Greetings fellow readers! It is I, Albino RJ Stingray

This is a story that had been written months ago. It's not finish yet, though. But it will be soon.

This is a story with a touch of compassion. I like this story so I hope you will too!

This is a high school AU. And I apologize if the system here is different then yours. Well, it is a fantasy AU. So... yeah...

There are three different species in this universe: Human, Furry and Anthrop

I know Furry and Anthrop are the same but I separate them because if reasons...

There is only one pairing in this story, and that involved a crimson fox and a female OC. I'm sorry for the readers who have your own OTP. I see the Fazbear gang as a one big family.

Well, except in this story

Enough of my rambling, okay?

Enjoy Reading And Review If You Feel Like It!

Chapter 1

An Unfortunate Vixen

"Oops, didn't see you there, Mangle!"

She tripped over a foot and fell down onto the ground, her books spread all over the floor as everyone in the hallway laughed. She winced at the pain she felt and at the laughter, but quickly gathering her books before she can make another grand drama.

She was crawling around, gathering back her books. She made a move to grab one of her books but was kicked out of the way, farther away now. She retracted back her hand as she looked up at the gangly guy before her, her white vixen ears folded in fear.

"What's the matter, Mangle? Can't see with your eyes?" the Human male mocked before he erupted into a deep laughter. He walked passed her, kicking her out of the way during the process. She squeaked out a yelp in pain as everyone else laughed at her misery.

She ignored everything everyone gave her. She slowly stood up, wincing a bit because of the pain, holding back a whimper, and gathered her scattered books while not making any eye contact with anyone.

She was heading to her locker earlier, soon after she finished her last class of the day. Like all other classes she had, she sat at the far corner of the room, right beside the opened window. She is among the outcasts, but even the outcasts treated her like an outcast. She is basically an outcast among outcasts; the lowest level ever existed.

She is a klutz, always stumbling around with her feet and knocked things over. Almost anything she touch ended up all banged up and mangled. This earned her the nickname 'Mangle'.

Despite being an outcast, she is a smart vixen. She is not a straight-A's student nor she is an average mark student. She is somewhere in between but more lean into the smarter ones. Although, sometimes she zone out whenever she gazed out though the window, lazily watching the trees flutter by the wind.

When the bell rang, she immediately picked up her things and headed straight to her locker, hoping to not bump into anyone since she didn't want to make a memorable drama in the hallway.

Sadly, she can't escape from it.

Her name is Magdalene Vixy Foxtrox. She is an eighteen-year-old Furry white vixen. Her long hair is white with a small touch of pink, clumsily tied into two wavy ponytails with tiny pink ribbons. Her velvety vixen ears and long bushy tail are also white with a small touch of pink, and her skin is a healthy color of pale cream. She always wore a white puffy dress with long sleeves and pink flats. One could say that her favorite color is pink.

If one really pays attention to her, he or she might admit that Magdalene is gorgeous. Sadly everyone looked past beyond the point.

But what made her more 'outcast-ed' – quoted by everyone at school – is her eyes. Her round left eye is a very pale color of yellow, almost on the brink of brown and her pupil is not visible. She is basically blind on her left eye. Almost everyone bullied and teased her because of her blind side.

Her right eye, however, is very different from the left one. It is golden yellow in color. Some might say that it is an actual gold instead of golden yellow because of how intense it is. The black pupil can constrict into a slit like a cat's eye. It only happens when Magdalene is angry, but that rarely happen.

Magdalene often softly placed her fingers on her cheekbone, very near to her right eye. She smiled melancholy before dropping her hand to her side. No one knew why she did this, but it's not like they care.

"You okay there, Magdalene?" She heard someone from behind her. She doesn't need to turn around to know who the person is, since she is one of the only two who called her by her name in school.

"I'm fine, ChiChi. You don't need to worry about me," Magdalene replied back as she opened her locker, hiding her shuddering pain as she placed her books inside. She held onto the locker to stop her from falling down, causing ChiChi concerned a bit over her best friend's health.

ChiChi Chix is a Furry chicken with bright pink eyes. She is a cheerleader and she is drop-dead gorgeous. She loved to party and hang out with her friends. She also happened to be Magdalene's best friend. Everyone was outrageous by this, but when ChiChi's older cousin came in, everyone went quiet.

Chica Chick is ChiChi's older cousin, and she is a year ahead of ChiChi. The Anthrop chicken is calm and friendly, and fond of Magdalene. She is also famous for her temper, especially when someone mistook her for a duck. If a person stated that, then duck and cover y'all.

(I'm so sorry for the pun D: It's not punny…)

These two people already gave her hopes that her life at Fredbear High will not be terrible since she had at least two friends that support her. The two Anthrop chickens already helped her through her early year in Fredbear High.

Today is the third day of her second year, and she already had a great start. By 'great start', she meant she already got heavily bullied and teased by nearly everyone.

