Deep Magic 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia, nor do I make any profits from posting this fanfiction.

Summary: Non-Epilogue compliant. Harry, mid fight against remaining Death Eater factions, finds himself somehow transported to a strange world, Narnia. He learns to live, to love, and eventually to be a little bit selfish.

Warnings: Slash. Cross dimension travel. Character death. Murder, violence, fighting.

Pairings: HP/EP. Potential PP or LP with a HP character.

Chapter 1.

Harry ducked behind a stall in Diagon alley as a blistering hot orange spell went overhead.

"Merlin! That was close mate." Harry glanced over his shoulder at Ron who was crouched next to him. Ron was garbed in the his brown Auror training robe that looked like a mixture of leather and scales. Harry would have been wearing his training robes except he was out shopping when the Ministry sent an emergency call out for all aurors and trainee aurors. Harry hadn't paused to think, he had shoved his shopping bags into his pockets which were charmed to be bottomless and got the nearest floo to the Ministry. He and the other Aurors had then been shipped straight out to Knockturn Alley to take care of the terrorist Death Eater faction. There had been no time to change robes because the fight was on and with the limited number of Aurors left to the Ministry after the last war it was all hands on deck, including the trainees.

"They never give up do they?!" Harry said back to Ron who grinned.

"Well mate, we always knew those Death Eaters were nutters." Harry just nodded his agreement and peeped over the stall and threw of a curse to the men dressed in death Eater apparel. The war had been over for only four months, Voldemort killed on the Hogwarts battle fireld by Harry and still rogue groups of his followers kept popping up and attacking. This was, by far, the biggest group Harry had heard or seen since the battle.

"Aw shite they're retreating. Come on, best go after them or Forthwaite will have our balls." Ron nudged Harry in the ribs before standing and advancing with other Aurors. Harry quickly got to his feet and chased along the alley finding another suitable spot where he was hidden but could safely attack the Death Eaters.

A group of three Death Eaters were banded together shooting of spells at a rapid rate, switching between non-verbal and verbal spells as they went. An auror went down with a loud scream and a burst of blood. She lay moaning on the floor grasping at her thigh which was pumping out copious amounts of blood.

"Cover me! I've got basic medi-training!" Yelled another auror standing over the woman. Harry cursed and dashed forwards to protect the fallen auror and her medi-wizard. The group of three Death Eaters saw him immediately as he charged across the street and started aiming their spells at him. He threw up a quick rebound shield and launched a knock out curse at them. The shield held but the spell missed. Hurling another spell quickly that one hit its mark and one of the group fell to the floor in an undignified heap just as Harry found a stance in front of the two aurors.

"Cheers Potter. This shouldn't't take long!"

"As quickly as you can Carolle!" Harry ordered back despite being a trainee auror and Carolle being fully trained. Carolle nodded and began spell after spell to stop bleeding, disinfect and many other things to take care of the injured woman.

The two death Eaters were firing off spell after spell at Harry now, Harry doing his best to hold up a one sided shield spell and fire off his own at the attackers.

"Expelliarmus! Excelsiosempra! Impedimenta! Incarcerous! Langlock! Ah crap..the shield. Protego Horribilis. Protego Totalum. Munimentum. Gonna need you to hurry up here Carolle! I can't keep these shields and fight them at the same time."

"Shield casting with offence is covered in year one Potter, how are you still in the program if…"

"I've only been in training four weeks you great pillock! Now hurry the hell up! Furio! Expelliarmus. Morsus. Muto." Spell after spell with a tirade of colours shot from Harry's wand. "Repello armus. Dormio." The sleep spell hit the second Death Eater who slumped and dropped his wand as he hit the floor.

"All done. Drop the shields, we're with you." Harry spared a glance back at Carolle and the woman auror, he could now see was Louellen Mightly, take up arms behind him and start their own barrage of spells at the final Death Eater.

"Finite incantatum contego." The very slight shimmering of the shields in front of Harry dropped. He quickly constructed a shield for himself only and began the attack again. The Death Eater's shield broke with a clear snap, he was hit with an expelliarmus and an impedimenta at the same time and fell to the floor.

