Chapter 1: An Ancient Power

Hello my wonderful fans! The Dark Dragon Emperor here with a new story for you all! This time I'm bringing in my Naruto/Transformers crossover for you all today.

A fellow author by the name of Yatsushiro Ryko came to me and offered to write one of my stories. At first, I was wary of the idea as I've never done something like this before, but now that I've actually tried it out, I believe that he and I can create a wonderful story together, and I hope to keep working with him for quite a while too.

All I do is just give him the ideas of what I want to put in this story, and he makes them into words. Of course, I edit a few minor details, and speak with him if there's something in the document that bothers me, but other than that, nothing much. I think I could compare myself to an editor in this little collaboration we have here.

Now sit back, relax, and let the party begin!


Naruto Uzumaki stomped out of the Hokage's tower in a bad mood. He had felt confident that he would be promoted to genin rank this time, after failing the previous year.

"Damn bunshin." He muttered under his breath. It wasn't his fault that everytime he attempted it, the sick looking copy seemed to be a balloon of Naruto himself that was only half filled with air. It was even slightly transparent which kind of sickened Naruto and caused everyone who saw the failed attempt to laugh. The failure of a copy would then always proceed to slump to the ground as if it had no skeleton to hold it up and would lie on the ground like a pile of, something. Naruto put his hands behind his head as he sighed. How could he even become a shinobi if he couldn't perform the bunshin properly? It was a standard set by the academy. Suddenly, Naruto then remembered his dream to become hokage and it lit a fire of inspiration for him.

"Yatta! I'm going to become hokage!" He yelled punching the air. The hokage was powerful and never gave up. Just like his idol, the Yondaime. Naruto gazed up at the hokage monuments on the cliff. 'I will join you there, mark my words fourth!' Naruto thought. Naruto started on his way to the cliff to train when his stomach growled loudly.

"Oh well, you're gonna have to wait then fourth." Naruto said. He took out gama-chan and counted was was inside. "Yes! Thanks oji-chan." Naruto punched the air again. "Ichiraku! Here I come!" He yelled happily.

Once he entered Ichiraku Ramen, he was greeted by Ayame and Teuchi. Since he almost ate every meal there if possible, father and daughter had practically accepted him as part of their family. Even if the village disapproved. No sooner had he sat down, Teuchi landed a large pork miso bowl in front of Naruto before preparing seconds. Nothing made him happier than seeing the little boy with blond hair gulp down almost everything thrown his way. He was comforted by the fact that the blonde was happy with his meal. The store owner then looked up to see a civilian walk into the store. The immediate scowl that he gave to Naruto did not escape the chef's attention. He watched angrily as the older man stormed out to look for somewhere else to eat. He couldn't figure out what everyone hated about Naruto. The boy was young and alone, having lost both his parents to the Kyuubi no Kitsune eleven years ago. Yes, it had been devastating, yes Naruto had been born on that day, but why did most of the villagers and older shinobi especially seem to hate the boy? He would not have any of it under his roof. Teuchi swore that in his own way, he would make Naruto happy. "Arigato old man!" Naruto dropped the money on the cashier. What the old man did next surprised Naruto. He took the money and handed it back.

"But old man, I can't take that! That's payment for the food!" The old man closed his hand over Naruto's.

"And this is my payment for you choosing to eat here, now go do something useful with that money."

The joy on Naruto's face melted the man's heart as he watched the orange blur streak away towards the shops. 'Best of luck Naruto.' The old man wished.

Naruto was incredibly happy. The old man had given him a free meal! And now he had extra pocket money. He ignored most of the hateful glares directed at him. He had grown somewhat used to it, but that didn't stop the pain that clenched his chest. Worse still, was when they completely ignored him. As if his existence meant nothing. At least he was getting some kind of atttention when they were mad, but when they ignored him, the blonde boy never felt more alone. In the midst of these thoughts, something caught his eye and the little boy stared in awe at the mask. For some reason he found its fox face design interesting, the entire mask was black with red markings that spiraled around it.

The next second however, a bewildered Naruto found himself sprawled painfully on the street outside.

