
When three turtles had stumbled back into the lair, their faces wet with tears and the fourth carried among them- it seemed as if all of Hamato Yoshi's worse fears had come true at once.

Then he saw his precious Miwa and he realised the damming truth. He had lost a son for a daughter. He took the body of his son to his room where he respectively covered the body with a sheet, offering his respects before returning to the others.

Through many tears and break downs he had managed to get the full story out of his children- how Leonardo had rescued Miwa yet been caught and fatally wounded by the evil Shredder and how Leonardo had refused his brothers any attempt at saving his life. The remaining three turtles had spoken of their guilt and sorrow- of the words their brother had said to them and how he wanted them to tell Splinter he was sorry. That was when he too broke down. He pulled his three sons and daughter close and together they shared the memories of their fallen hero.

Once he had managed to get his children to bed to rest, he had returned to his room and with a heavy heart called April.

"Master Splinter?" April's voice came through, "It's three in the morning. What's up?" He couldn't find the words for a long moment and the only reason April didn't put the phone down was due to the heavy breathing on the other end. "Master Splinter?"

"It's Leonardo." He eventually managed to get out.

"Leo? Is he alright? Is he hurt? Shall I come over? Do you need my help?"

Splinter wondered how to put the harsh words, then he stated sorrowfully,

"Leonardo is past anyone's help now."

He heard April gasp and stutter out that she would be there and that she would alert Casey. She waited for a reply but realised that Splinter couldn't say anything else out of sadness, she cut off.

Splinter put down the cheese phone then slowly moved to each of his children's rooms.

First he entered Miwa's who was sleeping in the spare room for the time being. With a heavy heart he realise she could take Leonardo's. She was sleeping- or at least pretending to be.

"I do not blame you, daughter." He whispered, knowing what would be on her mind. He would speak to her in the morning.

Next he went to Michelangelo's, where his youngest son was sleeping fitfully, tears drying on his face. Splinter wiped them away then rubbed his shell until he appeared more restful.

He didn't bother checking Donatello's room as the sounds in the lab told Splinter where his son would be- so he moved up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in" his second youngest son stated hollowly.

The rat master opened the door and went to his son's side. He wrapped his arms around the turtle and whispered, "It wasn't your fault." Before leaving again. At the door he paused, "Get some rest, my son. We will hold the funeral tomorrow so you want to be awake."

He left, leaving the doors open as an invitation.

As he entered Raphael's room, he saw Donatello leave the lab, yawning. Splinter smiled before closing Raphael's door behind him.

"Sensei, we're burning Leo's body right?" Raphael choked, sitting up on his bed.

"Why do you ask, my son?" Splinter sat down beside the now eldest turtle.

"Leo always told me that the greatest warriors are burnt when they die so they can rise again as a phoenix in the next life." Raph blushed at the question and looked down. "He was a great warrior. The best. I… I can't believe he's gone…"

Splinter pulled his son into a hug, holding him close as he cried.

"Leonardo was the brightest of flames, Raphael. He will be burnt and you can scatter his ashes. He will rise again."

Raphael looked up at his father and gave a sad smile.

"Leo would want me to say: thanks Sensei."

Both father and son began to cry at this.

Raph P.O.V

It was a peaceful affair. The funeral.

It was just April, Casey, Karai- now known as Miwa, Sensei and of course, me and my two brothers. In the morning we burnt Leo's body and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do- lighting that pyre. We were all in tears as we watched Leo slowly fade to nothing more than a pile of ashes under his swords. Sensei split his ashes into four, leaving part in a jar which he placed in the dojo under his swords and his blue mask, while he split the other three parts into small containers- one for each of my brothers and me.

We stood on the top of a building in New York City holding our containers as we said a few words each.

"I won't forget you bro. I remember what you said. I won't forget to smile. I miss you Leo." Mikey pored his ashes into the wind, watching them get carried away into the sky by the wind.

Donnie stepped forward.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you- but where ever you are, Leo- I hope you're alright." He scattered his ashes then it was my turn.

"I'm gonna miss you, brother- but I'll look after them as I promised. I won't let you down Leo."

I let my ashes go and watched as they drifted away, swirling this way and that as the wind carried them to where I hoped was a better place.

Sensei stepped forward and spoke to the wind.

"Were ever you are now, my son, know that we shall never forget you and your bravery. You were a great warrior and now you may rise again to carry on your battle in the next life. Goodbye, my son."

Slowly, one by one, we moved from the roof top, leaving behind the containers as a shrine for our brother. When Donnie had steered Mikey away, leaving me alone, I spoke up again.

"I'll protect them as you did, I won't ever forget that promise I made you. Even at the cost of my own life I'll keep them alive and happy, as long as there's breath in my body, and at the end of the day- we'll see each other again, Leonardo."

I was sure I felt his presence and I smiled.

"Look after yourself brother." I muttered as I followed the rest of my family down the building.

Smiling down from where he was watching, Leo smiled at his brother. He floated down and rested a hand on Raph's shoulder and watched as his brother smiled.

I know you will, Raphael, I know you will. He whispered as Raph ran after the rest of his family. And at last Leo was at peace. Raphael would look after his brothers and Sensei. His job was finished.

And at the end of the day, we'll see each other again…

Don't do that too soon, Raph. It isn't your time- at least, not yet….

Ta da! Review please!

How was that?! Tears in your eyes?!

Thank you for reviewing and keep loving TMNT!

LL99 out!