"Let's arrest these then Mightly. Potter, send a patronus to Fallow and Proudfoot to let them know we have apprehended thr-AH!" Harry snapped his gaze quickly back to Carolle who was falling backwards and rapidly trying to cast counter-jinxes. Harry saw the Death Eater he'd put to sleep earlier was awake and had his wand. Harry lashed out with his foot quickly, hitting the Death Eater across his masked face. The Death Eater fell to the side, blood dripping from his nose. Harry cast the immobulus spell and Mightly slapped an arrest portkey onto the middle of the man's back and he disappeared a second later with a yell of "Travers!"

Harry threw himself around to look at where the Death Eater had been looking. Travers was a name of a well know Death Eater, one on the uncaptured list. There behind him was the unmasked Travers. Harry threw off as many jinxes as he could think of. Travers dodged quickly only to be brought down by Harry's stomach curse and incarcerous at the same time as he brought Harry down with a very well-aimed 'crucio'.

Harry knew he screamed. Pain wracked down every part of his body. He could feel himself arch then curl, contract then extend limbs. Crucio was so beyond 'pain'. It was excruciating. Harry shut his eyes only to see white and blue flashes on the insides of his eyelids from the pain.

Then it was gone. The pain was gone. Harry's body relaxed, slumped to the floor. He kept his eyes shut and just breathed for a moment. The pain was gone but the cruciatus curse had left burning through his muscles and his limbs shaking. He breathed and tried to collect himself, pull himself together and ensure his body was capable to move on.

"Ah!" Harry's eyes snapped open straight away and he saw a small being be lanced by a sword welding ugly looking dwarf.

"What the…" Harry muttered only to see a faun like being, humanoid from the waist up but below that a horse or goat's legs and hoofs, nearly being bludgeoned by a minotaur.

"Ak! Eh…" The faun jumped and pranced out of the way quickly. From behind the minotaur came three vicious looking wolves who were attacked by a large centaur. Harry quickly grasped his wand harder and threw curses at the wolves. A quick incarcerous and diffindo later and the two wolves were taken care of. Expelliarmus took care of the minotaurs club and the faun quickly got the upper hand staking the minotaur quickly through the stomach. Harry threw incarcerous at the large being then looked towards the faun hoping against hope that he'd picked the right side. The faun looked at him and grinned.

"My gratitude." A loud roar went off in the distance and the faun looked over his shoulder to where what looked to be a lion with two girls on his back was running towards the battle with hordes of beings and animal's alike following after him. The faun turned back to Harry with a grin. "Come friend, Aslan is here. We shall surely win the battle now. Come! Attack!"

The faun ran towards another enemy, sword raised and a vicious look on his face. Harry barely stood still a moment more, following his new friend's example and rushing forward to battle again still entirely confused as to what the battle was for and who Aslan was but going on the assumption that the ugly, smelly, grotesque and dark dressed beings were the enemy and bad guys.

Harry didn't't know how many enemies he knocked out with a well placed 'stupefy', or how many he immobilised. He did his best not to kill just in case he had the wrong end of the stick…and he'd never really aimed to kill in a battle of any kind, just un-arm and detain or disable. The after effects of the crucio kept his spells from being 100% accurate, some missed by miles but others hit the wrong parts of the enemy. The majority hit their mark, the few that missed generally his another being behind the enemy and Harry could only hope that the awry curses didn't hit people on his side of the battle field.

A glint of light shot past him and the faun Harry was fighting next to turned to stone. Harry gaped only to dodge the swipe of a tiger's claw.

"Avarte Ascendare! Stupid bloody cat." Harry looked in the direction the spell that turned the faun to stone came from and saw a woman with a gold head-dress on holding a magic wand and a sword. Harry's eyes narrowed as he saw her casting ice spells and turning people into stone around her then breaking the stone with her sword.

"Haha! Pitiful army! Trying to defeat me?! ME?! This is my Narnia and before the day is out you shall bow to me as your precious Aslan did before he DIED!" Harry frowned briefly but as the witch cast another spell which caused a moving centaur to turn to stone only to have his forward momentum send him crashing into a rock and crumbling into rubble.

