Hello you sick bastards! This is Axel with your long awaited dose of dark matters!

I am amused though that some of you are giving me flames because of the last chapter despite my warnings. Either you guys are blind or take author warnings not serious. You see those rating up there that said 'M', and the genre of angst? No? The genres are not enough? Well I'll put more if FF actually allowed more than two genres. If you don't like it then the back button is up there… or down there… somewhere, you get the point. But no matter, I am amused by them so it's fine.

Except that one asshole that tried to threatened me with reports unless I remove the scene. F-off mate, go live in your wonderland of peace and tranquility. I accept critics but not threats. If you're so weak hearted then see my other FF that doesn't cover dark topic.

This chapter doesn't focused on the daughters as much, so yay? Oh and follow me on twitter: Axel_Yamamoto for update hints or something.

Anyway since I'm boring you with my rant let's just get this on the road, shall we?



Untold Story: How You Made Us

Chapter 5: Sons of Liberty


The silence is overbearing and awkward.

No one knows what to say. No one even knows how they should react at this point. All eyes are staring at the indifferent form of Leone who has her eyes close, heck even Glynda didn't know what to say in this situation, and she's the most experience (In term of life) out of all of them.

"Leone…" The father voice is the first one that echoes around the room. "I-I'm-" A warm, big hug made him paused.

"It's okay Papa." Leone voice is calm, a bit too calm for a girl that just outright told them of her horrible past. "It's not your fault. Meeting you again here… Alive and well, that's enough for me." Her smile is serene and peaceful, as if anything that had happened to her never existed, or that the happiness she currently felt are far more important that it clouded what pain she had felt.

"Leone…" Jaune returned the hug.

It was a beautiful sight, a sight of a father and daughter in peaceful happiness.



"… Leone…"


"Leone… Why are your hands getting that low?"

And then the moment's broken.

"What are you talking about Papa?"

"Your er… Hands… Their touching my, umm…"

"""GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!""" Three demonic voices immediately cut the moment as Lily, Helena and Salju quickly jump to the bed to save their father from the clutches of their half, semi-incestuous, sister.

"GAH!? Get off me you brats!"

"You stop molesting out dad!"


"Such inappropriate source of action will never have my approval!"

Then the scene turn into a three against one wrestling match where Leone was gangbang, not in a perverted way, by three younger girls from the future as they pin the prisoner down on her bed.

"Awww! I want to join the fun too!" The almost forgotten Faunus in the next bed cried out in despair, her body movement is halted by the bandages around them.

"Grr… Get. OFF!" Like the mighty Hercules she practically threw all her three half-siblings away from her. For a girl in Aura restriction chain she's quite powerful. "Instead of ganging together on me you brats should focus on beating each other." She went back to lying on the bed with an annoyed expression, "I won't try to make Papa marry Mama so go kill each other instead."

Once again silence reins the room with the occupants wielding several different expresions.

"EEHHH?!" It was Liliana, "W-What do you mean by that?! If you don't make Dad marry your Mom then—"

"I know what I said you noisy brat." Leone ignored Lily cries of 'I'm not a brat! I just lack milk!', "Papa will only know suffering if he marries Mama. He'll only feel lonely and abandoned, and then he'll be stuck taking care of me alone all over again." The Papa-con daughter explained with a surprisingly calm expression, "So that's why it's better off if he's with one of your Mama's."

Everyone voices were stuck once again as the clear intent of the future girl made clear. The girl would sacrifice her own existence to make sure Jaune Arc did not experience what her future Papa experienced. It was… It was… It was such a painfully selfish thing to do.

And yet it was also because of love. A sacrifice paved in the existence of a loving daughter.

Holly shit is this getting angst again.


All face turn toward the source of the one who resisted the idea. "Excuse me?!" Leone quickly sits up on her bed again. Her face made her displeasure very clear indeed.

Yang Xiao-Long made her defiance known as she walk next to the bed of her 'Future' daughter. "I said no."

"What?!" Leone tries to lunge toward the towering figure of her mother but the chain put a stop to her action. "What make you have the right to—"

A warm hug.

"Because I'm your mother." Yang whispers softly as her daughter went rigid. Her eyes widened and mouth open in shock. "And as your mother I can't just let my suffering daughter bear it all alone." She let go and look at the shell-shocked Leone, "That's why to make up whatever that idiotic future did, I swear upon my life that I will give birth to you and become the best Mama Remnant will ever see!"

