Rise of The Otsutsuki Clan

Once more people I am back with another chapter and I hope this length is to your liking. Well I really don't have much to talk about in this authors note so I guess I'll just skip to answering some reviews and stuff.

Tsukune12Rosario: Dust and Wood Release are classified as Kekkai Genkai so I don't know about giving him access to those types of manipulation. But having dust release is only a single technique so I don't see the benefit of it when he can just use the Truth Seeking Balls to turn whatever he wants into dust. Wood Release would be interesting so I might do it but I do not personally know if it suits him at the moment.

lunalitex: Well there will be other "hotties" in this world so do not worry and thanks.

YuukiAsuna-Chan: No, the Wikia states that no user can reform the Truth Seeking Ball once they are destroyed. I only made something up like that so he doesn't lose that technique completely.

radeklegia: I was going for something like that, as seen through Hiruzen and Danzo and also Hashirama and Tobirama. Hashirama and Hiruzen were both idealists while Danzo and Tobirama were realists, well that is my opinion.

WindyCitySlayer1: Naruto would not be so mad as he already has an idea of this happening since someone like Kaguya would not let anyone who has betrayed her continue to live. But you will just have to read to find out.

fresh prince1: I thought I explained it enough, even if she did try to fight back there are more than a single opponent and she as given time to live by Naruto. If she did fight back and lets say she pushed back Toneri then Naruto or even Kaguya would be sent her away. She could not assure her daughters safety as Naruto is the only one who would protect Kunou but not help Yasaka at all. In reality it makes sense since everything is against her and she already knew she was a dead woman.

ice: Well not exactly what I had in mind but that is a possibility but I am not going to have her come back to life since Naruto will not help someone who has betrayed his friendship. Also she hurt someone he deemed more precious than she was so there is still that hostility towards her.

Gogeta444: Yes I will attempt longer chapters so you do not have to worry about that matter. And also yeah I wanted someone to act as the logical one as Naruto's judgement is heavily influenced by the people he is close to. And in the wikia it states that upon touch they can turn their intended target to dust not completely destroy them and also anyone with Rinnegan can create and use those Chakra rods or also known as Black Receivers.

darwinsito: I don't know if I am going to make Kunou a puppet leader since I am planning something big this chapter so you will have to find out here.

Joe Lawyer: I am going to have Naruto openly acknowledge his mothers involvement in Yasaka's death, having Kunou on their side will drastically improve their image among the weaker Youkai as the daughter of their former leader is now with said clan. Personally I was planning something like that as Naruto is the closest thing Kunou has got to a family, and to put it her hatred will be vanquished quickly as I see no benefit for Kunou to be like Sasuke with all that avenging. For the time being the Otsutsuki Clan has full command of Kuoh City and the territory will expand as the story progresses, as for leadership and taking command of other Youkai's lands I will have Naruto take command of most of it as Kaguya will be busy with her other duties as matriarch.

FateBurn: Yeah most leaders tend to be pretty violent towards the people who betray them.

14demigod: I wouldn't say they are bastards for doing what any sensible leader would have, they are simply watching out for their clan and Yasaka was a liability.

BlizzardWolf77: Something like that, but Kunou will find out about her mothers death quicker than you would imagine.

LL: The Devils will be making their appearance soon enough since the Excalibur Arc is starting this chapter.

luffyxrobin-luffyxnami: Sorry man I was taking a break from writing as my brother was only posting his fics, but do not worry I am back and more chapters will be written.

Darkoconvoy99: I will have the hatred destroyed before it could blossom as I see not use for another avenger in stories.

Stratos263: You kinda expect that from people like Kaguya but yeah it is pretty logical.

Sceonn: Not something so dramatic but there will be some exchanged words.

Now that I have answered some reviews onto the chapter.

Chapter 9

Naruto had finished speaking with the doctor who had worked on Hou and a smile seemed to permanently stay on his face afterwards, having received news about Hou's condition Naruto could not help but be happy that his friend was going to make a full recovery. It was the best news that he had heard so far, relief and joy filled his heart so a majority of the day that massive smile did not leave his face.