"Insane murderous witch!" Harry yelled and aimed his wand at her, her attention snapped to him but he shouted off a fire spell and a protection charm at the same time. Incendio was countered by the ice the woman cast but her further spell at him merely bounced off his shield and hit a dark and hideous dwarf. Harry grinned. "Brilliant. Diffindo! Confundos! Excelsiosempra!"

The witch countered those spells or danced out of the way. Giving a roar of frustration Harry used Hermione's spell and shot a huge flock of birds at the witch. "Avis oppugno!" The birds flew at a furious pace, pecking and flapping in the witches face. She fired spells left and right, some hitting the birds but a lot not. Her sword lashed out too, slicing birds in half, chopping off their wings and at one point she managed to cut her own arm. Before Harry could fire off a disarming spell however something hit him hard from behind and he fell to the floor looking up at a dwarf with a bludgeon. Harry, through the dizziness, pain and shaking managed to fire off a blasting curse at the little devil before fading to the black invading his vision.

Half-conscious but unable to move et for the inescapable heaviness in his limbs Harry saw being after being take each other down. He saw the witch engage with a boy far younger than Harry wielding a sword. The boy was slashed down and eventually collapsed to the ground gripping his heavily bleeding stomach. There was a roar of anger and the witch was then engaged in battle by another boy. Harry tried to force his limbs to move him across the floor to the young boy who was going white with pain and blood loss.

"Hey, hey it's alright. It'll be okay." Harry tried to say, though it came out as a garbled mumble as blood slid down his face and into his mouth like a dog's copious drool over his much anticipated dinner. Still Harry tried to reassure the boy. He crept forwards, sliding across the grass and rock like a snake. The boy stared at him, eyes blurred and unfocused but trying to see him. Harry attempted a smile through the pain. He reached out a hand and rested it on the boy's hand as he lost the remaining energy and left his hand there.

"Who…who're you…"

"Doesn't matter. You did well, so well. You nearly won, you fought so bravely."

"Didn't. Wasn't…wasn't…good en-en…" The boy whispered brokenly, tears leaking down his face. Harry's expression twisted to pity and compassion.

"You did better than anyone could expect I think. I'm gonna try to heal you…" Harry tried to force his wand hand forwards, pushing with all his might to get the hand in front of him and his wand aimed at the boy. The boy flinched but Harry tried to smile reassuringly. "Vulnera sanentur." Harry tried, his wand giving off a faint light as it tried to do as Harry asked it…only the darkness creeping along his vision leapt forwards abruptly and nearly drowned out the vision of the still dying boy before him. Harry gritted his teeth and tried to pull his energy, his focus, through the pain and cast the spell again. Black swamped him.

Harry slowly blinked his eyes open to see a girl smile at him before getting up and leaving. Harry blinked again and frowned trying to sit up, forcing his heavy arms to co-operate and allow him to sit up. Looking around he found his wand right next to him and pulled it quickly into his hand before looking around to check the danger was passed.

It was. Nobody fighting but a lot of people taking care of the injured or organising the dead bodies into a suitable position. Near him, surrounded by a boy, a girl, a lion and a centaur was the boy Harry had spoken to earlier. He smiled over at the boy who accidentally caught his eye. The boy's lips twitched into a slight smile too and he forced himself to sit upright and lean forwards so he and Harry were closer to each other, he shrugged off the boy with golden hair's concern too.

"Don't fuss Peter, I'm fine honestly." The boy turned his gaze back to Harry and pushed a hand forwards, too far to reach Harry without Harry moving closer but at the same time close enough to encourage Harry to shake his hand. Harry slid his wand up into its holster and reached forwards taking the hand and shaking it. The boy nodded his head. "I'm Edmund. Thank you for trying to save me."

"You're welcome Edmund. My name's Harry, Harry Potter. I only helped you as much as I was able, I'm glad it helped and I'm sorry for passing out on you. I think maybe I've done too much today."

