Gilbert sat in the corner of the dankest, most filthy pub in the entirety of his kingdom. His red eyes scanned the room, searching out the poor wandering barmaid. He wasn't nearly drunk enough yet. It had been a long day.

Gil had been hired by a shady character, to kill rich nobles on the Upper East Side. He had done it, and covered his tracks pretty well, but had a maid walk in on him. After that, he had people fallowing him around for the rest of the morning looking for the killer. Then he had a run in with Eliza. Pride or not, Gil was utterly in love with her, from her long brown hair, to her bright green eyes. They had been good friends, even after he left the palace. She never really knew what he did, and he intended to keep it that way. Overall, it hadn't been such a bad visit, until he had noticed the ring. It was on her left hand, ring finger. It was a diamond. It was glaring him in the face. She had noticed him staring at it. She glanced down, blushing. The invincible Liz blushed. She and Roddy had been dating for quite a while, but he had always hope. One day, she would see him as more than a friend. They would get their happily ever after, preferable with Rodrick out of the picture entirely. He would be lying if he denied the various one night stands and short term flings (hell, he had even had one with Roddy himself), but none of those really counted. And now, that ring sealed his fate. She started to explain all the different arrangements and dates, Gil had tuned out. Until she said something about best man. She wanted him to be her best man. Gil had then flipped shit and left. He didn't even want to think about the argument they'd had. It was safe to say, he wasn't going to their wedding.

His 'boss' hadn't helped. The reason Gil had left the palace in the first place was so that he would no longer be under someone else's thumb. His father was going insane, his teachers were too tight laced for him to breath, even Franny and Toni had left him. Franny had gone first, being called back to his kingdom when they were fifteen. Then Toni, at sixteen. He had begged Gil to come with him, as he sneaked out in the middle of the night. He said he was going to be a pirate, and hunt down the people who had murdered his father and little Lovi. He never had gotten over that little girl, then again no one really had. Feli smiled less, and Luddy became almost as bad as his teachers, a perfect little soldier. Hell, his Dad had gone mad! He hadn't gone with Toni (biggest mistake of his life), but had instead stayed, training, and handing out with Lizzy and Roddy. But by the time he was eighteen, he had given up. He snuck out like Toni, and never looked back. He had begun his life as a mercenary, and a damn good one, someone that everyone was afraid of. They called him the white knight, and parents used his story to scare their children into bed at night. Eventually, when he was twenty, he was more or less forced to join the mercenary guild, where he was once again ordered around. But it had taken him less than a year to assassinate the head of the guild and take over his place. But now, he was under the thumb of the kingpin. Ah the turntables.

Now, he had to manage all the riff raff that entered his guild, all while fighting with other leaders, while that kingpin watched and smiled. The kingpin was one of life's great mysteries. No one knew what they actually looked like underneath his or her mask. No one knew their gender, or life before they had been picked up by the previous leader, Remus. No one knew how they lost their arm (which had been replaced by a bionic one years ago). All anyone knew, was that since they had taken over, two new guilds had appeared (spy and mage) and most people were more successful than ever. Gilbert was actually on good terms with them, and though they never favored one guild over the others during the meetings, he or she always seemed to like Gilbert. They would talk outside of guild meetings, and sometimes having a drink together. Another thing, the person never seemed to get drunk.

In the end Gil didn't mind his life too much, he was for the most part free to do what he wanted, and he enjoyed playing the crime game. But days like today made him long for back when he was just a child, still playing his brother and friends, and did have to do jobs for hire. At twenty two, Gil was questioning all his life decisions that lead him here. Worst part was he didn't have any answers.

Gilbert waved over the poor severing woman again. She really was ugly, eyepatch (probably too poor to afford a bionic implant), breathing mask dented and wide hips. She poured him another glass of strong brew as Gil continued to gaze blankly around the room. Dimly, he noticed the door swinging open. He hear the footsteps of the newcomer, as he stared back down into his drink.

Suddenly, a fist pounded down on the table, and looked up to find a handsome blue eyed, blonde haired boy staring at him.

"Are you The White Knight, Gilbert Bell?" He asked urgently, eyes flashing, they were beautiful eyes, and the spark in them should have told Gil what he was getting into.

"Yeah, that's me, what do you want shrimp?"

"I need your help." A/NHey. What's up? Thank you for all of the reviews, I really appreciate it. This chapter is a bit short compared to the others, I'm sorry 'bout that. There may or may not be another update to day. Well see.-MOF