A/N: Hello my beautiful readers.



And I'd just like to say


I have intentions of completing it. I really do. I'll finish covering season one, will take a short break, I think a week or two, and will continue. I plan to make 12 chaps per season and this is nearing the final stages. I WILL FINISH IT. It will just take me a while because inspiration for this is hard to come by, and I also need to rewatch that is taking a lot of my time.

But, the newest chap was supposedly supposed to be out before June, and I betrayed you guys because I binge wrote for other fandoms faster... I am very sorry.

I'll post the complete version of this chapter as soon as I am done. Tomorrow or at least by Friday. And this time, I promise so that it will stay in my conscience and screw with me till I update.

I love you all. You have been too kind and I don't deserve your follows.

Please, enjoy this preview.

BTW, this is Haruka-centric for the first part, and FINALLY Kumirei at the second, but I won't be showing sneak peeks of part two, only the first.

So, please do enjoy the preview and I'll replace this preview with the real chap when it is done.

Enjoy and let's all hold on? Please… two days at most.. please.

Kumiko is best teacher.

~Shintori Khazumi


"You didn't get the part… but it doesn't mean you should give up now! It means you should try harder! Just a bit more, okay? Please… don't abandon this instrument. You may be a second year… but your chance will come. Just keep going, and I'll support you to the best I can!" The teacher tried her piece of encouraging words, hoping to lift the second year's spirits if only a bit, but it only served to increase the bitterness the victim felt.

Kumiko cringed as she watched the deep inhale of her student, preparing her lungs for an outburst, eyes suddenly a menacing shade.

"How?!" Natsuki wiped at the tears falling down in streaks down her pretty face, furiously, angrily spitting out the words. "I can already see it, I know you can too, but- THIS is the BEST I CAN DO! Nothing can change that. I'm just so- ugh!" She turned her back, ready to run out the door. Kumiko longed to give chase but, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" The words had shut her out immediately, unwilling to let her in.

Teachers and Brass Bands Chapter 9

The sound of the last few notes of what could have been a better depiction of Kitauji High's chosen 'battle' song, faded out into silence as the Director tapped his baton on the music stand.

"That will be all for today. Please work on those intervals, trumpets. Flutes, clarify your notes, don't go off key. Rhythm sections, particularly percussions…" He gave a look to the only male drummer. "Mind the tempo of all the members. Make sure none of you go off on your own beat."


"That's all." With one last glance at a brunette instructor, Taki clicked his tongue, nearly slamming the door behind him in irritation. It wasn't his fault things were like this. It was a learning experience. They should all grow up and be mature about these things.

He forgot to consider that they were still only children.

It took a few moments, but the rest of the group had begun to move from their stand still, most people packing up and talking the usual idle chatter –

"Haruka, let's go home together."

"What?! I thought we were going together, Kaori-senpai!"

The voices barely mattered.

-It was all drowned out by Kumiko's insistent thoughts.

If this last week had been a mess, than Kumiko didn't know what to call these days anymore.

Every day was just a brutal cycle that she just couldn't bear. Each day, her school day would be welcomed by the coldness of the atmosphere in the band room. So unlike all the other days, there was a total lack of needless chatter, something she usually did not condone, but now desperately needed to hear.

She even felt disappointed in herself, her fear, not even being able to look anyone in the eye for more than a few seconds, and dodging all topics relatively near the auditions subject.

Taki even called her a coward for skipping out on one practice.

But she couldn't help it. It was just too much. She couldn't bear to watch this gap in her student's relationships, seeing it all in their gazes and eyes. And she couldn't bear to look at-


She guessed the other girl felt the same way. Their eyes would never meet for more than a second, and that was on accident. Natsuki would avoid Kumiko as much as possible. Even going so far as to go the other way or back around the corner she came from if ever they were to cross paths.

But the thing that tore her to pieces the most was how Natsuki shook each time she held the euphonium in her hands in Kumiko's presence. Seeing this, Kumiko knew that what happened was nearly, if not truly, traumatizing.

Not only was there the still remaining tension due to the auditions not yet being complete, namely soloist parts like trumpets and flutes, but the overhanging depression from all those who had tasted failure.

"Are you okay, sensei?"

She hadn't noticed when, but somehow she managed to bury her head in her hands. Looking up now, she was met with a gentle, understanding- not in the sense that they had also felt it and were empathetic, but more of the willingness to listen, gaze that she knew could only belong to one certain student.

-Ogasawara Haruka.

"I think… I'll be fine- woah!" Now that her senses were back and she was more in her professional mode, she could see clearly the lines on the third year's face, and noticeable bags under her eyes. "I should be asking you that question. Are you okay?!"

"Huh?" As if she was confused, which she definitely was, Kumiko concluded. Disoriented from being so tired, the girl placed a hand on the elder one's shoulder, squeezing it tightly. Maybe it was pressure, disappointment, hardship, but the girl painted the picture of exhaustion.

"I think it's about time you went home, Miss President."

"What, Why? I still have matters to attend to concerning the band, and a meeting for the-"


"You rang?" The girl pretty much teleported, seeing as she just popped out beside her teacher. "Tanaka Asuka, reporting for duty!" She did a mock salute, before throwing herself on a resisting Kumiko. "Who knew the day would come when you'd finally need me?"

"I got, I got it! Get off." Kumiko pushed her away causing the girl to pout. "Anyway… you are very capable and responsible I take it?"

"Of course!" The girl replied with full confidence to which the brunette could only roll her eyes, pushing her own problems aside to attend to her students.

Haruka could not see where this was going it all.

"Good, than you should be able to manage the meeting and band affairs by yourself?"

Asuka realized what was happening, the implications of the statement as she was stealing a glance at a gaping Aoi, an obvious string of protests at the tip of her tongue. Kumiko looked at her resolutely. Her eyes conveyed not a command, but a favor.

'You better pay me back for this.'

'I will.'

Kumiko's smirk told her she had gotten the message, eye-telepathy being enough to express both their thoughts.

"I can do it of course."


Asuka walked away just in time for her classmate to find her voice, now doing a weak attempt at shaking Kumiko's head right.

"I can't just do that! I'm the president, sensei! I can't just relax-"

"Haruka." She stiffened at the way she was addressed. "Rest."

Slumping her shoulders in defeat, she decided on speaking out her side of things, knowing Kumiko would not back down. She said all her honest thoughts.

"I can't."

"Because of your duties?"

"No… my feelings."

That statement alone was enough of a determination giver.

Throwing all worries out the window, (only to scramble and pick them up later) Kumiko clutched the girl's hand.

"I'll walk you home."


June fifth. An Invitation. The Agata Festival.

A climb, a talk, a sight, A Chance, A moment, A night, A mountain.

A piece. A song. Together.


The place where we found love.



A/N:Wait for me… I am typing as fast as my poor eyesight allows because our class had really bad visual aids and my eyes hurt so damn much behind my glasses.

~Shintori Khazumi