I have a Poll up on my Page, to let you decide who/want pairing you want. Can choose from Single Pairing, a 2-3 girl Harem, a PokeHarem, a Small Poke/Human Harem. So vote for whatever one you want. If Harem, Single Pairing, or Poke/Human Harem let me know the lady you want. Can be anyone other than Hinata, Sakura, Cynthia, Dawn, May, Ino, Misty.

Can have anyone from the PokeVerse, other than the commonly used pairings.

Pallet Town – Naruto POV

In the small town, called Pallet we see a 16 year old boy by the name of Naruto, asleep on a bed. He was tossing and turning due to the sun peaking through the blinds, making him grumble, before he woke up.

"Nggh. Damn you sun." Naruto said while blinking his eyes, to get the sleepiness out.

After waking up somewhat, Naruto got up and started to stretch his athletic body. After grabbing some clothes, he walked into his bathroom and took a hot relaxing, shower. After forty-minutes he walked out in the clothes he would be wearing constantly on his journey.

Naruto stood at a height of 6 ft 1in, Spikey Blonde Hair, with two bangs framing his face. He wore a white tank-top, blue jeans, a pair of orange sneakers, and a burnt orange jacket, that was unzipped showing off his muscular body through his tank-top, on the top of his jacket was brown fur, that looked like it belonged to a eevee.

After smirking at his self in the mirror, he walked over to the bag he had packed last night for his journey! He couldn't wait, he could finally leave the town of Pallet, and journey the world. Naruto sighed, and grabbed his bag, and threw it on his shoulders. He walked through the door of his bedroom, before closing it he took one last look around before smiling sadly.

After closing the door, he walked down the stairs and smelled the delicious scent of food coming from the kitchen, and walked in to see his guardian, and adopted mother Delia Ketchum cooking while humming.

"Hey, mom!" Naruto said happily, which caused Delia to jump a bit before looking at him with a big smile, that showed some sadness.

"Good Morning, sweetie! I made your favorites.. Please sit down and eat before you go pick up your pokemon from Prof. Oak." Mom said to me while keeping up her smile.

"Okay mom.. You know its okay to be sad mom.. I know you hoped I wouldn't want to be a trainer after the incident a few years ago to that young trainer. But I want to do this.. I will promise to call you everyday! Unlike Ash, I don't like to see you sad mom. I will catch you two pokemon, if that's okay. I know you get lonely, plus a Grass Type would be great for your garden." I said, which caused her to smile.

"Thanks dear.. I know.. you will be okay, but I can't help but worry now can I? I hope you catch me a very cute grass type... Maybe a Oddish.. Maybe a Meowth or Vulpix for the second.. be nice to have something to baby, I expect you to call me everyday! Unlike Ash, you are responsible.." Mom said while smiling.

"Heh.. I know mom.. Well lets eat.. I want to get a pokemon before they all get taken, that way I can show it to you before I hit Route 1. I want to hit Viridian by night fall." I said while starting to eat.

We ate for the next the next thirty minutes, as I was about to leave to head to Prof. Oaks Lab, mom hugged me, while saying to me.

"I know, you are coming back... But I need to say this regardless, If you see those people on your journey, don't start anything.. Okay? Just leave, find somewhere to calm down and call me.. okay sweetie?" Mom said to me while looking at me with a frown.

I stiffened while my jaw clenched when I think a bout them.. My biological parents.. the ones who gave me up for adoption because I wasn't a girl... those people... Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, along with my supposedly two older sisters Narumi, and Skyla. I don't know if my siblings know about me, but I can careless about my soo called parents.

"Don't worry mom... Unless its an official battle, I will kindly ignore them. They had there chance, and they gave me up because I wasn't a precious daughter. You are the only person I consider family other than Ash.. So don't worry, if I come across them, I doubt they notice me.. If they do I will just leave and call you." I said while looking at the woman who is my adopted mother, and the one I considered my real one.

"I know dear.. it's just that Prof. Oak has been asked about you by them, as they know you were adopted by someone here.. Me and Him promised to never tell them, but I fear if they see you... They will put it together and try and take you away.." Mom said while I could hear her to start sniffling.