"Hou, how are you doing?" Naruto asked in curiosity as he on the chair that was provided, looking at his perverted friend Naruto spotted that lecherous grin that he held on his face and released an amused sigh. "I'm gonna say you're doing fine."

"Of course!" Hou responded a cheerful tone as the shameless pervert ogled a nurse as she carried a tray of food out of the room, Naruto couldn't help but smile at this. Even though he wasn't very fond of Hou's perverted tendencies, it was better than him dying.

"Hou, I never really got the chance to thank you for saving me back there." Naruto said as he looked at his friend, a mixture of emotions were playing around in his heart and Naruto couldn't decide what tone was best to use to address his friend. He was stuck between thankful and regretful.

"Well now you said it, there isn't really much to talk about." Hou responded with a shrug of his shoulders and looked at Naruto with a questioning gaze, seeing his best friend mentally at war with himself, Hou decided to put him to ease, "Naruto, you know the reason why I chose to save you?"

Naruto stopped his mental debate and turned his full attention towards Hou and gave him a shake of his head in negative to his question. Hou answered with a smile on his face as he directed it towards Naruto, "I saved you because you were willing to give up your life for mine. No matter how much time passes, I will always keep that promise we made. Besides what sort of friend would I be if I had let you take that attack?"

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as he recalled that promise he and Hou had made with the fenghuang feather that was gifted to Hou, a promise to always stand by his side no matter what. It was that single promise that had sparked their friendship and overtime, it grew to be more than a promise, it was now Hou's oath to his best friend. A smile found its way onto Naruto's face as he said, "But nonetheless, thank you my friend, for everything."

Hou quickly got up from his seated position and headed towards the door and Naruto flashed him a curious glance, Hou decided to answer the unspoken question, "The hot springs are open today! I've been stuck in there for so long, I forgot what a pair of oppai look like! I need to regain my youth!"

With that last part he had ran off, Naruto shuddered slightly as he heard that part about youth. Something inside of him feared that word for some unexplained reason, getting up Naruto hurried out of the room without any other thoughts on that subject. Heading out of the room, Naruto made his way towards his unexpected guest. Truth be told, Naruto had not really thought his mother would have been kind enough to even take in Kunou. His actions of sparing Yasaka's life did not received a position reaction from his clansmen and Naruto understood fully why they did not favor his decision, eliminating anything that had to do with their horrible past was top priority and he wasn't willing to do so. Losing some favor from his clansmen, Naruto knew that Kaguya would have sent someone to kill Yasaka, in fact it didn't even surprise him.

Kaguya was willing to do whatever was necessary for her clan to succeed, being her son it was a shame Naruto was nothing like his mother. His mothers ruthlessness would have been a big help on the battlefield, it was a shame that he had not developed that trait as all great leaders were ruthless towards enemies. It was part of being a good leader, no matter what a leader should never be merciful towards his enemies. It was a risk that no leader would take as allowing enemies to live would threaten the lives and safety of his subjects. Reviewing the situation, Naruto knew the risks he was taking. Allowing Yasaka to live had given their enemies a chance to fight back and an opportunity to take more of his clansmen's lives, not allowing her to live did the opposite, it showed that even if someone was a former friend the Otsutsuki Clan was willing to cut them down if they ever betrayed them. Naruto did not just represent himself, his actions reflected upon his clan as a whole. Naruto knew deep down he was wrong for allowing Yasaka to live, yet his fondness of her had swayed his mind. He was still weak, Naruto knew he was not strong enough to lead. It wasn't physical powers, he had plenty of that, but he was lacking in the mental powers. Naruto did not possesses the mental capabilities to steel his heart and kill off former friends and loved ones that threatened his clans safety.

