Chapter 1: Happening Today

A/N: You know, I always hoped I'd just leave a simple one-liner joke and the following "Enjoy!" in one of these notes but it always feels like there's just that one reader who can't seem to understand the story. Well first of all congrats if you are that one reader, secondly, just ask me in a message or comment if you can't seem to grasp it. Well anyways, enjoy! (God damn I need to get a new note…)

June 5th, 2X32… As June strolled down the rough gravel path…. No that won't do… I tapped the backspace key on my laptop multiple times out of annoyance for what felt like the 100th time on my current project. Here I am, Weiss Schnee… Up and coming author who can't write a single damn novel, even if her life depended on it… I groaned in disappointment as I noticed how late it had become again, "Weiss? Are you still up..?" I perked up at the sound only one person I know who sounds like a child, "Yes, you dolt. Now why aren't you asleep as well?" I felt my red Rose's soft hand brush down my shoulder, "Well, because you wouldn't return to me after dinner was finished." I responded only with my right hand on top of hers, "I see then, but please hurry up? I want to enjoy my Weissy in bed." Letting that soft hand go, I returned my work-tired hands to the keyboard and stared at the empty document, not a single word coming to mind.

I stared at it for five more minutes, that blinking line, waiting for my input. Yawning, I looked as the clock ticked 12:13 AM. I turned off the monitor and slumped off to bed in my white semi-transparent silk nightie. I removed the covers and saw my beautiful red Rose sleeping with her thumb in her mouth again, what will I ever do with you dolt…? I climbed in and pulled the sheets over us but I stopped when I saw her arm cross my stomach and coil around me, somehow with sudden strength she pulled me in close as I sighed and smiled at her. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep on that silken bed. To be reminded of my past memories…

Ending Note: So, this is kind of an interesting beginning, although I'm sure it's not used much on the site I kind of like starting at the end and moving to the beginning to see how the story unravels. If anything, this might be a dark one but I'm unsure of how I'll want to turn this out as well! And just to be clear it won't just be Weiss and Rubes. Might include some others as well of course! Follow and Favorite of course!