"Tut, tut, tut! No crying mom! Only happy tears for when I leave, and come back a champion! My biological parents can go to Giratina's domain for all I care. You are all I need as a family." I said while hugging her tightly, which caused her to cry a bit, but in happiness this time.

After letting her go, I waved bye to her and rushed to Prof. Oaks Lab, hoping I make it in time.

Time Skip: 20 minutes

After a twenty minute jog, I made it to Prof. Oaks Lab, but couldn't get in as it was crowded with people cheering.. holding up signs for Gary Oak.. "Odd.. Why is Gary here?" Naruto thought while pushing through the crowd. As he made it to the front.. of course standing in front of them was Gary Oak, Prof. Oak's Grandson and so called Golden Boy of Pallet.

"It is I, Gary Oak! I might of lost in the Indigo League, but it was due to pure luck that the noob beat me. I will beat the Johto League and become the Champion!" I rolled my eyes and walked past Gary, while saying "Yeah right.. And I am going to capture Arceus herself." While passing him, making some of the people in the crowd laugh.

After smirking at him, as he scowled at me.. I ascended the steps towards Prof. Oaks Lab, and waited until the old man answered the door.

"Ahh! Naruto my boy! How good to see you.. I see you are here for your starter? Come right in." Prof. Oak said with a grandfatherly smile.

I followed Prof. Oak in and we headed to the back room where he always gave out his pokemon and pokedex from, he said the room had a mysterious feel too it.

"I am not sure what I have left my boy... A rather odd influx of trainers this year, so while I might not have a starter, I do have a lot of pokemon for you to choose from... I will let you look on the Computer, and I will see if I have one." Prof. Oak said to me while I nodded understanding.

"I knew there would be more trainers this year.. But damn.. I guess they all wanted to get out of pallet since they upped the limit." I thought while sitting down and scrolling through the PC.

After a good forty-five minutes of searching I had it narrowed down between: Ponyta, Eevee, and Absol.

After thinking on it for another fifteen minutes, I decided to go with Absol, so I turned around and started to look for Prof. Oak. After finding him feeding some pokemon, I ran up to him.

"Hey Prof. Oak! You wouldn't happen to have a Absol would you?" I asked, hoping he would.

But I felt my heart sag a bit as he looked at me sadly.

"Sorry Naruto. But I gave out my last one earlier... I do however have a Eevee if that will placate you. I saw you had it narrowed down to Ponyta and Eevee before I left.. I don't have a Ponyta, I had a shiny one but he was going to Yugito Nii in Kalos, I owed Prof. A in Kalos a favor, and he asked as she was his brother's pupil. So sorry my boy.. I was actually expecting you to choose between the many growlithes, pikachus I had.. Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted." Prof. Oak said sadly.

"Naw, That's okay. I was shocked you had Absol in the data base and wanted to get one earlier than Hoenn. Eevee will be fine, soo many evolution's to choose from... Can I see my new partner?" Naruto asked in anticipation.

"I should of asked you earlier in the day what you wanted.. I gave Absol to them... Narumi wanted it as a new contest pokemon..." I heard Prof. Oak say with disappointment in his voice.

"Its cool..while they threw me away when I was born, they at least love there pokemon.. I rather Absol be with them, than a pokemon abuser." I said convincing myself I wasn't jealous.

"Any way, follow me my boy! I shall introduce you to eevee, she is very shy at first." Prof. Oak said while leading me to a play area for the pokemon.

I looked over and saw a Eevee playing with a sentret, as a furret watched. As we came closer, Furret noticed before saying her name and scurrying up Prof. Oak's arm while laying on top of his head, making him chuckle.

"Morning, furr. How is Sentret and Eevee doing today?" Prof. Oak asked to his long time partner, and surprisingly champion level Furret, furr.

"Furrr, ett, fuuur!" She said while nodding her head up and down, indicating they were doing good today. I watched Prof. Oak scratch furrets ear, and watched her purr her name happily as we both looked at the pokemon. They had stopped playing after hearing us come up, and stared at me as I was a unknown person.

I sighed and put down my bag, and walked into the area before sitting down on my behind, hoping to seem more inviting to the pokemon. I waited a few minutes, before Sentret came over to me and looked over me cautiously, it then looked at its mother, and when it got a head nod from her, it said its name happily before scampering up my body before sitting on my shoulder while nuzzling into my cheeks.