"WHAAAAAATTTT!?" The shocked voice echoes across the medical ward. All faces there, especially Jaune, went into several different emotions and for some several different of red.

Leone looks even more shell-shocked than before.

"You know what? I'll even give you siblings! Two-no, three of 'em!" She then turn toward Jaune with a wink and a flirty smile, "You better prepare, Lady Killer! It's going to be a looot~ of fun work to be had!" Bow chica bow wow.

"WHAAAAAATTTT!?" Okay now this is getting pretty old, and from the look of Jaune face his heart can't really take anymore sudden surprise decleration.

"A-Auntie Yang! Why?!" It was Salju that managed to find her composure first. She, Lily and Helena looks at their beloved auntie with betrayal in their eyes. "Et tu?!"

Thanks to Yang, the situation is so chaotic that the author doesn't even know how to continue in this chaos of a drama. He really needs to watch more harem theme soap opera, or Les Miserable.

"Y-You will do no such thing, you slutty bitch!" Leone, who manages to regain her sanity, quickly denied. "I will not let you touch my Papa!" She struggles to lunge toward her mother but the chain on her beg stop her.

"Oi, oi. Calling your beautiful Mama a slutty bitch isn't really polite, you know? Maybe I should teach you some manners, brat?"

"Bring it you skank—!"

"ENOUGH!" A loud, booming voice stops everyone's action as Ms. Goodwitch in all her glory glares at every occupant of the room. "This is a medical ward so I expect you children to keep your voice down. Now, it's been a long day for all of us and if I'm not mistaken you kids have classes in the morning." Some of the kids open their mouth, "Just because you have your future children popping out of nowhere doesn't mean you'll get free pass from classes. Now I suggest you kids leave to your dorm and take a rest, and I will not forgive tardiness in classes."

The occupants look at each other, then look at the chain Leone and bandage smiling Kuro, before all of them look at Glynda with the same expression of uncertainty.

"… It'll be fine. The chain is made from special properties that'll make it extremely hard to break, even for someone with Aura. Mrs. Peach is also outside, and while she might not look like it she, too, is an experience Huntsmen in her own right."

They still look uncertain, but slowly one by one they begin to leave the room. Jaune take a look at his two supposed 'children' on the bed one last time before joining the other, at least all except Blake who is looking at her daughter with unknown emotion on her face.

Kuro tilted her head at her mother, "What's wrong Mom?"

"Ah!" Blake jumped when her daughter called for her, "No… It's nothing… Just… stay safe, okay? I'll ah… Visit you soon."


The black Faunus looks uncertain as she stares at her daughter but after an internal debate she reluctantly leaves the room, closing the door behind her and leaving the two daughters of the future alone. The most aggressive of the two let out a 'tch' as she tries to break out of her chains several more time before giving up and lying down on her bed.

"Ne, Ne, Leone," A voice enters the hearing range of the Xiaou-Long descent girl, "Is it true that you fight us because you want to protect Dad?"

The blond eye twitch in annoyance at the weird 'ne, ne' sound her new neighbor just produced. "Of course I am. I don't trust anyone of you weakling to protect him against the Colorless King. He'll be saver with me than a bunch of mother hugging crybaby."

"Hoe… Is that so? Thank goodness…" Leone heard her neighbor sigh in relief, "I was expecting you to say you're working for the Colorless King, but it turns out you just want to protect Dad! That mean I don't have to kill you right now!"

It was then that Leone felt it. A burst of killing intent so large that it made her freeze for three seconds. She snap her head toward her neighbor, seeing her looking at her with a smile on her face. But it wasn't the smile that made her freeze again; it was her eyes, cold, emotionless and filled with the intent to kill, to end her life and very existence in this world. It's the stares of a killer, one who had seen so much death and caused the same amount.

"I usually don't let anyone who bully Shiro walk alive, but since your intent is right I'll forgive you for now!" She said while maintaining the same amount of killing intent and smile, "But don't do it again! I mean, we're on the same side now. Killing each other is not nice!" Her KI subside, but now a pout replace her cold smile and a reprimanding stares exchange the killer stares.

A sweat drop from her forehead as a grin slowly replaces her shock expression. This girl… She's dangerous, much more so than her white counterpart.

The white one is a protector, she fight with intent to kill: But she hesitates, probably because they're half sibling or their father is there. But her… The black one, she's a killer. A natural born killer forged from experience. She is really dangerous.

