Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia, nor do I make any profits from posting this fanfiction.

Summary: Non-Epilogue compliant. Harry, mid fight against remaining Death Eater factions, finds himself somehow transported to a strange world, Narnia. He learns to live, to love, and eventually to be a little bit selfish.

Warnings: Slash. Cross dimension travel. Character death. Murder, violence, fighting.

Pairings: HP/EP.

Chapter 18

Harry made his way through the hordes of people in St Mungo's towards the 'minor ailments' ward where Romilda Vane was working. They were meeting up again to go over more healing spells and practise the spells for broken bones, whivh Harry could admit he was very interested in learning. The thing was they were supposed to meet at Harry's house, only Harry had got so impatient due to nerves about Saturday that he had decided to meet Romilda at work.

There were lots of people walking in and out of the ward as Harry approached the double doors that led to the reception and waiting area. He supposed lots of people had little injuries all the time and they needed to be treated. It made sense that trainee healers started off with the very minor stuff first.

He greeted the large nosed grumpy receptionist and assured her he wasn't there for an appointment but to wait for a healer to finish her shift. The grouchy witch grudgingly allowed him to wait off to the side which he did, leaning against the wall by a large moving portrait of a meadow and bubbling brook on a summers day with a very gentle breeze.

Looking around Harry noticed that lots of the portraits were landscape scenes. No doubt that was to help with a 'calming' aura while people waited. They were pleasant enough pictures but a little dull all things considered.

Some witches and wizards were called by healers in those eyewateringly bright lime green robes to be helped in side rooms off trhe waiting room. Harry checked the time when the ninth person had been called away. Seven twenty. He was still a little early. Her shift didn't finish until Half seven. Better to wait in St Mungo's though and people watch than to stew at home with nervous tension.

He looked at the painting opposite him, of a large forest with towering trees and petals and leaves swirling. Harry sighed as his mind conjured up the Narnian Nymphs in those swirling leaves. Reminiscing wasn't particularly helpful.

"I would like to see – oh! Harry!"

Harry looked sharply left. There was Romilda in her own pair of hideous robes, with her usually untameable hair pinned back with a series of clips and clasps to keep it out of her face while she worked. She beamed at him and, allowing the parchment in her hand to fall to her side, she approached him.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here. Are you alright? Can I help?"

"No I'm fine. I was just waiting for you to finish work. I got a bit restless waiting at home ad thought if I met you here we could pick up some pizza or something on the way home before studying."

"That's a great plan! But why were you restless? Is it because of Saturday?"

"Yeah. Just…waiting is hard you know?"

"Yes I do. Speaking of waiting though, I'd better see to my next patient before they get annoyed at being kept waiting. You can wait for me in the staff room if you like, it's at the end of the corridor. I'll show you the way, my treatment room is right opposite it."

"Sure, if that's no problem."

"Of course it isn't."

"You can treat people without your mentor now?"

"Oh no, my mentor is in the treatment room. It's part of training you see, for us to call people into our treatment rooms and try and put them at ease with us before we enter the room. I'll tell you all about it later, just let me get through my last patient." Romilda turned away and looked at her parchment again, before flicking her eyes around the room and announcing "Daphne Greengrass, Healer is free to see you now, please follow me."

A very disgruntled Daphne Greengrass stood up along with an older and more sour version of herself. Clearly her mother had accompanied her on the trip to St Mungo's, and just like most Pureblood so called 'nobility' Harry knew the woman was a sour, snooty looking woman adorned with finery and probably the best robes their money could buy. The woman shared Daphne's silver blonde hair. The Ice Queen of Slytherin looked far colder than normal because of her chilling white robes with blue trim. Silver earrings hung from her ears, a heavy necklace adorned her neck, and there were many bracelets around her wrists.

Harry scoffed a little. You'd certainly hear those two coming. The jangle they made as they walked was almost grating to his ears.

"About time you called us in. We have been waiting almost half an hour. It's disgraceful!" Mrs Greengrass scolded Romilda who, Harry noticed with interest, took all of that in stride with a small smile.

"I apologise for the wait, we've had a lot of patients today."

"This appointment has been fixed in the calendar for a week. We come every week at this time. You should have dealt with any others around our appointment."

"This appointment is not as important as a bleeding limb Mrs Greengrass, we had to make priority."