"Seeentreet! Seeen!" The little sentret said.

"Why hello there Sentret. It is very nice to meet you, I never knew furr had a baby." I said holding out my hand, and watched amusingly as Sentret sniffed it before putting its tail in my hand before doing a weird version of a handshake. I started to scratch it behind its ears, making it relax happily, and watched as Eevee looked at me with nervous eyes, before walking over to me very slowly, in case I decided to attack.

After reaching my pants leg, she started to sniff to make sure I didn't have poison or something on me I guess, and when she was satisfied she moved into my lap and sniffed around again, and kept repeating the pattern until she decided to sit in my lap, and look up at me with a tilted head.

"Vui?" Eevee said to me with her head tilted.

I used my free arm, and placed my hand on her head. I felt her tense up for a minute, but relax as I started to scratch behind her ears too. I smirked as I felt her tail wag, and her purring her name happily, while moving her head back in forth trying to make my fingers go deeper.

After a few minutes of doing this to both pokemon, I stopped and look down at Eevee while smiling, which made her tilt her head in confusion again.

"Eevee, I know you are a shy pokemon. But I would be honored, if you joined me as my starter to pokemon. Prof. Oak never asked, but would you rather Pokemon Battle or Contest Battle? 1 nod for pokemon battle, and 2 for contest." I said hoping she would join me.

I watched as Eevee looked at me for a few minutes, before sniffing me again before wagging her tail happily and saying her name happily, while giving me 1 nod.

"Vuii~" Eevee said, while rubbing her head into my stomach happily.

"Hehe, I am glad you are willing to join me girl. I bought a special pokeball for you, since you will be my starter." I said pulling out a Luxury Ball. It was custom made so it was Orange on the top, and blue on the bottom. It was truly one of a kind!

I watched as Eevee looked at the pokeball curiously, before tapping the button with her nose, and watch as she got sucked in. After a few seconds of the ball swaying back and forth it made a "ding" sound, indicating she was caught. I picked up her pokeball, smiling before releasing her again on the floor.

"Vui, vui?" Eevee said looking around before spotting me. She ran up to me with her tail wagging while pawing at my jeans, while looking up at me. I chuckled before reaching down, and placing her in my arms.

"Why hello there, Eevee~ Before we get ready to go, I am going to scan you with the PokeDex to know your moves, and what you can learn.. Also so I can give you a nickname, then we will go see my adopted mother for a bit, then hit the road to Route 1. What you say?" I said while smiling at her happily.

"Eeee! Vuiii!" Eevee said happily while snuggling into my arms.

I pulled out my PokeDex, which Prof. Oak says was a National Dex as it contained information for pokemon up to Kalos, but probably not needed as mostly only up to Sinnoh pokemon migrate towards Kanto. I pointed it at Eevee, and watched it pull up her information on its Holographic Screen.

[Eevee- The Evolution Pokemon. This Eevee is Female, and carries the Abilities: Adaptation, and Adaptability, Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Wish (U)(Egg Move)]

"Not bad for a beginning move set.. I have some money saved up from odd jobs. I bet I could probably buy Double Team, Return, and either Dig or Shadow Ball in Viridian at the Market... We will have you ready for Pewter Gym, no doubt!" I said while smiling down at Eevee, while rubbing her head.

"Vuiii!" She said while looking at me happily.

"Hmm, what to call you.. How about Hime? You will always be my little princess, no matter what you evolve into?" I said hoping she liked it.. as I didn't want to name her something that was totally opposite to what she evolved into..

"Vuiiiii~ Vuiii!" I looked down but saw darkness at Eevee had her tail wrapped around my face, and nuzzling her cheeks against mine while saying "Vui, vui!" over, and over again.

After a few minutes of being cheek assaulted by Hime, I put her in the hood of my jacket and chuckled as I felt her get comfortable while having her head lay on my shoulder with her peaking out under the coat.

After giving Prof. Oak a hug, and getting five extra pokeballs, I headed out of his lab and walked at a fast pace towards the house. As I was getting closer, I saw mom and some of the neighbors outside cheering and smiling at me.