"Ah I see you ladies are getting to know each other." A new voice echoes through the room.

Both Leone and Kuro snap their heads toward the source of the new voice: A boy, standing near the open window of the medical ward. Short dark blond hair, a pair of aqua colored eyes with a cocky expression, he's wearing black leather bomber jacket with a fur trim collar and a V-neck white shirt, black pants with three interconnecting red belts, and black boots and gloves.

"Ah, who are you, stranger?" Kuro asks, her expression is now curious, "Are you our father's enemy?"

"What? Who, me? Of course not!" Her wave Kuro question off with a wave of his hand. "I'm not working for the Colorless King if that's what you're asking. I'm on your side!" He declared while extending his hands to the side.

"Oh?" Leone raise an eyebrow, her eyes did not hide their suspicion. "And how do we know you're not lying?"

"Ah, that's the fun part!" He made a gun motion to her and 'fire', "You don't. But if I was an enemy, which I am saying I don't, none of you would've been alive right now! Hahaha!" He laughs as if the threat of their lives was a joke.

The daughter of Yang twitches her eye in annoyance at the annoying guy, while Kuro maintain her curious gaze at the young man.

His laughs stop and he flash them his cocky grin, "Forgot to introduce myself: The name's Frey, Freyjadour Aqua Arc, proud son of Jaune Arc! Nice to meet you!"

Oh great, another future children. Why is Leone not surprised? Another new body needed to be added before she can take her father to safety and make love-Uhm, protect him, yes.

While Leone is more than less annoyed at the introduction, Kurogane is thrilled in meeting a new sibling. "Oh! My name is Kurogane Arc! Nice to meet you too, Freya! Oh, and there's Shiro inside me, but she's injured right now so she can't come out."

Frey gives a thumb up toward the black hair Faunus, "Ah, no need. I've been observing both—I mean, all three of you so you don't have to force her to, well, come out. Also it's just Frey."

The daughter of Blake's gasp, "Are you a stalker, Freya?!"

"Wha-No I'm not! Also it's Frey."

"Oh my Oum! This is the first time we have a stalker! This is awesome!"

"I'm not a stalker! And having one is not awesome at all!"

"Enough with this charade!" Leone interrupts the weird scene in front of her, "What the hell do you want? If you want to meet up with your mother and help protect father you're at the wrong place."

Frey let out a hum while scratching his chin, his aqua eyes stares into the two forms on the bed. "Well, fortunately for me I'm not looking forward to introducing myself to my father or mother… yet. I'm just here to introduce myself and, maybe, share information to the more dangerous of all father's daughters. It's too bad Nikos, Schnee and Rose daughter are not here, it would be much simpler." He sighs, "But no matter, you two would do."

Leone raises an eyebrow, her interest peak. "What information?"

He walks toward their beds, crouch and then lean forward with a wicked grin on his face. "About the Star Child of Hope, the one who will stop the void once and for all."


The moon still standing high above the sky; shatters forevermore. What light it reflects can barely light the Emerald Forest, darkened by the many ancient trees that had stood for Oum knows how long.

It's also the place where humanity and Grimm had clashed for so many times.

And it is the place where they make their stand.

Two figures are sitting on an overgrown tree root by a small campfire. One wears a high collar sleeveless indigo shirt, black pants and boots, and black cloth covering his left leg and arm. An indigo beret covers his short, gold hinted brown hair and a pair of red glasses shades over his blue eyes.

The other one wears a brown tight bodysuit that hug his lean muscle from top to bottom, a bronze color plate armor cover his body with a bronze color pauldron on his left shoulder, a mark of the crescent moon is engraved there. Unlike the other figure he didn't wear any top accessory; instead he has a pair of large bunny ears which mark him as a Faunus, long brown hair that is a perfect match with his brown animal ears and a pair of dark blue eyes.

"H-Hey, Haze, do you think Frey'll come back anytime soon?" The Faunus speak, his voice is a bit quite. "I mean it'll start soon…"

Haze, the beret user, let out a 'tch'. "Frey's an asshole, but even he knows how important this is." Then he turn his gaze from the fire to his companion, "Also Violet, why are your voice so damn low? Do you have throat problem or something?"

Violet let out a small 'eep' and fidget, "W-Well I…"

"You're my half-brother so show some guts!" Even though Violet look like a girl he's still got an Arc blood in him so Haze is sure that he got some backbone somewhere in there.

