nodded and paid for his cloths, before he looked at the pale, white haired girl. "You might be a bit cute, if not for that bitchy attitude." He commented, as he walked out of the shop. She scowled and narrowed her blue eye, as she blushed a bit in anger.

After he got his robes, Harry moved all over the place and collected all of the supplies he required for Hogwarts. After a few minutes, Harry stopped in front of Magical Menagerie and took a few steps back, as he turned and looked in the window of the animal shop. He tilted his head, causing his hair to shift a bit and cover his eyes for a moment.

In the window at the back of the shop, Harry saw a creature coiled up in a glass cage. As his eyes landed on it, a head poked out of one of the coils and he thought it was kinda cute in a morbid way. It had white scales and a coffin shaped head with a somewhat pronounced brow ridge, and had medium-sized eyes. The eyes of the creature were incredibly unique. It had black sclera and golden irises with slitted pupils, with purple markings around its eyes. The snake flicked its tongue out, revealing an inky black, forked tongue.

The snake's head went back into its coils, before its head rose up and flicked its tongue out again. "…Ah, The White Snake. Hmph, some say the white snake represents fortune and rebirth." A boy commented from next to Harry, causing him to look up and turn to his side.

Standing next to him was a boy, almost as tall and old as him. The boy seemed to have bright, fiery orange hair. Harry had a frown, as he looked at the boy. '…How did I not feel him there?' He thought. He had very attuned senses. It was like he just came out of nowhere.

"Such an interesting snake I think, as venomous as a Black Mamba, as aggressive and territorial as a Kind Cobra, and some of the greatest senses of several species. And the intelligence, whoa…" The boy commented, with Harry looking back at the snake, to see it was staring at him with golden slitted eyes. "…Of course with those smelly, hormonal driven monkeys are afraid of the cute little thing. If only someone could get a hold of her." He said.

Harry looked at the boy and frowned, before he looked back at the snake. He tilted his head a bit, with the snake tilting its head too.

"She seems to like you." The boy commented.

"How do you know that, how do you know it's a girl?" Harry asked, looking at the orange haired boy.

The boy looked at the window. "I know a whole lot of things you don't and I'm sure someone knows a lot I don't." The orange haired boy said, as he tilted his head, causing his long orange bangs to shift a bit, covering his eye. "How about a deal? I'll tell you some things and well, you give me something in return." He bargained.

Harry looked back at the window and the snake, as she stared at him. "I don't think I can get her. I don't think it's allowed at Hogwarts." He admitted.

The boy grinned, before he slowly shook his head to himself. "Ah, ah, ah, in this world, are you really going to be held back by 'can't's?" He asked in an almost mocking manner, but it held a gentleman-like tone as well. "You have to look at every situation as an opportunity. There're always back-doors, you just have to know where to look." The boy said.

"…What're you getting at?" Harry asked curiously.

"Hogwarts says you can bring an Owl, Cat or a Toad." The boy stated. "Can is ambiguous, it's a suggestion. And you don't have to listen to suggestions. And…they never said you can't bring a snake to school." He informed in a very sly manner.

Harry looked back into the window, with the orange haired boy staring at him through his bright orange bangs. "…I like the way you think." Harry admitted.

"Oh, I like to believe it's because I'm a very likeable person." The orange haired boy replied with an inhumanly wide grin.

Harry looked at the boy. "What's your name?" He asked.

The orange haired boy looked at him, but Harry couldn't see his eyes. "My name's Ro…" He began.

"P-P-Potter!" A male voice stuttered out, causing Harry to turn and when he looked back at his side, the boy wasn't there anymore.

Harry turned around and saw a man, wearing a turban wrapped around his head, giving off the smell of garlic. "That is my last name, yes." Harry said with a nod, before he frowned and the bangs of his grey hair fell back in-between his eyes. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm your-I'm a H-Hog-Howards, pro-professor!" Quirrell stuttered out.