"Ooh Sweetie! I was wondering what was taking so long." Mom said while hugging me.

"Heh, sorry mom. It took me a while to choose between the pokemon I wanted.. Sadly he didn't have a Absol, but I believe I got something better. Hime, please quit hiding under my jacket..." I said as she was starting to tickle me...

I watched as mom looked at me confusingly, before Hime popped her head out of my jacket, from under my tank top to be exact while saying her name..

"Vuiii?" She said looking around.

"Don't be shy girl. This is my mother, she is as gentle as a Caterpie's String Shot." I said and watched as hime sniffed moms hand before giving it a lick, which made mom squeal.. which resulted in Eevee freaking out and hiding her head back under my tank-top and jacket, which caused her to continuously tickle me with her tail..

"Mom.. She is shy... I swear you did this on purpose... She is tickling me relentlessly.." I said whining, which caused mom to chuckle.

"I am sorry dear.. She is just soo cute! Anyway! Here is some food I put in some Tupperware, it will stay heated for a good. It is your favorite Chili, and I made some pokemon friendly jerky.. I bet she would love some... I expect you to call me as soon as you get to Viridian young man! Unlike Ash, I expect you not to worry your dearest mother~?" She said with a sickly sweet smile.

I watched as a lot of our neighbors shiver under that smile, as it meant.. "You will see pain" if it ever came out. I sighed, and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. While reassuring her I will call her as soon I check in, unlike my idiot of a brother. I stepped back and waved towards her and the neighbors that said they will support me and keep track of whatever I do. I thanked them, and decided to head to Route 1.

"Ready Eevee?" I said looking down at Hime.

"Vuiii!" She responded while wagging her tail.

So we set off down the road, walking towards the area where Route 1 starts.

Route 1

As soon as I stepped on Route 1, I couldn't help but shake in excitement and nervousness. Hime must of picked up on it as she looked snaked her head around from my hood, and looked at me with concern.

"vuii, vuii?" I heard he ask me which I assumed in pokespeech meant "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Hime I am fine~ This is just the first time I have ever left Pallet.. I am excited and nervous! I have been preparing for this since I was 9... I just never thought I would actually see it." I said while rubbing hime's head.

After taking a few deep breaths, I started walking down the side of the concrete road, on the path desginated for walkers. After a half an hour, we came across our first enemy, a Rattata. I asked Hime if she wanted to fight, and watched as she jumped down.

I saw the Rattata turn around, and expected it to run as they are usually scared. But this one had some fight in it, as it bared its fangs and said its name with confidence, while eyeing up its opponent.

"Alright Hime! Start off with Growl!" I said and watched as Hime growled at the Rattata, causing it to become scared a moment, which resulted in it lowering its guard.

"Hime! Tackle attack!" I saw Eevee take off, and within a few feet of the Rattata, she lowered her head and hit it head on.

"Raaattaa!" it yelled in pain as it flew a few yards while sliding on the ground. I watched as Rattata got up and take off at a fast speed, "So it knows Quick Attack.. not bad.." I thought and thought of a way to counter it.

"Alright Hime.. Wait until I say so and jump in the air and do a front flip while using Tail Whip!" I said making her look at me for a second, before nodding.

I watched as Rattata was getting closer and I watched as it hit a small hole, and lost its balance for a second.

"Now Hime!" I yelled, and watched as Hime ran before doing a front flip while swinging her tail, due to the speed and force from her flipping it acted like a pound attack and knocked the poor rattata out.

After scooping up Hime and showering her with praise, which made her curl up in the hood of my jacket while covering her face with her tail due to embarrassment. I leaned down and gave the Rattata a Oran Berry to help regain its strength, while letting it chew on a piece of jerky before petting it and walking down the road after telling it bye.

Time Skip: 2 Hours

The next two hours dragged on. We fought some more Rattata, a few Caterpies, the occasional Pidgey. I spotted a few Spearows, but I wasn't going to risk a flock attack. After pulling out my PokeNav I noticed we were around 40 minutes away from Viridian, so I decided to take a break and eat a late lunch.