"Hmph! My daughter's purity check is far more important than an idiot with a cut! Let them bleed, it might teach them a lesson."

Harry saw Romilda bite her cheek. A purity check huh? Harry had read about those. A common practise amongst Pureblood Nobility to check the 'purity' of a girl's vagina, meaning the family could check she was still untouched. Poor Daphne.

Although, when Harry turned his eyes to the girl who had her nose in the air and snootily looked down on everyone she passed he revised his earlier statement. Typical Daphne.

Harry allowed the Greengrass pair to follow Romilda and followed after them when Romilda gestured. He'd wait in the staff room for his friend to finish up.

The corridor wasn't too long but, despite the griping over how long they were kept waiting, the Greengrass pair walked quite sedately. Harry supposed if he was being generous he'd say they walked regally, but he wasn't feeling generous as he kept nearly bumping into Mrs Greengrass. As it was he brushed shoulders with Daphne a few times.

"Are you following me Potter?"

"Not at all, I'm heading to the staff room."

"Humph. If I find out you've been stalking me there will be hell to pay."

Yeah right. As if he would.

Harry tsked his tongue and rolled his eyes at her, turning instead to stare at the walls as he walked.

"I wouldn't put it past you to stalk me. You've gone positively insane recently. Everyone is talking about it. Hmph. Typical. What was to be expected, after all you are a-"

Harry tuned her out, not interested in hearing her gripe. A boring picture of a waterfall in a sunset crossed his vision and broke up the boring white walls. There was a brown smudge there. That picture was dark, a night time landscape of a castle town with flying-

Harry latched out and grabbed hold of someone's arm, staring avidly at the portrait.

"Do you see that?!" He demanded.



"Shut up! Do you see that?!" Harry demanded again, daring to glance at Daphne who was tugging at her wrist. He didn't release her. What he had seen was too important. He needed to know if she saw it too.

"See what?! Potter, are you mad?!"

"Shut up and look! Do you see that!" Harry pointed at the picture. There were centaurs and other animals at the gates fighting with men with swords. It was hard to make out but Harry could see it.

"See what?!" Daphne hissed.

"The centaurs, the animals? All those people? Can you see them?"

"Of course I can Potter, they're in a painting!"

"A moving painting." Harry mused.

"Yes Potter, wizarding paintings move! Healer! Healer! Take Potter away. He is quite mad!"

"Get that mad man off my daughter this minute!"

Harry ignored them, and still didn't release Daphne's wrist. He was too caught up with leaning forwards and looking closely.

The centaurs were wearing body armour he was sure of it. It looked familiar too. Like it was…like it was Narnian. And those animals, they looked like they had swords too. Was that a mouse climbing across the rope overhead? The men they were fighting were wearing a really strange armour or long robes that looked like old fashioned night gowns. Even the men. Harry could almost hear the fighting. The clang of swords, the roars and calls of the various animals.

"Potter release me!"

"Harry, let Miss Greengrass go please." Harry looked at Romilda who was somehow in front of him with her hands held placatingly in front of her. She had a worried expression on her face.

"I thought I saw…" Harry murmured.

He peered around Romilda to where the animals and centaurs were rounded up by the men, swords slashing and the non-humans falling to the ground dead. They were slaughtered. Other beasts flew away, some fled towards the edges of the portrait and into the trees. But those men had murdered all those animals and centaurs.

"No..." Harry gulped and gasped in shock, reaching out to touch the painting. His fingers pressed against the surface, its surface smooth beneath his fingers. He traced where the bodies lay on the courtyard floor.

"-otter! Potter!"

Harry huffed and dropped the wrist he held in his hand. He spun round to apologise to Daphne, obviously his obsession with Narnia had caused him to have a strange attachment with that picture. No doubt it would be all over the newspapers tomorrow that Harry Potter had gone insane. There would be people clamouring for him to get checked out, and probably a few purebloods hankering for him to be arrested for assaulting a Pureblood heiress.

"I'm sorry Miss Greengrass but I thought I…saw…something…" Harry's apology wilted and died away as he saw Daphne behind him, and saw that behind her was a dark stone wall caked in shadows. "What the hell?"

"Potter! What did you do?! What trick is this?! How dare you…how dare you kidnap me?!" Daphne GReengrass shouted and stepped up to him. She slapped him clear across the face and as Harry's head snapped to the side his eyes fell on the window behind him.

