Jerry's Pov:

We had gotten our clothes on, a few minutes before my mother was to arrive, and the food I had prepared was finished. I looked over towards Tom with a small blush on my cheeks, he was looking through his phone, sitting across the table from me, and he still looked attractive doing so.

The sound of the bell brought me back to reality, and a huge smile broke out on my face. My beautiful mother was here, I haven't seen her since I left for the concert in Germany. I quickly got up from my seat and basically almost ran to the door, I opened it only to come face to face with the most beautiful woman in the entire world, my mother.

My mother had the most beautiful brown hair that reached her shoulders, with the bottoms curled a bit. Her honey brown eyes held nothing but love and warmth, something I missed when I was in Germany, and now that I was home I could just hug her.

"Mom, I missed you so much," I walked over towards her and pulled her into a hug with tears swelling in my eyes. She wrapped his arms around me, and sighed softly.

"I missed you too baby," she pulled back from the hug and took a good look at me. "Do you meet someone in Germany?" She asked. Every time I came home from a concert she asked me if I met anyone, she always asked out of love.

She didn't want me to be alone, and I stand that. My past relationships weren't that healthy or just didn't last long. She wanted me to settle down, and get married, and I definitely had that in mind. I just haven't met the perfect person for that at the moment.

"Mom," I whined with a light blush on my cheeks. "I didn't meet anyone in Germany, so don't-"

"The food is getting cold Jerry," Tom's voice came from the hallway, he walked to the front door and looked at over towards us. "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?"

I looked over towards Tom before looking over towards my mother, who would probably make a big deal out of this. It was rare that I had someone over, and she always bugged me about bring home a guy to meet the family.

"Who are you?" She asked with a warm smile removing her coat, and placing it on the coat holder. She walked over towards him, "Jerry didn't tell me he had such a cute boyfriend."

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, leave it up to my mother to embarrass me. It wasn't like he was his boyfriend or anything, he didn't ask him out or the other way around. "Mom he isn't-"

Tom held his hand out towards my mother with a huge grin, "nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Tom Daniel." He didn't address the fact that we weren't boyfriend's, what was going on in his head, I want to know.

My mother grabbed his hand, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Lucy Carmichael, I'm Jerry's mother." She grabbed his arm and walked into the kitchen, "are you staying for dinner?"

I rolled my eyes and followed them into the kitchen to get things ready while they talked to each other. It was kind of weird that they were acting like best friend's already, my mom continued to address him as my boyfriend and he didn't seem to correct her or anything.

I placed the plates down on the table, and sat down in the chair across from Tom. I grabbed my fork, and started eating.

"So, when did you two start dating?" My mom asked eating her food and looking over towards Tom.

Tom smirked looking over towards me, before looking back at at my mother, "we started dating today actually, it's a funny story, I was actually hired to fix his washing machine, and sparks started flying, I guess we're made for each other."