I put Hime on the ground and pulled out two pokemon bowls and filled one with Water, and the other a special pokemon blend I made. It was nothing special, but pokemon who are forced to scavenge, or used to eating the stock pokechow usually love my blend as I add crushed up berries to give it a delicious flavor. I chuckled as I saw Eevee head first in the bowl, eating like a snorlax possessed. After refilling her bowls with food and water, I took out my Tupperware mom gave me, and smelled the heavenly aroma.

"Good mom makes the best chili.." I said while drooling, I unpacked some crackers and crushed them up and started to devour the food, making Eevee look at me and wag her tail, like she was begging for some food.

"Vuiiii~" I heard Hime say while pawing my legs, while looking up at me.

I sighed and pushed some of the Chili into her bowl, and watched as she licked it a bit before taking small bites as it was still pretty hot. After a few minutes adjusting to the heat, Eevee started to eat it with vigor.

"So you like it too, huh Hime?" I said while rubbing her fur.

"vuiii! Vuiii!" She said while nodding her head up and down at a fast pace.

"Heh~ I know the recipe.. but it doesn't turn out as heavenly as moms.. but still its pretty good, I read up all pokemon center rooms are equipped with a small fridge and a stove/oven, so I can cook it from time to time." I said and laughed as Eevee jumped up and down happily.

After cleaning Eevee's bowls in the river next to us, I packed everything up and headed off down the road.

After a ten minute walk, we came across a dude around my age. He had spikey hair, what looked like two elongated canine fangs in his mouth, and two red fang looking tattoo's on his face. He looked at me and smirked.

"Hey kid! I challenge you to a battle!" The mystery man said.

"Really? Kid? We are the same age, dumb ass." I said lazily which pissed him off.

"We shall see! Growlithe, Go!" The dumb ass said, and threw a pokeball. I watched as a four legged canine pokemon materialized. He had a orange body, and black stripes along its body, and brownish fur under its mouth, on top of its head, and tail. It wagged its tail as it saw its trainer, but growled and got into a defensive position as it sensed me.

"Alright Hime, time to fight." I said and watched as Eevee jumped from the hood of my jacket and land on the battle field.



Both Eevee and Growlithe measured each other, before the mystery ass called out a attack.

"Growlithe, Ember!" He yelled.

Growlithe tensed up, and lowered the frontal part of his body before opening his mouth and shooting out small fireballs at Eevee.

"Eevee, Dodge and use Tackle!" I yelled and watched as Eevee dodged and ran towards Growlithe ready to strike. "3 to 1, it knows bite or fire fang.." I thought and smirked when I was right.

"HAH! You feel for it kid! Growlithe, Bite!" Mystery ass yelled to his pokemon.

"Eevee, stop using tackle, and swing on your front paws with the motion and hit him in the eyes with Tail Whip." I said and watched as Eevee slam on the brakes, and used the force of her weight and speed she was running at, to spin on her front paws and hit growlithe right in the eyes with Tail Whip.

I watched as Growlithe eyes closed in pain and started shaking its head while howling in pain.

"Shit! Growlithe!" The mystery ass yelled, but it was too late~

"Hime, Tackle it right under the jaw, then do what we did earlier on Rattata." I said and watched as Hime hit Growlithe right on the jaw with Tackle, which caused it to go up in the air a bit. And then Hime ran forward before doing a front flip and hitting it with a Tail Whip. A few seconds later, Growlithe hit the ground passed out.

"Shit... Growlithe, Return! Damn.. You are pretty good for a kid!" The mystery ass said while walking up to me.

"Thanks." I said as I picked up Hime, and set her in my Hood.

"The names Kiba Inuzuka! Whats your name?" The man named Kiba said while sticking out his hand for a hand shake.

I grabbed it and shook it while responding. "The names Naruto Ketchum." and I felt my eye twitch as I saw the dick named Kiba start howling "Ketchum? More like Ketchup! HAHAHA!" I watched as the dick fell onto the ground and roll around in laughter. I ignored him and just started to walk away, while he was rolling around in laughter.

"Kukuku, next time we meet mutt... you will regret comparing me to ketchup.." I said while cackling like a mad man.

Viridian City: 10 Minutes Later.

The last ten minutes on Route 1, were boring.. I was tempted to stop at the river and see what kind of Water pokemon I could fish up, but decided against it. I wanted to get Hime healed up at the Pokemon Center, and see what TM's the Market had, if any at all..

