I've decided I'm going to try a new approach to this whole story writing thing, rather than typing simply chapter by chapter I am going to make each "Chapter" into a page. and when I've got enough "Pages" I'll end the chapter and start the next. This way it's like reading a real chapter book. Lemme know what y'all thing ok?

Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

Page 1

Shooting pain was all Naruto could feel, looking down he saw the hand of his best friend turned demon pierced through his chest. Following his friend's arm he came to look into the shocked eyes of Sasuke Uchiha, the reason for the shocked eyes being as Naruto's clawed hand was in a similar position, straight through the young Uchiha's chest. Both boys clothing had been shredded in the battle; Naruto was now down to little more than a mesh shirt, his crystal necklace, and his trademark orange pants, While sasuke was missing his shirt entirely (Not Yaoi) and was left in his trademark white shorts. Both boys were littered with cuts, bruises, and burns, and now they were looking in each other's eyes as the life slowly left them. Both of the boys had directly hit the heart of the other, meaning even with their newfound powers… they were going to die

"Well Teme" Naruto said, coughing up a bit of blood as he tried his best to stand. He reached out and used the sword on Sasuke's back to steady himself before dropping to one knee, causing said Uchiha to do the same. "Looks like we both failed, you won't be destroying the leaf and….[cough] and I won't be there to protect them from Obito and Madara….." Naruto felt tears welling up in his eyes as flashes of all his friends ran through his mind, he'd failed everyone he cared about: He couldn't become Hokage like he'd promised Tsunade, he wouldn't be coming back to wave to see Inari, he wouldn't be bringing Sasuke back to Sakura….. He'd failed them all, and he couldn't even blame the boy who killed him.

Sasuke on the other hand was silent, seeing as he was dying he figured he might as well go peacefully since even with the power of his perfect Sharingan he couldn't survive this one. Closing his eyes he spoke softly to Naruto "Even if this isn't how I wanted to go…" Naruto turned to his friend, wanting to hear what his last words were. Both boys could hear voices coming their way, knowing that it was their friends, but it all seemed so far away now. All that mattered was what they had to say to each other now. "I'm glad it was you to stop me, Naruto. You have always done everything in your power to… protect the people you care about. But in the end, you simply needed to protect them from me" Naruto could tell Sasuke had more to say, though before he could say anything else his body slumped forward, face first into the dirt before him. He reached out and went to call for him, but no noise left his throat as he lost his balance and tumbled to the ground. He could feel the life leaving his body as he turned to his best friend, he knew his words would fall on deaf ears now, but they needed to be said.

"I forgive you… Sasu…...ke…" Was all he could muster out before the world went dark around him, he briefly heard the sound of Sakura screaming his name and heard the girl slide to a stop near him, but that was the last of it.

**Scene Change**

At first Naruto slept, his body feeling tired and not wanting to move. That was up until he heard a familiar voice, he knew who it was, but for some reason he couldn't quite place his finger on it. Slowly opening his eyes he saw none other than Sasuke Uchiha and some strange woman standing before him. They seemed to be arguing so Naruto decided to just listen in.

"What do you mean I can't go back?! This is my one chance to change everything, to make it all right again and stop all that from happening!" Sasuke shouted at the female, who in turn glared at him. For some reason Naruto couldn't really describe her, her form seemed to shimmer and change, it was like whatever things he found attractive in a girl was what she changed into.

"Well Uchiha, when I said you can't go it meant" Suddenly her voice boomed loudly and demanded respect with the power that radiated from it, Nearly suffocating the young boys "You can't go back!" and as suddenly as it appeared the power and the booming voice vanished from her. "And that is final, however, I've had a discussion with Kami and she has come up with a solution to our little dilemma" A devious look adorned the female as she slowly gestured toward the 'Sleeping' Naruto. For a moment Sasuke didn't understand, until the woman winked.

"No, hell no. I would rather-"

"Die?" The woman finished for him and giggled as Sasuke remembered the current situation, sighing deeply he calmed himself before speaking.

"Why him?" He asked calmly.

The giggling woman was suddenly very serious as she met Sasuke's gaze. "It was not his time to die nor was it Kurama's, and in your fit of anger at the village you killed the savior. Which is why Kami opted that he should receive the chance we had intended for you. Slowly her gaze turned back to Naruto, "You can get up now, I know you've been listening in"

Naruto slowly got up, surprising Sasuke as he'd thought Naruto was sleeping the whole time. "So... You're planning on doing what with me?" He asked calmly.

Before Sasuke could say anything the woman spoke "There is a world, where the Sasuke there has been sent into a comatose state due to his brothers Genjutsu. I intend to give you a second Chance by sending your consciousness, your mind, into that Sasuke's body. This way you can stop all the things that happened in your world before they even get underway" She smiled, hoping to see the boy her excited about it all. But what she saw was a nonchalant boy who seemed dead to the world.

"No" was all he had to say, surprising Sasuke yet again at the dead sound in his former friend. "Find somebody else, I won't watch everyone die again because i failed them" He turned and walked away from the two, until a heavy force weighed down on him and threatened to crush him. Turning slowly he saw the woman glaring at him angrily.

