
I opened my eyes and I immediately realized I was somewhere else because the place clearly wasn't my room in Beacon, there were red curtains covering a side of the wall and I was in a queen sized bed. I pulled the blanket off me and realized that someone most likely Weiss had changed me into a red night gown. I tried sitting up only to fall back down in pain. There was a click on the door and Weiss walked into the bed beside me.
"You're awake."
"Where are we?"
"No good morning?"Weiss asked raising an eyebrow
"My head entire body is in a lot pain, I'm not exactly in a great mood."
"I thought you liked the pain."
"Not if it's aching pain."
"Where are we?" I asked again.
"We're on an island in between Vale and Atlas."
Weiss got into the bed beside me.
"How long was I out and what happened?"
"You were out for four days and you memory will come back tomorrow, you might want to lie down I don't know when the medicine will take effect again." Answered Weiss as she pulled the blanket over herself and stared at me.
"4 days… wait what medicine?" I asked as I laid back down staring back at her.
Weiss leaned forward kissing my forehead.
"We'll talk more tomorrow now just sleep."
She closed her eyes and feel asleep I laid there staring at her sleeping face, she looked so beautiful, so perfect. Slowly I felt the medicine Weiss was talking about take effect and closed my eyes and drifted off.
The next day I woke up Weiss was gone and the curtains were opened revealing a beautiful scenery of the beach. I tried standing and realized that all the pain was gone; my cuts were all healed up though some left scars behind. I left the room and turned right; I would explore the left side later. The path led into a living room with a dining table and some metal object along with a kitchen, Yang was in the Kitchen toasting…I licked my lips, strawberry cookies! I ran into the kitchen hugging her from behind.
"Morning Yang!"
She stilled seemed to be in shock.
"M-morning Ruby…"
I slowly let go, she looked scared then my hazy memory started to clear up.
"Yang is your arm alright?"
"I-it's f-fine."
She slowly backed away from me.
"I'm sorry."I said as I jumped in and hugged her.
"I'm sorry Yang! Y-you were supposed to like it."
I was crying like crazy by now.
"Hey don't worry kiddo." She said raising my head and her arm up as she tried to smile.. "See my arm's better."
I stopped crying and looked at her arm it was better, completely healed with a few scares which was perfect~
I looked down as I slowly let go off her before looking back at her face and realized the collar around her neck.
"Want a cookie Ruby?"
As she turned around to grab a cookie from the baking tray I side stepped to the counter and picked up a knife. Yang turned around and saw the knife in my arm.
"Ruby what are y-"
I ran up and punched her jaw before she could finish. Lowering myself to the Yang;s unconscious body I start to gently swipe the knife around her recently cut arm thankfully it had healed because I don't think that the cookies would have been enough for breakfast. I stood up and walked towards the dining table I knew what the metal object was.
It took 10 minutes to finally get the chains on Yang and dangle her arms from the ceiling, she looked so innocent and naive when she was sleeping and it was taking every ounce of my will power to stop myself from playing with her. I had found my scroll and called Weiss who told me the collar was to restrict Yang body from using her semblance along with a boring explanation on the science behind it. I sighed this was getting really boring I mean I would cut her but what's the point without the screaming. Finally Yang started to open her eyes.
"Wakey wakey Yang."
"Ruby what are you-"
I placed my finger on her lips.
"Uh uh remember what we said about toys talking."
The sudden realization of what was going to happen seem to have scared her and she started struggling her arms.
"Don't worry Yang I'm going to make sure you enjoy it this time." I stated smiling as I picked up the knife. This was going to be so fun especially since it was just us two!