"Hey! What's your problem baka?!" Naruto yelled back into the shop shaking his fist.

"Get out of my sight monster, before I send you back to hell!" A large man inside the store yelled so ferociously that Naruto wavered a bit.

"What did I do? I was only looking at the mask!" Naruto protested angrily. The man swore before grabbing the mask. "You want this? Take it! Now leave!" The man snapped. Naruto stared at the crowd that had stopped to watch the scene. He looked into their eyes and saw the hate pouring out, even if their faces were impassive. If it had just been one of them it would've been understandable. But it was everyone. The blonde boy felt tears stream into his eyes.

"Why...why do you all look at me with those eyes..." Naruto said softly.

"What?!" The man bellowed. "Speak up dirt child!"

"I said why are you all looking at me with those eyes?! I'll show you, I'm gonna be a better hokage than the Yondaime, then you will have to respect me!" Naruto screamed back, up on his feet and glaring defiantly.

"You dare insult the Yondaime! He was a hero! A brat like you will never even live up to his shadow!" The man roared and grabbed a sword that had been leaning next to his stool before rushing headfirst at Naruto, his intention to maim or kill the boy crystal clear. Naruto was paralysed in shock. He stared in fear at the giant about to stab him. He knew he should move but his body didn't seem to be responding. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain that was sure to come and was surprised when it didn't. He opened his eyes again to see a woman holding the mans arm, halting his rampage. Then the man swore as his swordarm lay helplessly at his side.

"Damn Hyuga! You're all so stuck up and think you're so mighty!"

"We don't spend our free time trying to kill children." The Hyuga stated in a calm voice. It was the type of calm that wound send shivers down someone's spine. "And on that matter, I think I have a right to remove your arm for attempting such a deed." The calm in the voice as she said it made the man cower and run back to his store in fear. She was a shinobi, he stood no chance. The Hyuga then looked at Naruto who gazed up at her with a puzzled look on his face that suggested he wanted to know why she had helped him.

"Don't worry little one, I am your friend." Her voice had softened up now and so had her face making her look very gentle and kind.

"Don't you hate me?" He asked her curiously.

"Why would I hate the one who saved my daughter?" The Hyuga asked kindly. She stepped to the side to reveal the small girl clutching her mother's robe while her other hand was nervously clenched into a fist she held above her chest.

"Hinata-chan?" Naruto said surprised. "This is your mother? Arigato, Aunty."

"H-hai, Na-naruto-kun" she kept looking at the ground, before stealing glances at Naruto and turning red. Hitomi laughed at the display her daughter was giving before laughing even harder at the fact that Naruto seemed completely oblivious to it. Naruto thanked her before picking up the mask and heading towards the cliff. Hitomi noticed her daughter staring after him.

"You like him don't you." Hitomi teased poking her daughter in the side. Hinata turned an even darker red.

"Ssshh mother," Hinata looked around nervously, "someone might hear you!"

Hitomi hugged her daughter. "It's our little secret then isn't it?" Hinata nodded before bursting into red again.

(Two hours later)

Naruto collapsed on the Yondaime's head. He had spent the past hour attmpting to make a successful bunshin but the same end result was always the same. The ghostly copy with no skeleton. He thought about the anger of the villagers. He wanted to be angry at them but found he could not. They must have a reason. When I become hokage, they will forgive me and acknowledge me he thought. So all the more reason to become hokage faster. While sitting back his thoughts drifted over to Hinata. After he had saved her from those boys in the academy, he and Hinata had become friends. They spent most of their time in the academy together, sitting next to each other in class, helping where they could.

'Hinata is pretty,' he thought. How had he not realized it? Probably because of his long one sided conversations with her. He smiled at the thought. But he was then interupted by a blast of Ki from the forest behind him. It had been small, but Naruto was sure he hadn't imagined it. He leapt up and began to investigate. His excitement to discover what it was caused him to forget to call for assistance.