His order made the Faunus even more fidgety, "I… I'm sorry!" She—I mean, he apologized. "I… I didn't mean you make you mad brother…" Violet eyes, who were wandering the ground to look at anything but his half-sibling finally look straight into Haze's blue eyes.

And even he isn't ready for what is to come.

Teary dark blue eyes and a whimpering, cute expression hit Haze directly. Even with his shade as a makeshift protection the wannabe cool-guy isn't ready to hit with a cuteness of this magnitude. Haze quickly looks away to covers his red face and his beating heart with his hands. "Holy Oum! T-That is so cute—No, wait! Remember that he's a dude, Haze, and he's your half-brother! Remember that no matter how cute he is!" And Violet soft, somewhat girly tone didn't exactly help his case at all.

"… B-Brother? Are you okay?"

"I won't be if you keep your cuteness at this level!" Which are magnitude by the fact he's calling him brother, "I'm fine." Haze managed to muster out despite his inner turmoil.

Violet still looks worried despite her—HIS, brother respond. "O-Oh…"

The Faunus by his nature isn't really a socially adept person thanks to his shyness, and thus he didn't know what to do after Haze stop talking to him in favor of looking away somewhere to the forest. He didn't know the latter is currently facing his inner turmoil.

The rustles of the trees snap them out as they both tense themselves, their hands touch a silver, metallic ball attached to their belt.

Freyjadour in all his glory drops from the tree in a fashionable and dandy manners, landing into a roll and stop a few feet away from the duo into a pose where both of his hands are aim to the sky, as if praising something there. "Praise the su—Oh, wait its night right now. Yo guys I'm baaack~!" He greeted with his grin.

Violet is the first one to respond, "Ah, welcome back, Frey."

"Hello to you too my Faunus brother!" Frey hugs his shy brother, who let out an 'eep', "I miss you both so much!"

"What? You've only been gone for 40 minutes! Stop acting like we haven't seen each other for years!"

Frey let go of his beautiful brother and turn to look at shade, "I missed you too my grumpy, sexually confused brother."

"Wha-?! What are you talking about?!"

"Oh wouldn't you want to know, Hazelnut?"


"Yeah, and I'm a mountain dew soda can." This fanfic is not sponsored by mountain dew by the way.

Violet, the lovable Faunus he is, quickly interject before it turn into a fist fight. "S-So how was your meeting, Frey?"

Freyjadour turn his head to the soft spoken male, "Oh it actually went fairly well. I only manage to meet and talk with Yang and Blake's beautiful daughters though, can't exactly meet up with the other considering they're with their mothers." He sighs, "We don't exactly have enough time too."

"I'm surprised you manage to stay focus and not flirt with any of them, Freyjadour." Haze said with a smirk.

"Hey now, unlike certain someone I'm a growing, sexually straight males, you know! Beside even IF I did flirt with them, it'll only be half-wrong since they're my half-siblings! So HAH!"


"Hey that's rude! At least I'm not sexually confused!"

That hit far closer to home, "YOU WANNA FIGHT, PUNK?!"

Frey only tilted his head with a smirk, "You do know you'll die if you fight me, right?"


"Kinky, but I don't swing that way. Also you're an Arc too, Hazelnut."

Before Haze could retort that his name is 'Haze', and not 'Hazelnut', and actually pull out his weapons to fight Frey something ring in his mind. His blue eyes suddenly glow as a vision—COLORLESSCHAOSUNTOLDUNCONTROLABLEDESTRUCTION—starts to play itself in his mind as he groan at the sudden splitting headache. "They're here!"

Both Violet and Frey face hardened and their bodies become tense at Haze decleration. "Where is it?" Frey asked as Haze slowly raises his hand and point at a direction of the forest. "How far?"

"Close… And a lot."

Then it happened. Thundering sound of shattering glass spread across the forest as the very fabric of reality itself slowly start to crack. The three of them watch as cracks starts to spread on mid-air, as if reality itself was nothing more than a looking glass. It spread like poison before it shatters.

And then from the darkness of the inter-dimension they walk out.

Creatures shaped like giant lizards but with wolf heads crawl and drop themselves into the ground. They are white in color with red linings across their bodies to their spiky tails. From one to ten to fifty, the creatures began to swarm out of the dimensional hole, all with different shaped and sizes. They have six red eyes on either side of their heads, yet they also possessed a snake-like tongue which slit out of their mouth every now and then.