"Can you quit that, it's annoying." Harry said, looking back through the window and to the white snake that was staring at him, with slitted golden eyes.

"Q-Quit, w-wh-what?" Quirrell replied.

"You know, when you look at someone walking in place, you can just tell what they're doing. It looks unnatural. Just like it looking unnatural, your stuttering is incredibly forced…and it's really annoying. So, stop it." Harry said uncaringly. "…It's also because you don't stutter half-words, a tip. Just only stutter the first parts of the word." He added.

"W-what?" Quirrell asked.

"Yeah, like that." Harry said with a nod, his eyes never leaving the snake in the window. "Tell you what, I won't tell anyone about your little…ahem, act." He said, as he cast a side-ways glace at the older man and grinned, in almost a sadistic manner. "If you give me something in return." Harry said.

Quirrell looked nervous. "W-what do you mean?" He asked.

"Keeping that act until the very end, that's very rare." Harry commented, before he looked back through the window and looked at the white snake. "I can talk to snakes you know." He admitted, surprising the Professor. "They come to me; they help me when I need it." He said, causing Quirrell's turban to twitch. "What I want to know is, can I bring a snake to Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Y-you, but you're the brother of The Boy Who Lived? Isn't that what…what…You Know Who was affiliated with?" Quirrell questioned.

"I couldn't give two-shits what animal Voldemort used. I like snakes. Some say snakes stand for deception, deadliness and dangerousness…That you can't trust such a dishonest creature for watch your back. But the truth is, you can always trust a dishonest thing to be dishonest. It's the honest people you have to look out for." Harry replied.

"But your brother defeated You Know Who." Quirrell said without his stutter.

Harry slowly turned and looked at him with narrowed dark green eyes. "Really now? Do you think that's news? I'm sorry. I missed that over the past ten years of it getting shoved down my throat." He said irritably.

"You wouldn't care of You Know Who was still alive?" He questioned.

"I wouldn't care if he was my bloody cousin." Harry replied sardonically. "…And with all that damned interbreeding of the wizarding world, we actually could be." He said, before he looked through the window at the white snake. "…Now that'd interesting. Maybe we could trade notes." He muttered. He was sure Voldemort knew things about the Dark Arts he couldn't hope to comprehend, while Voldemort didn't know anything about most of the Mental Magics he created.

"B-but, the You Know Who is evil." Quirrell said nervously, as he glanced around.

"Pfft, evil. Voldemort was an ambitious, megalomaniac, who wanted power and eternal life. Almost every natural person wants half of what those are." Harry said dryly.

"…So you're saying, you're like that too." Quirrell asked.

"Partially, but I've already got a possible way for immorality." Harry said uncaringly, he didn't care of anyone knew.

"You aren't worried of…of….turning into a…Dark Wizard?" Quirrell questioned, as his turban twitched.

"Tch, Dark Wizard, Light Wizard. You people are so quick to put a label on things you can't comprehend. Good and evil, Dark and Light…they are local expedients. We call a thing 'good' because it promotes certain petty human conditions that we happen to like. As human beings, our only sensible scale of values is one based on lessening the agony of existence." Harry said in a very mechanist type fashion, before he chuckled.

A stunned Quirrell looked at Harry with some fear. "W-what's so funny?" He asked.

"In the end, Voldemort was going about everything the wrong way." Harry said with a grin, as his hair covered his eyes. "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Children will always be afraid of the dark, and men with minds sensitive to hereditary impulse will always tremble at the thought of the hidden and fathomless worlds of strange life which may pulsate in the gulfs beyond our comprehension." He said.

"Death…We reject it only because of our primitive cowardice and childish fear of the dark. If we were sensible we would seek death, the same blissful blank which we enjoyed before we existed." Harry said with a shake of his head.

Quirrell glanced down with his turban twitching. "Now tell me, can I bring a snake to school?" Harry asked irritably, looking at the professor.

"W-Well, th-there is no r-rule against it." Quirrell replied.