"I'm heading home," Magdalene informed the Anthrop chicken, closing the locker door and made her way to the exit. ChiChi stopped her with a hand on the shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay, Magdalene? That's your fifth kick of the day, and it's not getting any softer," ChiChi said, worried over her best friend.

Magdalene had been horribly bullied and beaten up ever since she started to school at Fredbear High. Chica had complained to the principal about the bully, around for times already last year, but no teachers made any actions. Magdalene is just an unfortunate Furry vixen.

"For the last time, ChiChi, I'm fine. I'll be okay," Magdalene reassured her again, a bit more forcefully this time. She gently shrugged ChiChi's hand from her shoulder and continued to head her way to the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow"

ChiChi was about to stop her again but Magdalene had already disappeared as the twin doors closed behind her. She pursed her lips together; the seed of concern was still there inside her.

Magdalene sighed as she walked at the sidewalk, cars passed by at high speed ignoring her presence. She suddenly winced and grabbed her bruised shoulder. She whimpered in pain as her ears flattened. She had been receiving more bruises than ever, probably even already broke the record.

She sighed one more time before letting go of her shoulder as she brushed the problem aside. She had been receiving bruises since last year; it's nothing new to her. Magdalene decided to focus on her path.

She actually walked from and to her home. It's quite far away – over three miles away – but the walk brought Magdalene back some great memories. She smiled softly as she remembered back a memory she had long time ago. She softly placed her fingers on her cheekbone, very near to her right eye. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes but she blinked them away.

Around thirty minutes later, Magdalene finally arrived at her home. She took out her key and walked straight in after unlocking the door, not bothering to knock.

She put away her bag neatly in her room and then grabbed a towel. She walked to the backdoor and opened it, revealing the beautiful color of green of the forest. She entered the forest without hesitation, since she had done this many times before.

But she wasn't used to go there alone.

Shortly after, she arrived at a small but beautiful pond. The water is crystal clear and incredibly clean. There is also a waterfall placed at the far end of the pond, splashing sprinkles into the view, making the place even more beautiful. It is a magnificent sight to see.

Welcome to the Foxtrox's bathroom.

Magdalene removed her clothes and loosened her hair from its ponytails. She gently lowered herself into the clear water and a blissful sigh escaped her pink lips. The cold water was numbing her multiple aching bruises all over her body. That felt good for her. She gently ran her hands through her white hair, cleaning it with the crystal clear water. She slowly blinked as a memory flashed inside her mind.

She is still haven't use to clean her hair. Usually someone else do the job for her and even better than her.

Someone who meant the world to her.

She pulled herself away from the water and shook the water off of her before wrapping herself with the towel. No one is around in the woods; she is not bother about being naked in the middle of the woods. She made her way back to her home, still soaked and her clothes in her hands. She entered through the backdoor and looked around the house.

She lived alone in a modest cottage inside the forest on a beautiful grass field, a bit further away from civilization. Both of her parents died long time ago. Her father died when she wasn't even born, and her mother died when she gave birth to Magdalene. Her parents didn't really like the crowded city that filled with pollutions from the vehicles and the annoying neighbors. Also, there are lesser chances of burglary.

Magdalene and her family loved Mother Nature. That is why they decided to build a modest cottage inside the forest on a grass field. They grew crops and hunts – only when needed – for food. Sometimes they went to the city to buy food and stuff they needed. They may look poor, but they are very well-supplied with water, food, electricity and everything else.

Sometimes, ChiChi came over and slept there in Magdalene's home. She was there to keep Magdalene a company since the Anthrop vixen lived alone. Sometimes, ChiChi would bring along her cousin to make the atmosphere inside the house livelier.

The first time they arrived, they thought that Magdalene's family is crazy. But as time went on, they finally understood why the Foxtrox built a house in the middle of the forest. Now, ChiChi and Chica loved the peace surrounding the cottage.

Magdalene sighed yet again, echoing through the empty cottage. She dried herself and put on proper clothes, the sky outside started to darken. She cooked dinner and ate at the dining table in silence, alone. The spoon and fork clanked onto the plate, the only sound inside the cottage.

After finishing her dinner, she washed the dishes and put them away. She went into her room and decided to finish her homework. There are not much of them, and she could easily finish them. When she finished her homework the sky was already dark, signaling Magdalene that it's nighttime.

She removed her clothes and put on a nightgown. Instead of going to her bed, she silently went to the room next to hers after grabbing her mobile phone. She entered the new room, stopped moving to embrace the atmosphere. She then went over to the brown wardrobe and took out something from it.

It was a large purple sash with stars on it.

She then went over to the bed and gently lay down, the purple sash held closely to her chest. She laid her head on one of the pillow, her mobile phone next to it.

She deeply inhaled the purple sash and closed her eyes. His scent is still lingering.

This room, this whole room along with the stuff inside it, especially the purple sash Magdalene held, belonged to a person who is very close to her heart.

Someone who meant the world to her.

A buzzing caused her eyes to snap opened. Her mobile phone blinked, signaling that she had received a message. She doesn't need to know who text her in this kind of time; she knew from the heart who the person is.

