Title: Incognito

Prologue: Breaking Your Own Heart

Author: captainbartholomew

Disclaimer: Ahem, I do not own any members of the WWE or other items that may be copyrighted in this story. I only own my personal ideas, opinions, characters, etc. So please, don't sue me!

Summary: When Evolution reformed in April 2014, The Shield wasn't really sure what to do to stop the powerhouse of a stable. An unlikely source sends the brothers to find something... or better yet someone… to help them in their crusade against Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista. Only problem: Olivia Hurst was never supposed to reenter the world of the WWE.

Blame/Fault: My own. This has been bugging me for a long time. I really wanted a multi-chapter fic with an OC so I finally decided to post this. For those of you doing a hip-hip-hooray, I'm glad I could please you! :)


November 10, 2004

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The platinum blonde young woman pulled her hoodie closer as if protecting her from something. She could steal feel the flames fanning her face as if she were in the car. If she was going to survive and keep being who she wanted to be she knew what she had to do and it had been done. The young lady hadn't wanted to do any of this, but she had needed to do something drastic and fast.

"I can't stay here Ric, you know that. I can't." The sweet voice answered as the man looked directly back at the woman nodding his head. "I can't be the female version of him, no matter how much he wants me to be. I can't stay in this world. I don't belong here anymore."

Ric Flair nodded sadly as he stared at the young woman standing before him. Her decision to do all of this had shocked and disturbed him. He had never met anyone with passion for this industry like her, but the fact she was willing to give all this up just to make sure she didn't lose herself was different. Her heart was what kept her going after all these years and for some reason it always was going to remain pure even when darkness tried to creep in. She had let it creep only once and she had seen how that had ended: her best friend with a neck injury while fighting over a stupid golden title belt. Ric had seen how proud her father had been of her and for a while she lived off that high. Orton and Batista had kept her there and peaceful. Turmoil was coming for their little group though and Randy's title shot had her concerned. She had told him it needed to be before now, but that didn't seem likely. She couldn't stay to see what may crumble at her feet in the wake of the destruction her father and his cohorts would cause in and outside of the wrestling ring.

"I know, dear," answered Ric as they stood there, "Do you want a couple minutes to yourself before I take you to the airport?"

Solemnly, the young woman nodded as she watched the fire trucks, police cars, and crowd of wrestlers gather around the burning car. Silently, Ric ushered himself away from the scene as she stared at it. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her father, Dave, and Randy standing there trying to hold their tears back guessing the paramedic had just given the news she hadn't made it. Yes, she was sad she couldn't remain here anymore, but there was no way she could become what they wanted her to be. She wasn't here to help them make the future, past, and present come together.

No, she was here because she wanted to live her dream, but the tragedy of turning against her true self had destroyed her friends and almost destroyed her too in the entire process.

A car horn honked breaking her stare from the group of grieving wrestlers as she turned to see Ric had pulled up the black four door Audi. She couldn't stay and mourn herself any longer. If she did someone was sure to catch her making her escape and all of this would be for nothing. This wasn't going to be her life anymore and she wanted to make sure of that. She was going to be normal and figure things out without having to face demons in her personal and professional life.

"You ready to go, sweetie?" asked Ric as he pushed open the car door for her from where he was sitting in the driver seat of the Audi. With a silent nod, the platinum blonde gave the fiery scene one last glance. From now on, she was dead to everyone in the wrestling world and no one would ever know what had happened to her if she had her way.

"I'm ready," she announced as she turned her back forever on the world she had known her entire life. With that, she marched towards the car and with force behind it, slammed the door shut as Ric drove off into the darkness of the night.

For all the rest of the world knew, Savannah Sage Hurst Helmsley was dead after dying in a tragic car crash while trying to leave an arena after a live taping of WWE Monday Night Raw. She would be forever memorialized by the WWE for her talents to woman's wrestling, her giant heart, and being one of the biggest goof offs the company had ever seen. That night everything in wrestling changed.

If only they knew Savannah Sage wasn't dead, but making her escape from the wrestling world and not ever looking back at anyone in it including her ex-boyfriend Dave Batista, her ex-best friend Randy Orton, and especially not her father, the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H… or so she thought. This isn't the story of the girl that was Savannah Sage though. This is the story of how she evolved into someone better with the help of three roughly ragged wrestlers. That young woman's name would be Olivia Hurst.


*a/n: Reviews are the wrestler of your choice helping you get away from the everyday struggles of the real life grind. Thanks for reading!