Hey guys! (No this is not a update, but PLEASE keep reading before you close the tab on your screen! You won't be disappointed.) It's been a really long time since I updated, I know. There have been a few times that this story has been presumed dead. But I'm writing to let ya'll know, this story is nowhere near dead! I've been hammered with college and responsibilities as a growing adult are finally catching up with me, though I hate to admit it. Even if I have more work to do, I've still got big plans for this fanfic.

Usually the drill in an author's note is, the author writes a note to explain why there are few updates or hold-ups to updates, for whatever reason.

Ya'll didn't really think I wasted this WHOLE page for six lines worth of explanations for the lack of updates, did you? To give all my readers a HUGE THANK YOU for taking such interest in this story and showing it some love, I'm releasing a sneak peek of what will be happening in the next chapter. It's not a full chap, more of an epilogue for the last one, but I hope you guys like it anyway! Til' next time, I'll been stickin' around! Cha!

"I want all of you,

Your flaws, your mistakes,

Your imperfections,

I want you...and only you."

Little shards of light flickered in and out. I am too tired to move or speak, but I begin to feel again. My

face is tucked up against something hard and smooth, but warm to the touch. The gentle sway of my body

can only mean that Raphael is carrying me. I guess I must have fallen asleep next to him. I can't help but feel

a little guilty that he has to keep doing that. Whenever we spend time together, I'm always so exhausted.

Then again, I've gotten quite used to it. He really is the best boyfriend I've ever had. I could never have

asked for another any other way.

Although, the one thing that I can't seem to accept is that even when I mask my emotions or feelings to

the best of my ability, he still reads me loud and clear like a book just by looking at me. He tries to as well,

but even then I can tell just by the sound of his breathing or the impatience of his stride. I understand that he

has his secrets and so do I. I cannot keep them from him, not that I've had the need so far. But if I did have

to...he would still figure it out anyway. I'm afraid I'll burden him with my thoughts and insecurities. Partners

shoulder each other's troubles together, but I want more than anything to prove to him that I'm his equal and

I'm just as strong as he is. Some things I'll need to face on my own, without him to help me. I can't keep

making him worry over me all the time or else I'll never learn. But how can I if he can catch the very faintest

sign that something is bothering me or worrying me?

The cool air blowing against my skin starts to warm up. The familiar creak of my bedroom door as he taps

the door open with his foot and I want to cling to him as his warmth leaves me. My body settles into a

comfortable mattress and it becomes even harder for me

to stay awake. Fingers fiddle with my sandals and they come off, toppling onto the floor with a soft clop.

"Thanks," I whisper softly. Apparently he heard me.

"Hey, you don't shut up and get some sleep princess, I'm gonna be kicking your tail in training tomorrow."

I punch him hard in the shoulder, but he just winces with a wide grin, "What? What was that for?"

"You touch my tail hothead and you're dead meat," I growl.

He pokes me in the side, causing me to squirm and laugh. "Is that a threat, Big Bad Wolf?" He whispers

defiantly into me ear, so close to my ear that it tickles.

"Who are you calling big? And don't even think about staying up late to train tonight Mr," tapping him on

the nose with my finger, which he hates.

"Geez, okay mom. Goodnight," he rolls his eyes, arranging the covers over me as I get comfortable.

"Get some sleep Rach," he says sweetly as he smoothes away some stray hair on my brow and plants a kiss on

my forehead.

He's smiles as his hand slips out of mine and closes the door quietly behind him.

I don't want him to go. I want him to stay right here with me to guard me from the nightmares and visions

that plague my dreams.

I don't want to fall asleep, but the fluffy mattress under me and the soft blanket around my legs are so

tempting, I fall into a blissful black coma.

I'm falling through the lights again, turning to a path as clear as glass. The star streaks fly past, making my hair fly. The bright light shines at the end of the bridge.

I see Raph fighting me in the dojo, both of us locked together in intense combat. "A little initiation into the Hamato Clan that he proposed. Of course I accepted. I was wearing my new garb and had the pearl sword that he gave me. I didn't win and he'll never let me live it down, but it still be a memory to treasure."

With every step, the glass beneath glows red and more pictures flash past me. Master Splinter teaching me a new technique when I first started training. Leo meditating with me when the nightmares wouldn't let me rest. Mikey trying his very best to be me at Call of Duty: BLACK OPS; I'm still the undefeated champ no matter how many times he tries to beat me.

"Why do I see the same things over and over!?" I screamed to the breeze, not caring about how the words came out of my mouth! "Why show them to me? I know that they are my family now, but why does this routine never change?! Why am I seeing all of this?!

The light engulfs me, the cool floor turning green and bright green grass erupting from the ground like the very beginning of spring. The house with red shutters stood as empty and abandoned as it always did.

"I guess this really must have been my home before I came here to NYC. But what do these visions of the turtles have to do with this dead memory? Why do I keep seeing this over and over again?!

Even if no one ever answered me, it still felt better to yell!

I peered into the windows on the porch, but I can't see anything. As soon as my fingers touch the window, the glass ripples like water. The ripples grow wider and wider! The red paint on the shutters fades to dull brown, peeling and curling. The grass is brown and ugly, the weeds overtaking the shrubbery and ivy covering the neglected house.

The floor gives out under my feet! I try to grab the crumpling sod, but it dissipates in my hands when I touch it!

I fall onto a hard surface, but it doesn't hurt. Hoisting myself up, I'm staring down at my shadow, surrounded all around by a blue light. The rock-like floor is moist and cold and spiked metal mesh bars the only opening!

"A prison cell, but what am I doing here? What the heck is going on?!"

I look up above to find the source of the light, which was shining brightly throughout the small room through a stain glass window with red and black adorning the framework. Tiny specks twinkled in the light like stardust.

"Choose." A voice whispered in front of me!

I look in front of me to see a black figure, about my size! But it's completely black!

"What? Who are you?"

"Choose." The figure repeated, emotionless like a Kraang, "Before it's too late."

A dagger appears in my right hand, the blade stained with blood! A rusty key lays on the floor on my left, and a detonator button in the middle!

"What should I choose? And why?"

"Choose," the voice said again, this time as if they were pleading, "Our else everyone you love will die."

There's blood on my hands! It's all around me!

"Choose Rachel. And hurry!"

I sit up! The vision dissipates and I feel like I've been holding my breath a long time.

"What was that?"

"Yo, Rachel? You awake?" Someone knocks at my door.

"Oh, yes Mikey. I'll be out in a moment."