Orochimaru swore, the scroll he had said it had to be somewhere here. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but the scroll said it held a powerful source of energy. What it didn't say was that if it so chose, this power could deny access into the ruins no matter who he or she was. On his first attempt, a large blast of Ki had thrown him into a large tree and it had hurt. He was about to attempt again but his heightened senses told him something was coming, and fast. Deciding not to risk it Orochimaru hid in one of the nearby treetops, effectively cutting him out of sight. He watched with interest as a blond haired boy ran out to investigate the area where the KI had come from. The snake man waited for the KI to blast away the boy as it had done with him. His face frowned in diappointment, why was the boy not being thrown? He decided to watch intently.

Naruto was sure the blast of energy had come from somewhere around here. He wasn't exactly sure how he knew, but this was it. Looking around he noticed that there was a large rock with a symbol on it at the edge of the clearing. It wouldn't do anyone any harm if he took a look he decided, giving in to his curiosity. Unfortunately, before he arrived at his destination, the ground underneath him crumbled and he fell screaming into a hole.

Naruto stopped yelling once he realized that he hadn't fallen very far down. It was only around ten feet. This height however was enough to be a small room. But this wasn't an ordinary room. The walls were etched with so many seals that could only be opened from the inside making it impossible for anyone to have entered. But if that was the case how come Naruto was allowed in? He wasn't a genius but if he was in the crypt, that meant someone or something had let him in. He drew a kunai and readied himself for anything. At the centre of the room was still dark as the only light was the sunlight through the hole Naruto had fallen into.

There was a sort of alter made of stone that was dimly glowing purple with all the seals. But what had caught Naruto's attention was the metallic cube that was hovering above the alter and slowly spinning. After close inspection, Naruto realized that he hadn't ever seen this metal before. He never listened much in class, but he knew this metal didn't look like the type that was normally found in Konoha. It felt as if it was drawing energy from everything around it, making Naruto feel cold. He seemed to be hypnotized by it and slowly walked towards it and reached out his hand. The second he touched it Naruto screamed in pain. The cube had flown incredibly fast and collided into his stomach, searing itself into his skin. Naruto dropped to the floor in agony as the cube pushed itself further and further in. Then as suddenly as it had started, the pain receded leading Naruto to black out.

Unknown to him, the cube had entered his body, and underneath the spiral of the eight trigrams seal, there appeared another mark, the mark of a cube. On his right shoulder, appeared a purple symbol of a narrowed face that gave off a menacing vibe, and on his left shoulder a red symbol of a more blocky face appeared that had the appearance of a guardian. Both seared into his skin. Just as Naruto fell unconscious there was an enormous wave of KI, much more than what had happened against Orochimaru. The massive energy came from Naruto's body and the first wave completely levelled the ruin to make a crater. Four more massive blasts followed in quick succession before the boy finally lay at rest in the centre of the crater he had inadvertently caused.

(Hokage's Office)

In the Hokage office Hiashi Hyuga was in a serious conversation with the Sandaime. He had been in the office when Naruto had taken the test. The clan head had then patiently waited until Hiruzen ha finished a meeting with the elders. "Hiruzen, who is Naruto exactly?"

"Wait a minute." The hokage answered before applying the privacy seal that separated them from any one who may have been listening. "Have you found out?" The old man answered wearily.

Hiashi nodded grimly. "He is Minato and Kushina's son isn't he?" The old man simply nodded. "It isn't really that hard, how many blond haired people are present within Konoha besides the Yamanaka? And there were very few 'Uzumaki' here as well. I don't know when they got married or when they decided to have the child. But as a close friend of Minato and Kushina, I feel guilty. I know you have hidden his true identity to protect him. But he doesn't need to suffer the way he is. All alone. If Kushina were alive, we would've been dead by now for how we've treated him. Therefore I would like to take him into the Hyuga clan."

Hiruzen paled at the thought of Kushina before he sat in thought. He had never thought about how Naruto felt about being alone. To be honest he thought the boy had been happy. But to be honest, the third couldn't really believe that his laws could protect the child. He looked over at Hiashi and took in the determination the man had brought with him. "How would your clan react?" Hiruzen asked. "Especially since they can see the Kyuubi chakra within the boy."