The window overlooked the courtyard where a dozen bodies lay strewn across the place. The moonlight had illuminated the courtyard and even in the shadows that covered some of the ground Harry could clearly make out the blood.

"Narnia." Harry breathed. "We are in Narnia."

"What?! What did you say?! Is this some perverted insanity?!" Harry turned away from the irate young woman and pressed up against the window peering down. That centaur's armour looked exactly like Narnian armour. Leather yes, crude and suited to a centaur, but there was a crest there. A Lion. That was a lion! Definitely a lion!

"We are in Narnia. I'm back. I'm back!" He crooned and spun to Daphne feeling euphoria through him. "I'm back somehow. Something happened…I touched the painting and now I'm here. I'm back in Narnia."

"Back where?! And why in Merlin's name did you have to bring me with you to wherever this forsaken place is?! I demand you take me home at once. Do you hear me Potter? You take me home at once or I'll turn you into a rat." Daphne threatened and Harry felt his heart clench a little at the fear on her face.

"Oh…I…oh…I didn't mean to bring you here. I don't even know how we got here. You must have…well I was holding your wrist when something made me come here. Last time I came alone and I didn't know why then either. Narnia isn't a place you can get to consciously…you just kind of end up there. And I didn't mean to bring you, honestly." Harry laughed a little. "You would not be the person I'd chose to take anywhere, let alone Narnia."

"Then take me home at once!"

"What, can't apparate home yourself?" Harry scoffed. "Not that you can from Narnia. You can't apparate out, only within."

"Then I'll call the night bus. Good day Potter, I'll have you arrested for this you see if I don't!" Daphne turned smartly on her heel and strode towards the doorway out of the tower room they were in. Harry was happy to let her go except…

"Wait! Don't go yet! Hang on! I don't know where in Narnia we are, and from what I just saw those people out there are liable to slaughter any Narnian."

"Well I am not Narnian, whatever that is. I am a witch and a pureblood." She said that as if they meant something. Harry shook his head and lunged for her hand stopping her from leaving. She slapped out at him, wrenching her hand back.

"Stop Daphne! Listen-"

"You don't have leave to call me by my given name you lunatic!" She screamed.

"Oh shut up and listen you prissy witch." He scolded viciously, so harshly in fact that she actually flinched and stared at him in horror.

"How dare you insult me and-"

"I'll say whatever I like to you. You need to listen. We are in Narnia. I've been ehre before. I came here a few months ago completely by accident. It's a completely different place to home. In fact Narnia isn't anywhere in relation to home. I don't think it's even on the same planet! I spent over a decade here but when I…well…" Harry paused not quite sure how to continue. "When I eventually went home, by accident I might add, no time had passed at all and I was back in Diagon Alley in the middle of a fight."

"So you hallucinated! I don't need to hear about your madness Potter, I really don't care."

"Shut up! The point is that I knew it was real. I had a momento to prove it." Harry held up his hand where his ring lay around his ring finger still. "I got bonded when I was here, and when I went home I still had this. It's the only thing I got when I was here and-"

"Oh good Merlin! You're a crazy, hallucinating drunkard who got married to someone they don't even remember getting married to?! You are insane Potter, completely insane. I'm going to call the aurors and the Daily Prophet and the Janus Thickey ward healers. Clearly they need to have a good look at you and-"

There was a noise outside the door. There were running feet, the scrape and clang of armour. Harry held his breath. Not good. So not good. Whoever was coming wasn't a friend of Narnia, they had killed Narnians. Nobody good would kill a centaur or slaughter beings like they had.

"Listen, we can't stay here. We should go to the…" Harry wracked his brains for a moment. "We should go to Cair Paravel, that's where the royals are. We need to go and see them. We can't stay here."

"What makes you think this isn't where the royals are?" She asked snootily. "Besides, I'm not going anywhere with you Potter. You brought me here and clearly you aren't in your right mind so I'm leaving. Don't you dare follow me! You are a disgrace for a wizard Potter. The Aurors shall be hearing about your treatment of me."

Daphne spun on her heal and grasped the door handle.

"Please listen to me. It's not safe!"

"No, you aren't safe. Anywhere you aren't is bound to be safe. Besides I'm pureblood nobility. No-one would dare harm me."

"We are in Narnia! There is no stupid pureblood nobility here! Nobody will care! They won't even care that you are a witch!"