As I entered the small city, I noticed it was a little busy... "Must be from the Indigo League.." I thought while jotting down that there were a decent amount of people.. "I hope the center has a room open." I thought while walking through the double doors of the Pokemon Center.

After entering, I looked around and saw Nurse Joy at the front desk, so I walked over to her with a smile on the face. As I got closer, she raised her head and smiled at me.

"Hello there, how can I help you today?" She said with a smile.

"Ah, yes Nurse Joy. I would like Eevee healed please, and would there happen to be a room availabe for the night?" I said hoping I wouldn't have to pay a exorbitant amount for a Hotel.

"Yes, right away. I happen to have one room left, just hand me your PokeDex so I can use it to register it to your Trainer Account." Nurse Joy said, so I returned Hime to her pokeball and handed it to her with my PokeDex. After a few seconds she returned me the PokeDex and handed me a card key.

"This will be your key to get into your room. Its Room 209, its the last door on the left, checkout will be at 1 p.m. At the latest, if you need another night, please bring me your pokedex again. Eevee should be healed within the next thirty minutes, I will call for your name on Speaker." She said before taking Hime's pokeball in the back.

Instead of going straight to the room, I walked out the double doors and turned left. After about a minute of walking, I came across the one story building that was commonly known as the PokeMart. It was a Blue building that had MART written on the right hand side in giant red letters. After looking at it for a second, I walked through the automatic double doors, and let the cold breeze that came from inside hit me. As soon as I entered I looked around, and found the TM section on the far right hand side of the mart. After making my way through the few trainers and tourists in the mart, I ended at the TM section and hoped they had a few I wanted.

I gulped and paled as I saw some of the prices for certain Tms. Hyper Beam was running around 20k Pokedollars.. I kept looking and sighed as I saw Double Team, and Dig, I sighed a little as with taxes, it would run around 4k pokedollars.

"Damn.. not bad.. but not good either, looks like I will be eating Center Cafeteria food for a while until I get money from Gym Battles." I thought while sighing.

I forced myself to the counter, as I knew if I stayed I would go flat broke, and have to ask mom for money. While mom was pretty well off, I didn't like having to ask her for too much, as she gave me everything I could ever ask for. An actual family, love, shelter, and support.. Not even them did that. After shaking those thoughts out of my head, I walked over to a fast food stand and grabbed something cheap; 2 burgers, a fry and a drink. After paying for my food, I walked back to the Pokemon Center and waited for my name to be called. After five minutes, I heard my name come over the intercom.

"Naruto, to the front desk. Naruto, to the front desk." Nurse Joy said.

I got up and walked over to the front desk, where I saw Hime sitting on the counter while wagging her tail happily as she saw me. After I got within a few feet, she jumped from the counter and on to my shoulder. I had to steady my arm so I didn't drop my food and drink, after Hime licked my cheek for a few seconds she snuggled up in my hood and laid down.

"She is completely healed. She was in perfect health. Please come again." Nurse Joy said while smiling.

"Thanks Nurse Joy. See you in the morning." I said before walking down the hall to find the room. It took a minute due to trainers walking in and out of there rooms, but I found Room 209 at the left-end of the hall. I put down my food and swiped my card, before picking it up and walked inside and closed the door.

I looked around a smiled as it had two beds, one on each side. A pretty big aquarium for people who train water pokemon small enough for it. A perch for medium sized flying types. A comfortable looking bed made out of fluffy wool for large type pokemon. A Mini fridge and freezer, a Stove, a sink and garbage disposer. I went into the bathroom and found it had a pretty big shower, that had a waterfall type shower head so that the water falls from the ceiling. I whistled and decided to put my bag down, I let Hime down and let her explore the room.

I sat at a small desk that looked to be used by people who had laptops or tablets. I pulled out the chair and sat down while pulling out my two burgers and fries. As I was eating, I pulled out my PokeNav and decided to call mom. I hit the contact for home, and watched as it ringed.

After a minute of ringing, I heard it get picked up.

"Yes, Ketchum Residence?" Mom spoke.

"Hey mom!" I said cheerfully, and watched as she perked up and smiled at me.