As the last lizard crawl out of the hole a humanoid… thing followed behind as it jump out of the hole before it closes. It is large, with muscle mass higher than a human, its face is like a hyena as it laughs. From atop of its head is a humanoid shape brain, but it size is twice of that of normal human. Its reptilian like eyes look around the area as saliva begins to sip out of its grinning mouth.

Spawn of the Colorless King-The World Eaters.

Frey stone face start to drop as a cocky smile began to replace it, "Oooh, Crawlers AND a Hulk? Why, aren't we lucky." He laughs, "I thought we were going to deal with Jesters or Harlequins, but it's just cannon fodders."


"Wha—" A burst of wind blast passed the blond into the white horde.

A blur of bronze landed itself and tore a hole in the middle of the horde, creating a large blast of dust as all gazes are on the smoke of debris. Then not two seconds later the same blur blast itself from the hole and strike into another group of crawlers as it torn through their biological bodies and even through the ground.

Then all hell breaks loose.

The crawlers tries to overrun the blurs with numbers as they leap toward the craters, but the blurs burst off the piles and into the sky where it… stood there?

Violet, in all his glory floats in mid-air as his beautiful brown hair flows with the night wind. His dark blue eyes once held reservations and kindness now show only hatred and death. In his legs propelling him mid-air is a large pair of mechanical legs, made from metal and colored like bronze. They are human-like, but larger and more box like, single wings are attached to each of the legs, and a propeller can be seen underneath the sole legs.

"I'll kill you… I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" His hand move into the metal sphere on his belt, "DIMENSIONAL POCKET: R.T 2!" The sphere glow as a white shape forms in front of the Faunus, which he holds, and materialize itself to be a large cannon that is larger than the wielder itself. "DIE!" Aiming the cannon he pull the trigger as the gun propelled the large artillery bullet into the crawlers. "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" He fires again and again, his form slowly being pushed back by the recoil of the gun as he rain death and explosion.

Some of the crawlers jump to the air to have a bite at the Faunus, but the floating bunny simply weave away and kick them back down.

"Holy shit…" Frey whistle in shock and awe at the once docile Faunus that turn into an angel of death. "Who knew he had it in him, eh Hazelnut?"

Haze, too had snapped out of the headache and stares at the scene in surprised, "It's Haze…" He mumbled out.

Frey snort, "Well we should help him out. This amount of explosion will attract Beacon's attention, and the last thing we want is for them to find out about our involvement here."

"Tch… I know that." He touches the portable dimensional pocket on his belt, "DIMENSIONAL POCKET: LOVE IS RED!" The sphere glows and materializes what appears to be a pair of large, hand cannons on Haze hands. They are red in color, and their large size clearly mark them as not an ordinary handguns.

"… Love is red?"

"Don't start on me now, Freyjadour."

Frey shrugs, "Hey, I'm not one to judge your naming sense, buddy. But you sure you want to come with my plan? We won't be seeing our Dad until we're done so if you really missed him then you can join him after this." Frey stretch his hands, "I or V won't judge you for it." They can understand, after all, the pain of not seeing their father for such a long time.

"Tch, I made up my mind and I'll finish it 'till the end. We are the sons of Arc, our body made of steel and our heart made of glass. Our sacrifice will be unsung, but our effort will be echoes across the world." He aims his guns at the horde of white.

Frey grin, "Sheesh Hazelnut you're so dramatic."

"It's Haze, and you're one to talk."

"Well then," He looks toward the hulk that decides to ignore the more agile Violet and decide to come after them, "Let's quickly finish this."

A blur of speed.

The hulk didn't know what had happened as its body was destroyed in a blur of a second, its hyena head drop into the earth like a ball. Frey, standing next to the destroyed body of the hulk, stomp his feet to the ground as large rocks burst from the ground into the sky and with a wave of his hand the rocks were propelled into the horde at high speed, obliterating whatever mass not strong enough to take a hit from the small equivalent of meteors as they exploded upon impact.

A crawler decided to end the new threat and lunge at Frey from his side, its maw open widely, large enough to swallow a man whole, decent into the young Arc as it teeth touch the skin of the blond.

Only for its head to suddenly exploded in an explosion of blood.

Haze watch at the display of strength by Frey with mixed emotion. "What a monster…" It wasn't his shot that destroy the creature head, it was Frey's power. Something he didn't believe at first when Frey first told him about his semblance.