Daphne refused to listen though. She turned the handle of the door, swung it open and hurried out of the room slamming the door behind her. By the time Harry got to the door and turned the handle he discovered she had locked it.

"Bloody stupid prissy little…" Harry ranted then shook his head. He cast the counter charms to the lock then pulled the necklace from his neck. Taking a the chest charm off the necklace he enlarged his storage trunk and summoned out his invisibility cloak. Swinging that around his shoulders he reshrank the trunk, attached it to his necklace and wrapped it back around his neck. With his hood up he finally ventured out of the tower and down the stairs. He could hear the clip-clap of Daphne's high heels quite clearly so he followed the noise.

"Ah! You sir. I require your assistance. I've been brought here against my will." Daphne's snooty voice carried through the halls and Harry sped up, avoiding the guards that came running towards the source of that call.

"Of course my lady. Allow me to assist you." Harry got round the next courner in time to see a guard hold out his arm to Daphne, who took it and allowed herself to be escourted to a nearby seat. She sat down all prim and proper and looked to the guard who waved off his men.

"Thank you. I'm glad to see some people here are civilised."

Harry scoffed and turned away. Do you know what, he thought, if that's what she wants to do then so be it.

He waited until the guards moved a little further away from her then approached the bench. Standing off to her side he knelt down next to her.

"Are you quite sure this is what you want to do? You don't know this land."

"They are civilised people, of course I'm staying with them. What exactly is the alternative? Staying with you?" The words were hissed, but she made it quite clear by her scoff what she thought of her final question.

"I'm going to find the Narnians."

"And who are they? Centaurs?"

"Well yes actually."

Daphne snorted in a very unladylike manner and repositioned herself on the bench. "I am staying with civilised company Potter. Go where you will."

"Alright. I'll check on you in a while."

"Don't bother. I shan't be here. I'm going home."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Harry thought. A likely story. She wouldn't get home by simply wanting it. It hadn't worked for Harry, and neither had wishing he was in Narnia.

"Bye then. Good luck."

He snuck off and up onto the Wall-Walk so he could look over the crenel part of the battlement and see a safe place to apparate to. Holding his invisibility cloak tightly Harry apparated and stumbled as he landed on soft grass.

Where too now?

Harry considered apparating straight to Cair Paravel, but it could be a very long way away and he didn't want to risk getting Splinched by the journey if it turned out to be too far away. The stone table was generally a middle point of the kingdom but even that was a long way away from Cair Paravel. Judging by the way of the land he was somewhere at a mid point in Narnia. There was lush grass and forest lands so he wasn't in Archen land, nor was he in desert land, clearly. He also wasn't in Ettinsmore or even further north. He didn't recognise the area as the Lantern Waste so he doubted he was there.

Perhaps he was further east. Or in Calorman territory. Oh he hated Calorman.

Harry pulled his wand and held it across his palm. The Point Me spell would work to locate places. Then again it could locate people too.

"It's worth a try. Point Me Edmund Pevensie."

The wand spun once, twice, then a third time before pointing straight forwards.

"Bloody hell." Harry glanced up ahead of him. Edmund was here. Edmund was here!

Harry barely restrained his yell of jubilation. With a cheek splitting grin Harry immediately set off in that direction only to stop and curse himself ten minutes later.

He found shelter and de-shrank his trunk again, this time pulling out his trusty Firebolt. Sorting out his things once again Harry sat astride his broom and set his cloak over himself. Once all ready and praying there wasn't a wind above the trees that he couldn't see, Harry pushed off and rose above the treeline and high into the sky. Checking his wand again Harry pointed his broom in the right direction, put his wand into its holster, and set off as fast as his broom could carry him.

Moonlight didn't help him see at high speeds. Because it was night time there were at least no birds for him to bump into but it wasn't a huge blessing. Still he kept riding further and further. Then the moon disappeared behind a large cloud and his world plunged into darkness.

Harry huffed and decided landing was probably a good idea. He circled lower and lower, eventually coming to a halt on the ground in a forest. He found a sheltered area, set up a few wards for good measure and pitched his tent. He had been in Narnia for goodness knew how long but travelling at night wouldn't do any good even with a wizards magic. He'd get on better in the morning. Harry settled for a meal and went to bed. He'd find Ed tomorrow. A few hours was nothing compared to the weeks he'd already spent waiting to find him.