"Hitomi and I have thought of that. We have gotten the clan elders to agree and we should have no problem with the branch members, they know what punishment they could recieve if they disobey my orders. And we shall threaten any main family member who doesn't react well to Naruto by giving them the caged bird seal."

"You've spent time thinking this through havn't you? Hiashi."

"Of course Hiruzen." Hiashi replied. "I suppose I also owe it to the boy, he seems to be inspiring my daughter to work harder. But I, of course, have to act firm and strict to push her harder in order to please the elders."

"What of the Hyuga elders? They may decide to place a caged bird seal on the boy in order to gain an advantage over you," Hiruzen asked.

The Hyuga clan head scowled. "We both know full well that won't happen under my supervision."

Hiruzen nodded. "I guess it is settled, I grant you permission to take the boy under your care but first... "

The Sandaime was cut off mid sentence as an amazingly large blast of KI rocked the building. The two bewildered men stared at each other. "What was that?" Hiruzen asked pointlessly. "Are we under attack?" He released the privacy seals and beckoned to the four ANBU stationed outside to follow him as well as Hiashi as four more blasts shook the building.

"Byakugan!" Hiashi yelled as he activated his doujutsu. And he immediatly spotted the source of the energy blasts."Over the hokage monuments, three hundred metres ahead." The team of six sped over to the location and Hiruzen gaped at the massive crater.

Orochimaru groaned and cracked his neck to the side. He hadn't seen what had happened after the blonde boy had fallen in but ten seconds later he heard the boy screaming in immense pain. He had run to inspect, the curiosity egging him on. But that was before a much larger blast than before threw him backwards with enough force to crash straight through three large tree trunks causing the said trees to fall. But before he could land another wave threw him further still and hew was helpless against all the oncoming waves. He was grateful they had stopped. But what about that boy? He thought. The village would have certainly felt that, someone would be here soon. As if on cue, his teacher arrived with four ANBU and a Hyuga at the edge of a crater the size of a foot ball field. Orochimaru backed up to make sure he was out of range from the Byakugan. Wait, was that a crater?! Orochimaru's attention snapped towards back towards the site. In the middle of the crater lay the boy he had seen. But the boy was unharmed. It also seemed to Orochimaru that the source of the KI had been the boy. Next to the yellow haired child was also a sort of alter. This is interesting. Orochimaru thought.

"Naruto!" Hiruzen and Hiashi yelled in unison. The boy lying down there with his top shredded did not bring out the best ideas in their heads. The two leapt down immediately and were relieved to see he was still breathing.

"What is this?" Hiruzen asked in shock, "These markings wern't here before. Hiashi, take a look." Hiruzen pointed towards the mark of the cube and the marks that had formed on each of Naruto's shoulders. Hiashi activated his byakugan and frowned in concentration.

"Hokage-sama, there's something else in him right now. Before he had vast amounts of his blue chakra and the kyubi's red chakra in his stomcah separate. But now the blue and orange are mixing very quickly, and there is also a black chakra."

"Let's get him to the hospital then. Even if the seal is weakening, I am sure that the black chakra and these new marks have nothing to do with them." He beckoned to one of the ANBU. "Carry Naruto and follow us. You three, I am unsure of what happened, but scout the surrounding area. There might have been an attacker and he may still be around here somewhere." Hiruzen leapt away closely followed by Hiashi and the ANBU carrying Naruto.

Orochimaru smirked. Only three ANBU left to deal with...

(Inside Naruto's Mindscape)

Naruto woke up with his head hurting. He stared up at the ceiling. It was a sickly brown. He stood up and looked around to see that the walls around him were the same but with torches along them. Where am I? He thought. Naruto then realized he was stepping in some sort of water. Crystal clear but the same colour as the rest of the place. It looked like a clean sewer.

"So my jailor has finally come to see me."

Naruto whirled round in shock at the deep voice laced with killing intent. He then saw the great cage with golden bars with a spiraling lock that looked very much like the one on his stomach. He also noticed the large red eye that glared back at him from the darkness through the bars. "Are you the kyubi?" He asked.