"Well, I'm…"

"We're grateful for your help." The golden haired boy said shoving out his hand too. Harry shook that briefly. "I'm Peter, Ed's older brother. You helped save his life."

"I'm glad to help."

"You have our gratitude but…" Harry raised his eyebrow at Peter's hesitation. Peter continued then looking confused and glancing between Harry and the incredibly large lion. "The thing is we don't exactly know who you are. How did you get here? Why are you here?"

"Um…" Harry faltered. "Well actually I have absolutely no idea where here is and as for how I got here I haven't a clue either. I was fighting a battle in Diagon alley only I got struck by a curse and then when I opened my eyes I was in the middle of a battle. By the way, what was the fight for?"

"You…" Edmund started with shock and amazement written plain as day all over his face. Peter and the girl weren't looking much better. Then a loud, rumbling laugh cascaded around them and Harry leapt in shock as the lion threw his head around as he laughed. Laughed.

"It takes a brave fool to fight in a battle not his own. I commend you son of Adam on your courage and your goodness." Shock crashed into Harry at seeing the words he heard be formed on the lips of a lion. A quick glance at the children next to him showed that they must have at least heard that for they were nodding or looking like they agreed.

"Woah…wait…Edmund please tell me you heard that lion talk too." Edmund got a ridiculously silly grin on his face then and nodded. Harry closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands for a moment. "Thank Merlin I'm not the only one." Then Harry forced himself to look at the lion and he inclined his head as he couldn't shake hands for introductions. "Um…thank you for the compliment. I'm Harry Potter."

"So I heard. I am Aslan and it is for my name you fought."

"Ah right. Okay. So we were fighting for you against who? And why? And do any of you have any idea how I got here?"

"We were fighting the White Witch. She had oppressed the Narnians and made the land live in a never ending winter. We were fighting to rule over Narnia." Edmund answered. Harry nodded at him.

"Right okay. So the White Witch wanted to keep everyone in winter then…wait…was she the one turning everyone to stone? I tried to stop her but a dwarf or something snuck up behind me. Cheeky little bugger. Anyway…so this is Narnia? Where is Narnia? And how can I get back to London from here?"

"London?! You're from London?!" The girl burst out. Harry nodded slowly to her. "But Aslan, how can he be from London too if the prophecy only mentioned two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve?"

"Well Susan perhaps the truth here lies in Harry Potter not being a true son of Adam." Harry and the others frowned. Harry blinked up at the lion and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Excuse me. I may not know much about where ever I am, nor do I know anything about you, but assuming 'son of Adam' means a human male then yes I am."

"I meant no harm, calm yourself. My meaning was you are born of magic and therefore are not a son of Adam, but a son of Magic instead." Harry considered his words for a moment then nodded.

"I guess that's true."

"That being the case I am afraid I cannot give you any of the answers you seek." Harry saw he wasn't the only one to look perplexed at Aslan's words. Aslan said nothing though, gave no further information until Edmund broke the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, young son of Adam, that Magic chose Harry for something which is why he is here. Magic is not something I can fathom or explain thus the reasons for you being here Harry is unknown."

"So how will I get back? Where is Narnia in relation to London? I'm sure I could apparate home or even to Scotland, Hogsmead. Hell I'd even go to Ireland, just let me know where Narnia is to them and I can go."

"No." Edmund stated, the bold statement snapping Harry's attention to the young boy. Edmund looked sad and apologetic. "Narnia isn't a place in relation to anywhere. Narnia just is. It is a world all on its own. A completely different world with creatures and beings and talking animals but it is not home. Earth and Narnia are different places entirely."

"What?" Harry's throat felt dry, voice coming out as barely more than a whisper. "A different world? Like…like a different dimension? A different reality?"

"Yes. Completely different and yet so similar. We left a war only to come to one in Narnia." Peter explained. "But Narnia has swords at least and not bombs like the Nazis."

Harry choked on his own spit that he'd been trying to swallow to help lubricate his dry throat and mouth. He knew he gaped at Peter. He must of looked completely mad sat there gaping at a boy several years his junior.