A wide smile appeared on her face and she quickly and excitedly grabbed her mobile phone, fumbling with it for a bit. Her smile widened when she read the person's name.

Foxy: Good evening, Me Lass

Foxy P. Foxtrox. Magdalene's beloved older brother, aged at twenty-nine years old. He texted her everyday, checking on her to see if she is fine or not. She always replied back, be it during her class, early in the morning, in the middle of the night, or before she goes to bed.

He is the person who meant the world to her.

Magdalene: Hey, Brother!

Foxy: Ye still not sleeping?

Magdalene: I was about to, but you texted me. Now I'm WIDE open

Foxy: How's me beloved little sister doing?

Magdalene: I'm fine, Brother. You don't have to worry about me

Magdalene winced in the bed, her white ears folded. She always hated it. She always hated it with incredible passion to lie to her brother. But she doesn't want her brother to constantly worry over her. She wanted him to focus on his job.


Magdalene winced even more when she didn't receive any response from her beloved brother. He knew her too well. Even through typing, Foxy could tell she is lying. After a short moment, he finally replied.

Foxy: But ye're me little sister. It's always me job to worry over ye

Magdalene: That's so sweet of you

That's not a tease; she meant those words. It warmed her heart that even miles away from her, her beloved brother is always worried over her, despite that she didn't want to. She decided to change the subject.

Magdalene: So how's my lovely older brother doing?

Foxy: I just woke up from me bed on the other side of the world

Magdalene: Aww, so the first thing that came to your mind is me? Are you really that worried?

Foxy: Like I said before, ye're me little sister. Ye're always in me mind, Me Treasure

Magdalene: I'm flattered

Foxy: Hahaha…

Softly, Magdalene laughed too after she sent her text as she held the purple sash closer to her chest. She looked at her older brother's name, and her hand on the purple sash tightened and held it closer to her heart.

Her aching heart.

Magdalene: I missed you, Brother

Foxy: And I missed you, Me Lass

It had been five years after he left for his job. At first he turned down the job, swearing that he will never leave his beloved little sister alone. But Magdalene convinced him to take the job and assured him that she will be fine living alone.

Foxy refused over and over again but finally with so much reluctance, he accepted the job. The two shared one final night together, embracing each other before they separate for the first time in thirteen years.

Ever since then, Foxy had been sending her money for her, a bit more than what she needed but Magdalene was grateful of it. Even half a world away, her beloved brother worked hard for her own good.

But at the same time, Magdalene regretted the decision. She missed her older brother a lot. Life without him is hard and she wasn't use to live a life without her brother. Nearly all of her wonderful memories had her beloved brother in it.

Actually all of her wonderful memories had her beloved brother in it.

And ever since Foxy had moved away, people take the chance to bully her, taking their revenge on her for what her brother did to them. She didn't tell him, of course. She didn't want him to be even more worried about her.

Magdalene: When are you coming back?

Foxy: I'll try as soon as I can

Tears were formed at the corners of her eyes. She knew that her beloved brother tried to find a free time so that he could spend some time with her. But his schedule is densely packed that he had no free time. She wiped away the tears with the purple sash.

Magdalene: Okay…

Foxy: Don't be sad, Me Lass. Hear this, I sent a surprise for ye

That gained her interest.

Magdalene: Really? What is it?!

Foxy: Not going to tell

Magdalene: You're mean

Foxy: It's a surprise, Me Lass. I don't want to spoil it

Magdalene: Please

Foxy: No

Magdalene: Pretty please *Cute Face*

Foxy: Still no *Looks Away*

Magdalene giggled. She and her beloved brother liked to do those things. It's entertaining. Each of their conversation at least had one.

Magdalene: Aww… *Sad Face*

Foxy: Just be patient, Me Lass. Okay?

Magdalene: Is it worth it?

Foxy: Ye'll love it

Magdalene: Okay *Smiley Face*

Foxy: Ye go to sleep, aye?

Magdalene: Okay. Can I get a goodnight kiss?

Foxy: *Give Goodnight Kiss*

Magdalene smiled at the text. The way he texted it like he actually give it. Magdalene really felt the kiss her beloved brother gave her.

Foxy: Take care of me sash, aye?

Magdalene: Okay. Goodnight, Brother

Foxy: Goodnight, Me Treasure

Magdalene smiled and put down her mobile phone. She wound the purple sash around her neck and brought it close to her nose. She inhaled deeply her brother's scent that lingered on it. Her mind began to drift off as the smile still firmly placed on her face.

But before she fell asleep, she whispered one last sentence in her mind to her beloved older brother. Even though she didn't text it to him, she knew that he responded back. She could almost hear his response in her mind. It was like their minds are connected.

'I Love You, My Beloved Brother'

'And I Love You, Me Beloved Sister'

This is how Mangle – or Magdalene in this story – looks like. A very special thank you to the artist who drew her here and had became my favorite Mangle character drawing ever!

This Mangle is an example of how Furry looks like

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