That was his "Achilles heel", Naruto still held his precious people too close to heart and it was conflicting with his mind as a leader. Banishing those thoughts to the bad of his mind, Naruto resumed his movements towards Kunou's room. Arriving there, Naruto slid open the door and entered the room. "Naruto-nii-san!" Kunou greeted as she rushed over to Naruto and hugged the blonde, returning the embrace Naruto looked at her with a sad smile on his face.

"Kunou-chan, how are you doing?" Naruto asked as he was dragged towards the table where Kunou once sat. Looking at the drawings that she had worked on from before, Naruto couldn't help but wince slightly as he looked at the drawn pictures. "Those are some amaing drawings."

"That's Okaa-sama and me." Kunou said as she pointed towards the childish drawings of a woman with fox features and a child in her arms. It was painful to think on that subject, he was angry at Yasaka for helping his clans enemies but she was still a friend. His mind was conflicting over this issues and it seemed that neither side was losing any ground. Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts when Kunou turned to him and asked a question, "Naruto-nii-san, will I ever see Okaa-sama again?"

"I don't know, Kunou. I don't know." Naruto said as his eyes hardened to a degree. Naruto had accepted Yasaka's reasons for her betrayal and decided it was no longer in his power to do anything but do one last favor for Yasaka, watch over Kunou.

"What did you want to see me about, Gabriel?" Naruto asked as he looked at the beautiful blonde seated in front of him. Having been asked to meet with her, Naruto had decided to go, he needed something to keep his mind off of Kunou and Yasaka so meeting with an Seraph would help in this situation.

"Naruto-sama, I have called you here for a business meeting rather than a social one." Gabriel said as she smiled at Naruto and reached into her robes and produced a file, handing it towards Naruto who began reviewing it with a critical eye. "There has been a theft of our Excalibur fragments, one of our rogue exorcists has taken the fragments and are currently in Kuoh City as far as we know. Heaven is requesting entry into Otsutsuki Clan territory."

"How many are you sending?" Naruto asked as he looked over the pictures provided of the three stolen Excalibur, finding another page, Naruto looked over the information of one Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou.

"As you can see, we are sending two." Gabriel answered as she continued to smile pleasantly. "Both of them are Holy Sword Wielders, they also possess their own Excalibur fragments. Their objective is to capture or destroy the stolen Excalibur fragments."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Naruto questioned her with a calculative gaze.

"We simply wish for permission into your territory, and if you could provide it, assistance in retrieving the Excalibur fragments." Gabriel answered as she looked at Naruto who seemed to be pondering over these.

"Tell me Gabriel, what's stopping me from denying you access to my territory and taking those fragments for myself?" Naruto asked with a blank expression, though Naruto would have done this as a favor and taken one in return, he still wished to see how this played out.

"Naruto-sama, nothing is stopping you from doing so. Heaven does not have the power to fully engage the Otsutsuki Clan in a war, nor do we have enough power to stop you or Kaguya-sama." Gabriel answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

Naruto looked at her for a moment as he thought about her words, it was true Heaven was weakened after their God's death leaving Naruto to wonder why she was placing so much trust in him. No sane person would simply give out such valuable information without trusting the other party or they were not using something. But in this situation, Heaven was losing all three Excalibur fragments with the information Gabriel had just given. "Michael-sama, simply wished for this to be a simple mission without informing you-"

Gabriel was interrupted when two shrieks ranged boldly across the cafe the two were seated in, turning his head Naruto spotted two idiots that he did not wish to see today of all days. Standing side by side and shrieking together were Matsuda and Motohana, both individuals along with Issei Hyoudou made up the Perverted Trio. Matsuda was a bald pervert with an average height and average build and was the same age as Issei, Motohana was a bespectacled male pervert with short black hair and was the same age as his Matsuda and Issei. Gabriel gave them a confused look and Naruto wanted to slam his face into the table, these two idiots were going to annoy him.

"That bastard Naruto!" Matsuda screamed in rage as he pointed a finger at Naruto who was shaking his head in utter annoyance, "How come he scores such a beautiful woman with such amazing OPPAI!"