"Heh, I thought so." Harry said with a grin, as he glanced at the shop and opened it, before he entered it.

Quirrell stood there for a moment. "…Follow him!" A raspy voice ordered, causing the Professor to slowly follow.

Harry walked past several cages, along with cases, holding owls, cats, toads, and weird crabs. At the very back of the room, was the white snake in a tank. Harry was a few inches in front of the tank, before the white snake lifted its head up, before it gapped in a mimicry of a cobra, spreading its neck-flaps, revealing its pure black mouth, showing a pair of large front fangs and in the back of its maw, were curved and angled backwards teeth.

The snake's black sclera, golden slitted eyes stared at Harry, as she hissed. "Well know, aren't you a pretty thing." Harry commented with a grin, as he leaned forward and the white snake slithered forward a bit, as she flicked her black, forked tongue.

Harry grimaced, as he held the side of his head, as Quirrell was looking out the window with his turban facing him. "§…Are you alright?§" A slightly female voice hissed out, causing Harry to let go of his head and looked at the white snake in front of him.

"§I'm fine. Now tell me, my fine friend, what's your name?§" Harry hissed back.

The snake's head lowered, as her black forked tongue flicked out. "§There you humans go on about, 'names'. Such a stupid concept.§" She hissed. "§It's meaningless to me.§" She informed.

"§Yes well, we are a stupid race. How about you teach me then? Hmm?§" Harry asked, as he looked at the snake with a grin.

The snake tilted her head, as her black forked tongue flicked out. "§Ah, trying to win me over, by appealing to my pride and intelligence…I like that.§" She admitted, as her unique eyes looked him up and down.

"§I'm flattered.§" Harry said dryly, as he reached up and adjusted his glasses, causing the lenses to glean. "§I've heard a great deal about you.§" He admitted.

"§Yes…from that 'thing'.§" She hissed with a tone of disgust in her voice.

Why is it you seem to hate humans? I mean, I myself don't really care either way…just curious.§" Harry asked.

The snake leaned forward. "§Oh, you are just the cutest. I don't hate all humans…I just find most of them stupid and petty. I do have some exceptions. You for example, your eyes tell it all.§" The snake admitted.

"Aw, I'm flattered." Harry said sarcastically, before he glanced around the shop and didn't see any attendant anywhere. He stepped back and looked around with a frown.

The sound of a thump caused Harry to turn around, before he saw a metal clamp close around the white snake's neck. He saw the shop keeper standing a good distance away, from himself and the tank, with his wand out, controlling the clamps around the snake.

"What're you doing?" Harry asked with a scowl.

"Um, I'm getting rid of this thing." The Shop Keeper said unsure, as he tried to keep the snake away from him.

"…Why?" He questioned.

"…No one wants it?" The Shop Keeper said unsure. "Who wants a slimy snake?" He asked, causing the white snake to hiss at the Shop Keeper, it hissed in such a low tone that it almost sounded like a growl. "Oh shut up you!" He said, with the snake glaring at him.

"You know, I could take her off your hands." Harry said casually, causing the Shop Keeper to look at him. "I mean, if you truly were going to just get rid of her, you wouldn't make any form of profit. In fact, you'd lose money, since you did pay to feed her." He said, as he casually rolled a Galleon along his knuckles. "I wonder if I could…take her off your hands." He said, as the golden piece gleaned a bit, with the Shop Keeper staring at it.

"I wouldn't know why you would want to have this stupid thing." The Shop Keeper said.

"Oh you know, Snake Venom has a few uses." Harry said uncaringly, as he held the Galleon up. "So, is it a deal?" He asked with a grin.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes." The Shop Keeper said, as he dropped the snake back in the tank and greedily took the Galleon and went off. "I'll get you a case." He said.

"…That won't be necessary." Harry replied, with the man leaving uncaringly.

Harry stepped forward and looked at the white snake. "§It seems I owe you one.§" She hissed.