Vector Manipulation

He sighs and he aim his guns again, "I'm living with monsters." He fires.

The gunshots were loud; its bullets pierced and evaporates the crawlers with ease and in high precision. Haze isn't surprise, considering that he's holding an equivalent of miniature cannons, or gauss cannons to be exact, but with Aura as the propelled bullet. They're heavy, but they get the job done. He moves to the side when a stray crawler tries it luck on him, only receiving a blast to the head as reward. His movement is precise, his aim is true.

It didn't take long for the children to mop up the small horde, and less time for them to evacuate before Beacon's search party showed up.

They are the sons of Jaune Arc; they are the martyrs that pave the way for salvation.



"Please… Stop…"

The place is peaceful and quite, only the trees and the night wind accompany you. At least if you ignore the fact that there's a body on the ground, bloody and battered as they moan for mercy. They try to crawl away but the sword on their shoulder doesn't really help them, nor is the figure sitting on their back staring at them in fascination.

"Why would you…" The voice is female, her hair green and her skin tan, "Work for that monster…?"

The figure sitting atop of her tilted her head, blond hair tied into twin tail. Her figure is small; some even might say its petite. She's wearing what appear to be a red tail coat tuxedo with white button up shirt inside and a pair of black pants, all which hugs her curve perfectly. What stood out from her appearance however is her blank white mask with a grinning smile and a pair of reverse U eyes.

"Why… Did you forsake our father…?"

The masked girl snaps her finger and from the darkness of the forest a creature crawl forward a dog size creature in the shape of a scorpion but with an oddly shaped stinger which shaped more like a mouth. It crawls toward the tan girl who began to struggle even more when she saw the creature from the corner of her eyes.

"No! Please anything but that! Please don't do it!"

The masked girl only answer is to pierce her sword deeper.

"AAGH! P-Please stop-!" Her voice died in her throat when she felt the creature climb on her head. "N-NOOO—UGHBRHHGB-!" The small creature uses its sharp legs to pierce the girl head, latching itself on her skull and use its mouth shaped stinger and bite to her small brain (vagus nerve) behind the neck, and then pierce its syringe like tongue into it. She struggle again, using whatever power she had left to fight back as tears begins to fall from her eyes "Ubrh… Pa… Pa…"

Then she went limp.

The masked girl pull out her sword and step back, marvelously watch as the girl slowly push herself up in a zombified manners. Her face, once full of life and fear is now empty, her eyes soulless, and saliva drip from her mouth. She twitch, then she look toward the mask girl, and then bow her head.

The girl in mask laughs silently. After all, she loves herself a useful puppet.

To be continued

Not my most proud work, but I'm writing this in rush since I'm busy working right now. I DON'T EARN A CENT HERE SO I NEED TO EAT, OKAY?! This chapter introduced the 'sons', and give hints on what they're going to do. The reason I introduce them in a rush like this is because they all mostly arrived at the same time on the same day, so it can't be help lol. And I'm a bad writer who can only write crack stories.

But man for a side stories this one earns too much attention. I'm impressed haha.

Well don't forget to review! Ciaou!

Edit 1: Just add some info since some people are confused.

Axel Yamamoto Hand Dandy Notebook:

-World Eaters: A mysterious creature that came from the doomed future of Remnant. This creatures are responsible for the almost extinction of mankind and Grimm alike. The thing that make them so dangerous is that the more they eat living beings the stronger they become.

-Dimensional Pocket: A portable devise that create a small dimension, usually to store weapons. You can summon anything inside it by yelling at the name registered in the device, which it will then spit it out.

-Strike Witcher: An odd device that's attached to your feet as a propeller/balancing jet. It is shaped like a box, and are clunky to wear. However it is created specially to carter for a semblance that can use it.

-Repeater Type 2 (R.T 2): A large, mobile auto cannon. Usually found attach to vehicles or planes, with sufficient strength one can use it as a mobile explosive machine gun.

Remnant of Humanity Salvaged Data Storage:

-World Eater Crawler Variant: The most common of World Eaters. It looks like a giant lizard or Komodo Dragon, yet color in white. Usually came in large numbers and have tendency to use ambush tactic when outnumber. Once a Crawler eat sufficient living beings it can mutated into something much more horrible.

-World Eater Hulk Variant: A large humanoid shape World Eaters, fairly uncommon. They're fast and strong, and are dangerous to fight alone. Though have limited intellect, it made it up by having superior strength.