"I'm sorry but did you say Nazis? As in Hitler and the Nazis? As in World War 2?" The children shared a glance at each other before they all nodded their heads in unison.

"Of course, who did you think we were talking about?" Asked Susan.

"But…but-but the Nazis were defeated in 1945 and there's been no large wars against them since then. How can you…"

"What do you mean? How can you possibly know that?! It's 1940!" The girl argued loudly back, the two boys looking shocked, completely stunned silly.

"No it's not! It's 2007." Harry said, worried about the people he was with and their situation as the cold heaviness of dread settled in his stomach.

"Aslan how…"

"Ah well as I said Magic saw fit to bring Harry Potter to us and had its own reasons for doing so. Time is not important to Magic. The deep magic can never fully be understood. We should be honored and respectful while we wait for the reason for you being here to come clear. In the mean time…"

"You mean I have to stay here?" Harry cried out, alarm bells ringing in every part of his body. He couldn't stay, he was in the middle of a battlefield. "But my friends, my job…I have responsibilities back home. I can't just stay gone."

"If it's any help Lucy and I came to Narnia for a while before then went back through the wardrobe and when we turned back up in the Professor's home again no time had passed though we'd been in Narnia ages. So I'm guessing that while you're here no time will go by back in where you are from." Edmund volunteered and Harry couldn't help but wish he was right.

"Can I not go back with you when you go home? Back through the wardrobe?"

"That will be an idea to discuss at a later date." Aslan interrupted with a low but kind and sympathetic voice. "I fear now would be the time for you, Peter, to address your subjects and we must all begin preparations for your coronation."

Harry found himself being swept along with Peter, Edmund and Susan to sort out the other members of Aslan's army. He was introduced, by Edmund, to the youngest Pevensie child Lucy who happily told him their story over their evening meal. He had the chance to thank the Beavers who reminded him of the Weasley matriarchs. He was fussed over and berated for fighting when he didn't know who he was fighting for. Harry was just thankful that they accepted him. Regardless of the help he had given during the battle some of the Narnians were weary of him because he was a 'witch' and they'd just had a bad experience with one witch.

At the party afterwards Harry was cajoled into joining in the dancing by Lucy. He felt like he was apologizing the whole way through the dancing but he just got laughed at for his two left feet. Edmund and Peter seemed to find it hilarious when he'd trip, Edmund even going so far as to ask how he stayed alive in battle when he was clumsy.

Aslan along with the soon to be High King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Susan and Queen Lucy addressed the crowds at the end of the evening, thanking them all for joining them in their celebrations, thanking them once again for their help and loyalty. Harry felt he was nearly deafened by the cheers that rose for the five standing at the front. It felt similar t many of the Ministry events he had been forced to go to after his defeat of Voldemort. He vaguely mused that Edmund and Susan wore the same look of embarrassment he had worn. Still, once he caught Edmunds eye he cheered loudly, raised his wand to the air and fired off several brightly coloured sparks like fireworks. The crowd cheered louder, Aslan roared and everyone watched the sparks. Harry even received some requests from some of the youngest members and the more childish creatures.

By the time they all retired for the night Harry was exhausted but accepted b everyone. Edmund and Peter showed him the makeshift bed he could sleep on, it was in their tent furthest from the door but next to Edmund. Peter fell asleep almost immediately upon lying down. Edmund lay on his back for a while Harry noticed and seemed to be fighting sleep off just like he supposed most people would when they were Edmund's age.

Harry stripped down to his underwear, stashed his wand beneath his pillow then climbed in under the covers.

"Hey…" Harry turned to see Edmund watching him.


"I know I thanked you already but…thank you again anyway, you know, for saving my life." Harry smiled.

"Any time. You looking forward to the coronation? Where have we got to go for that?."

"Oh. Yeah. King…I can't believe it…" Edmund seemed to whisper to himself. Harry just offered him a small laugh and settled himself for sleep.

AN: I have attempted to contact various Beta readers however as none have replied to my messages I am posting this completely unchecked. Please forgive any errors, and if you know of any beta readers who would be interested then please PM me.