"Hmmm…§How about I get you out of here.§" Harry said.

"§As a pet? §" She asked, though it didn't have much venom in her tone.

"As an ally." Harry replied in English, as he stood up.

The white snake tilted her head, before she slowly leaned to the side and looked at Quirrell looking at an owl inconspicuously, before her tongue flicked out. "§How about you take me away from here, and I'll be more than some pet or ally. But we can't continue our conversations here. §" She said, looking at Quirrell.

"Oh, well, let's get going then…Ouroboros." Harry said with a smirk, looking at the snake.

"§Ouroboros? §" The White snake asked curiously.

"That's your name now. The Ouroboros represents the perpetual cyclic renewal of life and infinity, the concept of eternity and the eternal return, and represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth, leading to immortality, sorta like the snake version of a Phoenix." Harry said with a shrug, with the snake's black, forked tongue flickering out.

"§I like it, despite how I find names pointless.§" She replied.

"Yes, it was that or Orika." Harry said with a shrug, causing the snake to tilt her head. "Now, let's get going." He said.

"§How are we going to do that?§" She asked, only for Harry to open the tank again and lowered his hand into it.

Ouroboros flicked her tongue out, with it brushing up against his skin. She slowly opened her mouth, revealing her fangs, before she closed her mouth and flicked her tongue out against his skin again. Harry watched as Ouroboros slowly collided around his wrist, before she slithered up his arm and moved into the sleeve of his coat.

After a few seconds, the four foot long snake, that was around as thick as Harry's wrist was inside his jacket. Quirrell turned a bit and looked at Harry, as the grey haired boy smirked to himself and pushed his glasses up. A white snake slithered out from the back of Harry's jacket, before its head loomed over his shoulder.

The white snake loomed over Harry's shoulders, before it hissed, which was all Quirrell heard. "Hmph, now you're just flirting." Harry said with a smirk, as he reached up and rubbed the snake under its chin. The snake's black, forked tongue flicked out and retreated back under Harry's jacket.

Harry headed towards the exit of the shop, before he stopped and looked at Quirrell. "Thank you Professor, it'll be interesting to see you at Hogwarts. Perhaps we could have another deal again, it'll be…fun." He said with a smirk, as he headed for the exit of the store.

As Quirrell watched Harry leave, before he saw the white snake poke its head out from under his jacket and make eye contact with him. Ouroboros looked into Quirrell's eyes, before her golden eyes seemed to enlarge with her slitted pupils constricting down to thin slits.

Quirrell stumbled back, before he saw the white snake lunge forward with its mouth wide open, revealing sharp fangs in the front, and curved inward teeth at the back of its maw. It clamped its maw down on his throat and injected him with copious amounts of neurotoxic venom.

"Quit messing around!" A voice rasped, causing Quirrell to shake his head and look down, to see his hands were shaking and his skin was sickly pale.

He looked forward and saw Harry leaving the shop, with the white snake staring at him, before its eyes returned to normal and retreated back into the grey haired wizard's jacket. Quirrell looked out the window and saw Harry petting Ouroboros on the head, before it hid herself again.

"W-what was that?" Quirrell stuttered out.

"Hmph, someone who's better than you are." Voldemort hissed back.

"S-sorry, maser." Quirrell stuttered.

Harry walked along the stone road of the alley. Before he glanced around and then vanished in a shifting haze. He appeared in a completely new world. He looked up, as Ouroboros poked her head out from under his jacket and loomed over his shoulder, and looked up and around.

The sky seemed to be covered in an unchanging night that, with an endless white desert that covered the ground. There were several tree-like objects that weren't plants, but made out of a quarts-like mineral. The moon in the sky was in an opposite lunar phase than in the world.

"§What is this place?§" Ouroboros asked, as she loomed over his shoulder.

"This place…it's my personal place." Harry admitted with a smirk, as he looked around.

"§But…how?§" She questioned.