"I-I can't read her s-sizes." Motohana said in shock as he stared at the voluptuous blonde seated in front of Naruto. Looking towards Matsuda, he spoke in a urgent tone, "Matsuda! We have to stop that bastard from getting another beauty to follow him!"

"Right!" Matsuda replied as both Motohana and Matsuda rushed forward in hopes of ruining the supposed date Naruto was on.

Seeing their actions, Naruto got out of his seat and walked towards Gabriel and sat beside her and spoke in an overly annoyed tone, "Those idiots go to my school, do your best to ignore them and they will go away."

Naruto had been attending school with his new hair color and not a single soul had questioned it, it was most likely he had cast an illusion over everyone that was not a supernatural being and tweaked their mind about his appearance. Looking a Gabriel, Naruto spoke in a more composed tone, "Gabriel, for the time being will you follow me along in my act?"

"Of course Naruto-sama." Gabriel responded with a gentle smile as Naruto and her both waited for the arrival of the two perverts. Not that Gabriel knew they were massive perverts, and Naruto didn't think that she knew much about them from the previous encounters with Gabriel, Naruto knew she was a major airhead and seemed to ignore all common sense.

"Naruto-teme!" Motohana shouted as he sat himself down on Naruto's previous spot and Matsuda sat beside him. "What are you doing with such a beautiful woman!"

"Yeah, teme!" Matsuda agreed as both perverted teens sent Naruto a glare.

"What are you perverts doing here?" Naruto asked with a bored look as Gabriel continued to smile.

"Woman here have amazing oppai! We were-" Matsuda stopped himself before he could finish his sentence and shouted in a enraged tone, "Don't play your pretty boy mind games with me Naruto-teme! I know how they work! Now tell us!"

"Can't you see I'm spending some time with Gabriel-chan here?" Naruto asked as he placed an arm around Gabriel and brought her closer. The Seraph blinked in confusion but decided to go along with it as she smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes, Naruto-sama, we were having a great time." Gabriel said as she drew attention to herself, her voice seemed to captivate both perverts as they looked at her dreamily before her next words shattered them, "Just like those nights from before."

Matsuda and Motohana both had looks of shock and horror mixed onto their faces, no words could come out of his mouth but something did come out. Both perverts released random words that had no relations to this situation whatsoever, Naruto wanted to slap his face he truly did, how Gabriel phrased it seemed as if they wen through... Sexual intercourse, normal people would have been confused but telling both perverts had an instant reaction. It seemed whatever words were spoken they related it to anything sexual.

Releasing a groan, Naruto got up from his seat and offered a hand to Gabriel which the Seraph gladly took and the two were gone. Leaving behind a two perverts that were having such hard times coping with this information, it always shocked Naruto that two massive perverts couldn't some words from a busty blonde that implied an action they had participated in. 'This is going to be a long day.' Naruto thought as he began guiding Gabriel out of the cafe, forgetting the fact that their hands were still interlocked.

"So, we have some Holy Swords to find?" Toneri asked as he sat back and drank the tea that was prepared for him. Naruto had called for a meeting between the three of them and now they were in their favorite location, Naruto's room. Why they chose that room to talk about all their important tasks was something not a single one could understand, but since Naruto was an heir, security was pretty tight around him room. Well that was his "reason", truth be told Naruto was just being lazy that day.

"Yes, our goal is to find the three Excalibur fragments and assist the two Exorcists being sent to either retrieve or destroy them." Naruto said as he looked at the map of his territories. Thinking about it, Naruto turned to Toneri and spoke to his surrogate brother in a commanding tone, "But that is not your task Toneri, I have another one that will need your attention."

"What is it, Nii-san?" Toneri gave his brother a questioning glance as he looked at what his brother was staring at.

"That territory, used to belong to the Usagi Youkai." Naruto said as he traced a finger around a major portion of Kyoto and all of Tokyo. "When the treaty between Youkai crashed, many of them withdrew to their own little traces of land and are now building armies to fight for that massive portion of land that is left behind after the destruction of the Usagi."

