Summary: Amelia O'Connell is the daughter to a Claire witch and a priest. Unwanted by her mother she was raised by her father knowing only his love and that she was different from other witches. One mistake with Elijah Mikaelson and her life changes forever.

Amelia - Kaya Scodelario

Note please Hayley does not exist in this story at all.


A young woman stood over looking the street from her place in the attic her dark brown hair blowing from the light breeze and her blue eyes clouded with dark memories. She heard footsteps and turned to face a teenager who looked so much like her. The teen still held tears in her eyes traumatized from the past events.

"I don't understand Amelia. Our mother was suppose to love us not try and kill us," she whispered horrified.

"I always knew her cruelty Davina but I never thought she would turn it on you," the woman spoke to her half sister softly.

Amelia looked over at her little sister wishing she could take away her pain. The covens had always held such contempt for her because of her origins, some she did not know the full truth of as her father refused to tell her. Davina had always been protected from it though then the covens tried to sacrifice her sister and so she spoke up only they retaliated in a harsh way causing nothing but tragedy and pain. Amelia had a feeling that this would not be the last time tragedy struck this town or her family she just hoped she was wrong.

~Bed of Blood~

Kieran looked over the destruction caused by his nephew and could not find understanding in any of it. He had known that Alice was a cruel woman but he didn't think her this cruel until now. He heard soft footsteps and turned to face his daughter. She reminded him so much of his mother and her power was strong but he could not tell her yet. Her small frame wrapped around him and he flashed back to the day twenty three years ago that his life changed forever.

"What do you mean we have a daughter?" He asked Alice starring in shock at her.

"I mean that our one night caused this thing to be born. Now you can take her or I can leave her for dead," the witch spoke her voice cold.

Kieran shook his head looking down at the baby and the moment he saw her soft blue eyes knew the witch spoke the truth. He took the child not knowing what he would do considering he had an oath to uphold but he could not abandon his child to death or the cruelty of her mother.

Kieran was proud of the woman that his daughter had grown into but wished she had the love of a mother. All Amelia had known from her mother, if could have called Alice Claire such, was contempt. Luckily for him his sister in law had taken over the mantle before her death and helped care for the child. He closed his eyes knowing very soon he would have to tell his daughter of what she truly was but he wanted to protect her so he chose to keep quiet for now.

~Bed of Blood~

Amelia stormed into the compound ignoring the vampires mostly because they knew she was a true ally and extremely powerful, heading straight towards the back of the bar. She threw open the door not caring of the old vampire that Marcel was talking to and glared at the king of the quarter.

"If it isn't the only witch I like and respect," Marcel greeted a smirk on his face.

"Do not smirk at me Marcel Gerard. I told you that Jane Ann was mine to deal with and you defied me," she yelled.

"Ames calm down," he tried a sigh escaping him.

Amelia huffed using her telekinesis to pin the vampire to the wall and sat in his chair looking the old one dead in the eyes. He was an attractive specimen with his brown eyes and brown hair but the surprising thing was discovering he was an original. She laughed releasing Marcel and smirking at him.

"An Original Marcel. I believe your exact words to me about them was they are to be respected yet it seems you have angered him. I must ask which one is he? Wait let me guess. He's not Klaus since the hybrid has blue eyes and a devilish smirk, he's not Rebekah leaving only Kol and Elijah. You hate Kol since he's worse than Klaus, your words my friend which means this is Elijah," she spoke smirking at the vampires.

Elijah found himself intrigued as he did not sense an ounce of hate coming from either of them towards each other. He saw the power in her eyes just as he saw that while she had known love she had know hatred. She reminded him of his brother Klaus a little which just made him remember he was hear to clean up Klaus' mess.

"Your brother attacked my men, my friend," Marcel started.

"It was Thierry so he probably didn't think before pissing off an Original hybrid," Amelia interjected.

"While I understand your frustration maybe you can understand my brothers as well. He had come here seeking Jane Ann because he heard of witches conspiring against him. He only wanted a moment to question her but you killed her," he tried instead.

"He should consider himself lucky," the woman mumbled.

"Amelia here is my greatest ally and knows the most about the witches so I will leave you two to talk," Marcel said seeing an opportunity for payback.

Amelia glared at her friend and sighed when she saw his pleading look. She had known him since she was a child and he had been her greatest friend since protecting her when her father couldn't. She nodded her head and looked back to the old one seeing his curious gaze on her. She was drawn to him and she didn't understand it herself really.

"I am curious as to how Marcel is friends with you when witchcraft is outlawed?" He asked her his voice soft but steady.

"Let's just say I'm not your typical witch and Marcel has been my friend since I was a child. I was outcast by my mother and loved by my father," she said standing and coming to stand in front of him.

"You are a clever woman not revealing everything," he spoke seeing the wisdom and trying to ignore his hunger for her.

"I think we both don't want to talk right now," she smirked at him.

Elijah didn't know who moved first and he knew that he would regret it later but he felt this intense connection to her like she was his and decided to care only for himself especially after losing Katerina once again. Her lips felt like home and the moment he entered her they both felt something unexplainable that would forever change their lives.