"You seem to misunderstand Uzumaki, this choice was not yours to make. You have been selected to go back because Kami deems you to be the only one who can stop all this, where is the Uzumaki Naruto who could face down any foe and not even blink at how powerful they were, where is the boy who would never let his friends down. Because right now all I see is a pathetic child who is unworthy of what he's being given!" Her voice boomed angrily as Naruto looked at her, realizing she was right, he was being a child and wallowing when he had a chance here and now to stop all this from even happening.

"Tell me what i need to do" Naruto said, confidence returning to him once more as he looked at the goddess, Who in turn smiled. This was the boy she'd heard of.

"You will be sent back into the mind of that Sasuke, you and Kurama" At this Naruto was surprised and so was Kurama. "Seeing as you don't exist in this world there will be another Jinchuuriki there, I'm sending Kurama with you as a way to help manage the other Jinchuuriki's power and to assist you on your journey. Now all I need you to do is hold still, moving might make this slightly more painful than it has to be" She said as she went through gestures similar to hand signs before Naruto felt a twinge of pain and felt his body dissipating. Looking down he saw his body was slowly changing into little orbs of light, if he didn't know what was happening he'd have been slightly freaked out.

"Naruto" Said boy turned to his best friend. "Try not to be, completely like you. You'll be in an Uchiha body, let the mind that's there help you to, be less you" He smiled and offered his fist, bestowing one last gift on Naruto that he would need in this world. Naruto happily accepted the offer and bumped fists with him, barely noticing the small chakra surge running through his body as he fully disappeared from sight.

**Scene Change**

Naruto groaned softly, he felt sore all over now. The stiffness and aches he felt almost blurred out the sounds of the gasping doctors around him. Sitting up slowly he opened his eyes to see shocked faces all around him, clearing his throat briefly he realized just how dry his throat was.

"What?" He said hoarsely, finally shocking the doctors into moving as they ran to him and began checking him over while the head doctor ran from the room.

"I must alert the Hokage of this!" He shouted as he sprinted out.

**Hokage's Office**

Sarutobi was running through the giant mountain of paperwork on his desk, the bane of his existence these days and pretty much the only reason he retired from his seat in the first place. -Curse you Minato for leaving all this work in my hands, some days i think you did it just to spite me!- He shouted in his mind as he stamped another mission completed document. Suddenly as if sent by Kami (Haha, you have no idea) His head doctor ran into the room and shouted out.

"Hokage-sama, Sasuke Uchiha has woke up!" Hiruzen nearly lept from his seat at that, the last Uchiha, and the reason for the huge increase in paperwork, was awake.

"Take me to him" He said with urgency as they both took off toward the hospital to see the young Miracle (*Cough* Gift *Cough*) boy. -Note to self, make a mission to figure out what that omnipotent voice is that everyone keeps hearing- He thought as he entered the room of the young Uchiha.

Naruto on the other hand had a slight tick on his head, these doctors were constantly running through tests on him and doing what felt like everything in their power to keep him from leaving the room, all because he was the last Uchiha. -They never acted like this when i was "The Kyuubi Brat"- he thought spitefully. Finally he'd had enough and spoke in a demanding tone.

"Guys!" He said, causing them all to stop and look at him. "I'm really ok, everything is working properly from what i can tell." He said, offering a small smile that brought a blush to a younger nurse's cheeks.

"Well I'm glad to see you're up and on your feet again Sasuke-kun" Naruto heard a voice that brought his heart up into his chest and nearly brought tears to his eyes just from the sound. Turning slowly he saw a face that nearly brought him to his knees, he couldn't help but run forward and hug the old man who had treated him like family back in his world. Sarutobi was a bit surprised at first, but returned the hug to the boy gently, passing it off as just seeing a friendly face after what had happened to him.

"It's good to see you again old man" Naruto said, though quickly realized his mistake when he looked into the third Hokage's eyes.

He gave a laugh that brought the smile back to Naruto's face once more as he spoke. "It seems now I have two people in the village calling me that, must be Ami has rubbed off on you a bit ey Sasuke?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion before thinking about it.

-This Ami person must be the Jinchuuriki of this world, I'll need to find him and start helping right away- Naruto thought as he smiled at the aged kage. He had a lot of work to do to prepare for what was going to happen in this world. "Ano, Old man-er.. Hokage-sama, would it be ok if i got some rest? I get released tomorrow and I'd like to be rested up when i do" He said, receiving a laugh and a smile from the Third.

"That would be fine Sasuke-kun, just please stop by my office some time tomorrow, I have something important to discuss with you ok?" Sarutobi asked with his same soft smile as Naruto happily nodded, just happy that the man he saw as a grandfather was back in his life once more. With that Sarutobi left to allow the boy to get some rest, and get back to that ungodly paperwork.

After one last check from the doctors and a much needed glass of water Naruto was laying in his bed, he may hate hospitals, but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy the treatment, even if it reminded him of his former life. -Things will be different this time- he tought to himself as he raised a hand up to the sky and clenched a fist -I'll make sure of it-

To be continued….

So what did y'all think? Should i continue this one? Cuz I have a lot planned for this, though I will have a lot of it follow the original story that this is based off of I will add my own twists and turns

Je ne