Toneri nodded his head in understanding as he watched his brother grab a pen and circle the Otsutsuki Clan territory. Naruto then continued as he pointed a finger at their clans compound location, "This is where our base of operations is, the black border is all of the land we control. Including Kuoh City, the location where we received from Sirzechs Lucifer. Toneri, now that there is a major plot of land available, I wish to expand."

"Nii-san, shouldn't we speak to Kaguya-sama about this first?" Toneri asked as he was beginning to see what Naruto was telling him to do.

"I already spoke to Kaa-chan about this subject and she agreed to it." Naruto answered his brothers question before directing a finger towards Kyoto once more, "Without Yasaka ruling over Kyoto, we have the chance to obtain that land. I wish for you to capture Kyoto City and bring it under Otsutsuki Clan command, there are many smaller territories surrounding that area but we will worry about that later. But there will be some minor battles between leaders inside the city trying to take control of the city since Yasaka is dead and Kunou is with us."

"Capture Kyoto City?" Toneri asked as he looked at Naruto in shock.

"Yes, once you complete that task, we move onto the rest of the unclaimed territory." Naruto replied with a nod as he drew a circle surrounding every piece of land and territory Japan controlled, "Once that goal is over, we will do what Yasaka failed to do. We will bring Japan under a single banner, that is our main goal."

"Naruto-nii-san, wont the other Youkai rebel?" Toneri asked as he thought about the information his surrogate brother was giving him. "I mean, the Otsutsuki Clan rejected the invitation to join the alliance and now we all of a sudden begin a conquest, don't you think they'll think bad about us?"

"I believe so." Naruto responded with a nod of his head and continued speaking, "We may not even have to conquer their lands. A simple alliance shall bring them forward. After all, no matter which era we live in, power is the only thing that everyone understands. Toneri, by doing this we will strengthen our hold of Japan by an astounding degree, and our clan can finally have a place to call our own."

"What of the Three Factions?"

"They will not have be any trouble. Kaa-chan has already spoken with the Devils and they did not seem to mind, and even if they did they could not do a single thing to stop us. I spoke with the Angel Faction and as long as their believers are safe from harm they have no intentions of interfering with our business. Along with this, the Fallen Angel's Governor General has agreed already to this."

"Nii-san, why would they agree to something like this?"

"They wish for peace."


"Think about it, if we do not interfere then the smaller groups of Youkai shall wage war for territory. In hopes of gaining power from land, more blood will be shed for that selfish desire for power. If we do not interfere there shall be another war much larger than the last one and more blood shall paint the earth red. We must reign them in before the war breaks out or else there may be some unnecessary losses of life."

"What about these islands here?"

"Hou has taken the liberty of sending some of his men there to bring them under our command. Once this plan is complete, Japan shall be under our rule."

"The other Youkai, what if they do not agree on an alliance?"

"We leave them alone."

"Nii-san why?"

"Even if none of them agreed to our alliance, we would have a control of a majority of Japan already. If they prove themselves to be a threat or simply try anything that will be harmful towards our clan then we simply wage a war on them. Though that is a highly unlikely scenario as they fear us simply for how much power we hold."

"When do I start?"

"Immediately, we do not have much time to waste. Armies are being amassed for a war fought over a dead mans land, our priority is to gain whatever advantages we could from the aftermath of our previous war."

"Understood, Nii-san."

"Good, now go."

Naruto studied the map with a critical eye, for hours he had been studying a map of Japan. At the moment, the Otsutsuki Clan held the most power and territory, but the Usagi held a good portion of Japan as well thus leaving a gaping hole in Japan without a Youkai Branch controlling it. Smaller territories began moving ahead and claiming whatever land they could before more powerful branches moved in to stake their claim. No matter how he looked at it, without their clans interference this could likely spark another war but this time much longer than the previous one. Greed would drive leaders to push their people into new lands and soon an all out war would ensue, though Naruto wished to stay neutral he knew it was going to be impossible. The Otsutsuki Clan Compound was located near Kyoto and thus very close tot he battlefields if a war were to take place, even if he had managed to convince himself to stay neutral, Naruto would have been outvoted by his mother and elders.