"Naruto, dear! I see you made it to Viridian City fine. How was Route 1?" She said asking me about my journey so far.

"It was fine so far mom, nothing really happened, I fought a few pokemon and a trainer but that was it. How is everything so far at home?" I asked hoping she wasn't too lonely.

"I am fine dear! Prof. Oak came over earlier and dropped off Furr and her sentret, so I haven't been to lonely." She said while smiling at me.

"That's good, I am glad you are fine.. I don't like it when you are sad mom.. Rumors in the Center is that, some Oddish and Budews migrated in.. So I should have you one of those within the next day or two." I said watching mom get excited at the thought of having a great pokemon to help her with her gardens.

"I can't wait dear! I know whatever one you catch, will be perfect for you dear mom. I expect a call before you leave for the Forest, and when you get to Pewter or back to Viridian. Got it mister?" I chuckled and nodded as I would of done it anyway. "Soo overprotective and cautious.. but I understand totally.."

"No problem mom. I know you would worry unless I called, and I hate seeing you like that anyway." I said and watched her smiled softly.

"Ahh, so unlike Ash! I wish he would pick up this trait.." Mom said while smirking at me.

"AHAHA! If he did... the world would end.. I bet.." I said while laughing.

We chatted for a few minutes, and I told her how Hime loved her chilli, which made mom squeal in happiness, which resulted in Eevee hiding under the bed's blanket. And she told me how she found a Mr. Mime injured down the street earlier, and took it to Prof. Oaks lab. I was shocked as Mr. Mime's shouldn't be wild around here.. "Must be abandoned... Poor souls, if mom ever finds them.." I shivered. After a few more minutes, we both said good bye as I wanted to grab a shower and get a early nights sleep.

"Good night, sweetie. Don't forget to call me in the morning." Mom said to me.

"I won't.. Night mom, tell furr and sentret good night for me too." I said while hanging up.

After getting up and stretching, I threw my trash in the trash bin, and pulled out my sleepwear for the night, Blue Pajamas that were tight and a Blue Tank-Top. I striped naked before walking into the bathroom to grab my shower. After a nice long shower, I walked back out and saw Hime looking at me.

"What is it girl?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"Vuiiii~" All she did was cover her face with her tail, and curl up beside the pillow.

"Shit... She saw me naked... Totally forgot.. So used to changing at home without a pokemon around.." I thought while face palming. I sighed and pulled off the covers and slipped them back over me.

I felt Hime curl up into my neck while giving me a good night lick.

"Good night Hime." I said while kissing her on the top of her head.

"Vuii, vuii" She said before she yawned and snuggled closer, while closing her eyes.

I sat there staring at the ceiling for a hour, before falling asleep thinking "First day down, a lot more to go.."

And that is Chapter 1~

Kukuku, Eevee is his starter. It was a total toss up between a Shiny Ponyta, Absol, Eeevee, Budew, and Rufflet.

Naruto is adopted in this story by Delia as you can tell. Ash and Gary have been on there journey roughly almost a year before him.

In this story the Gyms are open all year around, but most of there challengers only travel around for a few months before the League Tournament starts to get them.

As for Naruto's goal, he will challenge the gyms, maybe a league or two. But my main plan is for him to eventually start a Gym in Pallet, while either A) Become a Researcher, B) Become a Breeder, C) Open up a Gardening/Florist business with his mom, or D) Teacher.

As for his Team.. Not sure yet, but he won't catch too many total. I might have him focus on a single type, while catching a Water, Flying, Fire, Grass for transportation and survival purposes when he is in the woods.

We saw Kiba, and he will occasionally show up and challenge our blond headed hero.

As you can see, Naruto was pretty much abandoned when he was born by his Biological parents Minato and Kushina due to them only wanting daughters. I will show a flashback eventually, when both Prof. Oak and Delia tell him who he was adopted from, as he knows he was adopted due to his hair being totally different than his mom's and ash.

He will hold resentment towards them, but generally not care, as he has never talked or met them, so they have no part in his life. They will try and establish a relationship with him during his Journey, but he will pretty much say "Fuck off" as they had 16 years to try and chose to give up him for adoption. As for his siblings? Not sure yet, I might have them not known they had a brother...

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