"There's never been a wizard that was well versed in mathematics and physics I am." Harry said, as his grey hair fell in front of his eyes, when he turned. "I like to call this place, The Void. It's a spatial dimension that's on an upper plan than the one we exist on." He informed.

"§We're in another dimension? That's crazy…How is that even possible?§" Ouroboros questioned.

"It's actually really, really hard, relatively. Almost impossible for anyone else, if they don't know what they're doing." Harry replied with a shrug, as he took a few steps forward and stopped in front of a large cart, that held a dozen or so books, a case holding his robes and supplies. "It takes up almost a one fourth of the processing power of my brain to accomplish." He admitted, as the white snake flicked her tongue out.

"I use my magic to generate microscopic black holes, a lifetime of around a nanosecond, before they evaporate into useless thermal energy. In that nanosecond, I manipulate them into forming a coherent rupture between normal space and the Void." Harry informed, as he looked at all of his school supplies. "Here, I have completely focus on keeping a barrier around me and redirecting all of the vectors of almost every substance, harmful or not that I know of, other than light and oxygen. To protect us from the electromagnetic radiation emitted from charged particles." He said.

While it wasn't necessarily harmful to him, it wasn't exactly good for him either. "This place is a tangle of intertwined non-spatial dimensions, comparably similar to a wadded up piece of paper; rather like taking the classic 'flat sheet' used to represent gravity and crumpling it up into a ball, thereby creating extra dimensions and shorter spaces between points. Our plane of existence is said to have four dimensions 'up-down, front-back, side-to-side and time', The Void is entwined with the physical universe to the extent that phenomena in one realm can affect the other." Harry informed.

"…§Like the Nevernever§…" Ouroboros hissed quietly.

"The what?" Harry asked, looking at her.

"§Nothing§" She hissed back quickly. "§So you can go anywhere through here?§" She asked.

"No. There is a limit to what I can do. I use this place to teleport to different places, I call it Spatial Teleportation. I have a limit on how far I can go, being around five hundred meters and I can only bring around one hundred and thirty kilograms of weight with me." Harry admitted with a sigh. "It's undoubtedly more versatile than Apparition, but I have to 'leap' to places." He said.

"§You can only go five hundred meters, leave here, go back into here and repeat the process.§" Ouroboros theorized.

"You're getting it." Harry said, as he grabbed onto his stuff and focused forward and mentally concentrated to form the spatial co-ordinates of where he wanted to go.

At the entrance of Diagon Alley, a deep haze formed with Harry pushing a cart solidifying. Being a slight blue wave of shimmering blue reconciliation energy spread out, being particle radiation from the displacement.

Harry pushed the cart, before he saw his family moving up the road, with Derik pushing his own cart of supplies. "Where have you been, we've been looking all over for you!?" Lily questioned, looking at Harry.

"In an upper dimension, that intertwined with ours, of course." Harry said with a tilt of his head, causing his ash-grey hair to shift and fall in front of his dark green eyes..

"Quit messing around, and let's go. You two have to prepare for Hogwarts." James said seriously, as he helped Derik push his cart.

Harry rolled his eyes, as he followed the three. Unknown to the three Potters, a white snake poked her head out from under his jacket and her head loomed over his shoulder. "§More humans?§" She asked.

"…§ignore them. But if they see you, they'll try to kill you. So try to remain hidden until we're alone.§" Harry hissed back quietly, before the white snake retreated back into his jacket and he felt Ouroboros coil around his waist.

Lily glanced back and looked at Harry weirdly. Harry just looked at her blankly, before he tilted his head down ward and fixed his glasses. "Sorry, bookish types like me don't like to be stared at." He said in a dry, polite tone, causing the red-head to look forward again.

"Where's your owl?" Lily questioned, looking forward.

"Hmm, well, I preferred a more long-term investment." Harry replied uncaringly, as they headed back to their cottage.

A few hours later, Harry was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed. In front of him Ouroboros was coiled up with her head leveled with his.