"So you recognize me brat. Now let me out so I can kill you!" The kyubi roared while flashing all nine of his tails behind the golden bars.

"That doesn't sound like a good deal."

"How about power boy?" The kyubi offered. The bijuu knew that the more of his power the kid used, the more the seal would weaken. "Come, have some of this power and do as you wish with it."

"Why would I want your power? I don't need it. Your power is probably the reason the villagers hate me." Naruto said sadly. "I've always wondered why they did that, looking at me with those cold eyes of hate and calling me 'demon'. I never knew why, until now. But if they know that you're sealed in me, how could they not hate the one who attacked their village? They hate me because of you! I suffered because of you!" Naruto yelled back.

At this the Kyubi quietened down and settled back into the dark, glaring at Naruto with crimson eyes. The kyubi took this as an opportunity to look through the boys memories in silence.

Naruto however spotted the cube he had seen before he blacked out. It was floating in the same way it had been earlier and it was on the Kyubi's side of the fence. "Kyubi, where are we?"

"We are in your mind." The Kyubi grumbled reluctantly.

"Then what is that?" Naruto pointed to the floating cube. The Kyubi spotted the object and stood up to inspect it. As he neared it however, it seemed to have triggered something as an enormous robot the roughly the same size as Kurama came into view. It was humanoid in form with blue and red markings. It didn't get very far before one of Kurama's tails lashed out and struck it with immense force, the robot was blasted away before it slammed into the cage's opposite wall. Kurama growled ferociously and laced the air with killing intent. The robot stood up quickly with it's hands raised up in surrender.

"I mean no you no harm," The robot stated. "I am a representative of the cube and I can explain why it is here."

The angry bijuu just glared at the robot, still tensed for a fight. After a while, Naruto said, "It's fine Kyubi, he doesn't seem to mean any harm. As soon as you think he's a threat, do what you want to him. He's on your side of the gate anyway." The kyubi looked from Naruto back to the robot before it grumbled and lay back down in its corner in the dark, glaring at the intruder.

"Carry on." Naruto motioned to the new addition.

"Understood." The robot relaxed.

"I am Optimus Prime, for now I shall represent the cube. It is from another planet known as Cybertron. There was an enormous civil war there between beings such as myself. The cube decided that it was no longer safe to be protected by us and decided to take countermeasures. It absorbed all our consciousness , friend and foe alike, and thought it was safe. It was wrong however. It couldn't simply obtain all of us. There was a small but very powerful group that remained intent on destroying the cube and therefore everyone within it. This group is under the orders of the 'Creators'. Fearing once again for its safety, the cube launched itself into outer space, in search of a protector. Those intent on destroying it have been searching for it ever since. After many years it finally landed here on earth, far before the time any of you were born."

Naruto frowned, "Oh man, a history lesson?" I've had enough of that!" The robot's story however had caught the Kyubi's attention.

"Shut up brat, he's still talking."

Naruto pouted and looked away. The robot took this oppotunity to continue.

"Ever since then it has been steadily watching and absorbing information about this world. With the exception of the knowledge hidden within scrolls and what's currently going on in peoples' minds, this cube knows almost everything."

The massive bijuu raised its head, obviously interested.

"But I thought it came here for protection." It interrupted with a slight frown.

"Patience friend," Optimus answered patiently. "Ever since that time it has been waiting for a container with a strong, forgiving soul." Both Prime and the bijuu glanced at Naruto who was still pouting, obviously not paying attention. "That one container would be sure to protect the cube while using its power for the better benefit of the container's planet. Those who have come to seek the cube without the requirements could never come close to it. The cube built itself a small shrine, where it patiently waited for the one."

"So this boy, he is the one the cube has chosen?" The Kyubi looked at Naruto and sized him up.

"Kurama, this is the being the cube has chosen."

The Kyubi glanced back towards Optimus. "But what is the cube doing here inside Naruto if he was only meant to protect it?"

"This is how it is meant to be protected. Inside the body of its host and granting the host its power. Much like yourself Kurama. Naruto is now the jinchuriki of the cube. Unlike you however, the power it contributes is not chakra."