Power came with territory and his elders along with his mother were obsessed with claiming more power for their clan. Kaguya's view of this was that she wished to simply build a powerful clan for her son to take over once she stepped down, with that power it would prove to be useful in the future as power in any world solved every issue. The elders on the other hand, wished to finally make a place in the world for their clan. Being born and raised as slaves in their past, gaining something like a true home was major. Naruto could not understand the elders reasons nor his mothers as he was never in a role such as theirs, but he respected their reasons. But involving themselves in this war would bring more positives than negatives so he was not one to deny them that. Naruto was still confused why his clan did not take that territory in the first place, but he simply chose not to overthink this situation.

Choosing to think of it in another perspective, Naruto knew the advantages of allowing other Youkai to initiate a war. By doing this, his clan would have been able to give a show of power by dominating other Youkai in a war. Shaking his head, Naruto pushed all those thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on the task at hand. No matter which way anyone looked at it, the Otsutsuki Clan would gain the most out of this entire war.

"Where are we suppose to be doing again?" Naruto asked as he looked towards his perverted friend. Naruto and Hou were both seated on benches inside a park, Naruto had no idea why he was here but Hou seemed to. Looking at his friend, Naruto got a bit annoyed by the perverted grin plastered on Hou's face.

"We're suppose to meet them those exorcists aren't we?" Hou questioned as he turned to face Naruto who nodded his head confirming his words and Hou continued, "The Church is not too far from here and we can relax."

"It's not like we're devils or anything, we can enter churches." Naruto said as he followed his friends gaze and saw him ogling a woman who was taking a jog through the park. Sighing Naruto patted his friend on the back and spoke, "Never change, buddy."

"Change?" Hou said as he turned to Naruto and gave him a disgusted look before continuing, "Why would I change? I would never stray from the path of Oppai, only a fool like you would do something like that."

Shaking his head, Naruto headed towards the vending machine not too far from their position to buy some drinks and turned to Hou, "Do you want some coffee?"

"Who needs coffee when you have Oppai?"


Naruto walked off without another word and in the corner of his eye, Naruto spotted two cloaked figures walking towards the church and he immediately headed in their direction before he stopped walking and turned towards Hou. Seeing his friend was still fascinated with some woman's breasts but instead of simply using his eyes he now had binoculars to spot his beloved oppai. Sighing, Naruto walked over to Hou and grabbed him by his collar and began dragging him towards the church. No complaint was heard from Hou and Naruto for a second thought something was wrong with his friend before a wolfish whistle was released from Hou and Naruto gained a dry look before he continued his actions.

A young woman with chin-length blue hair with a green fringe on the right side of her head and dark yellow eyes. Her outfit consisted of a black skin-tight, short-sleeved unitard with pauldrons, matching fingerless gloves that extended to her biceps, and thigh-high boots. This young woman was named Xenovia Quarta, a Holy Sword Wielder and a holder of Excalibur Destruction. Next to her was her partner Irina, Irina held the appearance of a beautiful young woman around Naruto's age with long, chestnut hair and violet eyes. Her hair was tied back into two twintails, like Xenovia she wore a similar outfit. Xenovia and Irina both possessed a Excalibur fragment each, both of them were currently inside the abandoned Church facing their help for this assignment.

"Naruto-sama, it is an honor to meet you." Xenovia said as she and Irina both bowed her heads slightly. After a few seconds, they stood straight once more and Naruto gave them a nod in response.

"Xenovia-san, do you have an idea of where you wish to search for the fragments first?" Naruto asked as he nudged Hou to stop gawking at their outfits. Though Naruto was quite shocked about their attire as well, he had the decency to not openly gawk at it. But seeing the Churches battle outfit it did raise some questions in Naruto's mind, having such a skimpy outfit to battle enemies was quite shocking.