You said you wanted to be more than a pet and an ally?§" Harry questioned curiously.

"§Oh yesss…§" Ouroboros drew out, as she flicked her tongue out. "§Have you heard the term, 'Familiar' before? §" She asked curiously.

"You could say I'm familiar with the term." Harry replied, before he sighed to himself at his pun…he hated puns. "I thought it was bullshit." He said with a scowl. They were only stories and fairytales.

"§Technically it is. Most of the 'Familiars' you hear about are fake.§" Ouroboros replied. "§They're only glorified pets.§" She said.

"…So like Dumbledore and the Phoenix." Harry said with a nod, getting a head tilt from the white snake.

"…§I have no idea who that is, but there are no Phoenix Familiars. They would never mingle with humans, unless they got something. §" Ouroboros hissed. "§Familiars are…servant for his or her witch.§" She informed, as her eyes glanced away for a moment.

"A servant?" Harry asked with a frown.

"§Well I do owe my life to you. The human at the shop would've killed me and used my parts for potions.§" Ouroboros said, as she slithered forward and coiled around the ash-grey haired wizard, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Harry looked at the white snake, before he reached up and rubbed her head. "You said a Phoenix would never mingle with a human, to be a Familiar, isn't it the wizard's choice for that?" He asked curiously.

Ouroboros' golden slitted eye turned and glanced at Harry, as her black forked tongue flicked out. "§Because it's the familiar's choice to form the familiar bond, not the wizard's, and a familiar and their master share a special bond and would die for each other.§" She informed.

Harry slowly nodded a creature like a Phoenix wouldn't do that. "§There's lots of different little things that come with being Master and a Familiar. I will get some of your magic, you will get some of mine, we will be able to do many things.§" Ouroboros hissed out, as she pressed her head against his hand.

"You have magic?" He asked.

Ouroboros looked at him like he was stupid. "§All living creatures have magic. Though what I can do is small, I can still accomplish some feats. Like help us form the bond§" She informed, as she pulled back and coiled up his waist and brought her head up to his neck.

"How exactly is the bond made?" Harry asked curiously.

"§We have to hold absolute trust with each other.§" Ouroboros hissed, as she opened her mouth and revealed her fangs.

"…Alright." Harry said with a nod, causing the white snake to tilt her head.

"§Alright?§" She asked, getting a nod from Harry. "§You know, I want to find who I really am. That's why I'm doing this. I feel if I go with you, I can figure out what I am.§" She admitted.

Harry slowly nodded, as he glanced down. "I too, don't have enough information to explain to myself yet." He said with a sigh.

Ouroboros lowered her fangs right above Harry's neck. "§If you're not happy with what you have now, you can just find new things to get and fill, to make you happy. Like me.§" She hissed.

Harry smirked to himself. "Yeah, you're…Ah!" He sounded, as Ouroboros sunk her teeth into his neck. After a few seconds, he fell back and Ouroboros coiled on top of his chest and looked at him with golden, slitted eyes.

"A…Ow…" Harry muttered, as he laid there not being able to really move.

"§Don't be a baby, I just gave you a weakened dose of my venom.§" Ouroboros hissed, as she lowered her head and rested it on his chest, looking at the wizard. "§You'll slowly develop an immunity to one of my only forms of attack.§" She said.

"T-that…would mean you're…" Harry fumbled out, as her neurotoxin messed with him.

"§That you could kill me, if my main defense and attack was useless…You saved my life, showing me I can trust you. And I'm making you immune to me, should show you, that you can trust me.§" Ouroboros informed, as her black forked tongue flicked out and touched against Harry's neck. "§Now the bond will solidify, but first. I have to teach you how to act like a snake.§" She said, to the wizard undergoing mithridatism.

Here's another Spin-Off of the Serpent Sorcerer. If someone you actually know what that is, you'll realize what parts are different from the original. He never went to the Durselys and in turn a lot of other shit didn't happen.