The bijuu sat in thought until something struck it. "You know my name." He stared at the robot intently. "How?"

Optimus pointed at the cube. "I already explained that this cube knows a great many things about this planet."

"So your name's Kurama huh. Kyubi has a name it seems." Naruto smirked.

"That doesn't change anything brat." Kurama glared at the yellow haired boy. Kurama then assessed the situation. Before cocking his head back to the robot. "I am sure you have much more information to share, Prime."

"That is for another time. There is a risk of Naruto's mind overloading should we overfill it with information. Right now he should simply know that the power the cube grants is gradual and will increase as his own."

Naruto leapt up and got both the giant's attention. "So you mean now I have two sources of power! Yatta! I'm awesome, you know! Now I can really be hokage!"

Kurama spared the boy a glance. "Prime. We can share information while this boy is awake and then you can tell me how much you know. As for you Naruto," The kyubi's gaze settled onto the boy, "it's time to wake up."

Naruto shielded his eyes as the intense white light filled his vision. When his eyes adjusted, he looked around to see a large hospital room. And he wasn't alone. He stared into the large white eyes of a stern man that was inspecting his face and Naruto screamed. Hiruzen ran in through the door wondering what had gone wrong when he noticed Hiashi continuously staring at the boy.

"Naruto, what happened?"

"Scary old man was staring at me jiji!" Naruto cried. Hiruzen burst out laughing.

"Naruto, don't worry. This is Hiashi Hyuga, Hinata's father."

Naruto stopped screaming and studied the man intently while rubbing his chin as if stroking an imaginary beard. "Hinata must look like her mother then, she's pretty, but this man is scary."

The whole time Hiashi remained his strict facade and wothout a word just continued staring at he boy while inside he found himself amused. Hiruzen however burst out laughing. "Naruto don't make him angry, that 'scary man' is who you will be living with."

Naruto's mouth dropped. "Ehhh!" He stared back at the Sandaime and began begging. "Naniii? Jiji what have I done, I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

Hiruzen smirked. "Nothing really Naruto, I have simply decided that you need to live with him."

Naruto's gaze slowly drifted to the Hyuga clan head. "Hai jiji. I'll do it. On one condition." Hiruzen raised and eyebrow. "Do I still get to eat ramen?" The old man sweatdropped.

"Of course Naruto, you can't seem to live without it." Hiruzen laughed at Hiashi's expression before sobering. "Back to serious matters Naruto. What happened to you up there? Why were you up there?" Naruto scratched his head in thought.

"I remember being on top of the Yondaime's head, then I felt a small KI blast so I followed it to this clearing. Then I fell into a whole and saw a cube. That's the last thing I remember." Naruto decided to hold back the information about the Kyubi and the cube that was now sealed within him. Hiashi looked at the boy and decided Naruto was just fine. He spoke for the first time. "Naruto, get ready to pack your things, you're coming with me." Naruto shivered before jumping off the bed excitedly. "Hiashi-sama, I'm going to my apartment, follow me!" Naruto managed to get out before dashing away.

Hiashi moved towards Hiruzen and whispered. "The other three ANBU have not reported back." Hiruzen nodded solemnly. "I'll get some others and inspect that area." Hiruzen whispered back. Hiashi nodded slightly before heading after Naruto.


Orochimaru snapped the neck of the third ANBU and chuckled to himself. They had been surprisingly easy to deal with. No match at all for one of the Legendary Sannin. The snake man turned his attention to the altar and ventured down to the centre of the small crater. Without the cube to repel him, Orochimaru managed to get close enough without being violently repelled. He studied the grains of powder the cube had left behind and chuckled again. "Now what may I do with this?" He asked himself before opening a scroll and sealing around four handfuls of powder. "It won't hurt to find out..."

And done! That's a wrap people! First chapter down, many more to go!

So I think that this one turned out pretty well, but it's your feedback that will cement that statement.

Nothing much to say here, as I have really nothing to rant or praise at the moment.

Please Review! Ciao!