"We thought they may have been at this church but we came out empty handed as we searched this place before you and your partner came." Xenovia answered as she looked around the abandoned church once more before returning her attention to Naruto. "Naruto-sama, do you know any place we could stay for the time being? We cannot stay here in the church as it is in this condition."

"Of course, you may stay as my guests in the clan compound." Naruto answered before he turned around and walked out of the church with Hou, Xenovia, and Irina following him from behind. "How about we get some rest before we begin searching, or do you want to look for it immediately?"

Both exorcists stomachs growled as both of the blushed in slight embarrassment and Naruto released a amused chuckle, continuing forward he spoke in an amused tone, "We should probably get some lunch first before we do anything."

"Thank you Naruto-sama." Xenovia answered as she recomposed herself and followed the Youkai down the path. Hou had stopped looking at the exorcists body and was busy thinking about their current predicament, they had no clues to go off of and trying to find a single person in an entire city was going to be tough.

After eating, Xenovia and Irina both were ready to discuss their information with Naruto and Hou. Speaking in her usual serious tone Xenovia began speaking about the information they had been given, "What the church has told us is that the one who stole the three Excaliburs is a man named Freed Sellzen. He stole the Excalibur fragments Rapidly, Nightmare, and Transparency. And what all we know about his location is that he is somewhere in Kuoh City."

"In my territory huh." Naruto mused as he thought about it and studied the map of Kuoh City, nothing was coming to mind. The Church was the most likely spot where Freed would have been situated but they had met there and he did not even sense anyone else there. "Hou what do you think?"

"Well, from what I gathered we do not have to waste our energy trying to find him." Hou said as he caught everyone's attention and took that as a cue to continue, "From what you told me Naruto there is a much larger plot at works here and we do not need to waste precious energy trying to find him when he will eventually show himself. After all there has to be a reason why he is in Kuoh of all places."

"Kuoh Academy." Naruto said as Hou nodded his head and directed a finger towards the academy and spoke, "Kuoh used to be territory ran by Devils, before you took over and Freed is plotting something that involves these Devils, no matter how we look at this it is the most likely situation."

"So we just have to wait for him to show up then take back the fragments?" Irina asked as she thought about Hou's words.

"Exactly, we currently do not have enough information to locate him and even if we try they will know of this and stay in hiding." Hou explained further as he took a sip of his tea, "All we can do now is allow them to do whatever they are planning and can only stop them before they can finish their little plan involving those Devils."

"Very well then." Naruto said with a nod, "We shall do that for now. Xenovia-san, Irina-san, you both are welcome to stay as long as you wish. Now before we end this, anything else to speak about?"

Xenovia and Irina both shook their heads in negative, Hou raised his hand and directed his words towards Xenovia and Irina and spoke, "What are your three sizes?"

Naruto face palmed when he heard those words, no matter what Hou would always surprise him. At one time he could be serious and smart but in a few seconds his perverted tendencies would take over and this was the result. Even though Hou was an idiot at times, Naruto smiled at the question. It was good to have his perverted friend back, no matter what he said the perverseness was what made Hou himself. That was a trait that Naruto would never change, even if it annoyed him to no end at times.

Hou was sent flying courtesy of Irina and Naruto ignored it favor of drinking his tea. But if one looked close enough, a small smile decorated Naruto's face. It was just good to have Hou back, his perverted actions always lightened up Naruto's day even if he was not willing to admit it.

Chapter end

Thanks for reading guys and I want to say sorry for the short chapter but I was busy to do longer chapters this week. Answers for some actions in this chapter will be in the next chapter and I want to take this time to say thank you for the constant support you guys have shown. I mean this story is doing very well, 499 Review, 1,049 Followers, and 938 Favorites. Thank you guys, please leave a long review about what you think and thank you again!